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Old 26-09-2003, 07:28
Punky Punky is offline
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Orignal XBOX Dash no longer boots (red flashing)

Hmmm. Not sure what happened... but I'll try to layout the sequence of events here...

- Xbox modded - started using Evo... 358 build I believe.

- I would keep the xbox original xboshdash.xbe in the root of C, and just rename it (to .orig) and replace it with the EVO xboxdash.xbe when I wanted to back up a game. After backing up, I'd put the original dash back in place. Everything has been running fine for months

- Went onto Live the other day (chip was turned on first time, then I remembered and turned it off and re-connected).

- When I connected, I got a message about a LIVE update, the update ran and all was fine.

- After the update - autologin was turned on, so a few times the xbox tried to connect while the chip was turned off. I Changed the configuration in LIVE to stop logging in.

- Dispite all this - things were still running fine. I thought I did notice though that the original xboxdash.xbe did not seem to match the xboxdash.xbe (in terms of file size) that was not running on the xbox. I thought that perhaps the live update I mentioned above changed the xboxdash.xbe. So I backed it up as well.

- Now I have 2 different copies of xboxdash.xbe which I have marked as Xbox originals, plus an EVO xboxdash.xbe.

- I found the newest evox and created a CD (forgot the version# but it's something like 3972?). Booted from the CD, changed the autoboot game setting to false (otherwise I had no way of backing up the games), and backed up a few more games. I did not do any bios flash at this point - not sure if I have to (perhaps this is a missed required step?)

- I put the original xboxdash.xbe in and reset the machine (turning the modchip switch off). That blasted flashing red light came on. I remembered about the xboxdash.xbe files (2 originals) and thought perhaps I put the wrong one in. I've tried both of the XBOXDASH.XBE files that I thought were xbox originals but I still get the flashing red.

- Now the only way I can use my xbox is if I have the evo dash installed. Now when I am playing an original game and I want to attach to live, I don't think I am allowed (the few times I tried yesterday I got that message saying basically I wasn't allowed).

Can anyone tell me what I am missing? I'd love to be able to run the xbox in native mode with the chip turned off so I can run original games on Live. By using a newer evo - do I have to flash the bios? Is there a danger in flashing the bios? Is there somewhere I can get a copy of xboxdash.xbe (I understand there is a copyprotection issue but what else can I do)? Was my assumption about 2 different xboxdash.xbe originals correct?


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Old 26-09-2003, 08:33
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sounds to me like you'r msdash has been updated and/ or corrupted.

you dont need to flash the bios to run newer versions of evox i'm still using the bios that came with the chip and it's over 18 months old.

you can flash you'r chip so it boots off evox when the chip is active and msdash when it's not. so you dont have to constantley change dashes. for this use x2 4977 bios and name the msdash to xboxdash.xbe and evox to evoxdash.xbe.

did you backup the entire c drive ?
if so just delete the contents of c and transfere over the copy.
if you did not then you will need to find out which version of the ms dash you'r machine came with and obtain a copy.

p.s dont connect to live when you'r chip is active as it will eventually ban you from the ms servers and then you'll be realy screwed.
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Old 27-09-2003, 09:33
Punky Punky is offline
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I used to have a backup of the XBOX, but it's long since been deleted. :-( I guess I'll have to try and track down an xboxdash.xbe. I don't suppose anyone can give me a hint on how to do this? (downloadable somewhere?)

Thanks for the information on booting depending on if the chip is active or not. Once I have the xboxdash figured out - I'll give that a shot.

Now I suppose I can just get the C drive off of a friend's xbox right? His has not been chipped but I can plug his HD into my xbox to copy it all over.

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Old 27-09-2003, 11:48
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you can try that but the xboxdash.xbe is version specific and a different version may not work on you'rs for example my dash is version 10027100
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Old 01-10-2003, 15:07
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Yup - you're right.

I borrowed a friends hard drive and plugged it in - no go.

First off - how do I find the bios version?
Using the EvoX I got the following info :
BIOS Version : Unknown
Kernal Version : 1.00.4034.01
XBox Hardware Info : 00000001 A3 B2

Now - let's say you're going to tell me next to go by the Kernal Version... can you offer any suggestions on how to track down the right dash?
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