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Old 13-09-2024, 14:26
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Arrow InnoSetup - Private Edition

Project:    InnoSetup - Private Edition  
Based on:   v6.4.0-dev (latest)  
Changes by: BLACKFIRE69

What's New:

* Added Setup Directives:
    - Cursor
    - ResourceFiles
    - StorePrivateKey
    - StyleFile
    - EnableTaskbarPreview
    - AlphaBlendValue

* Added Script Functions:

  - File Extraction:
    - procedure ExtractTemporaryFileEx(const BaseName: String; const DestDir: string);
    - function ExtractTemporaryFilesEx(const Pattern: String; const DestDir: string): Integer;
    - function ExtractTemporaryFileSize(const BaseName: String): Cardinal;
    - function ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(const BaseName: String; Buffer: Integer): Boolean;
    - function ExtractTemporaryFileToStream(const BaseName: String; const Stream: TStream): Boolean;
    - function ExtractResourceFile(const ResourceName: string; const OutFile: String): Boolean;
    - function ExtractResourceFileSize(const ResourceName: String): Cardinal;
    - function ExtractResourceFileToBuffer(const ResourceName: String; Buffer: Integer): Boolean;
    - function ExtractResourceFileToStream(const ResourceName: String; const Stream: TStream): Boolean;

  - Type Casting:
    - function CastAnsiStringToInteger(var S: AnsiString): LongInt;
    - function CastIntegerToAnsiString(const L: LongInt): AnsiString;
    - function wBufferToFile(const Buffer: Integer; const Count: Cardinal; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean;

  - Private Key Handling:
    - function GetStoredPrivateKey(const TheRealKey: Boolean): String;
  - Installation Control:
    - procedure BeginInstallProcPause;
    - procedure EndInstallProcPause;
    - function IsInstallProcPaused: Boolean;

  - Audio Playback:
    - function PlayWavFile1(const WavFileName: WideString): Boolean;
    - function PlayWavFile2(const WavFileName: WideString; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean;
    - function PlayWavFile3(const WavFileName: WideString; Handle, Flags: Cardinal): Boolean;

  - System Icon Retrieval:
    - function wGetSysDefaultIcons(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: Integer; var Count: Cardinal): Integer;
    - function wGetSysDefaultIcons2(const Src, OutImgFile: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
    - function wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer;

    - function wGetSysDefaultIconsFromResLib(const AModule: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: Integer; var Count: Cardinal): Integer;
    - function wGetSysDefaultIconsFromResLib2(const AModule, AOutFile: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
    - function wGetSysDefaultIconsSizeFromResLib(const AModule: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer;

* Added Setup Event Functions:
    - procedure CurInstallProgressChangedEx(CurProgress, MaxProgress, iPercentage: Integer; sElapsed, sRemaining: String);
    - procedure InitializeWizardEve();
* Added Classes:
    - TApplication
    - TMemoryStream
    - TResourceStream
    - TImgSlideshow → SlideShow
    - TSplashImage → SplashScreen
    - TSplashImageAnimated → SplashScreenAnimated
    - TWaterRipples → WaterRipples

* Added Class Variables:
    - Application: TApplication

* Added Properties and Functions:
  - WizardForm:
      - WizardForm.AlphaBlendValue: Byte;
      - WizardForm.DoubleBuffered: Boolean;
      - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveEnable(const AllowOnDeactive: Boolean);
      - WizardForm.BlendOnMovePause(const Paused: Boolean);
      - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveOpacity(const AlphaValue: Byte);
      - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveIsPaused: Boolean;
      - WizardForm.CreateRgn(const sMaskBmp: WideString; iTrRGBColor: Integer): Integer;
      - WizardForm.CreateRgnFromBuffer(const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal; iTrRGBColor: Integer): Integer;
      - WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmp(const sBmpFile: WideString; bACPremultiplied, bDraggableForm: Boolean; iOpacityPct: Byte): Integer;
      - WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmpBuffer(const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal; bACPremultiplied, bDraggableForm: Boolean; iOpacityPct: Byte): Integer;
      - WizardForm.JumpToPage(const NewPageID: Integer);

  - UninstallProgressForm:
      - UninstallProgressForm.DoubleBuffered: Boolean;
* Added Preprocessor (ISPP) Predefined Variable:

* New Built-in Support for Partially Encrypted Scripts:
  - Ability to encrypt portions of the code for sharing scripts, 
    while leaving the rest as plain text.
  - I already explained what partially encrypted scripts mean here.

