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Old 06-11-2017, 08:21
vollachr's Avatar
vollachr vollachr is offline
Conversions & UCC Creator
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Israel
Posts: 247
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Thanked 533 Times in 186 Posts
vollachr is on a distinguished road
Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) - V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 Out Now!!!

My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister

  • December 18th 2017: Added FAQ Section to Post
  • January 11th 2018: UCC Now Have a Brand New Facebook Page (Link Added To Post) - Click Here
  • January 17th 2018: Added DISCLAIMER Section and contact information to end of post, PLEASE READ!!! (For Reason Why Click Here)
  • January 19th 2018: UCC is 2 years old, Happy Anniversary!!!
  • January 24th 2018: I'm updating all my old conversions to use UCC v4.1.3.2 + CIUv2.0.5.1.g - For a complete list and progress CLICK HERE - LAST UPDATE: April 13th 2018 - 100% Complete
  • March 6th 2018: Uploaded new version of the CIUv205g UCC Addon (CIUv205gUCCAddonV2.rar) with support for UCC4132U2 new compressors.
  • March 7th 2018: Added attachments for the UCC arc.ini file (UCCArcIni.rar) & UCC Compressors Source Folder (UCCCompressorsSource.rar) to be used with the new compressors adding feature
  • March 8th 2018: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 LOLZ Fix (UCC4132U2LolzFix.rar) Released!!!
  • March 21st 2018: Updated the CIUv205gUCCAddonV2.rar file, new version fixes BPK and added missing uelr files
  • March 26th 2018: Arc.ini attachment updated (UCCArcIni.rar)
  • March 26th 2018: New Tutorial Attachment for Update 2.0 Hotfix 1 (Tutorial4132U2Hotfix1.rar) added
  • March 26th 2018: UCC Wiki Updated for v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1
  • March 26th 2018: Attachment Cleanup
  • March 26th 2018: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1 (UCC4132U2Hotfix1.rar) Released!!!
  • March 27th 2018: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1a (UCC4132U2Hotfix1a.rar) Released!!!
  • April 23rd 2018: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 (UCC4132U3.rar) Released!!! - Tutorial & Wiki Updated
  • May 4th 2018: UCC V4.1.4 Enters Beta Testing stage, PM me to apply for Beta Tester, Thank you.
  • May 24th 2018: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 Hotfix 1 (UCC4132U3Hotfix1.rar) Released!!!
IMPORTANT: Regarding CIUv2 Arc.ini and Precomp (See Quote Below)
Originally Posted by vollachr View Post
  1. From what I could see only versions 2.0.4 by BAMSe and 2.0.5G series have precomp support.
  2. Only 2.0.5G have support for precomp 0.4.6 using CLS, otherwise both versions only support precomp 0.3.8-0.4.3 (no support for 0.4.4 & 0.4.5 at all, that need to be added by script author(s) )
  3. I don't know about v2.0.3.9, couldn't see any precomp files in it.

So, if anyone can test and confirm if the supported versions of precomp in these CIUv2 versions extract correctly when packed by UCC it would be great.

I need to know what if at all needs to be added to the CIUv2 arc.ini

Also, please note I've never used anything other than CIUv2, so I can't say which other scripts will work with which compressor and version, please, if you try to use something other than CIUv2 with files created by UCC, post your results in this thread, good or bad, so we could start compile a list of what work and what not and perhaps do something about it.

UPDATE: February 1st 2018

That said, as of February 1st 2018 you can now download a rar archive containing most/maybe all files needed to make CIUv2.0.5g series compatible with Ultimate Conversion Compressor.

The file includes all relevant files needed and an edited arc.ini file, it can be found among the attachments in this post, it is called CIUv205gUCCAddon

All you need to do is extract it into the folder containing your CIUv2.0.5g files and replace existing files if asked, that's it.

UPDATE: March 6th 2018

CIUv2.0.5 UCC Addon attachment updated to support changes in UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0.

New File Name: CIUv205gUCCAddonV2.rar

UPDATE: March 21st 2018

CIUv2.0.5 UCC Addon attachment updated again, the changes:
  1. Added missing uelr files (sorry for that)
  2. Fixed BPK support (wrong cls dll file name)

File Name is still: CIUv205gUCCAddonV2.rar

Please Note: CIUv2.0.5g, while technically now support all available compressors in UCC with the updated addon attachment WILL NOT work with uelr (unreal engine lzo recompressor) & bpk (binkpack), no matter what it keeps giving out errors, even though the archives are fine, use CIUv2.0.3.9 U10 and Records.ini files for these.

Hello Everyone,

A long time ago (In a Galaxy Far, Far Away ), Back in November 2014 I started out doing my own conversions with a simple batch script based on Fabioddq's original script.

Over time I improved it and added some functions, in 2015 that script became something more, a full blown tool for conversion compression, it was originally released on another (no longer active) website I was a member of on January 19th 2016.

Back in July of 2016 I stopped working on the tool as it was pretty stable and I had other (personal) things to deal with, About 3 years since the beginning and almost 1.5 years after I took that break, I finally started working on the script which was now known as Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC).

The first version of UCC released here on FileForums was v4.1.2.1 which wasn't a big updated but enough for me to put it out there.

Since then, UCC have seen quite a few updates, big and small and I have no intention of abandoning it in the foreseeable future.

That said, the current version as for the time of these lines (v4.1.3.2) is planned to be the last big updated until I can convert the script to a much better, more versatile, more secure scripting language, UCC will still get bug fixes when needed, possibly even compressor updates (to keep it relevant) but not much more.

Anyway, let's get on with it...

I am proud to present: The Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC)

Ultimate Conversion Compressor V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 - Out Now!!!

