Thank you. I tried and have to manually align the text for this. However, in Smaller Font Size (like 12-15), the two text still doesn't seem to be aligned height-wise. Any fix for it? Code:
SectionText[1].FCreate(SectionContent[1].Handle, 500, 15, 'Developers :', INI_DEVELOPERS, -1, False); SectionText[1].Text1Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#FontColor}, False); SectionText[1].Text2Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#SelectedFontColor}, False); SectionText[1].Text1HorzAlign(txTrailing); SectionText[1].Text2HorzAlign(txTrailing); SectionText[2].FCreate(SectionContent[1].Handle, 505, 35, 'Genre :', INI_GENRE, -1, False); SectionText[2].Text1Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#FontColor}, False); SectionText[2].Text2Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#SelectedFontColor}, False); SectionText[2].Text1HorzAlign(txTrailing); SectionText[2].Text2HorzAlign(txTrailing); SectionText[3].FCreate(SectionContent[1].Handle, 500, 55, 'Release Date :', INI_RELEASE_DATE, -1, False); SectionText[3].Text1Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#FontColor}, False); SectionText[3].Text2Setting('{#FontName}', 12, {#SelectedFontColor}, False); SectionText[3].Text1HorzAlign(txTrailing); SectionText[3].Text2HorzAlign(txTrailing); Last edited by Fak Eid; 05-06-2024 at 00:28. |
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function InitializeSetup: Boolean; begin AddFontResource2(ExtractAndLoad('{#MyFont1}')); FMXInnoInit; Result:= True; end; procedure DeinitializeSetup(); begin RemoveFontResource2(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{#MyFont1}')); ISArcExCleanUp; FMXInnoShutDown; end; |
The Following User Says Thank You to Tihiy_Don For This Useful Post: | ||
BLACKFIRE69 (06-06-2024) |
procedure Text1VertAlign(VAlign: TTextAlign); procedure Text2VertAlign(VAlign: TTextAlign); |
Yes, i believe or whatever fixes this issue on smaller fonts. One of my FMX Installer is completely dependent on the use of it and I've to wait longer just to get this fixed. Although, it is working for larger font size like 16+. |
FMXInno - Updates
FMXInno - Final Release [2024-June-10]
What's new: * Merged Runtime-Scripts into this build. * 'FNewINI' updated. - Now you can create a 'FNewINI' from a string. Code:
InIStr := '[SecM]' +#13#10+ 'Key1=Val01' +#13#10+ 'Key2=Val02' +#13#10+ '' +#13#10+ '[SecM\SecA]' +#13#10+ 'KeyA=ValA' +#13#10+ 'KeyB=ValB'; ANewINI.FcreateFromString(InIStr); * And it's recommended to use the latest version of InnoSetup v6.3.0. The first post has been updated. If you expect the following features, let me know: Code:
1. PDF Viewer (*.pdf). 2. Markdown Viewer (*.md). 3. HTML Viewer (*.html). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Fak Eid, * FCombineText/vertical mismatch: - You have to use the Offset Y value to fix the vertical mismatch. (FCombineText.OffsetYText2(DY)) - Also, I removed the properties 'Text1HorzAlign' and 'Text2HorzAlign' from 'FCombineText'. Example: Code:
const c_max0 = 14; Pttrn = 4; // 1, 2, 3 or 4. procedure FMXDesigning; var i, j, k, c_max: Integer; begin ... if (c_max0 mod 2) = 0 then c_max := c_max0 else c_max := c_max0 - 1; { ACombineText } for i := 1 to c_max do begin if i <= (c_max div 2) then begin case Pttrn of 1: j:=-1*(i-1); 2: j:=-1*((c_max div 2)-i); 3: j:=-1*Round(Abs((((c_max div 2) div 2)+1)-i)); 4: if i<=(((c_max div 2) div 2)+1) then j:=-1*(i-1) else j:=-1*((c_max div 2)-i); else j:=-1*(i-1); end; k:=0; end else begin case Pttrn of 1: j:=(i-((c_max div 2)+1)); 2: j:=(c_max-i); 3: j:=Round(Abs(((c_max+(c_max div 2)+1) div 2)-i)); 4: if i<=((c_max+(c_max div 2)+1) div 2) then j:=(i-((c_max div 2)+1)) else j:=(c_max-i); else