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Old 05-06-2011, 12:45
yener90 yener90 is offline
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yener90's Inno Project Source Codes

Dear community,
here is the source of my newest installer.

Installer ONLY works correctly, in paths which doesnt contain any special characters.

CHANGELOG OF CIU 1.0 (C=Custom I=Installer U=Ultimate)
- fixed bugs (thx to LuisCésar82 for his help and his references)
- fixed german translation
- overworked language files completely:
-> easier to update new versions of Inno
-> Supports Update 5.5.3
- fixed internal MP4 video playback
Update Hotfix:
- small language box is back -> faster and more stable
- fixed disabled button in WelcomePage
- fixed exit button in finishedpage
- fixed fullscreen video play
- fixed AntiVir error message
- fixes regarding small language box
-> now you can disable arrows also all languages should appear
- small language box has too much bugs, which i realized, while trying to fix errors, therefore disabled it in this release
-> will rebuild it completely again
- fixed video stop issue
- fixed button colors while glowing
- fixed French & portuguese language
- fixed error in welcomepage
- updated Cryptor
- fixed Farsi language
- reverted left/right click action in language box
- added InnoMediaPlayer (thx to amin fear for help & tlama)
- fix translations
- Added different dpi support (should work fine on Windows 8)
- Added equalizer, exit button + minimize button support
- added transparent borders support
- fixed mysterious button appear in installer
- animated buttons
- changing background images in installer
- improved disk changing for freearc operation
- Open DVD, ReadMe and Manual button
- 20 play buttons support

Thanks to the Translators:
amin fear (Persian)
BAMsE (Polish)
elbubi (Spanish)
Fabioddq (Portuguese-Brazil)
kassane (Portuguese-Brazil)
NamelessOne (Bosnian)
Th3Raven (Romanian)
REV0 (French&Turkish)
GoogleTranslater (For the rest languages )

Changelog of CI here:

Tutorial is here:
Attached Files
File Type: 7z CI (13.09 MB, 11935 views)
File Type: 7z CI_Converted_To_CIU.7z (25.76 MB, 5806 views)
File Type: rar CIU1.0.1.4.rar (12.18 MB, 2631 views)
File Type: rar CIU2030.rar (9.07 MB, 3762 views)
File Type: rar CIU (32.01 MB, 1827 views)
File Type: rar CI 7.2.5.rar (14.02 MB, 740 views)

Last edited by pakrat2k2; 08-12-2017 at 08:37.
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Old 07-06-2011, 13:49
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yay, now I can figure out how to put in the full-window images in the installer, instead of only on the side!
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Old 19-09-2011, 07:54
yener90 yener90 is offline
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CHANGELOG OF CI (C=Custom I=Installer)
- advanced buttons -> now you can define touch position
for better description look here:
- fixed shortcut for components
- added Components feature
-> decription in tutorial section
- updated autorun
- added future systems support on System Requirement page
-> windows 8 should be supported now
-> no more working with CI Designer 0.4a
- changed path definition of Launcher of redist files
-> now it possible install msi files + installing files from gamepath
- updated spanish translation (thx to mono_rata)
- fixed little internal bug for using flash animation
- fixed speed issue
- NetFramework independent CI
- Cryptor is no more NetFramework based
-> converted completely to pascal
- fixed text problem in directory selection page
- added arabic support
UPDATE (600 Downloads exactly) :D
- fixed portuguese brazil translation
- fixed persian translation
- fixed polish language
- fixed serbian language
- rightoleft support added -> for persian language
- updated all languages-> no more lang errors

