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Old 20-02-2022, 16:07
Hexagon123 Hexagon123 is offline
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Used to extract encrypted *.ERA files in Halo Wars: DE.

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Old 22-02-2022, 08:01
:( Sad8669 :( Sad8669 is offline
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God of War - Database

God of War - Sound  Banks
No.| Name of the file | Blocks|
1.lvl_stn000.sbp  | 0 - 18528 |
2.lvl_helr000.sbp | 0 - 16736 |
3.lvl_peak000.sbp | 0 - 21600 |
4.lvl_hel000.sbp  | 0 - 14688 |
5.lvl_alf000.sbp  | 0 - 44128 |
6.lvl_foot000.sbp | 0 - 7008 |
7.lvl_riv000.sbp  | 0 - 22368 |
8.lvl_stn950.sbp  | 0 - 5472  |
9.lvl_cal700_templeflip.sbp | 0 - 6240  |
10.chr_kratos.sbp | 0 - 45152  |
11.lvl_muspelheim.sbp | 0 - 3424  |
12.lvl_jot000.sbp | 0 - 2912  |
13.lvl_nid000.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
14.lvl_cal000.sbp | 0 - 29792  |
15.lvl_cal500_runevault.sbp | 0 - 7264  |
16.lvl_xpl300_stronghold.sbp | 0 - 2912 |
17.lvl_cal800_snakebelly.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
18.chr_son.sbp| 0 - 7520  |
19.chr_dragon_peakspass.sbp | 0 - 8288  |
20.lvl_xpl450_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 2400  |
21.lvl_cal130_templeint.sbp | 0 - 3680  |
22.lvl_xpl200_funeral.sbp | 0 - 2912  |
23.glb_perm.sbp| 0 - 32864  |
24.lvl_xpl400_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 2400  |
25.chr_jotunn.sbp | 0 - 8800  |
26.chr_magni.sbp | 0 - 4192  |
27.chr_valkyrie.sbp | 0 - 9312  |
28.lvl_jot_cal300.sbp | 0 - 352  |
29.lvl_xpl850_dungeonforest | 0 - 2400  |
30.chr_traveler.sbp| 0 - 8288  |
31.lvl_riv925.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
32.chr_dark_one_shared.sbp | 0 - 8544  |
33.chr_draugr.sbp | 0 - 8288  |
34.chr_golem.sbp | 0 - 6496 |
35.chr_stone_mason.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
36.vo_glb_troll_efforts.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
37.chr_baldur.sbp | 0 - 6240  |
38.chr_worldsnake.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
39.lvl_for200_house.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
40.lvl_xpl100_httk.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
41.lvl_cal590_runevaultelevator.sbp | 0 - 1120   |
42.chr_wulver.sbp | 0 - 5216  |
43.chr_witch_shared.sbp | 0 - 3168  |
44.chr_dragon_baldur.sbp| 0 - 2400  |
45.lvl_peak100.sbp | 0 - 3424  |
46.chr_projection.sbp | 0 - 2400  |
47.mech_gondola_lift.sbp| 0 - 864  |
48.lvl_peak200.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
49.chr_troll_shared.sbp | 0 - 5984  |
50.lvl_for350_exittunnel.sbp | 0 - 864  |
51.lvl_riv325.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
52.lvl_chisel_room.sbp | 0 - 2144 |
53.veh_boat.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
54.chr_flyer_shared.sbp | 0 - 2656  |
55.vo_glb_dark_ones_efforts.sbp | 0 - 4704  |
56.lvl_for660_templeinterior.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
57.mx_alfheim.sbp | 0 - 5216  |
58.mag_temporal_light.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
59.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gnr.sbp | 0 - 352  |
60.chr_dragon_xpl.sbp | 0 - 4704  |
61.chr_crawler.sbp | 0 - 4192  |
62.chr_helwalker.sbp | 0 - 5472  |
63.mech_bell_puzzle.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
64.chr_wolf.sbp | 0 - 3936  |
65.lvl_riv200.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
66.chr_troll_guardian.sbp | 0 - 3680 |
67.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_rot.sbp | 0 - 352  |
68.vo_glb_witch_efforts.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
69.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_olr.sbp| 0 - 352  |
70.chr_modi.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
71.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_kaa.sbp | 0 - 352  |
72.lvl_riv480.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
73.mech_waterwheel.sbp | 0 - 608 |
74.vo_glb_troll_banter.sbp | 0 - 1376 |
75.lvl_xpl600_masontrail.sbp | 0 - 864  |