Current Version:
Latest Build Version: Update 3.0 Hotfix 1
Scripting Language: Windows Batch Script
Beta Testers 4.1.2 Branch: ahmetbtmn, her1620 (Gatosky1620), kassane
Beta Testers 4.1.3 Branch: EzzEldin16, KaktoR (v. - Records.ini Testing), pakrat2k2 (v4.1.3.2 - Precomp Fixes)
Original Release Date: January 19th, 2016
Latest Version Release Date: May 24th, 2018
Official Facebook Page: Click Here

I hope you find this compression script/tool useful, I know I don't use anything else.

The download link at the end of this post is a RAR 5 archive, so you'll need WinRar 5 or above to extract it, it includes all you need for the script to work, as well as a PDF format tutorial to learn how to use the script (it's not hard at all).

This script is by far the most extensive & ambitious script/project I've ever done, the scope of the code is far beyond anything I've done before, that's why I didn't release it without beta testing it as thoroughly as possible.

You can also download & read the tutorials for using UCC v4.1.3 series independently or use the version of the tutorial on the UCC Wiki (links at the bottom)

You can also find a few screenshots at the bottom of this post, please be advised, final release may vary a little from the screenshots a little.

Features List:
  • Takes settings from a Settings.ini file
  • Individual INI files for each data file you create makes each data completely customizable
  • Uses GUI browse folder window instead of text based input
  • Automatically identify 32/64bit version of system (used to display correct example folder)
  • Support for AIO conversions
  • Function to display AIO conversion information (optional) NEW V4.1.3
  • Support for unlimited number of Data Files
  • Support for unlimited # of discs conversions
  • Support for up to 10 executable checks UPDATED V4.1.3
  • Customization of background & text color of console window
  • Easy switching via settings.ini file between single disc conversion and multi disc conversion
  • Set which data file goes to which disc number using Data#.ini files
  • Automatic Setup.exe & Setup.ico distribution to conversion folders
  • Automatic autorun.inf creation in conversion folders
  • Automatic Distribution of Redist UPDATED V4.1.3.1
  • Automatic Distribution Additional Files UPDATED V4.1.3.2
  • Automatic Generation of Records.ini file when needed. NEW V4.1.3.1
  • Clean design, much less information clutter in console window
  • Multiple custom error messages
  • Option to choose what action to take at the end of the conversion script (Shutdown/Reboot/Exit)
  • Option to create ISO files (or not)
  • Option to choose between default or custom location to create the ISO files
  • Option to select between default or custom location to create the conversion files
  • Option to change the folder name of the default conversion files location NEW V4.1.3.2
  • Include/Exclude options per language allows to compress only one of the game's languages
  • Language selection menu displayed if include/exclude options for languages are set in Data#.ini files
  • Splitter Support to split game files or compressed archives (multi-disk archives) via UCC File Splitter (Also Available as Separate Program), set in Settings.ini UPDATED V4.1.3.1
  • Support for CLS-Diskspan by Razor12911 to create multi-disk split archives UPDATED V4.1.3.2 Update 1
  • Support for 3 type of compression software (FreeArc, 7Zip, Rar)
  • Support for multiple external compressors for FreeArc (i.e. Multiple precomp version, 7zip, rar, srep64 & more)
  • File lists to compress can be placed directly in Data#.ini files or in external list files (.lst/.txt) (switchable via individual Data#.ini files) UPDATED V4.1.3.1
  • Can display thanks & music credits at the beginning of the script
  • UCC window title automatically set by conversion name & converter name (and some other options)
  • Optional custom title for the UCC Window if you prefer
  • Example folder displayed in either STEAM format or PROGRAM FILES format (set by settings.ini)
  • Custom data file names can be set in Settings.ini
  • Pre/Post Commands in Data#.ini files to run additional commands before/after compression NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 2.0
  • CLS-Diskspan custom span size support NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 2.0
  • Option to add/update compressors NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 2.0
  • Conversion LOG to debug & follow progress & errors
  • Additional options in Settings.ini
  • Error LOG file with detailed errors for when an error occur during compression NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0
  • Diskspan Records.ini file can be created for CIUv2.0.3.9 via SpanRecords option in Settings.ini NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0
  • Regular Records.ini for CIUv2.0.3.9 can be created via DataRecords option in Settings.ini NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0
  • Game Size Check to notify user of minimum needed space for conversion NEW V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0

Here's the complete changelog up to the current Update 3.0 version:

UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 Hotfix 1
  • Note: These fixes were initially planned for 4.1.4/4.2 but due to the last bug in the list are being released as an hotfix.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that prevented Records.ini for CIUv2.0.3.9 to be created when the conversion is only 1 disc
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Records.ini creation where the last record type was missing the archiver name (e.g FreeArc,Winrar,7-Zip) before the underscore (e.g. _Split instead of FreeArc_Split) if Data2.ini and higher were present and OneDataOnly was Enabled.
  • Bug Fix: Accidentally included wrong 7z.dll file in [Common\Include\Compressors] folder, file replaced.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug which caused premature end of script when UCC perform game folder size check.

UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Rar & 7zip error handling and temp files deleting problem due to incorrect location of errorlevel check in script.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Rar Archiver Error message, there was an error in the script that caused both answers for retrying after an error to just re-load the error message.
  • New Feature: Error.log - UCC will now generate a file called Error.log during compression, if any error occur during compression, the complete error message will be outputed to the Error.log file for easy troubleshooting, if no errors occur the Error.log file will be deleted upon completion
  • New Feature: Diskspan Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called SpanRecords allows UCC to create a simple Records.ini file for use with Diskspan, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups, it may also help with certain problems in CIUv2.0.5g
  • New Feature: CIU2.0.3.9 Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called DataRecords tells UCC to create a records.ini file for the created data file even if File Splitter isn't being used, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups.
  • New Feature: UCC Now checks selected game folder size and then pop-up a message telling the user the game size and approximate minimum required space for the conversion
  • Feature Improvement: Records.ini creation for Split Files (Game Files or Archives) now work for 7Zip & WinRAR type archives as well (Only for FreeArc before)
  • Compressor Script Improvement: 7Zip archiver (not as FreeArc method) now showing progress in console window
  • Script Optimization: Some Minor Script Optimizations
  • Visual Changes: Minor wording changes in Archivers error messages

UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1a
  • Bug Fix: Fixed CLS-Diskspan bug introduced in UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 - Hotfix 1 that caused compression to not work correctly when not using language specific Include/Exclude options.

UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1
  • Arc.ini Changes: Srep/Srep64 Entries no longer include the -m3f switch so you can decide on -m3f/-m5f/etc by yourself, just type srep:m3f in method to use -m3f switch.
  • Arc.ini Preset Changes: All presets using srep/srep64 now uses the :m3f option
  • Diskspan Improvement: Diskspan now works with language specific Include/Exclude options
  • Pre/Post Commands Changes: Added another folder preset !REDISTFOLDER! to manipulate files & folders in the [Common\Files\Redist] directory
  • MoveRedist Improvement: MoveRedist feature will now always move the redist folder itself to the conversion without any additional parent folders (e.g. [GamePath\Folder1\RedistFolder] will be moved to conversion as just [RedistFolder] instead of [Folder1\RedistFolder])
  • MoveRedist Improvement: MoveRedist console text now have a Move Complete Text Added
  • MoveRedist Changes: Option can now accept numbers as usual or alternatively you can just type first/last to tell it to move redist to the first or last disc
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug introduced with the Pre/Post commands that caused a missing header at the compression complete label
  • Bug Fix: Redist wasn't being moved correctly when Discs# value wasn't a number (e.g Discs#=#), this is now fixed
  • Bug Fix: MoveRedist console text no longer disappear too fast
UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Lolz Fix
  • LOLZ Enabled: Updated LOLZ files to fix previously occuring issue that cause too much clutter in console window
  • Arc.ini Changes: Removed LOLZ Arc.ini entry, no longer needed due to using CLS
  • Preset Changes: Re-Enabled LOLZ presets in Arc.ini
UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0
  • Executable Changes: Migrated UCC to new Executable Compiler that functions better with file/folder inclusion
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused redist not to be moved to defined disc folder if MoveRedist option is used when using CLSDiskspan
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused files from [Common\Files\Misc] folder not to be copied to conversion folders when using CLSDiskspan
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused an un-needed line to be included in the autorun.inf for discs 2 and above when using CLS-Diskspan
  • New Feature: Pre/Post Commands section added to Data#.ini files, up to 3 commands can be input to execute before/after DATA file compression using CMD commands such as "copy", "MD", "ren" and others
  • New Feature: Option to add your own external freearc compressors to UCC on a per conversion basis
  • New Feature: CLS-Diskspan Span sized are now customizable via Settings.ini options SpanSize1 & SpanSize2 to allow for custom span sizes other than DVD5,DVD9,BD25
  • Compressor Changes: pZLib3 v3.2 is now using following aliases: (pZLib64,pzlib64,pZlib64,pzLib64)
  • New Compressor: pZlib3 v3.2 32bit version added (aliases: pZLib86,pzlib86,pZlib86,pzLib86)
  • New Compressor: Bink Pack (BPK) added to UCC (alias: bpk)
  • New Compressor: Added compressor UELR to UCC (alias: uelr)
  • New Compressor: Added compressor DLZ 32bit & 64bit versions (aliases: dlz and dlz64)
  • New Compressor: Added compressor OGGRE (alias: oggre)
  • New Compressor: Added compressor RZM (alias: rzm)
  • New Compressor: Added support for pZLib3 v3.0.1 (x64) (aliases: pzlib30, pZLib30, pZlib30, pzLib30)
  • New Compressor: Added support for pZLib2 (x64) (aliases: pzlib2, pZLib2, pZlib2, pzLib2)
  • Optional New Compressor: Added compressor LOLZ to UCC (alias: lolz) (Disabled by default, use new feature to add/change compressors to enable it in arc.ini)
  • Changed Compressor Presets: sreplzma64, srep64lzma64 now both use lzma64:a1:mfbt4:d256m:fb128:mc1000:lc8
  • New Compressor Presets: sreplzma64BS, srep64lzma64BS
  • Optional New Compressor Presets: LolzFast, LolzUltra (Disabled by default, use new feature to add/change compressors to enable it in arc.ini)
  • Arc.ini Changes: Fixed & Changed arc.ini entries to try and prevent bugs with compressor combinations
  • Visual Changes: Added Notification header at compression stage when using CLS-Diskspan to create split archive
  • Visual Changes: Added a blank line after the "Compressing..." line during compression in FreeArc scripts so external compressors output will not stick to "Compressing..." line
  • Script Improvement: Improved tempfiles folder deletion script, should only be deleted now when script ends normaly or with scripted error message.
  • Script Improvement: Splitter wait time at start of operation now depends on size of TempFiles folder, if it isn't empty wait time is 10 seconds
  • Script Improvement: If using CLS-Diskspan and the end result is only one (1) disc, UCC will rename the disc folder and remove the number and underscore from it (for example: from AC_1 to AC)
  • Script Improvement: UCC now checks for CLS-Diskspan first part file (.001) in 2 places before beginning the CLS-Diskspan compression to check if the archive already exist
  • Script optimization: Optimized FreeArc compression command syntax
UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 1.1
  • Bug Fix: When using CLS-Diskspan, compression would occur even if files already exist due to missing check, this is now fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Error shown during diskspan sorting procedure even though it worked correctly, fixed now
  • Bug Fix: Extra, un-needed conversion header shown during diskspan file distribution due to extra call in script, fixed now.
  • Bug Fix: When using CLS-Diskspan, autorun creation for discs 2 and above failed to create the OPEN=0 line, this is fixed now.
UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 1
  • New Feature/Script Improvement: Added automatic media size detection function for when CLSDiskspan=y in Data#.ini file, no more need to select size in the diskspan size menu (The menu no longer display if DiscType option is set correctly in Settings.ini, size is defined by DiscType)
  • Bug Fix/Script Improvement: Fixed diskspan script, it now handles file exclusions normally without the need for previously implemented workaround.
  • INI Changes: Moved CLSDiskspan option from Data#.ini files to Settings.ini since using diskspan forces only single data (multi) archive creation, it make more sense to have it centralized as a single master switch in the Settings.ini file.
  • Bug Fix: Browse window no longer fails to load when GameTitle option have a single quote anywhere in the game name (e.g. Wasteland 2 Director's Cut)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused CLSDiskspan to always show the FreeArc encountered an error message at end of compression, even though there was no error in compression.
