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Old 29-08-2006, 20:37
bebebutt bebebutt is offline
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Hi, I've been playing Diner Dash 2 and finally beat it today!
I would love it if someone could send me a registration code for Diner Dash 1 since I just tried out the demo and absolutely love it.
Unfortunately, I'm so broke right now I can't afford 20 dollars. =(
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Old 29-08-2006, 23:54
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I would love it if someone could send me a registration code for Diner Dash 1
Read the Forum Rules!

Save up your money and purchase it when you can afford it!

Banned for 2 weeks!
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Old 11-10-2006, 07:08
debbie7155 debbie7155 is offline
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can someone please please help me
im stuck on res 3...or level 24?
i just cant get past that level..ive tried using the phone for help
even when i dont lose any customers, & seat them properly,
i still cant make enough money

is there an easier way round this
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Old 26-01-2007, 14:50
AlyBelle AlyBelle is offline
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Red face Resturant 5 Level 9

I am totally suck on this level .. I have been stuck for months and I have tried someone's sugestion but it didnt' work for me ... help!
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Old 16-03-2007, 05:54
jillb jillb is offline
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I won!

Hi all,

I just beat the entire game - it is possible. Some of the rounds took me a few days but its done now.

You must chain on some levels but on others don't worry about chaining just about not losing people
Try to pass out extra snacks as much as possible
On the really hard levels just move - don't spend time thinking

Good luck.
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Old 11-04-2007, 14:37
snowbunny1010 snowbunny1010 is offline
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Red face help

i am stuck on level 4-10 can someone please help i cant get past it hints codes tips anything will be helpful thanks
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Old 29-05-2007, 09:55
Goofball Savant Goofball Savant is offline
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Gotta Quit Playing at Night

Playing Diner Dash at night before bed has the same effect as eating too late...weird dreams, and lack of good solid sleep. For the life of me I could not shake these characters out of my head, and it was as if I were Flo and racing around trying to pacify these life-size customers, mean business women and all.

But the good news is that I was finally able to "break the code" and beat level 10 on Restaurant 4. Whoever suggested letting the line fill up before seating anyone (all the while rocking the podium), then seating the people in like groups was spot on! I apologize for not giving credit where credit is due, but you know who you are, and I applaud you. (My husband was actually reading the posts while I struggled with the game, but didn't take note of who recommended the strategy.)

So far Restaurant 5 has been fun, albeit challenging. (Is there a busboy anywhere in Flo's future?)

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Old 14-06-2007, 15:18
ravenwand ravenwand is offline
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I am in the "Blimp" stage of the game, level 31, I think. There is no podium, and I can't seem to get through the level. When I try to chain, people leave. I only have four tables, and I can't seat the phone dudes by anyone, or they leave faster! What is the key to beating this level?
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Old 28-07-2007, 19:32
gail97 gail97 is offline
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Diner Dash

Hey, I am at the 5th resturant on level 9 and have tried everything possible to beat this level. Seen your help advice and of course tried it that is seating
people 12 at a time. By the time I got them all seated 3 or 4 customers would have already left the resturant. can you please help me beat this level or give me some advice. I have ignored giving snacks and drinks to the customers like you said so I dont know anything else to do to beat this game.Your help with this is greatly appreciated and thanks. Gail97

Originally Posted by erinreid View Post
OK, I did just beat the game, "Diner Dash"! The whole process took about four hours. Here's the crucial things that I learned from beating the game:

* Chaining is EVERYTHING. Everything relies on you getting the longest chains possible. Chain the orders, chain the food serving, chain the checks, and chain the dirty dishes. By the last few levels of the fifth restaurant, you should be seating and serving *twelve* tables at a time, and doing everything to all twelve tables at once. I know that's hard to imagine, but it's how to win; the last level has a requirement of $45,000, and I made over $60,000. Don't ever break a chain, and make every chain the maxiumum that your restaurant can hold.

* Ignore snacks. Forget snacks. Don't serve a snack, ever. Trust me.

* Ignore drinks. Forget drinks. Don't serve a drink, ever. Yes, trust me.

* Don't seat anyone until you're ready to seat the maximum number of tables you can hold. Stand at the podium and keep increasing everyone's love.

* While everyone is eating, stand at the podium to increase the love of the people in line. Don't leave the podium to give the checks until *everyone* is done eating and has stopped asking for checks. If they're full of love when they sit down (which they will be, because you've stood at the podium) they'll easily withstand you ignoring the snack requests and ignoring the people who are done early.

