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Old 26-03-2004, 13:52
Hacker999 Hacker999 is offline
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King of Fighters fans I need your help.

Maybe some of you fans can help me out with something in King of Fighters 2000.

Is it possbile to fight a computer contyrolled Kyo or Iori? I have read every FAQ at gamefaqs but no such thing is mentioned. Anyone know?

Also, I know you can get a whole bunch of extra stages from older games. I know how to get some of them, but a few seem to be very well hidden. Today I got one that I never got before (Art of Fighting stage from KOF 1995) anyone know how many stages there are?

One more thing, there are 5 songs that you get in puzzle mode at random which are NOT from King of Fighters. I know that they are from other SNK games but anyone know which ones? I made ane entire track listing of all the songs in the MUSIC.AFS file (except those 5 songs) if anyone needs it.
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Old 26-03-2004, 19:23
jeffma68 jeffma68 is offline
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the music are from Metal Slug , The Last Blade , Samurai Spirit
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Old 27-03-2004, 09:49
Hacker999 Hacker999 is offline
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Thanks for the answer. But can you be a little more specific? Take a look at the list I made below.

Music_00000.adx through MUSIC_00047.adx is the original soundtrack. MUSIC_00048.adx through MUSIC_00095.adx is the arranged soundtrack is the same order as the original soundtrack.

Music.afs file:
MUSIC_00000.adx-00 (Opening)
MUSIC_00001.adx-KD-0084 (New Hero Team)
MUSIC_00002.adx-Terry 115 (Garou Team)
MUSIC_00003.adx-Beauty & The Beast (Ryuuko no Ken Team)
MUSIC_00004.adx-The Trooper (Ikari Team)
MUSIC_00005.adx-Will (Psycho Soldiers Team)
MUSIC_00006.adx-Come up smiling (New Women Fighters Team)
MUSIC_00007.adx-Wild Party (Korean Team)
MUSIC_00008.adx-Ice Place (Kula Daimond)
MUSIC_00009.adx-Slasher Zero (Zero)
MUSIC_00010.adx-Unused track (Possible English Generic Ending Song)
MUSIC_00011.adx-Goodbye Esaka (Kyo Kusanagi)
MUSIC_00012.adx-Stormy Scream (Arashi No Saxophone 4, Iori Yagami)
MUSIC_00013.adx-Inner Shade (Circular Crimson Team)
MUSIC_00014.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00015.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00016.adx-Cat Tail (Intermediate Demo)
MUSIC_00017.adx-Devil (Zero Appears Demo)
MUSIC_00018.adx-Be Freeze (Kula Appears Demo)
MUSIC_00020.adx-Dream Eater (Zero Defeated Demo)
MUSIC_00021.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00022.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00023.adx-Beta Force (Continue Service)
MUSIC_00024.adx-Beta Force (Character Select)
MUSIC_00025.adx-LV 4 (Team Victory Demo)
MUSIC_00026.adx-Sukuwarelu (Continue)
MUSIC_00027.adx-LV 1 (Single Victory Demo)
MUSIC_00028.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00029.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00030.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)
MUSIC_00031.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 1) (New Hero Team)
MUSIC_00032.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 2) (Circular Crimson Team)
MUSIC_00033.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 3) (Garou Team)
MUSIC_00034.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 4) (Ryuuko no Ken Team)
MUSIC_00035.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 5) (Ikari Team)
MUSIC_00036.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 6) (Psycho Soldiers Team)
MUSIC_00037.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 7) (New Women Fighters Team)
MUSIC_00038.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 8) (Korean Team)
MUSIC_00039.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type 9) (Kyo & Iori)
MUSIC_00040.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type A) (Kula)
MUSIC_00041.adx-Crystal (Staff Roll type B) (Heidern)
MUSIC_00042.adx-??? (From other SNK game, anyone know which game?)
MUSIC_00043.adx-??? Metal Slug??? (If this is true which Metal Slug amd what mission?)
MUSIC_00044.adx-???Last Blade??? (If so part 1 or 2? Also who's stage music is this?)
MUSIC_00045.adx-???Samurai Spirits??? (If so which part? And who's stage music is this?)
MUSIC_00046.adx-??? (From other SNK game, anyone know which game?)
MUSIC_00047.adx-46 seconds of silence (Possible dummy audio track)

BTW, I have the 2 disc set soundtrack for KOF 2000. That is how I got the names for the tracks.
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