  • Bug Fix: When using CLS-Diskspan with DVD5 size parts the first disk didn't always have enough space for the Setup.exe file, this is now fixed.
  • Script Optimization: Some minor script optimizations like removal of unused lines.
UCC v4.1.3.2 Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Splitter sometimes produced an error when the data archive is very large because it didn't have enough time to be written to folder completely when the splitter operation started.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that effected folder names and autorun.inf labels when LabelSuffix wasn't set in Settings.ini.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused UCC to ask for ISO location selection even though the user selected to use the default location for ISO files.
  • Bug Fix/Compressor Changes: Removed FAZIP.exe from UCC since it had some sort of clash with the arc.exe and caused the default freearc methods (m2, m3, etc.) not to work, it is also not needed as FreeArc can handle all methods used by FAZIP by itself.
  • Script Improvement: UCC will now search for known illegal file/folder name characters (?)(*) in the Discs# variable and replace them with the HASHTAG (#) sign to prevent errors.
  • Script Improvement: UCC will now check if the option Discs# in Settings.ini is left blank and if so will set it to use the HASHTAG sign (#) as placeholder to prevent errors.
UCC v4.1.3.2
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with ISO creation That prevented ISO files from being created correctly (Files wasn't in ISO root).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with ISO creation That prevented ISO files from being created correctly for multi disk conversions
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug where Precomp v0.4.3-0.4.6 didn't work and produced an error
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug where wrong text whas shown in the folder selection dialog box for ISO location.
  • Script Improvement: Improved script handling of conversion output folder selection to make it more simple to understand.
  • Feature Improvement: Changed the way Redist distribution works, will no longer be stored with the Setup.exe & Setup.ico until distributed.
  • Feature Improvement: Updated Redist Distribution to work for Single Disc conversions as well (Missed that in previous version)
  • Feature Improvement: UCC Can now use external lists files in combination with regular Data#.ini file listings (e.g: Data1.ini can use a list file while Data2.ini list files directly).
  • Folder Changes: Changed UCC Default Conversion Output folder name from [Conversion] to [Conversion_Output]
  • Folder Changes: Moved [Common\Setup] and all other none settings folders (Lists) to sub-folder [Common\Files] (e.g: Common\Files\Setup)
  • Folder Changes: Added Separate (OPTIONAL) folder for additional files (e.g. Extras), now UCC will copy any files in the [Common\Files\Misc] sub-folder to last Disc of Conversion.
  • Folder Changes: Added New (OPTIONAL) Sub-Folder: [Common\Files\Redist] to be used for Redist Distribution.
  • Folder Changes: Changed default folder for ISO files creation, ISO will now be created in [ISO] sub-folder inside the conversion output folder.
  • New Function: Added option for user to define a custom name for the UCC Default Conversion Output folder in Settings.ini (To be used instead of [Conversion_Output])
  • New Compressors: Added Support for new compressors: rep,mm,delta,exe,exe2,4x4 (using FAZIP.exe) & zstd (using ZST.exe)
  • New Compressors: Added Support for new CLS-LZHAM by Richard Geldreich, Jr
  • New Compressors: Added Support for Precomp v0.4.4
  • New Compressors: Added support for 64bit version (Pcomp46)
  • New Compressors: Added Support for Precomp 0.4.5 64bit version (Pcomp45)
  • Updated Compressors: Removed compressor "precomp" (Duplicate of precomp042)
  • Updated Compressors: lzma compressor now make use of FAZIP
  • FreeArc Presets: Updated all presets that used compressor "precomp" to use "precomp038" (Oldest Available) and removed un-needed presets
  • Splitter Bug Fix: Splitter can now recognized if a file is already split when splitting game files and not only when splitting the archived file.
  • Settings.ini Changes: Removed "UseListFiles" option (Moved to individual Data#.ini files).
  • Data#.ini Changes: Added variable "UseListFile" (Replaces "UseListFiles in Settings.ini).
  • Behavior Change: Continuing without distributing the Setup.exe & Setup.ico files when they are missing from [Common\Setup] folder no longer skip distribution of other files (Redist, extras, etc.)
  • Behavior Change: Retrying after compression error no longer ask you to restart from game folder selection, it will now just go back to beginning of compression and try again.
  • Behavior Change: UCC now creates a Disc folder inside the conversion folder for single disc conversions again to prevent ISO creation problems (e.g: Conversion_Output\Game_3xDVD5\Game_DVD) - See 2nd Bug Fix.
  • Behavior Change: Changed UCC compression temp folder, temporary files will no longer be in conversion folders
  • Behavior Change: UCC Now ask if the user want to use the default ISO location or choose another location before prompting for folder selection
  • Visual Changes: Changed message for when user cancelled game folder selection to show the default game folder
  • Visual Changes: Updated End conversion message for when ISO files were created
  • Visual Changes: UCC now notify on screen if the user click CANCEL on ISO location selection that it will use the default location for ISO
  • Visual Changes: Changed Start/End "Splash" again so it will look good with the new & future version numbers
UCC v4.1.3.1 Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused compression to return an error when user selected a custom output folder.
UCC v4.1.3.1
  • Bug Fix: Wrong version of splitter command included, fsplit file updated
  • StartUp Changes: Added a warrning message after the UCC "Splash" ended to warn against antivirus interference with compression process.
  • New Addition: Added support for new compressors (ztool pOodle v0.0.19.9, AFR 32bit, AFR 64bit, PZLib V3 x64, Razor Archiver, ztool v0.0.19.8 using pzlib, plz4, plzo, pzstd)
  • New Function: Added functions to allow using UCC splitter to split the Data archives instead of game files
  • New Function: UCC Will now automatically generate the Records.ini file when needed.
  • New Function: UCC can now be set to automatically move REDIST out of the game folder