-> my laste update for a long time...need to rest a lil bit ;)
- fixed autorun
- updated persian
- fixed next button click label
- fixed progressbar label in no background mode
- added RightToLeft for persian language support...currently finished 30%
-> RightToLeft for persian language currently not finished...please wait for next version
- fixed copying of background images by internal installation
-> next version will add persian updated translation
- fixed music bugs
- updated translations (thx to providers :D)
- Setup.cab Cryption added
-> Put the contents of Setup.cab to the blank Setup folder
-> Launch "Setup.cab Cryptor.exe", define password and press Crypt
-> Setup.cab files will be only editable using your defined password
- Setup.cab & Setup.ini integration added
-> Put the contents of Setup.cab to the blank Setup folder
-> delete ; by #define Internal and compile (do it for Langscript.iss AND InstallerScript.iss) then you will be independend
- Sytem Requirement page added
ProcCore=2 <- minimum processor cores for dual 2 for quad 4 etc
ProcFreq=2600 <- minimum processor frequency
RAM=3000 <- minimum ram space in mb
VideoRAM=512 <- minimum video ram space in mb
WinVerMajor=5 <- minimum windows version
WinVerMinor=1 <- minimum windows version
ServicePack=3 <- required service pack for the minimum windows version
-> to disable it just delete the whole section lil info about windows version: on the german wikipedia version you can see the whole numbers http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/4...owsversion.jpg WinVerMajor is the first number WinVerMinor is the number after the point here example it is XP with service pack 3 minimum required UPDATE - added uppercase button font support: -> enabling ButtonFontUC=1 in interface setting or autorun setting ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE - fixed "Out of Range" bug - updated translation - fixed french and spanish SPECIAL UPDATE 8.5.2 - this update was required for CI Designer correctly working. UPDATE - fixed turkish language -> this happened because the turkish translator wanted to make advertisment for his shop :rolleyes: - updated italian (thx to Onizuka87k) - fixed label i hope :rolleyes: - added two options: ProgressBarLabelColor=$ffffff <- color of progressbar percentage MoveProgressBarLabel=0 <- move postition of progressbar percentage up/down positive = up negative = down UPDATE 8.5 - video mode overworked -> after finishing video it will switch to background pics -> video button switches immediately - slideshow overworked: i hope this fixes problem with more pics - precomp fixed - overworked small installer gui (with precentage, time and file info) - additional savegame folder deleting (SaveGameFolder2) - fixed error in turkish language UPDATE 8.4.3 - Changed Setup.cab extractor -> now i replaced with 7z to solve extracting problems UPDATE 8.4.2 - Full freearc commandline support -> Change PrecompVer=inside -> to get perfect working, put the arc.ini, the file with that you compressed the files to the main folder of Setup.cab (like in example) - Fixed Vietnamese language - Updated Portuguese Brazil language (thx to kassane) - Added SmallInstaller positioning to left down -> SmallInstallerPosLD=1 (0 disables, 1 enables) UPDATE 8.4.1 - Fixed Farsi language - added fullscreen mode for installer background images -> ShowBGFullscreen=1 option in InterfaceSettings - added third game icon -> enabling -> same method like enabling secondbutton, but instead of 2's 3's - updated translations - music button is editable - possibility to switch off autorun music -> if you want to have music in autorun, put music.mp3 to the main folder of Setup.cab -> if you dont want to have music in autorun, only in installer, put music.mp3 to the Setup folder of Setup.cab Little info for button resizing in Autorun: unfortunately ExitLeft etc you get confusing ButtonWidth/Height/label etc = Play Button Button2Width/Height/label etc = Play2 Button Button5Width/Height/label etc = Play3 Button Button3Width/Height/label etc = Un/-install Button Button4Width/Height/label etc = Exit Button But left and top options are stayed like before. ExitLeft/ExitTop is for setting them. ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE Beta -> its fully working on my system....just need some more feedback, therefore its currently beta -> got so far 4 fully working feedbacks :rolleyes: - Video feature added (Xvid coding is required for successfull playing) - background music is now expanded to autorun menu too - fixed lot of bugs - enabled drag drop in autorun and setup ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE - Text label position of small buttons is changable too - updated english and dutch translation to work with inno setup 5.5.0 - look at Background folder...added a flash plugin which enables video in background -> currenty disabled sound in video -> only flv videos are supported if flash plugin works good for everyone, i will integrate to setup with sound etc ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.8 - fixed Uninstall icon in control panel/programs - added alternate second shortcut: -> "new" button is now config button -> enable it the same way like the second shortcut but with the only differene that you need to set MyExecutableIconName2=Config - fixed button bug ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE - fixed background issue - flash problems solved - added two new options: MoveDirectoryInfo => move the part of selecting directory page up/down MoveProgressBar => move progressbar up/down - alignment partially fixed - solved CustomBinaryIcon - small fixes ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.6 - License Page support added (To enable: define LicenseFile= or in langauges section in