76.vo_glb_bandit_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
77.vo_glb_brawler_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
78.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_sig.sbp | 0 - 352  |
79.vo_glb_fanatic_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
80.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_eir.sbp | 0 - 352  |
81.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_hld.sbp | 0 - 352  |
82.vo_glb_dark_ones_banter.sbp | 0 - 4448  |
83.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gnd.sbp | 0 - 352  |
84.lvl_riv350.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
85.lvl_for900_exitclimb.sbp | 0 - 864  |
86.chr_troll_fire.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
87.brk_hive.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
88.lvl_red_storm.sbp | 0 - 352  |
89.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gei.sbp | 0 - 352  |
90.vo_glb_traveler_banter.sbp | 0 - 864  |
91.chr_brok.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
92.chr_sindri.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
93.lvl_xpl980_beachwaterfall.sbp | 0 - 608  |
94.loot_chests.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
95.trap_block_crusher.sbp | 0 - 864  |
96.lvl_cal130_templeint_doors.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
97.wpn_club.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
98.lvl_xpl900_islandarch.sbp | 0 - 608  |
99.wpn_grenade_rune_stone.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
100.brk_bramble.sbp | 0 - 864  |
101.lvl_cal120_airlock.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
102.brk_stone_modular.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
103.chr_troll_ice.sbp | 0 - 2656  |
104.trap_scorn_pole.sbp | 0 - 608  |
105.lvl_cal250_foothillslh.sbp | 0 - 864  |
106.mech_elevator_stone_large.sbp | 0 - 608  |
107.mag_hel_drain.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
108.lvl_cal100_hub.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
109.mx_prologue.sbp | 0 - 5472  |
110.chr_troll_stone.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
111.lvl_for550_brokenforest.sbp | 0 - 864  |
112.vo_glb_witch_banter.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
113.lvl_peak740.sbp | 0 - 864  |
114.mech_pulley_chain.sbp | 0 - 608  |
115.mag_black_breath.sbp | 0 - 608  |
116.wpn_bifrost_bomb.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
117.trap_saw_blades.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
118.mech_bridge_wood.sbp | 0 - 864  |
119.vo_glb_traveler_efforts.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
120.mx_stn_boss.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
121.vo_glb_bandit_undead_banter.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
122.vo_glb_fanatic_undead_banter.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
123.chr_witch10_pestilence.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
124.mx_peakspass.sbp | 0 - 5216  |
125.chr_brawler.sbp | 0 - 864 |
126.brk_wood_tree.sbp | 0 - 352  |
127.mx_caldera.sbp | 0 - 10848  |
128.trap_scorn_stone.sbp | 0 - 864  |
129.mat_snow.sbp | 0 - 352  |
130.mech_spindle_wood.sbp | 0 - 864  |
131.mat_wood.sbp | 0 - 352  |
132.chr_flyer00_fighter.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
133.chr_boar.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
134.wpn_blades_special_spin.sbp | 0 - 4448  |
135.brk_treasure.sbp | 0 - 608  |
136.trap_fire_column.sbp | 0 - 864  |
137.mat_water.sbp | 0 - 352  |
138.chr_witch20_helwalker.sbp | 0 - 864  |
139.brk_fire_pot.sbp | 0 - 864  |
140.lvl_xpl910_islandshipwreck.sbp | 0 - 608 |
141.mech_crank_wheel_metal.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
142.mech_dragon_leash.sbp | 0 - 352  |
143.loot_rift_pocket.sbp | 0 - 864  |
144.wpn_axe_special_throwdown.sbp | 0 - 608  |
145.door_chisel_room.sbp | 0 - 864  |
146.door_stone_double_door.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
147.mat_ice.sbp | 0 - 352  |
148.wpn_blades_special_mines.sbp | 0 - 1376 |
149.brk_ice.sbp| 0 - 608  |