  • New Function: UCC can now be set which disc # to move the REDIST to as part of the new REDIST move function
  • Function Improvement: UCC will now copy additional files located in Common\Setup folder that are not REDIST or Setup.exe/Setup.ico to last disc of the conversion instead of the first.
  • Splitter Improvement: The UCC Splitter now comes with a few more menu options (DVD5, DVD9, BD25)
  • Splitter Improvement: You can now input any of the presets available in the size selection menu into the SplitSize varialbe in Settings.ini (1GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, DVD5, DVD9, BD25) or as usual type the size in MB.
  • Settings.ini Changes: Added a couple new variables to the File Splitting section to support new splitter functions
  • Settings.ini Changes: Added a few new variables to the General Data Files section to support redist function
  • Visual Changes: Improved console windows titles & messages design (using = instead of -)
  • Visual Changes: Improved Starting & Ending "Splash" screen.
UCC v4.1.3
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Single Disc conversion compression that was introduced in version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Missing compressors presets
  • New Addition: Added support for CLS-Diskspan (with a few limitations)
  • File Changes: Updated Arc.exe to latest version (0.67 March 15 2014)
  • File Changes: Updated Srep & Srep64 to Version 3.92 (Previously 3.2)
  • File Changes: Updated 7-Zip Archiver to latest stable version (16.04)
  • File Changes: Updated Rar archiver to latest version (5.50)
  • File Changes: New embedded files added to support the new splitter functions (FSplit, File Browser)
  • Features Update: Replaced Splitter with my own scripted splitter, the splitting process can now be completely automated using variables in Settings.ini
  • Visual Behavior: AIO Conversions: UCC now recognizes that it is an AIO conversion from settings.ini variables and display appropriate messages and the number of games in the collection
  • Visual Behavior: AIO conversions: More customization, can now optionally display the list of games included in the conversion and the expected folder name for each game.
  • Code Improvement: Improved 32Bit/64Bit Windows OS Identification method (used to set the default/example path with the correct Program Files/Program Files (x86) paths)
  • Code Improvement: Improved Rar compression script
  • Settings.ini Changes: Added one additional executable check option, now you can perform check for up to 10 EXE files instead of 9.
  • Settings.ini Changes: Renamed Settings.ini variable "GamesInCollection" to "Games#"
  • Settings.ini Changes: Added multiple new variables to settings.ini file to be used for the above mentioned AIO visual changes ("ShowGames", "Game1-10", "GameDir1-10")
  • Data#.ini Changes: Added variable to control usage if CLS-DiskSpan, also improved descriptions and help included in the ini files.
  • Misc: Added a "fancy" "SPLASH" screen at the start of the script as well as at the successfull end of script (you'll see what I mean)
  • Code Improvement: Code Cleaenup & Re-organization
  • Size Improvement: Included files needed by UCC compressed to smaller size by EzzEldin16
UCC v4.1.2.1
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that prevented the selection of the conversion output folder when creating an AIO collection conversion.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed folder naming bug when creating a single disc conversion.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where compressor shows step 5 as step 6 and effectively skiping step 5 if ISO creation is set to no (N).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that when creating a single disc conversion, even if an archive already existed UCC would still re-create it, now it won't.
  • Visual Changes: Added a cosmetic distinction between regular and AIO collection conversions when selection of source folder is asked.
  • Files/Behavior Changes: UCC Now copies all files & folders from the Common\Setup sub-folder to the conversion folder to allow for redist, cracks & extras, as well as pre-compressed common data archives.
  • New Compressors: Added support for new external compressors (MSC, Precomp 0.45, Precomp 0.46, LZMA2)
UCC v4.1.2
  • Bug Fix: FreeArc compressor no longer includes empty version of excluded folders when include is set with a single wildcard (*).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem that cause values for Language Exclude/Include function to be set to the Include/Exclude value when there are no language include/exclude values entered
  • Bug Fix: Fixed error with bad exclude switch in compressors command when exclude functions are empty that caused the compressor to return an error.
  • Behavior Changes: 20 Discs limitation removed
  • Behavior Changes: 20 Data files limitation removed
  • Behavior Changes: Language selection menu for when the language Include/Exclude functions are set now checks for up to 99 Data#.ini files (instead of just 20)
  • Behavior Changes: Amount of data files created is now set by the number of Data#.ini files present in the [Common\Settings] sub folder
  • Behavior Changes: When OneDataOnly option is set to "y" (yes) all Data#.ini files except Data1.ini are ignored, creating only a single data file
  • Settings.ini Changes: LastData option replaced by OneDataOnly option
  • Settings.ini Changes: DiscNumber1-DiscNumber20 options removed, LabelSuffix option added to replace them
  • FreeArc Methods: 48 new presets added to easily set some more complex (combined) methods, for example: type precsrep for precomp+srep+lzma:a1:mfbt4:d256m:fb128:mc1000:lc8 method.
  • Code Improvement: Improved code for autorun creation to require less settings, label value is now set by GameTitle - LabelSuffix # (i.e. Fallout 4 - DVD 2)
  • Visual Changes: Output for Srep/7zip/rar/srep64 FreeArc external compressors is no longer shown, resulting in a more clean visual output during compression.
  • Code Clean-up: Improved compression & autorun creation section of the batch code resulting in much smaller code, removed unnecessary parts of code as result of the changes.
  • File Changes: Updated embedded srep version to 3.2 (previously 3.0).
UCC v4.1.1
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem that caused the Exclude option in Data#.ini files to not work properly when not using list files (effected Exclude only, not the language ones)
UCC v4.1
  • Initial Public Release
UCC v4.0
  • Pre-Release Work-in-Progress version (First Evolution from simple compress.bat to full feature compressor).