* Changes:
  - IDE:
    - Minor syntax highlighting adjustments.

* All the changes in the Private Edition are documented, so you can easily find help.

InnoSetup - Private Edition Documentation
  • InnoSetup Private Edition is based on v6.4.0-dev, the latest version available on GitHub.
  • Ensure that the following lines remain in the script to guarantee the use of the Private Edition:
  #error   InnoSetup 'Private Edition' is required to compile this script
Setup Directives

1). Cursor
  • The cursor can be applied to specific forms such as `SelectLanguageForm`, `WizardForm`, `SelectFolderForm`, and `NewDiskForm`.
  • Supported cursor file types: `.cur` and `.ani`.
2). ResourceFiles and Extracting Files to Buffer
  • The Private Edition allows storing files in resources, encrypting them internally so they cannot be extracted outside the `setup.exe`.
  • Multiple files can be included, separated by the pipe (`|`) symbol.
  • When using the extraction functions, prepend the resource name with `_IS_`.
function ExtractResourceFile(const ResourceName: string; const OutFile: string): Boolean;
function ExtractResourceFileSize(const ResourceName: string): Cardinal;
function ExtractResourceFileToBuffer(const ResourceName: string; Buffer: Integer): Boolean;
function ExtractResourceFileToStream(const BaseName: string; const Stream: TStream): Boolean;
  • Additional Functions:
procedure ExtractTemporaryFileEx(const BaseName: string; const DestDir: string);
function ExtractTemporaryFilesEx(const Pattern: string; const DestDir: string): Integer;
function ExtractTemporaryFileSize(const BaseName: string): Cardinal;
function ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(const BaseName: string; Buffer: Integer): Boolean;
function ExtractTemporaryFileToStream(const BaseName: string; const Stream: TStream): Boolean;

  • Example: Playing Music from Memory

* Using `ExtractTemporaryFile`:
Source: ".\XBass\{#MusicFileOnly}"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy;

procedure InitializeWizard();
  Buffer: AnsiString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('{#MusicFileOnly}');
  SetLength(Buffer, Count);
  ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('{#MusicFileOnly}', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));
  if not xbassCreateFromMem(WizardForm.Handle,
                            Buffer, Count, C_XBASS_OGG,
                            1, True, @MusicCallback) then
    MsgBox('XBass - error(s) occured while creating.', mbError, MB_OK);

  SetLength(Buffer, 0);
* Using `ExtractResourceFile`:

procedure InitializeWizard();
  Buffer: AnsiString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  // InnoSetup-Private:  ( Don't forget the prefix: "_IS_" )
  Count := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_MUSICX');
  SetLength(Buffer, Count);
  ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_MUSICX', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));

  if not xbassCreateFromMem(WizardForm.Handle,
                            Buffer, Count, C_XBASS_OGG,
                            1, True, @MusicCallback) then
    MsgBox('XBass - error(s) occured while creating.', mbError, MB_OK);

  SetLength(Buffer, 0);
3. StorePrivateKey
  • The `StorePrivateKey` directive securely stores the encryption key within the setup, preventing exposure of the key in plain text.
  • The key can be retrieved dynamically at runtime using the `GetStoredPrivateKey` function, protecting it from reverse engineering.
// Encryption

  IsPwdPg: Boolean;
// function GetStoredPrivateKey(const TheRealKey: Boolean): String;
//  - TheRealKey: If False, the function returns garbage instead of real key.

procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
  if CurPageID = wpPassword then
    IsPwdPg := True;
    WizardForm.PasswordEdit.Text := GetStoredPrivateKey(IsPwdPg);   
  end else
    IsPwdPg := False;
    WizardForm.PasswordEdit.Text := 'wrng_pwd';  
4. StyleFile
  • The `StyleFile` directive allows you to apply a VCL style to various forms during setup.
5. Other Directives
// 0 - 255
Installation Progress Tracking and Controls
  • The Private Edition introduces a new event to track installation progress with elapsed time, remaining time, and percentage progress. It also supports `Pause`/`Resume` functionality.
procedure CurInstallProgressChangedEx(CurProgress, MaxProgress, iPercentage: Integer; 
  sElapsed, sRemaining: String);
  WzdProgressLbs[1].Vl.Caption := IntToStr(iPercentage) + '%'; 
  WzdProgressLbs[2].Vl.Caption := sElapsed; 
  WzdProgressLbs[3].Vl.Caption := sRemaining; 
  WzdProgressLbs[4].Vl.Caption := sElapsed;
Page Navigation with `JumpToPage`
  • The `JumpToPage` method allows you to jump directly to specific pages in the setup process, bypassing validation checks like license acceptance. Use it cautiously.
  Btn: array [1..2] of TNewButton;

procedure CommonBtnOnClick(Sender: TObject);
  case Sender of
    Btn[1] : WizardForm.JumpToPage(wpWelcome);
    Btn[2] : WizardForm.JumpToPage(wpReady);
  • - A new event function, `InitializeWizardEve`, triggers after `InitializeWizard` but before `WizardForm` is shown. It can be used to jump to specific pages at startup.
procedure InitializeWizardEve();
Special Effects and Graphics

1). TImgSlideshow
Source: ".\Wallpapers\*.jpg"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy;

  ImgSlideshow: TImgSlideshow;
procedure InitializeWizard();
  sFile: String;
  ImgEffectsArray: TIntEffectArray;
  Buffer: AnsiString;
  i, Count: Cardinal;
  SetLength(ImgEffectsArray, 3);
  ImgEffectsArray[2] := IMG_ANIM_SPIRAL_RECTANGLE;
  ImgSlideshow := TImgSlideshow.Create(WizardForm, IMG_ANIM_DIAGONAL_BOX_OUT);
  ImgSlideshow.SetBounds(0, 0, WizardForm.Width + ScaleX(85), ScaleY(269));
  ImgSlideshow.PlayCustom(ImgEffectsArray, False);
  ImgSlideshow.Interval(1000, 50, 5);
  for i:= 1 to 5 do            
    sFile := 'wallpapers' + IntToStr(i) + '.jpg';
    Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize(sFile);
    SetLength(Buffer, Count);
    ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(sFile, CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));

    ImgSlideshow.AddImageFromBuffer(Buffer, Count);
    SetLength(Buffer, 0);
    Count := 0;
2). TSplashImage and TSplashImageAnimated

  SplashScreen: TSplashImage;

procedure InitializeWizard();
  Buffer1, Buffer2: AnsiString;
  Count1, Count2: Cardinal;
    // Image
  Count1 := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_SplshImg');
  SetLength(Buffer1, Count1);              
  ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_SplshImg', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer1));
    // Sound
  Count2 := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_SplshWav');
  SetLength(Buffer2, Count2);
  ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_SplshWav', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer2));

  SplashScreen := TSplashImage.CreateFromBuffer(WizardForm, Buffer1, Count1, Buffer2, Count2, 1500);
    // Freeup
  SetLength(Buffer1, 0); 
  SetLength(Buffer2, 0);  
3). TWaterRipples

  WaterRipples: TWaterRipples;
procedure InitializeWizard();
  Buffer: AnsiString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  WizardForm.DoubleBuffered := True;

  Count := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_Img1');
  SetLength(Buffer, Count);
  ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_Img1', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));
  WaterRipples := TWaterRipples.CreateFromBuffer(WizardForm, 0, 0, 
    WizardForm.Width + ScaleX(85), ScaleY(269), Buffer, Count); 
  if not WaterRipples.IsStarted then  
  if not WaterRipples.IsRaining then
  SetLength(Buffer, 0);
Advanced Features

