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Old 08-12-2005, 03:54
EMPiRE EMPiRE is offline
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Warhammer 40000 - Dawn of War

Original Poster: VanTokkern
Post Date: 05-10-2004

1) Copy all the contents of CD1 to a directory, say: "DoW_DVD". Anything goes, pick what ever name you want. Copy Data2.cab from CD2 into the same directory, and Data3.cab from CD3.

If you're going to use the crack, do the following if not, skip this step, and go to 3a:

2) Open DawnOfWar.msi with ORCA, or any other msi editing program. Go to the Media table, and change the VolumeLabels to "DoW_DVD".
Switch the w40k.exe in Data1.cab with the cracked exe (if you can find a decent cab editor, pretty damn hard it seems!) If you aren't able to do this, don't worry, just make a folder on the DVD contaning the cracked exe. And switch it manually after the install. Go to 3b

3a) Burn them on a DVD-R, or create an image, name it "DoW_1" After the first CD.

3b) Burn the files onto a DVD-R, or create an image, name it "DoW_DVD" As what you changed the VolumeLabels in the Media table to.
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Old 08-12-2005, 09:18
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Warhammer 40000 - Dawn of War (To Add the Cracked EXE to Setup)

Original Poster: Dark Angel
Post Date: 22-04-2005

Originally Posted by VanTokkern
...Switch the w40k.exe in Data1.cab with the cracked exe (if you can find a decent cab editor, pretty damn hard it seems!)...(message is truncated)
Well, I actually found a method, not easy but Hope that helps.

What you would need for this task:
- Microsoft Cabinet SDK (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/de...html/cabdl.asp)

- WinRAR, WinACE, WinZip, or any other CAB archive capable reading software. If you do not have one, the Microsoft Cabinet SDK will allow you to extract/create/edit cabinet files.

- MagicISO or your preferred image making utility.

- Alcohol 120% or any other image mounting utility. If you want to burn it instead, you can ignore this requirement.

- (Optional): Some knowledge in the use of command prompt.

- Patience :P

Author Notes:
1) After the installation of final disk, it still does ask for CD1, if that happens, click OK to ignore the message. There should be no problems with it.

2) This has not been tested with burning it on an actual disk, all the task has been done on Alcohol 120% to prevent large amount of coasters, etc. You are therefore forewarned about actually burning it. I personally suggest you try it out without burning and see if that works, if it does, then burn it.

3) There is no shortcut for the time being to this :P At least this is better than nothing.

4) You can also name that list of files' file into whatever you want, so long as you put in the correct name when creating the archive. (i.e. If you named that file to blah.txt for example, instead of @filelist.txt for step 10 you can have @blah.txt. As long as you have that text file in that new folder).

1) Download and extract the Microsoft Cabinet SDK.
2) Goto where you extracted it, goto the folder named "BIN"
3) Create a new folder, name whatever you want and extract the contents of Data1.cab into that new folder.
4) Set the attributes of the contents in that folder to not be archived (Select All files -> Right click on one of the files that is selected -> Click on properties -> Uncheck the box labelled "Archive")
5) Copy "CABARC.EXE" and "CABINET.DLL" from the Cabsdk\BIN folder into your new folder.
6) Replace the original file with the no-cd patch.
7) Create a new file called filelist.txt and put this information in (Do not have any space after any of these lines they must look like as is or the ms cab may start causing troubles):
8) Save the file into that new folder and then run command prompt (Start -> Run -> "cmd" or "command.com" [Without the quotes])
9) Navigate in command prompt to where you put that new folder, if you have no clue, Goto the location where you stored it and move it into the root of C:\.
10) Type this into command prompt as it is (without quotes): "cabarc -i 1111 -P a N Data1.cab @filelist.txt"
- What this does is it calls cabarc program to create a new file called "Data1.cab".
- It will set the ID to "1111" (This is probably to make the installer think this archive is authentic and not tampered.
- It will strip the attributes (I hope) of the files to be added to the archive (Probably another thing that the installer would be also looking out for). and;
- It will add the files as it is in that order (from the filelist.txt)
11) After all that is done (This may take time, depending on your computer specifications). You can now add this into the image creator, save it and mount/burn it. Again, I stress that it would be a better idea if you did actually create the image and then mount it to check to see if it works.

For those who do not have CAB archive capable reading software and is stuck at step 3:
1) Read step 5
2) Run command prompt (Start -> Run -> "cmd" or "command.com" [Without the quotes])
3) Read step 9
4) Type this into command prompt as it is (without quotes): "cabarc x Data1.cab"
5) After all the files have been extracted into that new folder read step 4, ignore step 5 as you have already copied those files and continue on normally.
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Old 01-01-2006, 13:34
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I managed to get Dawn of War and Winter Assault on one DVD including
all Updates \ No-CD Patches etc etc. Created a cool looking CDMenu and
all works fine.

At the end\finish of the Dawn of War installation the setup asks for CD1.
I tried a few things, but untill now nothing seems to work

Has anyone found a solution for this annoying last\final question?

Thx in advance...

Last edited by VATERNL; 02-01-2006 at 05:49.
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Old 12-04-2008, 11:24
DDG DDG is offline
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I have a similar problem, during the installation made with the DVD containing all the 3 CABS, the installer asks for the second CD...
anyone can help?
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Old 12-01-2009, 05:23
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Originally Posted by VATERNL View Post

I managed to get Dawn of War and Winter Assault on one DVD including
all Updates \ No-CD Patches etc etc. Created a cool looking CDMenu and
all works fine.

At the end\finish of the Dawn of War installation the setup asks for CD1.
I tried a few things, but untill now nothing seems to work

Has anyone found a solution for this annoying last\final question?

Thx in advance...
hey peter here.

i just clicked on ("ok") when the installer askt me that and it finnished the install.
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