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Old 05-02-2006, 01:03
OliverMaltby OliverMaltby is offline
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Hi, GTAIII has two discs - an "Install" disc and a "Play" disc, however, it is quite easy to put the data from both onto one disc which installs everything (inlcuding radiostations etc) without you neeeding to do anything different from normal.

First of all you will need GTAIII (obviously), an image making program (i.e. Magic ISO) and a program called Winpack v2.31 (I prefer to use this as it has a GUI, but you can also use i6comp) which you can find at http://www.cd-2-dvd.com/

Copy the files of the "Install" disc and "Play" disc into two seperate folders on your hard drive. I.e. "Install" and "Play".

Using WinPack v2.31, click the "Load packed file" button and open the "data2.cab" archive. Scroll down to "Group: [99]App Executables" and click on the "+" to expand it. Click on the "gta3.exe" file and then click on the "Replace a file" button. Download a no-cd crack from Megagames etc - I suggest you use the Myth release, V1.1 - this way you have a pre-patched, and pre-cracked version of GTAIII.

Once you have done that look in the folder called "Audio" which is also in "Group: [99]App Executables" extract the two files called "sfx.RAW" and "sfx.SDT" to the "Audio" folder inside your "Play" directory. Rename the audio folder so that it is lower case (don't know if it would change anything, but better safe than sorry). Then go back to WinPack and delete the "audio" folder which you just copied two files from. Once that has finished, highlight the "Group: [99]App Executables" and click on the "Add a folder" button, select the "audio" folder in the "Play" directory from your hard drive. It will now take a couple of minutes to copy the files into the archive. Once that is complete - "data2.cab" should be 647megs, and the total size of your "Install" directory should be 671megs. Now open your image making program (I use Magic ISO) and copy all the files from the "Install" directory into the program. Name the CD GTAIII - but I believe any name can be used. Save the image and mount it/burn it and test that it works. You can now delete the two folders off your hard drive - "Install" and "Play".

You should now have a version of GTAIII which is only 1 CD, is pre-cracked, pre-patched and doesn't require you to use the CD to listen to radio stations as the audio files are copied to the installation directory during the installation automatically.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions - feel free to ask them
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