150.mech_fast_travel.sbp | 0 - 864  |
151.wpn_axe_special_spin.sbp | 0 - 352  |
152.lvl_for800_trollarena.sbp | 0 - 352  |
153.mech_elevator_wood.sbp | 0 - 608  |
154.mat_dirt.sbp | 0 - 352  |
155.wpn_blades_special_grapple_ram.sbp | 0 - 2912  |
156.wpn_axe_special_horizontal_wave.sbp | 0 - 608  |
157.wpn_blades_special_flurry_stab.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
158.wpn_blades_special_triple_slam.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
159.door_gate_metal_spread.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
160.wpn_axe_special_beam | 0 - 864  |
161.mx_riverpass.sbp | 0 - 6240  |
162.door_spikes_puzzle.sbp | 0 - 864  |
163.mx_muspelheim.sbp | 0 - 4704  |
164.mech_rotary_turnstile_puzzle.sbp | 0 - 352  |
165.chr_treasure_goblin.sbp | 0 - 864  |
166.mat_global.sbp | 0 - 608  |
167.lvl_xpl940_beachcave.sbp | 0 - 864  |
168.amb_emit_crows.sbp | 0 - 608  |
169.mat_grass.sbp | 0 - 352  |
170.brk_tent.sbp | 0 - 608  |
171.trap_metal_spikes.sbp | 0 - 608  |
172.door_freya_double_spread.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
173.mx_stonemason.sbp | 0 - 4192  |
174.brk_metal.sbp | 0 - 2400  |
175.wpn_blades_special_weapon_buff.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
176.lvl_for250_chiselsite.sbp | 0 - 352  |
177.wpn_axe_special_flurry_chop.sbp | 0 - 608  |
178.mech_zipline.sbp | 0 - 608  |
179.amb_emit_seagulls.sbp | 0 - 864  |
180.wpn_blades_special_twirl_barrage.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
181.trap_roots.sbp | 0 - 352  |
182.mech_gate_stone.sbp | 0 - 864  |
183.wpn_blades_special_fire_clap.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
184.wpn_blades_special_flurry_spin.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
185.wpn_axe_special_ground_slam.sbp | 0 - 352  |
186.loot_odins_ravens.sbp | 0 - 608  |
187.loot_idols.sbp | 0 - 608  |
188.wpn_axe_special_hailstorm.sbp | 0 - 608  |
189.brk_clay_vase.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
190.brk_wood_barrel_float.sbp | 0 - 352  |
191.wpn_blades_special_hop_slam.sbp | 0 - 352  |
192.lvl_riv475.sbp | 0 - 352  |
193.wpn_blades_special_shield_rush.sbp | 0 - 608  |
194.door_rune_vault_lift.sbp | 0 - 864  |
195.wpn_sword.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
196.wpn_blades_special_fire_wave.sbp | 0 - 608  |
197.door_gate_metal_lift.sbp | 0 - 608  |
198.fs_footstep_events.sbp | 0 - 3936  |
199.door_wood_double_door.sbp | 0 - 352  |
200.lvl_for400_intersection.sbp | 0 - 352  |
201.wpn_blades_special_flint_shotgun.sbp | 0 - 608  |
202.chr_flyer10_possessor.sbp | 0 - 352  |
203.wpn_axe_special_rake.sbp | 0 - 608  |
204.door_metal_lift_gate_forest.sbp | 0 - 864  |
205.mat_stone.sbp | 0 - 352  |
206.vo_glb_brawler_undead_banter.sbp | 0 - 864  |
207.mx_baldur2.sbp | 0 - 608  |
208.wpn_blades_special_meteor_slam.sbp | 0 - 864  |
209.brk_stone_statue.sbp | 0 - 352  |
210.mag_realm_roots.sbp | 0 - 352  |
211.mag_rune_reading.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
212.mech_keystone.sbp | 0 - 608  |
213.chr_dark_oneelite00.sbp| 0 - 352  |
214.wpn_axe_special_shield_rush.sbp | 0 - 608  |
215.mag_dispel_dragon_pedestal.sbp | 0 - 608  |
216.mech_lever_dial.sbp | 0 - 608  |
217.chr_witch00_spawner.sbp | 0 - 864  |
218.lvl_for600_spire.sbp | 0 - 352  |
219.mat_metal.sbp | 0 - 352  |
220.mag_dispel_orb.sbp | 0 - 352  |
221.mat_mud.sbp | 0 - 352  |
222.wpn_axe_special_quick_clear.sbp | 0 - 352  |
223.amb_emit_fish.sbp | 0 - 608  |
224.door_templeflip.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
225.wpn_axe_special_vertical_wave.sbp | 0 - 608  |
226.mx_helheim.sbp | 0 - 4448  |
227.lvl_cal720_lowercenterroom.sbp | 0 - 608  |
228.lvl_cal140_templeext.sbp | 0 - 608  |
229.wpn_axe_special_grind_toss.sbp | 0 - 608  |
230.wpn_blades_special_cross.sbp | 0 - 864  |
231.brk_draugr_statue.sbp | 0 - 352  |
232.lvl_stn200.sbp | 0 - 352  |
233.chr_kratos_cavecrawlslide.sbp | 0 - 608  |
234.brk_bone.sbp | 0 - 864  |
235.fs_claws_media.sbp | 0 - 352  |
236.chr_quest_giver.sbp | 0 - 608  |
237.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts.sbp | 0 - 3424  |
