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Old 19-03-2007, 10:32
pikachu5501 pikachu5501 is offline
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Lightbulb A simple "poke" in c++ for you trainer.

Ok many ask how to create a trainer. I wont explain here how to search and all. I will just give my main poke function that i find on internet and make simplier. It does write in a certain place in memory in a certain process (a game for example).

It work well with the free Borland Builder but should work with mingw or cygwin also. just copy the code snipet bellow and put it in you program. Should work without any problems in console or in Windows mode.

parameter explanation:
Wname: name of the process, just look in task manager if you are not sure.

addr: adress to be writen in

newbyte: byte to be writen in a string. let say you want to write 0x90, 0x90 so you write it this way "\x90\x90"

nbyte: number of byte to be writen. Make sure it match with the number of byte you insert in newbyte.

here an example:
poke_window("Robin Hood: Defender Of The Crown", 0x00425B8A, "\x90\x90",2 )

One last thing. Make sure that there is a delay between writes (or write just once in code segment). or it will slow down you game.

//include those in order to make it work
#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>

int poke_window(char wname[50], DWORD addr, BYTE newbyte[12],int nbyte)
HWND Wnd=0;		
DWORD Proc=0;	
HANDLE Hproc;	

DWORD MWritte; 

Wnd = FindWindow(NULL, wname); 	// see if it exist

if ( Wnd )
	Proc = GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd,(LPDWORD) &PID); //get a PROCESS number
	if (Proc)
		WriteProcessMemory (Hproc, (LPVOID)addr, newbyte, nbyte,&MWritte);


Last edited by pikachu5501; 19-03-2007 at 10:35.
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Old 19-03-2007, 14:24
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TippeX TippeX is offline
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god, thats awful code..

NOT closing the process handles, crap buffer sizes, 12 bytes max in 1 write... not exiting with a return value (for processing to see if the stuff actually wrote)...crap crap crap

considerably better code can be found on the net, in c or asm or delphi or even visual basic...

please, if you're going to put source code for people to use, at least do some work on it, and document the code properly

#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>

static volatile HANDLE 	ProcessHandle 	= (HANDLE) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
static volatile BOOL	EngineInUse		= FALSE;


BOOL engine_close_process() {

	if (EngineInUse) {

		// are we in use?

		if (CloseHandle(ProcessHandle)) {

			// yup, so close the process handle

			EngineInUse = FALSE;
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;


BOOL engine_open_process(char * processwindowtitle) {

	HWND 	TargetWindowHandle	= (HWND) -1;
	DWORD 	ProcessId 			= -1;

	if (EngineInUse) {
		// we are already in use...
		return FALSE;

	TargetWindowHandle = FindWindow(NULL, processwindowtitle); 	// see if it exist

	if (TargetWindowHandle) {

		// got the window handle...

		Process_Id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(TargetWindowHandle, &ProcessId); //get a PROCESS number

		if (Process_Id) {

			// we have a valid process id, now to open it...

			ProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,NULL, ProcessId);

			if (ProcessHandle) {

				// process succesfully opened

				EngineInUse = TRUE;
				return TRUE;


	return FALSE;


BOOL engine_write_process(LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize) {

	BOOL SuccessCode = FALSE;

	if (EngineInUse) {
		// are we in use

		if (ProcessHandle) {
			// do we have a process handle

			DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
			BOOL  ProcessSuspended = FALSE;

			if (SuspendThread(ProcessHandle) != (DWORD) -1) {
				// suspend the thread - its safer
				ProcessSuspended = TRUE;

			if ((WriteProcessMemory(ProcessHandle, lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, &BytesWritten) && BytesWritten == nSize) {
				// write was successful
				// flush the instruction cache (for safety)
				FlushInstructionCache(ProcessHandle, lpBaseAddress, nSize);
				SuccessCode = TRUE;
			// resume the process if we suspended it

			if (ProcessSuspended) {


	return SuccessCode;


BOOL engine_read_process(LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize) {
	BOOL SuccessCode = FALSE;

	if (EngineInUse) {

		if (ProcessHandle) {

			DWORD BytesRead = 0;
			BOOL  ProcessSuspended = FALSE;

			if (SuspendThread(ProcessHandle) != (DWORD) -1) {
				ProcessSuspended = TRUE;

			if ((ReadProcessMemory(ProcessHandle, lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, &BytesWritten) && BytesRead == nSize) {
				SuccessCode = TRUE;

			if (ProcessSuspended) {


	return SuccessCode;


BOOL engine_kill_process_and_close() {

	if (EngineInUse) {

		if (TerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, (UINT) 0x0D1ED1E)) {
			EngineInUse = FALSE;
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
DO NOT PM me with questions, leave that in the forums...ESPECIALLY if i dont know you...

Last edited by TippeX; 19-03-2007 at 14:51.
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Old 19-03-2007, 17:48
DABhand DABhand is offline
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I agree it was somewhat messy.

And when your NOPing something, it isnt necessary for it to continually write to there. Its already done.
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Old 19-03-2007, 18:54
pikachu5501 pikachu5501 is offline
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Well, i followed a tutorial (in french) that say to look for the process, get a PID and write in it.. din't mention about suspending, flushing cash and closing the process. I might go to that forum and point that to them too. It was working for me so i wanted to share my success with peoples who are learning like me but with WINDOWS, we never know what safe or not to do. I dont want people to get they computer formated or they mouse running around the house for no reason . But i have no excuse for not documenting my code a better way. I am new to forums too

Thanks you TippeX for pointing my mistakes and take the time to show a better way to do it. Sometime we do things that we think it is the right way until someone better show you mistakes. I just printed that code that you wrote and for sure i will learn from it. I promise that if i publish working trainers, i will give credit to you. I hope i am not to much a noob.

I have to let go my bad habits from DOS programming if i want to be successfull in WINAPI programming. Now that i am comfortable with message flow, gdi and basic windows craps, i have to move to a new level. Actually, i use "programming for Windows 95" from charles Peztols.

Well, thanx again all.


Last edited by pikachu5501; 19-03-2007 at 19:45.
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Old 20-03-2007, 00:49
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np, glad i didnt cause offence, the idea was to show how to do things properly and handle all potential problems, theres lots more you could do with the code, but... thats for you to play with

the main 'issue' with the code u pasted was the openprocess stuff, where the handle wasn't closed, this causes resource leakage and is terribly bad programming practice

oh and no need for the credit either...
DO NOT PM me with questions, leave that in the forums...ESPECIALLY if i dont know you...

Last edited by TippeX; 20-03-2007 at 00:53.
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Old 20-03-2007, 04:53
pikachu5501 pikachu5501 is offline
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we can't be careless programming for Windows. My first OpenGl program was Undefined then i said wtf it mean (not literaly like that). bah.. just "undefined"... well, it could even format my drive. thank the person how point that to me. I redid all my code without forgetting anything

Sometime, advice like yours is priceless. Thanks again for you feed back.
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Old 20-03-2007, 06:52
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chances of formatting your drive are very very low
you aren't dealing in interrupts like in the old dos days
and you also have security and priviledges to deal with
formatting a drive is doable of course, but the chances
of randomly 'activating' a format by a code bug are
incredibly slim
DO NOT PM me with questions, leave that in the forums...ESPECIALLY if i dont know you...
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