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Old 08-12-2005, 09:21
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Grumpy is on a distinguished road
Battlefield 1942 + The Road To Rome + Secret Weapons of WWII - on one DVD

Original Poster: Rojas
Post Date: 25-04-2005

Create a temp folder called 'BF1942_ALL'. This folder will be root of our DVD.

Inside temp folder ('BF1942_ALL') create a folder called 'BF1942'.
Copy all files and folders from Battlefield 1942 CD1, and 'data3.cab' from CD2, into 'BF1942' folder.
Inside 'BF1942' folder, create a file called 'serial.txt', where you'll write your Battlefield cd key.

Inside temp folder ('BF1942_ALL') create a folder called 'BF1942_ROME'.
Copy all files and folders from Battlefield 1942 The Road To Rome CD, into 'BF1942_ROME' folder.
Inside 'BF1942_ROME' folder, create a file called 'serial.txt', where you'll write your Road to Rome cd key.

Inside temp folder ('BF1942_ALL') create a folder called 'BF1942_WEAPONS'.
Copy all files and folders from Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons Of WWII, into 'BF1942_WEAPONS' folder.
Inside 'BF1942_WEAPONS' folder, create a file called 'serial.txt', where you'll write your Secret Weapons cd key.

Inside temp folder ('BF1942_ALL') create a folder called 'BF_PATCH_1.6'
Download Battlefield 1942 patch v1.6 (267MB big!!!) and put it in the 'BF_PATCH_1.6' folder. Than rename patch file to 'bf1942_patch1.6.exe'
Also, inside 'BF_PATCH_1.6' folder, create another folder called 'Crack', and in that folder you'll put your Battlefield 1942 v1.6 (v1.6.1.9) nocd crack.

Download my Battlefield 1942 autorun menu from GameCopyWorld. Extract .rar file to your temp folder ('BF1942_ALL').

Burn contents of your temp folder on DVD, and name it what you want, I named it 'BF1942_ALL'.

Just for check!!! The folders you created on your hard drive, before burning should look like this:

BF1942 (root):
  • -Autorun (autorun downloaded from GCW)
  • -BF1942 (includes whole 'Battlefield 1942' game and serial.txt)
  • -BF1942_ROME (includes whole 'Road to Rome' game and serial.txt)
  • -BF1942_WEAPONS (includes whole 'Secret Weapons' Of WWII game and serial.txt)
  • -BF_PATCH_1.6 (includes 'bf1942_patch1.6.exe' and 'Crack' folder)
  • -autorun.inf (this file is downloaded with autorun)



After you inserted DVD and autorun has started, click on Battlefield button to run the installer, and install the game.
Than click on Road to Rome button to run the installer, and install the game. Do the same with Secret Weapons.
Than, click on EXTRAS button on the lower left side of autorun menu and additional options will be shown.
Click on Install Patch v1.6 button to update the game to version 1.6.
Click on Crack button in EXTRAS menu and the Crack folder will open. Copy all contents of Crack folder to your Battlefield 1942 installation folder, and play the game(s).
Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'
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Old 27-08-2006, 10:24
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THE GOOD GUY is on a distinguished road
could u put vietnam on the same dvd also or would they all not fit"
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