1). Blend OnMove
procedure InitializeWizard();
2). Create Form from BMP
Source: ".\MaskImg\*.bmp"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy;

procedure InitializeWizard();
  Buffer: AnsiString;
  Count: Cardinal;
  { Custom Shape }
    // Rgn
  Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('mask.bmp');
  SetLength(Buffer, Count);
  ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('mask.bmp', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));
  WizardForm.CreateRgnFromBuffer(Buffer, Count, clBlack);  
  SetLength(Buffer, 0);
    // Form
  Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('base.bmp');
  SetLength(Buffer, Count);
  ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('base.bmp', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer));
  WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmpBuffer(Buffer, Count, False, True, 100);
  SetLength(Buffer, 0);

Attached Images
File Type: png 0.png (31.9 KB, 321 views)
File Type: png 0a.png (16.1 KB, 313 views)
File Type: png 0b.png (18.1 KB, 311 views)
File Type: png 0c.png (45.1 KB, 306 views)
File Type: png 0d.png (74.0 KB, 307 views)
File Type: png 0e.png (14.6 KB, 293 views)
File Type: png 0f.png (27.0 KB, 300 views)
File Type: png 0g.png (29.8 KB, 309 views)
File Type: png 0h.png (28.4 KB, 304 views)
File Type: gif 01.gif (417.1 KB, 311 views)
File Type: gif 02.gif (249.0 KB, 293 views)
Attached Files
File Type: rar Setup - Innosetup-v6.4.0-dev-Private-Edition.rar (12.97 MB, 110 views)
File Type: rar Portable - InnoSetup-v6.4.0-dev-Private-Edition.rar (11.58 MB, 140 views)
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Old 13-09-2024, 15:23
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Great project. Thanks!
However, what everyone needs is an improved IDE interface with code completion like the one in version 5.5.1 ENHANCED by RESTOOL and also including all the additional classes.

In fact, it would be great to have a remake of version 5.5.1ee2 updated to the current version but without a different IDE, just complementing the official IDE with extra features.
I believe if this remake were done, a large number of people would start using it, because I think that until today the RESTOOL version is the most used among the modified versions of Inno Setup.
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Old 15-09-2024, 03:12
demon964 demon964 is offline
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3. StorePrivateKey

its protecting script codes from decompile ?
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Old 26-09-2024, 13:51
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Thumbs up

for me the ee2 version doesn't beat the interface, too bad it's old, I can't even read this one, it looks like a rainbow of colors in the code and very dull, you need an oled monitor to read

you could add this option like in the screenshot like nsis, it would be an orgasm
Thanks mr. blackfire
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Last edited by Dario06; 29-09-2024 at 06:51.
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Old 17-10-2024, 11:55
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Arrow InnoSetup Private Edition - v1.8 Update

Upcoming InnoSetup Private Edition - v1.8 Update

1. Updated InnoSetup version to the latest available on GitHub.

2. Added built-in Botva2-like components/classes:

* Ability to use Botva2-like implementations without any third-party DLL.

   A. TImgButton (with CheckBox)  
   B. TImgProgressbar  
   C. TImgTrackbar
  ImgBtn:      TImgButton;
  ImgPB:       TImgProgressbar;
  ImgTrackBar: TImgTrackbar;

procedure InitializeWizard();
  ImgBtn := TImgButton.Create(WizardForm, ExtractAndLoad('Button.png'));
  ImgBtn.SetBounds(252, 384, 120, 50);
  ImgBtn.Text('< &Back');

  ImgPB := TImgProgressbar.Create(WizardForm, 
		ExtractAndLoad('pbbkg3.png'), False);
  ImgPB.Value(0, 100);

  ImgTrackBar: TImgTrackbar.Create(WizardForm, 
  ImgTrackBar.SetBounds(20, 403, 150, 10);
  ImgTrackBar.BtnOffset(393, 18, 33);

3. Added Any Image support (TAnyImage)

* Ability to draw any image format (.bmp, .jpg, .png, .gif, .webp, .svg, etc.) in InnoSetup.
* More image manipulations will be available in the future, including:
  - Hue and Saturation adjustments
  - BlendToMask, BlendToDarken, BlendToLighten, BlendToAlpha
  - Draw Shadow, Glow
  - Tile images
  - Sharpen
  - Cropping
  - Rotate
  - Reduce colors
  - Grayscale, Invert Colors
* Currently, images are detected by their file extensions.
  - In IS-PE v2.0, a better detection method will be implemented.