j:=(i-((c_max div 2)+1)); end; k:=20; end; ACombineText[i].FCreate(FMXForm.Handle,60,120+((i-1)*15)+k,'The Module Name:','FMXInno.dll',j,False); ACombineText[i].Text1Setting('Segoe UI', 10, ALBlack, False); ACombineText[i].Text2Setting('Segoe UI', 13, ALRed, False); ACombineText[i].Text1ShadowSetting(ALBlack, 0.2, 0.2); ACombineText[i].Text2ShadowSetting(ALRed, 0.1, 0.6); ACombineText[i].OffsetYText2(-1.5); end; ... end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @audiofeel, * 'DrawFrame' has been updated for FFluentStartBrowse and FFluentDirBrowse. * Setup-exiting issue for 'FOSInfo' with Windows 11 24H2 insider builds. - In insider builds, Microsoft is pushing hard and has disabled (not deprecated) some useful features by default. This may be the reason for that.* MInI updated. - Previous code examples may not work with the new MInI.exe. - Now it will accept parameters in any of the following formats: Code:
1. /Sec=Player || --Sec=Player || /s=Player || -s=Player 2. /Sec="Player" || --Sec="Player" || /s="Player" || -s="Player" 3. /Sec='Player' || --Sec='Player' || /s='Player' || -s='Player' 4. /Sec:Player || --Sec:Player || /s:Player || -s:Player 5. /Sec:"Player" || --Sec:"Player" || /s:"Player" || -s:"Player" 6. /Sec:'Player' || --Sec:'Player' || /s:'Player' || -s:'Player' 7. /Sec Player || --Sec Player || /s Player || -s Player 8. /Sec "Player" || --Sec "Player" || /s "Player" || -s "Player" 9. /Sec 'Player' || --Sec 'Player' || /s 'Player' || -s 'Player' For that, the INI file should look like this: Code:
[Datas] [Datas\Data1] File={src}\data1.bf Size=1245 [Datas\Data2] File={src}\data2.bf Size=2356 [Datas\Data3] File={src}\data3.bf Size=4578 Code:
USAGE: MInI.exe CalcTotalDiskSizeByte /MainSec=Datas /Key=Size [Setup] ... ExtraDiskSpaceRequired={#ReadMInI('CalcTotalDiskSizeByte', '/MainSec=Datas /Key=Size')} ... - Updated Example.iss file to retrieve disk sizes and component-disk sizes at compile time. Now everything is automated, so there's nothing to do manually. . Last edited by BLACKFIRE69; 08-07-2024 at 06:53. |
Thanks for the work, especially for the output of information about the size of the archives. |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to audiofeel For This Useful Post: | ||
Behnam2018 (10-06-2024), hitman797 (12-06-2024) |
if we can download online news about the game or other information from the site, then that's cool.
Will there be a fix for the FFormImgSlide component?
What is the issue with FFormImgSlide?
Thank you that fixed all the issues with FCombineText. It is really a very important and necessary feature. @Blackfire I'd really like to have a 'HTML Viewer' example where I can integrate a youtube video to my installer which buffers based on internet connection instead of importing during setup.exe creation. This is not a necessity and completely dependent if it can be implemented. Link: https://www.skidrowreloaded.com/hori...e-v1-0-43-p2p/ Code:
<div class="html5-video-container" data-layer="0"> <video tabindex="-1" class="video-stream html5-main-video" webkit-playsinline="" playsinline="" controlslist="nodownload" style="width: 560px; height: 315px; left: 0px; top: 0px;" src="blob:https://www.youtube.com/2ef7c9b2-0611-4dfd-b49b-4aa461f19f96" __idm_id__="2465793"> </video> </div> |
Abilities of FColorButton / Completely new type of Button
Right now in order to create the image I have to do an alternate like:
SettingsBtn: array[1..4] of FRectangle; SettingsBtnIcon: array[1..4] of FText; SettingsBtnLabel: array[1..4] of FText; Code:
