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Old 12-08-2004, 23:57
Gen.Cutter Gen.Cutter is offline
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Need info on how to change HDD.

First of all i am VERY NEW to modding, and i just ordered a Xenium Ice chip after reading some other posts.

I was also thinking of getting a new HDD. My question is how do i transfer my saved games and info from the old drive to the new one?

Second, since i am gonna rip my x-box apart is there anything else i can do to speed up my dirves data transfer rate. (different cable etc.)

This may all be pretty basic to most of you, but any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
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Old 13-08-2004, 08:27
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1. After you get the chip, you can load up programs that allow you to ftp to your xbox with a PC. When you do that, you copy both the "C" and "E" partitions. Then, put your new drive in, format and partition the drives, and send your saves and other data back.

2. sry no, the xbox is stuck at ata100
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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Old 14-08-2004, 13:26
Gen.Cutter Gen.Cutter is offline
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I just got Quix is that a good program to transfer the files from the old hdd to the new one?
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Old 14-08-2004, 19:53
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no, you have to send it to your PC. Unless you have anothe modded xbox, HDD->HDD isn't going to happen. Use a program called avalaunch or unleashX if you use quix. FTP speeds will be about 9-11mb/s. But, befor eyo ueven send the files to the other HD, you have to format it.
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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Old 14-08-2004, 21:18
Gen.Cutter Gen.Cutter is offline
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ok let me make sure i have this right:

1. mod x-box.
2. copy hdd info from x-box to pc.
3. install new hdd into x-box.
4. format new hdd.
5. copy files from pc to new hdd and i am ready to go.

with the use of the 2 programs u described i should be able to do this correctly?
I just wanna make sure that i get it right the first time and not end up with an oversized paper weight.

also where can i find the 2 programs u mentioned?
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Old 14-08-2004, 21:26
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if you get the xenium ice it has a program on the chip itself to transfer files here are the directions

There may be an occasion where you
would want to do this. However, you can
not load the original BIOS (TSOP), the
MS dashboard, or play XBOX Live with
an unlocked hard disk. So, you should
keep it locked at all times and only
unlock it when necessary, then lock it
back again. The hard disk lock and
unlock tools can be found on Xenium
OS 2.0’s Disk Tools menu. The tool is a
toggle, meaning if the drive is locked,
you’ll only have the option to Unlock the
drive; and if the drive is unlocked, you’ll only have the option to Lock the drive.

As you begin to realize what all your newly modded XBOX can do, it will become
increasingly, painfully, aware to you that the stock hard disk drive is simply too
small to be of much use. You can only store one or two movies, a handful of
apps, and a game or two before it is full. So, you’ll be needing an upgrade at
some time. Fortunately, it is really simple to do that! Ahead of time, you will need
to get a hard drive power splitter from your local computer store, if you don’t
already have one. And, of course, you’ll need the replacement hard disk drive. It
must be EIDE (Ultra-ATA), NOT the newer
type Serial-ATA. It is also VERY
IMPORTANT that the replacement drive
you select supports ATA disk locking! If it
does not, you will not be able to load the
TSOP and/or play on XBOX Live, since
they both require a locked drive. Once you
find a drive candidate, you can look up its
model number at http://xboxdrives.xpec.
com to see if that particular drive
model supports disk locking. If so, then
terrific! Let’s get it and put it in…
With the XBOX cover removed, and the
XBOX switched off, detach the gray IDE
cable from the DVD drive and the hard
disk drive. Leave it attached to the motherboard. Remove the power cable from
the hard disk drive and de-route it from the hard disk drive carrier. Remove the
screw in the center rail holding the hard disk drive carrier in place. Lift the hard
disk drive carrier out of the XBOX. Using a Torx-15 driver, remove the four
screws holding the hard disk drive in the carrier. Remove the hard disk drive from
the carrier. Set the carrier (and its four screws) aside for now. On the back of the
drive, between the power connector and IDE connector, is a little jumper setting.
This jumper is usually set for Cable Select. Remove this jumper, and set it to
Remove the new hard disk drive from its
packaging. On its rear, find the jumper
and set it to Slave. Attach it to the IDE
cable where the DVD drive was
attached. Reconnect the original hard
disk back to the end of the IDE cable it
was attached to. Using the power Y
splitter, connect it so that both drives
can receive power.
Hard drive power splitter

