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Old 20-11-2000, 18:02
Posts: n/a
For someone who using CloneCD to duplicate backup game on CD.

Hi guys.

I have some question for you guys.

I made copy of backuped game cd (already game in cd) successfully using by CloneCD (for self boot game).

I didn't change any of parameter(options) for cloneCD when I copied.

And It works just fine.

However just one minor problem, those game I made by CloneCD, take so slow booting time (30 seconds at the begining) but rest of game loading time (during playing) is normal (5 seconds).

my questions are:

(1) So I wonder is that slow booting time will damage my dreamcast lense at all?

(2) And Is ther any way to avoid this problem? dummy file? but I've got the game on CD already and it (my friend's one) has normal booting time.
(maybe change the parameter(options) on the CloneCD but how?)

I also used Adaptec Easy CD creater(CD copier dulex ver3.5c) for normal game(not self boot).

For some of those games I made by Easy CD creater, it works sometime but sometime doesn't work.

(3) Do you know why is it happend?
Is it happend to you guys same?

Thanks for your time.

I really appreciate if one of you guys explain me why and how to fix it.

Be cool~
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