InstallScript.iss) - small fixes ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.5 - added two fonts support -> name: first font = font.ttf, second font = font2.ttf - updated TrayIconCntrl to 1.5 - small fixes - all buttons are customizable now (doesnt mean that you need to use these images) Autorun: -> Play Button = Button.png -> Play 2 Button = Button2.png (if you dont add it, Button.png will be used instead) -> Install/Uninstall Button = Button3.png (if you dont add it, Button.png will be used instead) -> Exit Button = Button4.png (if you dont add it, Button.png will be used instead) Installer: -> Browse Button = SmallButton.png -> Small Music Button in installation= SmallButton2.png (if you dont add it, SmallButton.png will be used instead) -> Small Cancel Button in installation= SmallButton3.png (if you dont add it, SmallButton.png will be used instead) ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.4 - Fixed Autorun extraction problem - added SetupFontSize option (Standard Value = 0) => positive numbers increase/negative decrease the size - added SmallButtonFontSize option (Standard Value = 7) ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.3 - Fixed one executable problem - added RoundedCornerX and RoundedCornerY in AutorunSettings -> here is a pic if you set both to 200 (look at the corners): http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4082/examplesi.jpg - added ButtonLabelX and ButtonLabelY in AutorunSettings and InterfaceSetting (Standard Value should be 0) -> for moving the buttons text to left/right or up/down - fixed multiline in NORMAL button - small fixes and cleaned code ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.2.0 - Fixed button text problems -> rebuilded completely (Now you need 3-4 png files -> Button.png, ButtonSelected.png, ButtonClicked.png and for Autorun additionaly ButtonDisabled.png) - Fixed for some users not appearing pics ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.1.0 - Play button now appears disabled instead of hiddden (if game not installed) - Two shortcuts support(Two GDF Binarys also) (IF YOU DONT NEED IT JUST DELETE THE LINES MyExecutableIconName2, MyExecutableName2 and MyExecutablePath2 from Setup.ini also GDFBinary2 too) - added balloon popup, which shows info about creator/editor(to edit editor section, use Setup.ini) - autorun shows currently selected language - custom cursor support (if you dont need it, delete Cursor.cur from Setup.cab) ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.0.1 - fixed button sound on custom install and back button - added flash animation in installer - added custom font color for small installer - fixed background image error while using internal installation - all 4 big buttons are customizable now ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 8.0.0 - finally jpg/png support -> bmp support completely deleted - flash support - ISSkin support - lot of more... - DarkISSkin deleted -> now you can use ISSkin UPDATE 7.2.5 - Font Support added (thx to BaMsE for the idea) -> rename the font that you want to use to font.ttf and insert it to setup.cab -> change ButtonFont or SetupFont to the name of your added font UPDATE 7.2.4 - Fixed Button clicking - For some users Inno Setup versions making conflicts while compiling (Ansi vs Unicode) -> Therefore ported the messages to ansi compatible format -> Only InstallScript.iss - For LangScript.iss it is impossible (But its not required that you compile it :D ) UPDATE 7.2.3 - patched ISDone.dll for not changing taskbar title - disk require message will be shown in taskbar UPDATE 7.2.2 - cleaned up source and fixed language "errors" - changed launch code -> now you can select seperatly, when every file should be launched - changed taskbar text UPDATE 7.2.1 - increased number of redist installation to 8 (it was 4 before) - added option centering automaticly language box in autorun screen - added option to center text in installler UPDATE 7.2.0 - Updated ISDone to 0.6f -> supports new version of srep and all version of precomp - fixed bugs - added Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Finnish, Greek, Serbian (Latin) and Vietnamese UPDATE 7.1.8 - Fixed polish translation (thx to crysis001) - Added romanian language - Added three locales: Brazil, Mexico and United Kingdom UPDATE - Fixed polish translation (thx to crysis001) - Fixed Button sound - Added sound if you move mouse to a button - Button sound now also works on autorun screen UPDATE 7.1.6 - Fixed refresh issues UPDATE 7.1.5 - Added option to enable/disable autorun menu UPDATE 7.1.4 - Fixed splashscreen problems on XP systems UPDATE 7.1.3 - Fixed lot of graphical bugs -> (USED AS EXAMPLE SENSEMAN SKIN, THANK YOU BRO :D ) UPDATE 7.1.2 - Fixed resolution problems of background images in lower resolutions - Now supports different resolution of background images -> Example background1.bmp can have 1920x1080, then background2.bmp 1280x960 -> no more problem for the installer UPDATE 7.1.1 - Added Transparency Option - Added Option to Disable Window Bar in Autorun UPDATE 7.1.0 - Added Autorun menu -> look at the first pic in "DarkISSkin feature" UPDATE 7.0.2 - added png support in splash screen (thx to BAMsE :D ) -> tutorial: just instead of putting Splash.bmp to Setup.cab, put Splash.png -> Splash.bmp has an higher priority, if both files are in Setup.cab, Splash.bmp will be used. -> SplashAnimation will only work for Splash.bmp UPDATE 7.0.1 - fixed install button bug UPDATE 7.0.0 - added back internal installation support - rename.bat is no more required - fixed small button problem - added DarkISSkin UPDATE 6.9 - changed mp3 code -> now it should work on xp systems properly :D (thx to amin fear to give me the clue) - added persian language (again thx amin fear for the translation)

