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Old 08-12-2005, 13:24
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Rome Total War + Barbarian Invasion on One DVD

Original Poster: Grumpy
Post Date: 05-10-2005

1) Create a Temp folder on harddrive. Name this folder: Rome_TW_CD1. This will be the Label of our DVD.
2) Copy all contents of CD1 to this Temp folder.
3) From CD2 copy the three ‘cab’ files (Loadin~1.cab, Sky.cab and ui_.cab) to the main directory of the Temp folder.
4) Also from CD2 copy the ‘Data’ folder (it’s inside the Setup folder) to the setup folder in the Temp folder. Choose yes if prompted to overwrite. Nothing actually gets overwritten as all the files are different, just the folder names are the same!
5) From CD3 copy ALL the ‘cab’ files to the main directory of the Temp folder. And again copy the ‘Data’ folder (again it’s in the Setup folder) to the ‘Setup’ folder in the Temp folder. Again overwriting if prompted.

6) Download and install ‘Orca’.
Once Orca is installed go to the Temp folder and right click the file ‘Rome_Total War (TM).msi’ and from near the top of the menu choose ‘Edit with Orca’. (You may have to edit the properties of this file to make it read only, but as it is copied to the harddrive it is probably already edited automatically)
When opened you will see 2 window panes, go to the ‘Tables’ one on the left and scroll down to ‘Media’
Click on ‘Media’ this will show you the entries in the Right pane. There will be 6 columns.
Change all the entries in the ‘VolumeLabel’ column to Rome_TW_CD1.
Then ‘Save’ it.

7) Using the Notepad create a text file named Serial.txt and copy the Rome Total War serial to this text file. Save the text file in the Rome_TW_CD1 folder.

8) Create another folder and name this folder ROMETWBI. Copy the ‘Barbarian Invasion’ game CD to the newly created ROMETWBI folder.

9) Create another folder and name it Cracks. Copy the NoCD cracks for both games to this newly created Cracks folder.

10) Download my ‘Rome Total War + Barbarian Invasion Custom Menu’ from here, and extract the contents of the ‘rar’ file to the Rome_TW_CD1 folder. Overwrite the autorun.inf file with the one from my rar file when asked!
You can view the Custom Install Menu here.

11) Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: Rome_TW_CD1
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