altef_4's installer
Hello everyone! Here you can get my Enhanced installer. For compile it you mustn't have Inno Setup for v2.3.1.5_RC3 because, all necessary files are in archive this is RC and BETA versions, so can be bugs, if you find it - report back, i'll fix it ![]() main information about this installer: -installer supports many languages -internal and external compression -Inno Setup 5.5.4u and higher versions support (lower versions not supported, ANSI - not tested) -all configs are in external ini file -all code was write by me, some ideas was taken from others scripts or examples (more info next) -installer is vary customisable, you can change size of all forms, size and position of all controls, choose visual style, use your own fonts in installer, change all graphics, add unlimited count of tasks, choose priority of installation process, use information and license files for every language, and many others. -standart borders (standart form + jpg image background), one or many images for every form -transparent borders (png image + bmp mask) -extended borders for Win7/8 -skin support -video or/and slideshow during installation -animated or/and simple splash -music during installation process -sounds for events of buttons -three kinds of buttons (standart(one file for button with four button states), simple(four files for button with four button states), animated(temporary disabled)) -three types of progress bar (Windows standart, textured(two png images),animated(two png images)) -winvista/7/8 taskbar preview -shadow for text copyrights: Inno Setup 5.5.4u....................by Jordan Russell b2p.dll[].......................by Vo1T bp.dll[].........................by altef_4 bass.dll[].....................by Un4seen Developments CallbackCtrl.dll[].............by Restools Botva2.dll[]................by South.Tver dwmEnabled.dll[]............by Gnom ImageAnimator.dll[].........by Tlama (edited by altef_4 (ANSI and UNICODE support, graphic protection)) ISDone[]final .................by ProFrager ISMediaLib.dll[]...............by altef_4 (based on InnoMediaPlayer 0.03 by Tlama) isgsg.dll[].....................by South.Tver IsSkinEx.dll[]..................by Codejock Software IsUtils.dll[].....................by ExpeditorR IsWin7.dll[]....................by Vo1T pckr.dll[].......................by altef_4 ReDrawText[1.5e] ...................by Shegorat edited by altef_4 WinTB.dll[]....................by David.D.Rocco ideas, that was taken from others: -simple and animated buttons - yener90 -compact language bar - yener90 i was take only ideas, script code fully writed by me (i don't copy from his scripts) -and some others ideas taken from internet p.s. if i forgot somethink, please, report to me ![]() light tutorial: for create conversion of PC game based on this installer, you must: -edit Installer.ini (set App name, versions and others) -edit graphic that located in Graphics folder -choose, options in Mini_Designer (visual, buttons type and others) internal compression tutorial: PART1 (for editor) -you must have completed installer.ini and all graphic, fons, video, license, info, sound files -run Mini_Designer, and check if it runed in DEBUG mode (it's always run in DEBUG mode except if Installer.ini not in the same folder) -click Create Data.db and wait -close Mini_Designer -now you can upload Data.db without Installer.ini, dll files, graphic, sound, videos, fonts only Data.db, Icon.ico, and license, info files (and, if you use, Registry.iss) internal compression tutorial: PART2 (for user) -you must have base files and folders from this installer (folders: IS_Files, Languages, Text; files: Mini_designer.exe) -download Data.db, and other files (nessesary files in instructions for editors) -copy this files to your folder with base files and folders -rename or remoove Installer.ini if exists -open Mini_Designer and if you was correct in previous steps you can click Create EI.exe -click this button and wait, whan it will be done - you will be informed about it p.s this part is also for editors who use External compression supported languages: completed: -Albanian (Original IS translation + some part translated by tonet666 and oltjon) -English (Original IS translation + some part translated by me) -German (Original IS translation + some part translated by mausschieber) -Hungarian (Original IS translation + some part translated by georg1136) -Russian (Original IS translation + some part translated by me) -Spanish (Original IS translation + some part translated by Logrim) -Ukrainian (Original IS translation + some part translated by me) not completed: Bosnian, Bulgarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Belarusian, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Croatian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean (North), Korean (South), Lithuanian, Luxemburgish, Latvian, Montenegrian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian Cyrillic, Swedish, Slovenian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese. all of this translation are based on original Inno Setup language files, so, thanks to all autors of this translations. - if you want to complete some of this translations - just open language file of desired language with any text editor, and change it. Change log: here latest beta version uploaded (source code included) Pack of old versions(only scripts) Last edited by altef_4; 05-03-2017 at 04:10. |
The Following 73 Users Say Thank You to altef_4 For This Useful Post: | ||
-XCX- (04-03-2017), 0xffaded (25-06-2017), 78372 (06-07-2017), ADMIRAL (21-05-2020), Ahora (13-10-2014), amin fear (12-12-2012), Amsal (08-05-2015), andersondj (25-05-2016), ARHONE (01-07-2013), arkantos7 (11-05-2014), Black_Angel_Kjh (18-11-2015), Blue-D (12-08-2016), chuotchu001 (12-11-2013), clagby (27-08-2014), COPyCAT (24-01-2015), damar15 (13-12-2012), Danik1B9 (27-03-2014), dzed (26-03-2016), EyeSalt (05-05-2018), eyeshield23 (01-11-2013), ffmla (18-11-2018), foo8088 (22-02-2014), FoRMaT-2007 (06-04-2022), GTX590 (19-02-2016), Harsh ojha (28-05-2019), houcine80 (08-03-2016), huavancuong098 (14-04-2014), Inge (22-01-2014), jackstuff (08-04-2013), KaktoR (31-05-2017), kartik.deep (03-09-2014), kassane (04-05-2014), kevinyang225 (31-03-2013), lhanz678 (12-02-2015), Logrim (13-01-2014), Lucas65 (04-12-2015), lugard (28-04-2016), MartinezPL (13-12-2012), mausschieber (24-03-2013), mehrdad (17-12-2012), MMR (25-03-2013), MOSTAPHA_VIP (23-01-2017), Newbie (23-12-2013), oltjon (28-01-2014), omdj (08-02-2015), pakrat2k2 (23-03-2013), papas (14-10-2016), pc512 (29-01-2014), Prashantoo7 (12-12-2012), Razor12911 (02-02-2013), red01 (16-11-2013), Rorschach (06-08-2014), samer1 (26-08-2014), ScOOt3r (07-01-2020), Sergey3695 (08-03-2013), sh86 (27-12-2021), Shadow Delta (22-05-2014), Simorq (27-01-2015), Sony091090 (04-10-2016), Souvik Giri (10-08-2014), Stor31 (09-06-2015), tannictrain (17-05-2013), tommythebang (12-05-2014), truerepacks (17-02-2016), Vatsal Singh (01-02-2014), Vladislav989 (07-08-2022), Xaelin (17-12-2012), yasserdivar (16-09-2015), y_thelastknight (26-12-2013), Zanoza79 (17-09-2019), Zeibe (09-03-2015), zirkhaki (30-03-2016) |
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Thanks...your source code is amazing ! very well structured & organized. ask the admin to make this topic sticky !
Paint me white so i can invisibly fight in the light...paint me black so i can hide my tears in the shadow of your heart. |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to amin fear For This Useful Post: | ||
[] - added ability to change position of backgrounds on all pages(MainFormBckGnd1.png, MainFormBckGnd2.png, MainFormBckGnd3.png). - fixed ability to disabled some of installer languages. [] -added animated splash screen [] -progress bar was fully reworked -added right to left animation for progress bar -added ability to make conversion without FreeArc -fixed bug with FreeArc DestDir -fixed bug with 4th arc archive -fixed bug with shadow of the text on dir select page -was held small optimization [] -added 3 installer background types -added few new parameters to installer.ini -was held small optimization [] -added ability to use video to installer -added small installer -reworked Installer.ini -added few new parameters to installer.ini -reworked slideshow module -fixed ability to install .msi packeges -few small fixes [] -added graphic protect module (b2p.dll) -added skin support [] -all parameters are in Installer.ini -added transparent borders support to installer -added debug function (creating installer script without ISPP) -fixed video support -added new parameters to Installer.ini -reworked uninstaller [] -added full isdone support -added ability to extract unlimited numbers of archives -added transparent effect to installer (don't work with transparent borders) -added Enhanced Edition check [] -added animated buttons(beta) -now you can use 4 simple images for 1 button -fixed few bugs with ISDone progress bar -was held small optimization for glass borders -added another installer running check -added to system menu line "Credits" with information about creator, graphic autor, used libraries, translation autors -installer.ini now reads from memory buffer (only when installing) -registry section now in "Registry.iss" that located in the same path as EI_Script [] -added Inno Setup ANSI version support -added Persian translation (by amin fear) -added 4 fonts support to installer(one to main text, one to little text, one to buttons and last one to edits) -all custom fonts located in memory (previously font was located in system temp folder) -added ability to change font size to main, little, buttons and edits text -fixed bug with ISDone(read ini file error) -added autoscalling depending on windows dpi -fixed huge bug with animate buttons (reworked all buttons system) -language change temporary disabled (many bugs) -was held huge optimization [] -script code was very optimized(~5000 lines was removed without loosing abilities of installer!) -animated buttons was reworked again(i hope that was last time) because was found another huge bug (out of globals vars range and too many timers!!!) -fixed button animation -autorun and setup now in one script -callbackctrl.dll was removed from script (was found another solution) -Installer.ini was optimized -win7tbp now work correct -slideshow and video modules was reworked -ImageAnimator was changed to modified version -removed DXVideo.dll and MediaPlayer.dll (changed to ISMediaLib.dll, my first library) [] -soft section in installer.ini was changed to more compact -reworked language change method -added ability to add license and readme files to every language [] -fixed icons section -added unlimited numbers of tasks support -added unlimited numbers of shortcuts support -added 25 languages support(beta) -optimized languages code -added glow effect to animate buttons -added xdelta3 support(original ISDone6.f) -reworked ISDone section(+some fixes) -autorun will be always turned on [] -only 10 languages will be in this version -detection of languages count was fixed -language box is again enabled (with new animation and customizible count of visible items) -BASS updated to version -added bp.dll(BASS Protect library) by altef_4 [] -added ReDrawText v.1.5e module by Shegorat (edited) -script code optimization -reworked System Req. page -reworked Harddrive info -reworked all text in installer -IsMediaLib.dll and bp.dll was updated -fixed small bugs -fixed ANSI support (some bugs still present) [] -installer script now protected with my Inno Setup Script Protect Project -fixed Tasks section -added extract info (current file, elapsed and remaining time, and current percent) (only to ISDone for now) -fixed Transparent Borders -reworked Splash module -updated ImageAnimator.dll -reworked backgrounds -BACKGROUNDSTYPE 2 - removed -added pckr.dll library -fixed Video support -sound files for button events now in mp3 format (used BASS.dll) [] (trying to add support of Original Inno Setup) -added Inno Setup 5.5.4u support -changed langbar animation -fixed simple buttons -fixed bug when installer delete whole HKLM\Software section in registry -TTimer changed to SetTimer|Killtimer -CallBackaddr was changed back to function wrapcallbackaddr from callbackctrl.dll -removed from system menu line "Credits" -added extract info (current file, percent) for Internal installation -added support to use unlimited fonts in installer -installer support only Inno Setup 5.5.4u -added ability to change font size, color, and name for any TLabel and TEdit -language section was reworked -Info Before and License File must have .txt extention -animated buttons temporary disabled (fix needed) -installer supports 5 languages (English, Hungarian, Russian, Spain, Ukrainian) -small fixes [] -installer now support 43 languages -German translation status -100% thanks to mausschieber -updated pckr.dll to version -few small changes [](actual info on 16.02.2014) -Albanian translation ststus - 100% thanks to oltjon and tonet666 -updated pckr.dll to version -updated bp.dll to version -fixed errors with button events sounds thanks to Inge for info -added AutochangeInterval for slideshow in Installer.ini -added few parameters for Internal compression -added DEBUG and RELEASE parameters to Mini_Designer [] beta, last update! -Italian translation status - 100% thanks to oltjon -added opacity to License and Info viewers -pckr.dll updated to version -improved installer speed -added dynamic fon to autorun Last edited by altef_4; 04-03-2017 at 08:21. Reason: removed useless information |
Added 2nd part of tutorial.
Added 3rd part of tutorial
Last edited by altef_4; 11-03-2013 at 07:43. |
Installer script and tutorial updated [17.12.2012]
you forgot to include the " isgsg.dll " library in your last update...check your dll folder ... it gives error when compiling ... i copied it from your previous upload ...