238.lvl_xpl960_beachship.sbp | 0 - 352  |
239.amb_emit_flags.sbp | 0 - 352  |
240.door_httk.sbp | 0 - 352  |
241.wpn_axe_special_weapon_buff.sbp | 0 - 352  |
242.door_stone_huldramines_double_door.sbp | 0 - 608  |
243.mx_foothills.sbp | 0 - 2144  |
244.trap_spear_spikes.sbp | 0 - 608  |
245.mech_rbr_tower.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
246.mat_flesh.sbp | 0 - 352  |
247.lvl_for500_forestentry.sbp | 0 - 352  |
248.door_viking_funeral.sbp | 0 - 608  |
249.wpn_axe_two_handed.sbp | 0 - 864  |
250.door_alfheim_double_door.sbp | 0 - 864  |
251.mech_block_push_crystal_cart.sbp | 0 - 352  |
252.mech_block_push_stone.sbp | 0 - 352  |
253.mx_jotunheim.sbp | 0 - 864  |
254.wpn_axe_special_sweep.sbp | 0 - 608  |
255.brk_dragon_statue.sbp | 0 - 352  |
256.mech_puzzle_timer.sbp | 0 - 608  |
257.door_forest_double_door.sbp | 0 - 864  |
258.lvl_global.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
259.mech_lever_metal.sbp | 0 - 352  |
260.foly_snowblind_shield.sbp| 0 - 352  |
261.wpn_axe_special_rail_toss.sbp | 0 - 352  |
262.amb_emit_crabs.sbp | 0 - 352  |
263.phy_metal.sbp | 0 - 608  |
264.lvl_for650_bridge.sbp | 0 - 608  |
265.lvl_cal170_library.sbp | 0 - 608  |
266.lvl_peak140.sbp | 0 - 352  |
267.mx_forest_opening.sbp | 0 - 608  |
268.mat_coins.sbp | 0 - 352  |
269.amb_emit_frogs.sbp | 0 - 608  |
270.mx_xpl100_httk.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
271.door_metal_prison_cell.sbp | 0 - 608  |
272.brk_loot_bag.sbp | 0 - 352  |
273.mat_temporal_bridge.sbp | 0 - 352 |
274.door_wood_freya_house.sbp | 0 - 608  |
275.mx_global.sbp | 0 - 352  |
276.lvl_xpl475_huldramineslh.sbp | 0 - 608  |
277.init.sbp | 0 - 352  |
278.wpn_axe_special_glaive_storm.sbp | 0 - 352  |
279.chr_light_ones.sbp | 0 - 608  |
280.mx_niflheim.sbp | 0 - 1632  |
281.mx_xpl200_funeral.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
282.lvl_riv600.sbp | 0 - 864  |
283.brk_iceberg.sbp| 0 - 352  |
284.lvl_xpl150_httk.sbp | 0 - 608  |
285.door_stone_debris_lift.sbp | 0 - 608  |
286.mx_xpl850_dungeonforest.sbp | 0 - 1888  |
287.mx_snakebelly.sbp | 0 - 864  |
288.mx_xpl450_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
289.mech_hel_wind_mobile_totem.sbp | 0 - 608  |
290.amb_emit_lizards.sbp | 0 - 352  |
291.mx_xpl300_stronghold.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
292.mx_xpl600_masontrail.sbp | 0 - 1376  |
293.phy_bone.sbp | 0 - 608  |
294.phy_clay.sbp | 0 - 608  |
295.amb_emit_squirrel.sbp | 0 - 352  |
296.amb_emit_rats.sbp | 0 - 352 |
297.mech_arena_marker.sbp | 0 - 352  |
298.mx_xpl400_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
299.lvl_riv935.sbp | 0 - 608  |
300.mx_xpl650_masontrailcave.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
301.bf_bodyfall_events.sbp | 0 - 864  |
302.lvl_foot500.sbp | 0 - 608  |
303.chr_freya_magic.sbp | 0 - 352  |
304.door_stone_drainvault.sbp | 0 - 352  |
305.lvl_cal800_transition.sbp | 0 - 352  |
306.mx_sonsick.sbp | 0 - 608  |
307.chr_talking_ring.sbp | 0 - 1120  |
308.mech_triptych.sbp | 0 - 352  |
309.door_realm_portal.sbp | 0 - 352  |
310.mech_gate_metal_lift.sbp | 0 - 352  |
311.chr_bandit.sbp | 0 - 352  |
312.chr_dark_one00.sbp | 0 - 352  |
313.chr_freya.sbp | 0 - 352  |
314.door_realm_room.sbp | 0 - 352  |
315.lvl_foot100.sbp | 0 - 352  |
316.lvl_foot200.sbp | 0 - 352  |
317.lvl_foot300.sbp | 0 - 352  |
318.lvl_foot400.sbp | 0 - 352  |
319.lvl_for100 | 0 - 352  |
320.lvl_helr100.sbp | 0 - 352  |
321.lvl_riv085.sbp | 0 - 352  |
322.lvl_riv100.sbp | 0 - 352  |
323.lvl_riv225.sbp | 0 - 352  |
324.lvl_riv250.sbp | 0 - 352  |
325.lvl_riv430.sbp | 0 - 352  |
326.lvl_xpl225_funerallh.sbp | 0 - 352  |
327.lvl_xpl920_islandclimb.sbp | 0 - 352  |
328.lvl_xpl930_beachruins.sbp | 0 - 352  |
329.lvl_xpl950_beachmaze.sbp | 0 - 352  |
330.lvl_xpl970_beachtower.sbp | 0 - 352  |
331.mat_bone.sbp | 0 - 352  |
332.vo_glb_jotunn_banter.sbp | 0 - 352  |
333.vo_glb_jotunn_efforts.sbp | 0 - 352  |
334.lvl_for000.sbp | 0 - 20320  |
Note : If you are using HxD, make sure to use 1 less decimal, For example

