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Old 12-10-2023, 02:52
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Talking FXPacker v2.0 - A Data Protector for InnoSetup

FXPacker API


FXPacker started as a side project to 'FMXInno', primarily dedicated to safeguarding various data types, such as (graphical content: images, music, text, etc.), used in the installer from unauthorized access.


This is Version 2. Let's review the changes it introduces.

1. Improved speed and reliability compared to previous versions.
   -- Note: This may cause compatibility issues with previous versions.

2. Now supports larger files.
   -- Please ensure that the total size of the files remains below 800 MB. 
      (Total_File_Size * 2 + Extra should be less than 2 GB)

3. Added new events: 
   -- OnProgress, OnDataSaving, OnItemUnpack, OnEncrypt, OnDecrypt.

4. Introduced additional functions.
   -- For a better understanding of how to use these functions, 
      refer to the examples provided in the attachment.

Simple Example:


  FXOk: Boolean;
  BufferA: AnsiString;
  BufferW: WideString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  FSize: Integer;
  LPtr: Longint;

  FXOk := FXPckrInit('@#123_Test', ExpandConstant('{src}\MySetup.exe'), False);

  if FXOk then
    // Img1
    // Img2
    FileSize(ExpandConstant('{src}\Files\Img2.png'), FSize);
    SetLength(BufferA, FSize);
    FXFileToBuffer1A(ExpandConstant('{src}\Files\Img2.png'), BufferA);
    FXPckrAddFromBuffer1A('Img2.png', BufferA);

    // Save

  { CleanUp }


  FXOk: Boolean;
  BufferA: AnsiString;
  BufferW: WideString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  FSize: Integer;
  LPtr: Longint;

  FXOk := FXUnPckrInit(ExpandConstant('{src}\Setup.dat'), '@#123_Test');

  if not FXOk then
    ShowErr('Failed to initialize the setup. The installation process cannot continue.');
  end else
    // Img1
    FXUnPckrExtract('Img1.png', ExpandConstant('{src}'));

    // Img2
    FSize := FXUnPckrExtractFileSize('Img2.png');
    SetLength(BufferA, FSize);
    FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer1A('Img2.png', BufferA);

  { CleanUp }

Functions / Methods:

{ Pckr }
function FXPckrInit(const Password, ExeFile: WideString; DebugMode: Boolean): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFile(const FileName: WideString): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromStream(const DisplayFilename: WideString; Source: TStream): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromBuffer1A(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: AnsiString): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromBuffer1W(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: WideString): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromBuffer2A(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromBuffer2W(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: PWideChar; const Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXPckrAddFromBuffer3AW(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: Longint; const Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
procedure FXPckrSave(const DestPackfile: WideString);
procedure FXPckrFree;

{ Unpckr }
function FXUnPckrInit(const PackFile, Password: WideString): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrFileExist(const DisplayFilename: WideString): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtract(const DisplayFilename, DestPath: WideString): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToStream(const DisplayFilename: WideString; Dest: TStream): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer1A(const DisplayFilename: WideString; var Buffer: AnsiString): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer1W(const DisplayFilename: WideString; var Buffer: WideString): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer2A(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: PAnsiChar; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer2W(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: PWideChar; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractToBuffer3AW(const DisplayFilename: WideString; const Buffer: Longint; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXUnPckrExtractFileSize(const DisplayFilename: WideString): Cardinal;
procedure FXUnPckrFree;
{ Extra }
function FXBufferToFile1A(const Buffer: AnsiString; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;
function FXBufferToFile1W(const Buffer: WideString; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;
function FXBufferToFile2A(const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;
function FXBufferToFile2W(const Buffer: PWideChar; const Count: Cardinal; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;
function FXBufferToFile3AW(const Buffer: Longint; const Count: Cardinal; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;

function FXFileToBuffer1A(const FileName: WideString; var Buffer: AnsiString): Boolean;
function FXFileToBuffer1W(const FileName: WideString; var Buffer: WideString): Boolean;
function FXFileToBuffer2A(const FileName: WideString; const Buffer: PAnsiChar; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXFileToBuffer2W(const FileName: WideString; const Buffer: PWideChar; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;
function FXFileToBuffer3AW(const FileName: WideString; const Buffer: Longint; var Count: Cardinal): Boolean;

function FXCastStringToIntegerA(var S: AnsiString): LongInt;
function FXCastStringToIntegerW(var S: WideString): LongInt;
function FXCastIntegerToStringA(const L: LongInt): AnsiString;
function FXCastIntegerToStringW(const L: LongInt): WideString;
function FXAnsiBufferToStr(const ABuffer: AnsiString): WideString;

function FXFreeBufferA(const Buffer: PAnsiChar): Integer;
function FXFreeBufferW(const Buffer: PWideChar): Integer;

{ Events }
procedure FXArchiveOnProgress(Callback: TArchiveOnProg);
procedure FXArchiveOnSaving(Callback: TArchiveOnProg);
procedure FXPackItemOnProgress(Callback: TItemOnProg);
procedure FXUnpackItemOnProgress(Callback: TItemOnProg);
procedure FXEncryptOnProgress(Callback: TCryptOnProg);
procedure FXDecryptOnProgress(Callback: TCryptOnProg);

Attached Images
File Type: png 00.png (22.7 KB, 119 views)
File Type: png 01.png (30.8 KB, 119 views)
Attached Files
File Type: rar FXPckr v2.0 + Examples [2023-Oct-15].rar (1.40 MB, 45 views)

Last edited by BLACKFIRE69; 14-10-2023 at 23:26. Reason: Added the latest update.
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Old 12-10-2023, 11:58
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Arrow Update

* Added missing event 'FXPackItemOnProgress'.
  -- procedure FXPackItemOnProgress(Callback: TItemOnProg);
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Old 13-10-2023, 08:56
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Arrow Optional Update

Optional Update:

* Included FastMM for improved memory management. 
    -- FastMM - Github
* Reduced the file size for enhanced performance and efficiency. 
    -- 211kb  >>  139kb

Last edited by BLACKFIRE69; 14-10-2023 at 23:23.
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Old 14-10-2023, 23:23
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Arrow FXPackerApi - Updates

Updates available! - [2023-Oct-15]

FXPackerApi v2.0:

* Now supports threading.
  -- It'll no longer affect the main thread of the client app (setup.exe) 
     and will run in its own thread, preventing client app freezing.

* Added a new function.
  -- function FXGetItemFileName(const Item: Longint): WideString;

FXPacker GUI v2.0:

* Updated to FXPackerApi v2.0.
* Added the ability to include entire directories, including subdirectories.
* Now you can remove multiple items at once.
* Added a feature to prevent adding duplicate items.

Attached Images
File Type: png 00.png (22.7 KB, 118 views)
Attached Files
File Type: rar FXPckr v2.0 + Examples [2023-Oct-15].rar (1.40 MB, 13 views)
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Old 15-10-2023, 10:36
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@BLACKFIRE69, Thank you very much for the updates.
Maybe you can include an additional function...
function FXPckrAddFileList(const FileList: WideString): Boolean;

Usage like this:
StrList := TStringList.Create;
You could also store files with a folder structure inside Data.dat.
To do this, use the character "|" as an option to inform the destination path in the internal structure of Data.dat. If "|" does not exist, add as a file without a subfolder in the internal structure of the items.
This would allow using files with the same names for different cases.
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