Paint me white so i can invisibly fight in the light...paint me black so i can hide my tears in the shadow of your heart. |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to amin fear For This Useful Post: | ||
Working on new update of my installer, and now add splash screen fix to version (i know this is too late),
this is change log for new one: -added animated splash screen -progress bar was fully reworked -added right to left animation for progress bar -added ability to make conversion without FreeArc -fixed bug with FreeArc DestDir -fixed bug with 4th arc archive -fixed bug with shadow of the text on dir select page -was held small optimization -added 3 installer background types -added few new parameters to installer.ini -was held small optimization -added ability to use video file to installer -added small installer -reworked Installer.ini -added few new parameters to installer.ini -reworked slideshow module -fixed ability to install .msi packeges -few small fixes -added graphic protect module (b2p.dll) -added skin support test version uploaded! Last edited by altef_4; 01-02-2013 at 15:26. |
Thanks for update...
when I compile the & click on "Settings/System Req" this errors appears :
Paint me white so i can invisibly fight in the light...paint me black so i can hide my tears in the shadow of your heart. |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to amin fear For This Useful Post: | ||
gonna have to take a look thru this now, somehow missed its updates
Last edited by pakrat2k2; 23-03-2013 at 10:49. |
The Following User Says Thank You to pakrat2k2 For This Useful Post: | ||
Danik1B9 (02-03-2014) |
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OK, i decide to upload latest version(beta) of my installer, many futures, many changes, and still have some bugs, some modules are working, some - no, besides, now i haven't many free time to complete it.
Change log: [] -all parameters are in Installer.ini -added transparent borders support to installer -added debug function (creating installer script without ISPP) -fixed video support -added new parameters to Installer.ini -reworked uninstaller [] -added full isdone support -added ability to extract unlimited numbers of archives -added transparent effect to installer (don't work with transparent borders) -added Enhanced Edition check [] -added animated buttons(beta) -now you can use 4 simple images for 1 button -fixed few bugs with ISDone progress bar -was held small optimization for glass borders -added another installer running check -added to system menu line "Credits" with information about creator, graphic autor, used libraries, translation autors -installer.ini now reads from memory buffer (only when installing) -registry section now in "Registry.iss" that located in the same path as EI_Script [] -added Inno Setup ANSI version support -added Persian translation (by amin fear) -added 4 fonts support to installer(one to main text, one to little text, one to buttons and last one to edits) -all custom fonts located in memory (previously font was located in system temp folder) -added ability to change font size to main, little, buttons and edits text -fixed bug with ISDone(read ini file error) -added autoscalling depending on windows dpi -fixed huge bug with animate buttons (reworked all buttons system) -language change temporary disabled (many bugs) -was held huge optimization [] -script code was very optimized(~5000 lines was removed without loosing abilities of installer!) -animated buttons was reworked again(i hope that was last time) because was found another huge bug (out of globals vars range and too many timers!!!) -fixed button animation -autorun and setup now in one script -callbackctrl.dll was removed from script (was found another solution) -Installer.ini was optimized -win7tbp now work correct -slideshow and video modules was reworked -ImageAnimator was changed to modified version -removed DXVideo.dll and MediaPlayer.dll (changed to ISMediaLib.dll, my first library) [] -soft section in installer.ini was changed to more compact -reworked language change method -added ability to add license and readme files to every language [Used libraries and copyrights] ISDone[]final by ProFrager b2p.dll[] by Vo1T bass.dll[] by Un4seen Developments Botva2.dll[] by South.Tver dwmEnabled.dll[] by Gnom ImageAnimator.dll[] by Tlama (fixed by altef_4 (size, ANSI and UNICODE support)) ISMediaLib.dll[] by altef_4 isgsg.dll[] by South.Tver IsSkinEx.dll[] by Codejock Software IsUtils.dll[] by ExpeditorR IsWin7.dll[] by Vo1T WinTB.dll[] by David.D.Rocco English, Russian, Ukrainian translations by altef_4 Persian(Farsi) translation by amin fear , thanks ![]() i decide to make installer open to all (when it will be finished) and admin or moderators, i can hope that in future i will see this thread sticky, if no - ok ![]() |
use google & it lists it on krinkels.org ( translated into english from russian )
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to pakrat2k2 For This Useful Post: | ||
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inno setup, installer, script, source code |
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