* Support for image layers:
  - TAnyImageImgLyr: Image Layer (for overlaying images)
  - TAnyImageBlurLyr: Blur Layer (Linear, Radial, Custom Shape, etc.)
  - Hue and Saturation layers will be added in the future.
  Img:     TAnyImage;
  ImgBlur: TAnyImageBlurLyr;
  ImgLogo: TAnyImageImgLyr

procedure InitializeWizard();
  Img := TAnyImage.Create(WizardForm);
  Img.SetBounds(382, 110, 230, 300);
  // Img.LoadImageEx(ExtractAndLoad('base.dat'), IS_IMG_PNG);

  ImgBlur := Img.AddGaussinaBlurLayer;
  ImgBlur.Amount(20); // 0-100

  ImgLogo := Img.AddImageLayer;
  ImgLogo.SetBounds(15, 100, 200, 200);
4. Enhanced Auto-Completion:

* Currently in beta stage.
* This feature will be improved in the next major update.

5. Added built-in Audio/Video classes:

   A. TVideoPlay (supports .avi, .mp4 formats)  
   B. TAudioPlay (supports .mp3, .ogg formats)

6. Added ability to load DLLs from memory:

* No need to extract third-party DLLs to the HDD.
* DLLs can be extracted into memory and functions can be called directly from there.

7. Added support for modern Delphi classes/functions.

8. Features on request:

* Individual users can request specific features to be included.

   A. Built-in support for `UnArc.dll` or `TISArcEx`  
   B. Built-in support for `CmdOut.dll` or `TCmdOut`  
   C. Built-in support for `XHashEx.dll` or `TXHashEx`


1. This update WILL NOT be available to the public.

- The update will only be provided to users who requested it and can give credit for my effort.
- You are not allowed to share your IS-PE update with others. Doing so will result in being permanently banned from receiving future updates.

2. The update is not yet finalized.

- If you have suggestions or feature requests, feel free to drop a comment.

3. Update delay.

- I'm currently busy with my job, so updates may not be released quickly.
- I'll notify you when the updates are ready.

4. Future improvements in IS-PE v2.0:

- The new features will be further improved and optimized in the next major update, IS-PE v2.0.

Attached Images
File Type: png a0.png (21.1 KB, 155 views)
File Type: png a1.png (45.1 KB, 168 views)
File Type: png a2.png (38.5 KB, 167 views)
File Type: gif a3.gif (336.3 KB, 158 views)
File Type: png a4.png (14.1 KB, 162 views)
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Old 21-10-2024, 12:32
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hi blackfire add unpacked options please (CallWindowProc)

my example:
Attached Files
File Type: 7z My Program_setup.7z (1.57 MB, 11 views)

Last edited by Dario06; 21-10-2024 at 12:36.
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Old 22-10-2024, 16:18
auaksa auaksa is offline
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whats problem?

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Old 23-10-2024, 04:20
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Originally Posted by auaksa View Post
whats problem?

comment this line.
¤ Life good be a Dream ¤
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Old 23-10-2024, 10:30
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Originally Posted by auaksa View Post
whats problem?
Did you add any incompatible code to the script? because it doesn't give me any errors with windows 11
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Old 23-10-2024, 15:38
auaksa auaksa is offline
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This is the default text file without any modifications or interventions by anyone else. This file works fine with version v6.0.5 but does not work with version Inno Setup Private Edition.
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Old 23-10-2024, 17:26
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Originally Posted by auaksa View Post
This is the default text file without any modifications or interventions by anyone else. This file works fine with version v6.0.5 but does not work with version Inno Setup Private Edition.

I replied because these errors are mostly related to code compatibility, and you didn't give many details, yes in fact you are right, it is not working with the Private Edition of Blasckfire.
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Old 24-10-2024, 23:29
Tihiy_Don Tihiy_Don is offline
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I suggest that we first focus on fixing and refining FMXInno - this is really what we need. And then do similar forks Inno Setup.
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