SettingsBtn[1].FCreate(SettingsRect[1].Handle); SettingsBtn[1].FillColor(HTMLColorStrToFMXColor('#3d434f')); SettingsBtn[1].SetBounds(0, 120, 190, 40); SettingsBtn[1].Opacity(0.8); SettingsBtn[1].OnMouseEnter(@CommonMouseEnter); SettingsBtn[1].OnMouseLeave(@CommonMouseLeave); SettingsBtn[1].OnClick(@CommonClick); SettingsBtnIcon[1].FCreate(SettingsBtn[1].Handle); SettingsBtnIcon[1].Text(#57793); SettingsBtnIcon[1].SetBounds(0, 0, 80, 40); SettingsBtnIcon[1].FontSetting('Segoe UI Symbol', 18, {#SelectedFontColor}); SettingsBtnIcon[1].HitTest(False); SettingsBtnLabel[2].FCreate(SettingsBtn[1].Handle); SettingsBtnLabel[2].Text('Directory'); SettingsBtnLabel[2].SetBounds(60, 0, 190, 40); SettingsBtnLabel[2].FontSetting('{#FontName}', 16, {#SelectedFontColor}); SettingsBtnLabel[2].TextSetting(false, txLeading, txCenter); SettingsBtnLabel[2].HitTest(False); Can someone suggest me any other alternative to achieve this with simple and less code. Does anyone think it is a good feature to implement? If not, I'll continue with the same code combo I was using. procedure SetLB1Position(const X, Y: Single); procedure SetLB2Position(const X, Y: Single); Issue with FLabel: No Event Listeners of FLabel is responding. Edit: Fixed with HitTest(True); Thanks to audiofeel Issue with FCombineText: No Event Listeners (getObject1, getObject2) are responding. Enhancement on FVideoPlayer: Support for .mp4 file extension Enhancement on FDiskList: I'd still like to see the Blue Covering Box, when set BackVisible(False). In this scenario, I'm unable to see the selected Disk. Edit : Also add, GetLB1Text. If user makes directory update to FEdit, I need to select the disk, the user has input as text. Also, display Disk Name if it exist. If not, show 'Logical Disk' Last edited by Fak Eid; 20-06-2024 at 07:48. |
Button[1].FCreate(ButtonPanel.Handle); Button[1].Position(5, 3); Button[1].Align(Top); Button[1].Margins(5, 2, 5, 3); Button[1].Width(40); Button[1].Height(35); Button[1].FillColor($4D3F506D); Button[1].CornerStyle(5, 5, [tcTopLeft, tcTopRight, tcBottomLeft, tcBottomRight], ctRound); Button[1].OnMouseEnter(@CommonOnEnter); Button[1].OnMouseLeave(@CommonOnLeave); Button[1].OnClick(@CommonOnClick); ButtonIcn[1].FCreate(Button[1].Handle, #$e80f); ButtonIcn[1].Align(Left); ButtonIcn[1].Margins(12, 0, 5, 0); ButtonIcn[1].AutoSize(True); ButtonIcn[1].FontSetting('Eleven Icons', 16, ALWhite); ButtonIcn[1].TextSetting(False, txLeading, txCenter); ButtonLbl[1].FCreate(Button[1].Handle, CustomMessage('ButtonLbl1')); ButtonLbl[1].Align(Client); ButtonLbl[1].Margins(14, 0, 0, 0); ButtonLbl[1].AutoSize(True); ButtonLbl[1].FontSetting('Segoe UI', 14, ALWhite); ButtonLbl[1].TextSetting(False, txLeading, txCenter); Last edited by audiofeel; 12-06-2024 at 19:39. |
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to audiofeel For This Useful Post: | ||
Behnam2018 (12-06-2024), CrownRepack (08-07-2024), Fak Eid (12-06-2024), hitman797 (12-06-2024), ScOOt3r (12-06-2024) |
thank you so much. It's my looking.
The Following User Says Thank You to longpv818 For This Useful Post: | ||
Behnam2018 (14-06-2024) |
Hi, can anyone help me with this error im getting, its just a simple picture i want to add to the language select startup box,
i have the necessary paths in my script but still get this error. i already included in files section [Files] Source: "Files\spl.png"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy with all handles and in FMXDesigning i already state LangGameSplash.FCreate(LangForm.Handle); LangGameSplash.SetBounds(5, 5, 266, 89); LangGameSplash.FillPicture(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\s pl.png'), wmTileStretch); LangGameSplash.HitTest(False); but why i get this error that its not exist? |
Nevermind guys, sorry, the problem is i put "ExpandConstant" instead of "ExtractandLoad"
ughhh |
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