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Old 31-03-2013, 12:35
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spawniectes spawniectes is offline
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Talking Bioshock Infinite DVD9 to 3xDVD5 INNO+CIU

Hi guys, here I left you my Bioshock Infinite Conversion.

Script by: yener90 version: all the credit to him for such amazing script.


To make this fit in 3DVD5 with internal compression I recompress 1 video of the game to be exact the video is the final credits so is pretty much text only so I reduce it to a 50% of the original, also to gain extra mb of free space I use a no intro fix, all that will be on the attached files even the final credits video recompressed.

1- Install the game

2- download all the attached files and decompress whenever you want (not in game folder)

3- copy the no intro fix files to your game folder\Xgame\Movies and replace the existing files
the files are:
  1. 2KLogoSweep720p2997.bik
  2. AMDLogo720p.bik
  3. UE3AnimatedLogo_ProRes.bik
  4. IrrationalLogoTest.bik
4- Copy the file BioshockInfinite_Credits.bik to your game folder\Xgame\Movies and replace the existing file.

5- Delete from your game folder\Binaries\Prerequisites the following
directx_Jun2010_redist folder
6- Move from your game folder\Binaries
to DVD3 folder

7- Open Installscript.iss and change
#define ProgramFiles "D:\BioShock Infinite"
#define ProgramFiles "Your drive:\Your game folder"
8- compile

9- Open langscript and compile

10- Move to DVD1 the following
  1. Setup.cab
  2. All setup-1*.cab files
11 - Move to DVD2 the following
  1. All setup-2*.cab
12 - Move to DVD 3 the following
  1. All setup-3*.cab
  2. All setup-4*.cab
13- Test the conversion, make iso burn or install

PS: The video of the installer is in spanish, fell free to change it or delete it.
PS 2: I also left you a Version 2 of the autorun with different art work.

BioshockInfinite_Credits video recompressed
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 1.jpg (235.5 KB, 1075 views)
File Type: jpg 2.jpg (234.8 KB, 1053 views)
File Type: jpg 3.JPG (656.1 KB, 1069 views)
File Type: jpg 4.jpg (722.3 KB, 1069 views)
File Type: jpg 5.JPG (630.0 KB, 1059 views)
File Type: jpg 6.JPG (685.9 KB, 1049 views)
File Type: jpg 8.jpg (908.3 KB, 1017 views)
Attached Files
File Type: rar BIOINF_CIU.rar (36.38 MB, 811 views)
File Type: rar No_intro_fix.rar (8.7 KB, 141 views)
File Type: rar Autorun_v2.rar (639.4 KB, 385 views)
always above all, keep in mind that some day you will die. Bushido.
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The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to spawniectes For This Useful Post:
Dark_babe (31-03-2013), Demonn (02-04-2013), kevinyang225 (31-03-2013), LeChuck_VMPD (31-03-2013), pakrat2k2 (31-03-2013), Simorq (27-03-2015), tanatos (27-03-2014), zougjaysean (21-06-2013)
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bioschock infinite, ciu, conversion, dvd9 to 3xdvd5, inno setup

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