Future Plans:
  1. Convert the script to a better scripting language
  2. Bug fixing over time if needed
  3. Add more compressors over time (taking requests/suggestions)

Please read the tutorial to understand all the features of UCC.

Please be advised: For CIUv2 to unpack archives created with the UCC included compressors you may need an updated arc.ini file for CIUv2 (depends on the compressor & CIUv2 version you use).


Q: What should I put in the Discs# variable in settings.ini if I don't know how many discs the conversion will be?

A: Although the UCC Tutorial specifiy that the Discs# variable is numeric (meaning numbers only) it isn't exactly accurate, the variable is used for conversion folder naming and some on screen display during the script, so you can either put any number in there and change it once you finish compression and know the correct number or just input a placeholder like a hashtag sign (#), you can even input multiple of these signs (##).

UPDATE: As of version Hotfix you can leave it blank and UCC will fill it automatically with the hashtag sign (#)

Q: Can you add support for compressor *input compressor name here* ?

A: Maybe, I'm willing to give it a try, just let me know the name of the compressor and where to get it and I'll look into it.

Q: Can I add new compressors to UCC myself if I wanted to?

A: No, I'm afraid not, UCC keeps it's included files compressed within the executable and only extract them temporarily during operation, even if you were to copy the file elsewhere and edit them you couldn't re-pack them into the Converter.exe file and UCC cannot read them from anywhere but the temporary folder it uses.

UPDATE: As of version Update 2.0 a new feature was added to allow adding & updating compressors, see the new tutorial pdf file or the wiki for details.

Q: Can you make a video tutorial?

A: Sorry, but no. I'm afraid I don't know how, nor do I have the needed tools to make an effective video tutorial, you'll have to use the WiKi or PDF tutorial for now.
I do however welcome anyone who uses UCC to make a video tutorial based on the written ones, if you do make one, please send me a link to the final product so I could add it to the OP and the UCC WiKi.

Q: I get an error at the very beginning of the compression, why?

A: If you are using V4.1.3 or V4.1.3.1, there is a bug that slipped through the beta tests that caused the described problem when selecting an output folder instead of clicking cancel to use the default one, Please download & use UCC V4.1.3.1 Hotfix or newer to solve the issue.

Q: I Keep getting an error while compressing files with Precomp, can you help?

A: Unfortunatelly in UCC versions older than Precomp versions 0.4.3-0.4.6 are broken, you can still use older versions of precomp without a problem.

Q: I think I did everything correctly but the Setup.exe & Setup.ico files are not moved to conversion folder, why?

A: Assuming they are indeed in the [Setup] sub-folder (otherwise you'd have gotten an error), you must have a mistake in your Settings.ini file, some variables in Settings.ini are used for folder naming and if they are left blank could cause problems with UCC copy commands.
Some of these variables are as follows: Discs#, DiscType, MediaPrefix

A Few Screenshots:
(Updated for UCC v4.1.3.2, The Screens below are taken from an early RC version of UCC v4.1.3.2)

The latest version of UCC is attached to this post, as well as the PDF Tutorial.

You can find downloads of previous versions on my MEGA cloud at the following link:

UCC Previous Versions

As I said, I attached the Tutorial in PDF format (Rar Archived), that said, I highly recommend using the UCC Wiki in the link bellow, it will be updated more frequently and I think is written better.

UCC Wiki

Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) is free to use as is, I've put a lot of time and effort into making Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC), All I ask is that you be respectful for said time and effort.

Please, do not distribute Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) on other websites without my expressed permission, do not attempt to get the Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) source code and/or distribute it freely without my expressed permission.

If you wish to publish Ultimate Conversion Comprssor (UCC) on another website or location or if you wish to take a look at the source code for whatever reason, please contact me ahead of time by one of the following ways:
  1. Via PM here on FileForums
  2. Using the UCC official FACEBOOK page
  3. Directly to me on FACEBOOK or TWITTER
  4. Via the official UCC Support email

Stealing other people work is not nice!!!
Thank you for reading, I hope you find UCC useful.
Attached Files
File Type: rar CIUv205gUCCAddonV2.rar (4.23 MB, 872 views)
File Type: rar UCCArcIni.rar (1.6 KB, 349 views)
File Type: rar UCCCompressorsSource.rar (10.89 MB, 1007 views)
File Type: rar UCC4132U2LolzFix.rar (16.85 MB, 1055 views)
File Type: rar Tutorial4132U2Hotfix1.rar (2.38 MB, 580 views)
File Type: rar UCC4132U2Hotfix1a.rar (16.86 MB, 1021 views)
File Type: rar UCC4132U3.rar (15.92 MB, 1594 views)
File Type: rar UCCTutoriaU3.rar (2.38 MB, 599 views)
File Type: rar UCC4132U3Hotfix1.rar (3.43 MB, 867 views)

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister
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Last edited by vollachr; 25-05-2018 at 03:50. Reason: Re-uploaded UCC4.1.3.2 Update 3 Hotfix 1
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Old 17-01-2018, 06:21
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IMPORTANT: I've added a new DISCLAIMER section to the OP, it's nothing big but I ask that you please read it!!!

