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Old 06-01-2003, 13:18
mrsikhay mrsikhay is offline
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Dash question

Sorry if I re-hash the same question again but I have a question. I have Evolx dash 1.8325 and latest Bios D6.... I extracted the file which have Default.Xbe and Evox.ini plus the Bios .bin file. Can someone tell me which file do I need to replace these with so the new dash would work. I tried just copy and overwrite the current but it still says 1.825 instead oof 1.8325 in the setting screen. I thought about flashing the Bios also but my TSOP has been flash with evolx bios. and people have been telling me to re-think the idea.

How do I get back into the MS dash if I need to change the time and date??? I have the original dash back up on my hd .
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Old 06-01-2003, 15:59
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Quall999 Quall999 is offline
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you need to copy the evox.ini and default.xbe. The bin images aren't needed.

Rename default.xbe to xboxdash.xbe (or evoxdash/yxboxdash depending on which bios you have).

If you want, you can rename the original xboxdash.xbe to msxboxdash.xbe. You should then be able to goto the microsoft dashboard through evolutionX (not perminately).
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Old 06-01-2003, 16:10
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Also, if you want to make sure it is the newer version dash, scroll down to the bottem of the settings. If there is a selection that says "In Game Reset", then it is the newer dash.
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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