Last edited by yener90; 30-11-2012 at 07:08.
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Old 19-09-2011, 16:41
dmcNero92 dmcNero92 is offline
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Hey all
can someone can bulid a script like in Space Marine 1xDVV5?
after during the steup filles will be unpacked from precomp==.srep==>freearc
Old 20-09-2011, 06:10
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While Yener haven't added PreComp//SRep unpacking support, you can still "force" it by either:
- adding the unpacking commands for all of them along with the "redist" (DirectX//Visual Studio Runtimes install)
- Or add the .BAT files for unpacking (Run each of them in the same way above)

You can use the registry keys to get the "working directory" properly.
And, of course, you can "install" the packed file (But just to not unpack the game files from the DVD media itself). It can always be deleted after the install is finished (From Inno commands).

Hope it's useful
Old 20-09-2011, 08:11
dmcNero92 dmcNero92 is offline
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Thx but form scripts etc I'am green
maybe some tutorial?
Old 20-09-2011, 10:46
yener90 yener90 is offline
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currently adding 7z, RAR, srep and precomp support
could take some days.
everything works.
need to add properly INI support.

if you want to try it out, here it is:

Downlaod ISDone.dll v
Old 21-09-2011, 02:17
dmcNero92 dmcNero92 is offline
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I will be watching this topic if will be ready pm me
will be very nice ,if the script will be Like peter done's in warahmmer space marine conversion
that was really pro

Last edited by dmcNero92; 21-09-2011 at 02:22. Reason: more info needed
Old 22-09-2011, 07:48
yener90 yener90 is offline
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Update 4.5 (Downloads before: 13)
- Added Srep, PreComp, RAR and 7z support
- Optimized script for those files
- Splash pic script optimized -> no more need to change setup.ini values
Old 22-09-2011, 10:56
dmcNero92 dmcNero92 is offline
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I need to edit my self this script to add's srep and precomp commends?
or they are included there? i was looking in that scripts and only i foun Free arc
maybe Peter will be so nice and send me script from warhhammer and I will edit him be my self that will be easyiest way ,and I will don't more post stupid replys
Old 22-09-2011, 13:22
yener90 yener90 is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcNero92 View Post
I need to edit my self this script to add's srep and precomp commends?
or they are included there? i was looking in that scripts and only i foun Free arc
maybe Peter will be so nice and send me script from warhhammer and I will edit him be my self that will be easyiest way ,and I will don't more post stupid replys
yes dude ask him.
look at the setup.ini file.
there you can switch on off those function.
if its too difficult, you know what to do.
Old 22-09-2011, 14:38
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By looking the setup.ini file provided in the newest setup code, I've noticed the following:
It seems that switching that "0" to "1" will enable PreComp and SRep compressions.
Plus, by reading this:
Originally Posted by yener90 View Post
PrecSrep feature:
first create a ARC file with no compression -> extension must be arc
then create precomp and at least srep file
compress srep file using freearc with the extension that you want.
IMPORTNANT the names must be always the same.

example: Deadisland.arc -> DeadIsland.pcf -> DeadIsland.srep -> DeadIsland.cab or DeadIsland.arc
I suppose that will do the trick.
I haven't seen the coding part yet, but I suppose that, if no "*.srep" file is present, then the IsDone functions will just "skip" that and start PreComp de-compress.

I'll enjoy the chance and ask if there is a way to make a "cab" file uncompress ONLY when we select a specific language.
I mean, let's consider that I've created three different cabs, "lang_eng.cab" (English), "lang_esp.cab" (Spanish) and "lang_ger.cab" (German). Is that possible to this installer to unpack only "lang_eng.cab" when select "english" in the lang selector, or "lang_esp.cab" when select "spanish" language, and so on?
Old 22-09-2011, 15:41
yener90 yener90 is offline
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Originally Posted by KillerOh View Post

I suppose that will do the trick.
I haven't seen the coding part yet, but I suppose that, if no "*.srep" file is present, then the IsDone functions will just "skip" that and start PreComp de-compress.

I'll enjoy the chance and ask if there is a way to make a "cab" file uncompress ONLY when we select a specific language.
I mean, let's consider that I've created three different cabs, "lang_eng.cab" (English), "lang_esp.cab" (Spanish) and "lang_ger.cab" (German). Is that possible to this installer to unpack only "lang_eng.cab" when select "english" in the lang selector, or "lang_esp.cab" when select "spanish" language, and so on?
you must use both:
precomp and srep, otherwise setup will make problems.
unfortunately didnt add this recogition.

with the language files.
good idea bro. will add the idea to the script.
Old 30-09-2011, 22:32
Ozzy1911 Ozzy1911 is offline
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Hey yener90, i have an problem with Your script.

When compiling ISFreeArcExtract v.4.5 i get a fail prompt :
Unknown type: TGUID
at line 81 column 9.

Any help ?
Im using Inno Setup version 5.4.2.
Old 01-10-2011, 03:57
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@Ozzy1911 try to use unicode version instead
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