I'm sorry I had to resort to this, I didn't expect it nor wanted it but some people have no limits and a whole lot of audacity.

I recently discovered another thread on this forum where a user somehow got his hands on my source code for V4.1.2 of UCC (that was back in September 2016 apparently) and posted it without permission, hell, without even asking for permission, furthermore said user edited the script, removed all none essential code parts (Author notes) and replaced all names and credits (Including my own) with his name.

Said user didn't even make a good effort to hide the theft, he included in that thread a screenshot of UCC I took that clearly shows my name.

I of course reported it and the thread was removed to my request, but I need to take steps to hopefully prevent it from happening again.

That said, Since it's a free tool written in batch language I don't have much in the way of legal actions (if at all), I have to count on people good grace to read and follow my terms.

I hope you understand.

Please Note: This have no effect whatsoever on v4.1.3.2 of UCC or any future versions, I do not intend to abandon UCC in the foreseeable future, especially not because of a single rotten apple.

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister
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Last edited by vollachr; 11-04-2018 at 03:39.
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Old 24-01-2018, 08:38
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Old Conversion Converting to NEW UCC+CIUV2

As Promised before: Converting My Old Conversions to use UCC v4.1.3.2 + CIUv2.0.5.1g

This post is only here to let you know the list of games and allow for progress checks.

Here's the list of games for which I have conversions to upgrade (Most of which were never released on FF but some were, not all by myself as I worked on them with other people)

  1. Act of Aggression (DONE)
  2. Ankh Trilogy (DONE)
  3. Assetto Corsa (DONE)
  4. Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate - Deluxe Edition (DONE)
  5. Batman Arkham Knight (DONE)
  6. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel (DONE)
  7. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (DONE)
  8. Call of Duty: Ghosts (DONE)
  9. Cities XXL (DONE)
  10. Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Full Season (DONE)
  11. D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die - Season One (DONE)
  12. Deponia: The Complete Journey (DONE)
  13. Evolve (DONE)
  14. Face Noir (DONE)
  15. Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (DONE)
  16. Falling Skies: The Game (DONE)
  17. Final Fantasy IV (DONE)
  18. Grey Goo (DONE)
  19. Grim Fandango Remastered (DONE)
  20. Law & Order: Legacies (DONE)
  21. Lightning Return: Final Fantasy XIII (DONE)
  22. Lucius II (DONE)
  23. Memento Mori Collection (Memento Mori 1+2 AIO) (DONE)
  24. The Dark Eye: Memoria (DONE)
  25. MOEBIUS: Empire Rising (DONE)
  26. Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (DONE)
  27. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (DONE)
  28. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (DONE)
  29. Randal's Monday (DONE)
  30. Resident Evil HD Remaster (DONE)
  31. Secret Files: Sam Peters (DONE)
  32. Secret Files AIO Collection (DONE)
  33. Shadowrun Dragonfall: Director's Cut (DONE)
  34. Supreme League of Patriots - Full Season (DONE)
  35. Tales From The Borderlands (DONE)
  36. The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav (DONE)
  37. The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (DONE)
  38. The Night of the Rabbit: Premium Edition (DONE)
  39. Transistor (DONE)
  40. Wasteland 2 (DONE)
  41. Watch Dogs (DONE)
  42. Wolfenstein: The New Order (DONE)
  43. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (DONE)
  44. WWE 2K15 (DONE)
  45. Yesterday (DONE)
Done: 45
Remaining: 0
Upgrade Progress: 100% Completed
Extra Conversions Created as Result: 2 (Wasteland 2 Director's Cut, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Single Language)

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
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Last edited by vollachr; 13-04-2018 at 07:22. Reason: Progress Update - 100% Complete
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Old 26-03-2018, 08:11
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Announcement: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1 is now Released


  • Arc.ini Changes: Srep/Srep64 Entries no longer include the -m3f switch so you can decide on -m3f/-m5f/etc by yourself, just type srep:m3f in method to use -m3f switch.
  • Arc.ini Preset Changes: All presets using srep/srep64 now uses the :m3f option
  • Diskspan Improvement: Diskspan now works with language specific Include/Exclude options
  • Pre/Post Commands Changes: Added another folder preset !REDISTFOLDER! to manipulate files & folders in the [Common\Files\Redist] directory
  • MoveRedist Improvement: MoveRedist feature will now always move the redist folder itself to the conversion without any additional parent folders (e.g. [GamePath\Folder1\RedistFolder] will be moved to conversion as just [RedistFolder] instead of [Folder1\RedistFolder])
  • MoveRedist Improvement: MoveRedist console text now have a Move Complete Text Added
  • MoveRedist Changes: Option can now accept numbers as usual or alternatively you can just type first/last to tell it to move redist to the first or last disc
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug introduced with the Pre/Post commands that caused a missing header at the compression complete label
  • Bug Fix: Redist wasn't being moved correctly when Discs# value wasn't a number (e.g Discs#=#), this is now fixed
  • Bug Fix: MoveRedist console text no longer disappear too fast
New diskspan working with Language specific Include/Exclude can be seen in work HERE (Pre-released version without all the MoveRedist & Arc.ini changes or the bug fixes)

New Tutorial pdf attachment uploaded as well, Updated Arc.ini attachment to match too.

Wiki updated to match new update

See OP for details & downloads

Attachment cleanup performed

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
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Last edited by vollachr; 26-03-2018 at 08:23.
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Old 27-03-2018, 03:43
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Announcement: UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 Hotfix 1a is now Released


  • Bug Fix: Fixed CLS-Diskspan bug introduced in UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 2.0 - Hotfix 1 that caused compression to not work correctly when not using language specific Include/Exclude options.
Sorry for that, I missed it during tests, it is now fixed, attachment of previous file for Hotfix 1 has been removed to prevent using the bad version.

See OP for details and download.