lvl_for000.sbp | 0 - 20320 |, then use | 0 - 20319 |
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Old 22-02-2022, 10:05
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Freeware Hex Editor XVI32



It is just like any Hex Editor, but it supports command line usage.
One application of the XVI32 is GOW SBP Tool.
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Old 22-02-2022, 10:06
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Usage :

Put the contents under "GodOfWar\exec\wad\pc_le\soundbanks" and run "GOW SBP Tool v1.0.bat"

It will remove all content before BKHD and make your .sbp compatible with QBMS script.

For more info, click here.

Originally Posted by KaktoR View Post
Thanks for the hint.
Now find a way to do the hex editing for hundreds of files in a batch
KaktoR, is this what you wanted?

Masquerade provided some useful batch commands.

Note : All i did was give the idea of conversion and wrote the batch, XVI32 still does the job. I have provided the database for manual method one post above.
Attached Files
File Type: rar GOW SBP Tool v1.0.rar (351.4 KB, 58 views)
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Old 22-02-2022, 10:32
Masquerade Masquerade is offline
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  • Decryption tool for TDE files found in the game TearDown.
[External compressor:TearDownDecrypt.NET]
header    = 0
solid     = 0
packcmd   = {compressor} $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
unpackcmd = {compressor} $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp $$arcdatafile$$.tmp
  • You don't need to use it with FreeArc. Since it's non-solid, it's just as good, if not better, to run it standalone with a batch file.
TearDownDecrypt.NET.exe <encrypted file> <decrypted file>
TearDownDecrypt.NET.exe <decrypted file> <encrypted file>
Thanks to lyhyl for some code used in this project.
Attached Files
File Type: 7z TearDownDecrypt.NET.7z (2.4 KB, 23 views)

Last edited by Masquerade; 22-02-2022 at 13:14.
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Old 23-02-2022, 09:48
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Upon extracting audio from sound banks, you might encounter .dat files.
they are not named as .wav because their header isn't "RIFF".

You can convert it to a compatible .wem that works with WemTool.

Delete everything in HxD until you see "RIFF".
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Old 23-02-2022, 23:31
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GOW SBP Tool Update v.1.1

Changes :
Fixed bunch of scripts which weren't properly converted.
More stuff to come.

I can't edit the main post for some reasons.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Scripts.rar (23.8 KB, 33 views)
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Old 27-02-2022, 09:00
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Modifed Gust PAK Tool for Atelier Sophie 2
  • I compiled this version based on the differences proposed to the source by 20051231.
  • This will allow you to unpack and decrypt the archives for Atelier Sophie 2 and rebuild them. You can XDelta them to the original archives.
  • To unpack:
    gust_pak -k dGGKXLHLuCJwv8aBc3YQX6X6sREVPchs "<input pak file>"
    To repack:
    gust_pak -k dGGKXLHLuCJwv8aBc3YQX6X6sREVPchs "<input_json_file>
Attached Files
File Type: 7z Gust_PAK_Modified_Atelier_Sophie_2.7z (218.7 KB, 17 views)

Last edited by Masquerade; 27-02-2022 at 14:57.
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Old 28-02-2022, 10:00
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God of War - Database II