Press the eject button to turn on the XBOX and
launch the Xenium OS menu. Press the D-pad
down once to Disk Tools and press A. Press Dpad
down once to highlight Drive Upgrade
Wizard and press A.
You will now be
shown a dialog
box, informing
you that this wizard will walk you through the
steps. Press A.
Next, you will be asked to ensure that the drives
are properly connected (as explained above).
Press A.
Now you will get a message stating that the upgrade process will format the new
hard disk drive to only work in an XBOX, that all data on the drive will be erased.
Press A.
Finally, you are at the “last chance” screen. Pressing A now will begin the
upgrade process. If you have changed your mind, this is your last chance to
The upgrade wizard will now unlock the old drive, format the new drive, and copy
all data from the old drive to the new drive. NOTE: the wizard will NOT lock the
old drive, nor lock the new drive. You will have to lock your drives manually,
should you wish to.
When the upgrade wizard process has completed, shut down the XBOX. You
can now remove the hard disk drives. Set the jumpers back to Cable Select on
both HDD units. Reattach the IDE cable to the DVD drive. Mount the new hard
drive in the hard disk drive carrier, using the four screws you removed from the
old drive. Reinstall the hard disk drive carrier and secure it with the screw in the
center rail. Remove the power Y splitter, and re-route and attach the hard disk
drive power cable. Finally, reconnect the IDE cable to the hard disk drive. Tuck
the IDE cable back into its retaining clip on the center rail. If you have no other
accessories to install, you may now replace the XBOX cover.
You have successfully upgraded your hard disk drive unit. Reminder: Once you
turn the XBOX back on, don’t forget to go into Disk Tools and lock the hard disk
Greg "IcEMaN"
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Old 17-08-2004, 15:15
Gen.Cutter Gen.Cutter is offline
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Thanks to all of you for your help. My chip just got here today and i am going to attempt to install everything tonite. So if i am posting tonite with phrases like damn it, I F***ED it all up and, I threw the damn thing out the window you know it did not work and i will be back on asking for more help.

Again thanks for everything
Like.....Uh......OK :rolleyes:
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Old 17-08-2004, 23:08
Gen.Cutter Gen.Cutter is offline
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O.K. the install was soooooo easy.
Both the chip and drive almost installed themselves.

Now, i know my next question is kinda off the thread subject but i figure what the hell.

How do i flash a bios? The ice chip does not come pre flashed, so basically now i have an x-box that just starts up different.

I would like some feedback on which bios would be the best and have the most functionally?

Again any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated..
Like.....Uh......OK :rolleyes:

Last edited by Gen.Cutter; 18-08-2004 at 14:03.
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Old 19-08-2004, 08:38
sevi sevi is offline
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If you have a version 1.0 to 1.5 xbox then use the x2 4981 bios. If you have a version 1.6 xbox then you will have to use a compatible 1.6 bios such as the evox M8.
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Old 08-03-2005, 19:27
Shmackey Shmackey is offline
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I'm a moron.

i just purchased a new hdd for my X-Box. The thing is, it doesn't have any mods or anything. So basically, it's a brand new hdd, nothing special, and doesn't work.
The question:
how do i get it to work?

i already have one x-box that already has all the works done to it and is capable of copying and storing games but, I can't reproduce these results to a brand new, untouched hard drive.
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Old 09-03-2005, 05:13
sevi sevi is offline
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If i'm reading this post correctly then your new hard drive is one you purchased from a shop and not currently formatted? If this is the case then that is your problem. You need to use a formatting program like "Slayers Auto Installer" to format your hard drive for use in your xbox. Search the web for that program. It is a very usefull tool to have.
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Old 09-03-2005, 07:21
Shmackey Shmackey is offline
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do I or don't I have to have a mod chip installed beforehand to get the new hdd to work in my x-box or can I somehow download the information from my already modded hdd to the new store bought one?
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Old 09-03-2005, 16:52
sevi sevi is offline
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As far as I know you need to have a modded box to format a new hard drive. There is a program available that will let you format your drive on your p.c for use in your xbox but you will need a modchip in your box to use the drive anyway. (Unless there is a softmod that can do it, not too familiar with those though). Once it is formatted then you can transfer the info stored on your other drive to your new one.
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Old 09-03-2005, 18:08
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that is the tut I use.

It involves loading up evox, and formatting through ftp commands. I do it with flashFXP.
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