* While you only see eight parties in line, there are additional parties that come in out of sight. These parties don't have their love decrease by standing in line. That's why, when seating the initial set of 12 tables on the final level, you should wait until you hear the "Welcome!" sound effect 12 times and know there are that many people out there. Trust me.

Anyway, that was my strategy. Good luck!
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Old 17-08-2007, 05:24
ruthy1992 ruthy1992 is offline
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Exclamation Help Me!!

I am stuck in my second restaurant, on the 10th level...i tried it thousands of times!! i used ur advices, to place old men first, buisness women and then normal people, i also didnt give the drinks and i put people in groups always filling the tables and it seems impossible!! im going insane!! can any1 pleaasseeee give me some tips and advice? desperate here!!
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Old 15-09-2007, 15:51
jonica jonica is offline
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i am on level 4 of the third rest. it says to use the different people to my advantage, how are you seating the people and all that?

For those of you trying to beat the last level of rest. two...
you have to let the line build up and seat everyone basically at once. i did that and then took two orders at a time and delivered two plates at a time and then talked at the podium. the do the ticket and clean up two at a time all at once. you gets lots of bonus. also, i had to seat people in the same color chair when i could to get more points! it took like 50 tries it seems!
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Old 15-09-2007, 16:01
jonica jonica is offline
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Red face ruthy1992

level 10 of rest. 2 is so hard! let the line of people build up and then when there is enough to fill the tables pretty well then seat them all. then take all their orders the same time. you know pick up two and then two more and so on. then give them their food the same way and go to the podium. when they are done eating clean up two by two. then seat a new batch of people and follow the steps i just gave again. and if you can squeeze in time to seat them in the same color chairs it will help!!
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Old 11-10-2007, 19:58
bloomsnin bloomsnin is offline
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Thumbs up thank you

Originally Posted by erinreid View Post
OK, I did just beat the game, "Diner Dash"! The whole process took about four hours. Here's the crucial things that I learned from beating the game:

* Chaining is EVERYTHING. Everything relies on you getting the longest chains possible. Chain the orders, chain the food serving, chain the checks, and chain the dirty dishes. By the last few levels of the fifth restaurant, you should be seating and serving *twelve* tables at a time, and doing everything to all twelve tables at once. I know that's hard to imagine, but it's how to win; the last level has a requirement of $45,000, and I made over $60,000. Don't ever break a chain, and make every chain the maxiumum that your restaurant can hold.

* Ignore snacks. Forget snacks. Don't serve a snack, ever. Trust me.

* Ignore drinks. Forget drinks. Don't serve a drink, ever. Yes, trust me.

* Don't seat anyone until you're ready to seat the maximum number of tables you can hold. Stand at the podium and keep increasing everyone's love.

* While everyone is eating, stand at the podium to increase the love of the people in line. Don't leave the podium to give the checks until *everyone* is done eating and has stopped asking for checks. If they're full of love when they sit down (which they will be, because you've stood at the podium) they'll easily withstand you ignoring the snack requests and ignoring the people who are done early.

* While you only see eight parties in line, there are additional parties that come in out of sight. These parties don't have their love decrease by standing in line. That's why, when seating the initial set of 12 tables on the final level, you should wait until you hear the "Welcome!" sound effect 12 times and know there are that many people out there. Trust me.

Anyway, that was my strategy. Good luck!
I would like to thank erinreid for this strategy.. it really works! i could finally finish the game. well, i modified the strategy a little bit. I served costumers by priority: restaurant critic, business women, college students, Mr hot shots, young ladies and last, senior citizens. I only seated maximum 4-5 tables on each time. and the rest is following erinreid's strategy. by doing this strategy, you could serve your customers by chaining and stand on podium while they are eating and not even losing any customers. hope this help.
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Old 17-10-2007, 19:12
DarkFalcon DarkFalcon is offline
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Question :confused:I'm Stuck:confused:

I can't get past rest.2 level 8 with all the business women.I've tried chaining and the podium but they still leave upset. I can't get over 3,000 points and I have to have 6,000 to beat the level.Can someone help me on this?
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Old 11-05-2008, 07:35
laynie411 laynie411 is offline
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How do you pass store three level ten? I've tried for a like a billion times! I'm getting frustrated. Please help!
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