God of War - .DAT Database
No.| Name of the file | Blocks|
1.lvl_stn000.sbp  | 0 - 10 |
2.lvl_helr000.sbp | 0 - 51976 |
3.lvl_peak000.sbp | 0 - 18 |
4.lvl_hel000.sbp  | 0 - 17 |
5.lvl_alf000.sbp  | 0 - 14 |
6.lvl_foot000.sbp | 0 - 23 |
7.lvl_riv000.sbp  | 0 - 15 |
8.lvl_stn950.sbp  | 0 - 15  |
9.lvl_cal700_templeflip.sbp | 0 - 249536  |
10.chr_kratos.sbp | 0 - 17  |
11.lvl_muspelheim.sbp | 0 - 17  |
12.lvl_jot000.sbp | 0 - 17  |
13.lvl_nid000.sbp | 0 - 14  |
14.lvl_cal000.sbp | 0 - 23  |
15.lvl_cal500_runevault.sbp | 0 - 21 |
16.lvl_xpl300_stronghold.sbp | 0 - 10 |
17.lvl_cal800_snakebelly.sbp | 0 - 12  |
18.chr_son.sbp| 0 - 18  |
19.chr_dragon_peakspass.sbp | 0 - 20 |
20.lvl_xpl450_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 10  |
21.lvl_cal130_templeint.sbp | 0 - 19  |
22.lvl_xpl200_funeral.sbp | 0 - 12  |
23.glb_perm.sbp| 0 - 22 |
24.lvl_xpl400_huldramines.sbp | 0 - 2400  | [Wait for update]
25.chr_jotunn.sbp | 0 - 15  |
26.chr_magni.sbp | 0 - 22  |
27.chr_valkyrie.sbp | 0 - 17  |
28.lvl_jot_cal300.sbp | Does not have a RIFF |
29.lvl_xpl850_dungeonforest | 0 - 15  |
30.chr_traveler.sbp| 0 - 12  |
31.lvl_riv925.sbp | 0 - 17  |
32.chr_dark_one_shared.sbp | 0 - 16  |
33.chr_draugr.sbp | 0 - 23  |
34.chr_golem.sbp | 0 - 9 |
35.chr_stone_mason.sbp | 0 - 14  |
36.vo_glb_troll_efforts.sbp | 0 - 16  |
37.chr_baldur.sbp | 0 - 23  |
38.chr_worldsnake.sbp | 0 - 12  |
39.lvl_for200_house.sbp | 0 - 23  |
40.lvl_xpl100_httk.sbp | 0 - 23  |
41.lvl_cal590_runevaultelevator.sbp | 0 - 9  |
42.chr_wulver.sbp | 0 - 8  |
43.chr_witch_shared.sbp | 0 - 19  |
44.chr_dragon_baldur.sbp| 0 - 19  |
45.lvl_peak100.sbp | 0 - 22 |
46.chr_projection.sbp | 0 - 9 |
47.mech_gondola_lift.sbp| 0 - 22  |
48.lvl_peak200.sbp | 0 - 14  |
49.chr_troll_shared.sbp | 0 - 19  |
50.lvl_for350_exittunnel.sbp | 0 - 20  |
51.lvl_riv325.sbp | 0 - 18  |
52.lvl_chisel_room.sbp | 0 - 15 |
53.veh_boat.sbp | 0 - 17  |
54.chr_flyer_shared.sbp | 0 - 8 |
55.vo_glb_dark_ones_efforts.sbp | 0 - 14  |
56.lvl_for660_templeinterior.sbp | 0 - 14  |
57.mx_alfheim.sbp | 0 - 23  |
58.mag_temporal_light.sbp | 0 - 16  |
59.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gnr.sbp | 0 - 10  |
60.chr_dragon_xpl.sbp | 0 - 22  |
61.chr_crawler.sbp | 0 - 12  |
62.chr_helwalker.sbp | 0 - 12  |
63.mech_bell_puzzle.sbp | 0 - 20  |
64.chr_wolf.sbp | 0 - 10  |
65.lvl_riv200.sbp | 0 - 10  |
66.chr_troll_guardian.sbp | 0 - 23 |
67.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_rot.sbp | 0 - 8  |
68.vo_glb_witch_efforts.sbp | 0 - 10  |
69.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_olr.sbp| 0 - 16  |
70.chr_modi.sbp | 0 - 20  |
71.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_kaa.sbp | 0 - 19  |
72.lvl_riv480.sbp | 0 - 16  |
73.mech_waterwheel.sbp | 0 - 20 |
74.vo_glb_troll_banter.sbp | 0 - 1136 |
75.lvl_xpl600_masontrail.sbp | 0 - 23  |
76.vo_glb_bandit_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 10  |
77.vo_glb_brawler_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 10  |
78.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_sig.sbp | 0 - 14  |
79.vo_glb_fanatic_undead_efforts.sbp | 0 - 10  |
80.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_eir.sbp | 0 - 14  |
81.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_hld.sbp | 0 - 21  |
82.vo_glb_dark_ones_banter.sbp | 0 - 2282  |
83.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gnd.sbp | 0 - 20  |
84.lvl_riv350.sbp | 0 - 8  |
85.lvl_for900_exitclimb.sbp | 0 - 16  |
86.chr_troll_fire.sbp | 0 - 20  |
87.brk_hive.sbp | 0 - 15  |
88.lvl_red_storm.sbp | 0 - 23  |
89.vo_glb_valkyrie_efforts_gei.sbp | 0 - 8  |
90.vo_glb_traveler_banter.sbp | 0 - 16  |
91.chr_brok.sbp | 0 - 20 |
92.chr_sindri.sbp | 0 - 9  |
93.lvl_xpl980_beachwaterfall.sbp | 0 - 14  |
94.loot_chests.sbp | 0 - 13 |
95.trap_block_crusher.sbp | 0 - 14  |
96.lvl_cal130_templeint_doors.sbp | 0 - 19  |
97.wpn_club.sbp | 0 - 18  |
98.lvl_xpl900_islandarch.sbp | 0 - 11  |
99.wpn_grenade_rune_stone.sbp | 0 - 20  |
100.brk_bramble.sbp | 0 - 8  |
101.lvl_cal120_airlock.sbp | 0 - 10  |
102.brk_stone_modular.sbp | 0 - 18  |
103.chr_troll_ice.sbp | 0 - 23  |
104.trap_scorn_pole.sbp | 0 - 14  |
105.lvl_cal250_foothillslh.sbp | 0 - 22  |
106.mech_elevator_stone_large.sbp | 0 - 0  |[0 KB .DAT]
107.mag_hel_drain.sbp | 0 - 9  |
108.lvl_cal100_hub.sbp | 0 - 14  |
109.mx_prologue.sbp | 0 - 5472  |
110.chr_troll_stone.sbp | 0 - 22  |
111.lvl_for550_brokenforest.sbp | 0 - 8  |
112.vo_glb_witch_banter.sbp | 0 - 67  |
113.lvl_peak740.sbp | 0 - 10 |
114.mech_pulley_chain.sbp | 0 - 9  |
115.mag_black_breath.sbp | 0 - 17  |
116.wpn_bifrost_bomb.sbp | 0 - 21  |
117.trap_saw_blades.sbp | 0 - 20  |
118.mech_bridge_wood.sbp | 0 - 18  |
119.vo_glb_traveler_efforts.sbp | 0 - 19 |
120.mx_stn_boss.sbp | 0 - 0  | [ 0 KB .DAT]
121.vo_glb_bandit_undead_banter.sbp | 0 - 16  |
122.vo_glb_fanatic_undead_banter.sbp | 0 - 16  |
123.chr_witch10_pestilence.sbp | 0 - 19  |
124.lvl_for000.sbp | 0 - 20320  | [Wait for update]
For more info, read here.

124 Files, because other banks are not worth it.
After 124 All .sbp < 1MB
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Old 09-03-2022, 10:58
Masquerade Masquerade is offline
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Forza Horizon 3 Filename Cipher
l = a
` = b
^ = c
6 = d
q = e
v = f
{ = g
@ = h
$ = i
7 = j
s = k
b = l
g = m
8 = n
h = o
u = p
f = q
4 = r
~ = s
1 = t
= = u
' = v
m = w
] = x
! = y
, = z
y = _
_ = -
[ = 0
0 = 1
w = 2
k = 3
( = 4
2 = 5
j = 6
} = 7
; = 8
+ = 9
Forza Horizon 3 Filename Decipher Tool
  • A little tool I wrote in C# to make reading the folders and file names from FH3 significantly easier
  • Usage:
    FH3FilenameDecipherTool.exe <input string>
  • Give encrypted input string to receive an output in plain English.
Attached Files
File Type: 7z FH3FilenameDecipherTool.7z (2.4 KB, 15 views)

Last edited by Masquerade; 09-03-2022 at 12:24.
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Old 12-03-2022, 03:47
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TAK: (T)om's lossless (A)udio (K)ompressor
  • You may already have heard about TAK through ProFrager's MSC, it passes WAVE audio to TAK for it to be compressed.
  • However, some audio MSC will skip over that TAK can still compress perfectly, so in this case you can use TAK directly with FreeArc to squeeze out even more compression.
  • You MUST use solid = 0 option since each WAVE audio file should be compressed individually.

    [External compressor: tak]
    header     = 0 
    solid      = 0
    packcmd    = {compressor} -e -p4m $$arcdatafile$$.wav $$arcpackedfile$$.tak
    unpackcmd  = {compressor} -d $$arcpackedfile$$.tak $$arcdatafile$$.wav
    datafile   = $$arcdatafile$$.wav
    packedfile = $$arcpackedfile$$.tak
Attached Files
File Type: zip TAK_2.3.2.zip (839.0 KB, 66 views)

Last edited by Masquerade; 07-06-2022 at 15:16.
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Old 03-04-2022, 03:24
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Data Sheet for Weird West: Build 8447248
  • Use this BMS script to unpack the videos from the game archive specified below then you can patch out the flagged files using SFK.
    quickbms -f *.mp4 ue4_27.bms <path_to_pak-file> <path for extracted files>
  • PAK contains duplicated movies (some are at a higher bitrate than ones in the Movies folder).
  • Tutorial Movies are 1:1 copies so you can rip them from the pak entirely and patch them back in using source files in the Movies folder.


5080471605 - 5114502224 - Ending_Sequence_1A.mp4

5114503221 - 5146680206 - Ending_Sequence_1B.mp4

5146681397 - 5155330003 - Ending_Sequence_2A.mp4

5155330101 - 5162727954 - Ending_Sequence_2B.mp4

5162729525 - 5172043972 - Ending_Sequence_3A.mp4

5172045877 - 5181516743 - Ending_Sequence_3B.mp4

5181517877 - 5191598168 - Ending_Sequence_4.mp4

5191600181 - 5203235932 - Ending_Sequence_5A.mp4

5203236917 - 5216004055 - Ending_Sequence_5B.mp4

5216004149 - 5227548347 - Ending_Sequence_6.mp4

5227548725 - 5245713959 - Ending_Sequence_7A.mp4

5246599221 - 5304486803 - LOGO_WEIRDWEST.mp4

5305372725 - 5455204968 - MotionSeq_Sec4_30fps_2.mp4 [HIGH BITRATE VERSION]

4865556533 - 4872815775 - BHJCharm.mp4

4872816693 - 4878736350 - BHJQuickThinker.mp4

4878737461 - 4883381367 - BHJRoundhouseKick.mp4

4883382325 - 4889067836 - BHJShrapnelMine.mp4

4889069621 - 4896328884 - DevoteeHealing.mp4

4896329781 - 4901731561 - DevoteeInunsStrength.mp4

4901732405 - 4908280363 - DevoteeYebsFire.mp4

4908281909 - 4914666523 - DevoteeYebsInvisibility.mp4

4914667573 - 4921055305 - OneiristAstralProjection.mp4

4921057333 - 4926179545 - OneiristShift.mp4

4926181429 - 4933202119 - OneiristSpiritWard.mp4

4939753525 - 4946361167 - PigmanPutridCloud.mp4

4946362421 - 4952838473 - PigmanRubberSkin.mp4

4952840245 - 4958091474 - PigmanShockwave.mp4

4958093365 - 4964214628 - PigmanUnstoppableCharge.mp4

4964214837 - 4970827548 - ProtectorCousinBear.mp4

4970827829 - 4976405451 - ProtectorSurefooted.mp4

4976406581 - 4985173975 - ProtectorThunderbirdStrike.mp4

4985174069 - 4992605780 - ProtectorWesternWind.mp4

4992606261 - 4997859761 - BladeAdrenaline.mp4

4997861429 - 5002371285 - BladeBloodThirsty.mp4

5002373173 - 5005867179 - BladeCharge.mp4

5005869109 - 5010539791 - BladeSpinningStrike.mp4

5010540597 - 5015911683 - BowAmbushArrow.mp4

5015912501 - 5021818233 - BowHeartFinder.mp4

5021818933 - 5027273866 - BowSplashArrows.mp4

5027274805 - 5031656724 - BowSwiftShots.mp4

5031657525 - 5037712601 - PistolFantheHammer.mp4

5037713461 - 5042342882 - PistolHighNoon.mp4

5042343989 - 5048047026 - PistolLightningRounds.mp4

5048047669 - 5054296753 - RifleBulletHail.mp4

5054298165 - 5057977082 - RifleRightBetweentheEyes.mp4

5057978421 - 5062541759 - RifleSentrySilencer.mp4

5062543413 - 5069114606 - ShotgunBothBarrels.mp4

5069115445 - 5073175978 - ShotgunExplosiveShells.mp4

5073176629 - 5080471118 - ShotgunRapidReload.mp4

5455206453 - 5618839007 - AncientTemple2.mp4

5618839605 - 5625845451 - Bow.mp4

5625845813 - 5632589377 - Devotee - Bless.mp4

5632589877 - 5717023098 - DODGE LEAP.mp4

5717024821 - 5780463952 - ELEMENTAL ARROWS.mp4

5780465717 - 5782927439 - Ghost.mp4

5782929461 - 5853563279 - INUN_STRENGTH.mp4

5853564981 - 5856068979 - LOGO_TUTORIAL_WEIRDWEST.mp4

5856069685 - 5862902122 - Oneirist - Teleport.mp4

5862903861 - 5867480207 - Pigman - Unstoppable Charge.mp4

5867481141 - 5875196886 - Protector - High Dexterity.mp4

5875198005 - 5982497945 - QUICK THINKER.mp4

5982498869 - 6037483670 - REINFORCED DOORS.mp4

6037485621 - 6086940883 - SHIFT.mp4

6086942773 - 6149461181 - SURE_FOOTED.mp4

6149462069 - 6189921608 - Tuto_Cover.mp4

6189922357 - 6234171129 - Tutorial_ hide_body.mp4

6234171445 - 6297738272 - Tutorial_Aiming.mp4

6297739317 - 6304717847 - Tutorial_Belt.mp4

6304718901 - 6359862419 - Tutorial_climb.mp4

6359863349 - 6388080751 - Tutorial_Combat.mp4

6388082741 - 6418310504 - Tutorial_Consumable.mp4

6418311221 - 6449844289 - Tutorial_crouch.mp4

6449846325 - 6458712956 - Tutorial_Elemental.mp4

6458714165 - 6476188248 - Tutorial_kick.mp4

6476189749 - 6512632418 - Tutorial_KnockOut.mp4

6512633909 - 6573591703 - Tutorial_Objectives.mp4

6573592629 - 6596961817 - Tutorial_Reload.mp4

6596962357 - 6634221598 - Tutorial_Sneak.mp4

6634223669 - 6640308616 - Tutorial_SwitchingWeapon.mp4

6640310325 - 6663968102 - Tutorial_Zoom.mp4

6663968821 - 6720291756 - UNSTOPPABLE_CHARGE.mp4

6720292917 - 6773539313 - USING THE ENVIRONMENT.mp4

6773540917 - 6916510222 - WEREWOLF.mp4
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Old 24-04-2022, 09:55
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Tools for decompressing ZenStudios ".pxp" archives

Disclaimer: These tools are largely proof-of-concept and decompress MOST assets for MOST of the titles using this archive type (titles developed by the aforementioned ZenStudios).

It's recommended to use the attached QuickBMS script, as this is more compatible with "*.pxp" archives.

Again I'd like to reiterate, these tools aren't useful at all for processing archives, to be re-compressed, but represent a groundwork for potential researchers to build off of.
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Old 03-05-2022, 07:38
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LA 0.4b Lossless Audio Compressor from FreeArc

This programs slow! Compression ratio its average 35-50% percentage.

[External compressor:la]
header     = 0
solid      = 0
packcmd    = {compressor} -high -noseek $$arcdatafile$$.wav $$arcpackedfile$$.la
unpackcmd  = {compressor} $$arcpackedfile$$.la $$arcdatafile$$.wav
datafile   = $$arcdatafile$$.wav
packedfile = $$arcpackedfile$$.la
Try it get ~30-35% faster compression? Edit Arc.ini file in:

packcmd    = {compressor} $$arcdatafile$$.wav $$arcpackedfile$$.la
-noseek switches, not tested in normal mode. Compression ratio compare to TAK 2.3.1 version its gets 1% better ratio. (tested from 2h vhs audio file.)

Source: 1 380 802 638 byte
TAK -p4m: 330 493 043 byte (~450s)
LA normal: 326 997 420 byte (~2294s)
LA high, noseek: 327 872 609 byte (~1555s)
Attached Files
File Type: 7z LA_04b_Freearc.7z (1,021.5 KB, 46 views)

Last edited by kj911; 03-05-2022 at 08:45. Reason: More infos added
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Old 11-05-2022, 03:53
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WAV/WEM Extractor

Syntax: WAVExtractor <input file> <output path> [-r]

<input file> - The archive which contains WAV audio
<output path> - Path to store the extracted audio.
- Scans the input for WAV audio and extracts it to specified path.
- The audio may be a .WEM file, in which case you can use ww2ogg to convert it to playable OGGs.

Please report back bugs, Thank you.
Attached Files
File Type: rar WAVExtractor.rar (61.5 KB, 37 views)
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