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Old 10-04-2018, 07:44
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I'm working on a few new features for Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC), as follows:
  1. Error.log - Error log file will be generated during compression, if any error occur it will be completely outputed to the Error.log file, if no Error occur Error.log file will be deleted
  2. Optional Records.ini generating for CLS-Diskspan - for use with CIU v2.0.3.9 setups or in rare cases when Diskspan don't work correctly in CIUv2.0.5g
  3. Optional CIU v2.0.3.9 Records.ini generating - option to generate records.ini file even when not using Splitter option for use with CIU v2.0.3.9

More Info:


As described above, whenever an error occur during compression UCC will output the entire original error message generated by the compressor to a text file called Error.log, this should make it easy to troubleshoot problems.

When compression ends without any errors the empty Error.log file will be removed.

This is actually an evolution of the previously mentioned feature I posted about in my last post in this thread (see here).

Diskspan Records.ini

A new option in Settings.ini called SpanRecords is added, when enabled (set to "y"), UCC will create a simple Records.ini file for installation of CLS-Diskspan archives.

This is required for use with CIU v2.0.3.9 U11 or newer.

It also helps in occasions where CIUv2.0.5g causes Setup.tmp errors on Installation Cancel & Finish, if this is the case, use the option to generate the Records.ini file and use it instead of the [ExtractSettings] section of CIUv2 Setup.ini file.

CIU v2.0.3.9 Records.ini

A new option in Settings.ini called DatanRecords is added, when enabled (set to "y"), UCC will generate Records.ini file to be used with CIU v2.0.3.9 Setups.

The file will be created in the first disk folder after the first archive is created and will update with additional records after each additional archive is created.

This is only needed if the Setup you created was designed using CIU v2.0.3.9, make sure to disable the option if it wasn't created with CIU v2.0.3.9.

Please Note:

All of the above features are still being worked on & tested, if you want to help test them please send me a PM.

Have a nice day

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:45
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MAJOR thread cleanup, leaving only most recent posts, as requested.
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Old 16-04-2018, 06:39
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UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 In Development

Currently testing the next UCC update, here are the changes in the new update so far:

Update Title: Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0
  • New Feature: Error.log - UCC will now generate a file called Error.log during compression, if any error occur during compression, the complete error message will be outputed to the Error.log file for easy troubleshooting, if no errors occur the Error.log file will be deleted upton completion
  • New Feature: Diskspan Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called SpanRecords allows UCC to create a simple Records.ini file for use with Diskspan, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups, it may also help with certain problems in CIUv2.0.5g
  • New Feature: CIU2.0.3.9 Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called DataRecords tells UCC to create a records.ini file for the created data file even if File Splitter isn't being used, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups.
  • Feature Improvement: Records.ini creation for Split Files (Game Files or Archives) now work for 7Zip & WinRAR type archives as well (Only for FreeArc before)
  • Compressor Script Improvement: 7Zip archiver (not as FreeArc method) now showing progress in console window

Testing Status:

Error.log - Tested & Appear to be Working Correctly
Diskspan Records.ini - Tested & Working Correctly
CIUv2.0.3.9 Records.ini - Tested & Working Correctly
7-Zip & Winrar support for Splitter Records.ini - Tested & working correctly

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
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Last edited by vollachr; 19-04-2018 at 03:51.
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Old 21-04-2018, 11:37
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Update regarding the next UCC update (titled Update 3.0)
  1. Error.log file - having a problem getting it to work properly with winrar (rar.exe)
  2. New feature added - UCC will now check the selected game folder size and pop up a message informing the user of the folder size and minimum required free space for the conversion
  3. Highly considering to remove the compressors update feature and leave the compressors files external in a sub folder of the common folder for easy editing

If you are able to help with logging winrar errors to file than please let me know.

Also would like your input on that last point, about the compressors.

Thanks and have a nice day/night

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Old 21-04-2018, 16:55
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Good idea to make them external. That's what i said previously
Haters gonna hate
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Old 22-04-2018, 00:34
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Originally Posted by KaktoR View Post
Good idea to make them external. That's what i said previously
I know and I said I'll consider it, I have, right now, due to new compressors releases (e.g xtool) and lack of time or will to test them, I'm starting to think it's the right time to make that change.

Also, it appears that the UCC rar archive is going to be smaller this way.

Not to mention the executable file.

Still, I'd like to get more feedback on this before making my decision.

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Last edited by vollachr; 22-04-2018 at 01:02.
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Old 22-04-2018, 07:03
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OK, don't know what happen to my latest post, it disappeared...

Anyway, I've fixed the RAR Error logging problem with a workaround, below is the full list of current (and possibly final) changes for UCC v4.1.3.2 Update 3.0:
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Rar & 7zip error handling and temp files deleting problem due to incorrect location of errorlevel check in script.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Rar Archiver Error message, there was an error in the script that caused both answers for retrying after an error to just re-load the error message.
  • New Feature: Error.log - UCC will now generate a file called Error.log during compression, if any error occur during compression, the complete error message will be outputed to the Error.log file for easy troubleshooting, if no errors occur the Error.log file will be deleted upon completion
  • New Feature: Diskspan Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called SpanRecords allows UCC to create a simple Records.ini file for use with Diskspan, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups, it may also help with certain problems in CIUv2.0.5g
  • New Feature: CIU2.0.3.9 Records.ini - New option in Settings.ini called DataRecords tells UCC to create a records.ini file for the created data file even if File Splitter isn't being used, this is required for CIUv2.0.3.9 setups.
  • New Feature: UCC Now checks selected game folder size and then pop-up a message telling the user the game size and approximate minimum required space for the conversion (Not applicable for AIO Conversions)
  • Feature Improvement: Records.ini creation for Split Files (Game Files or Archives) now work for 7Zip & WinRAR type archives as well (Only for FreeArc before)
  • Compressor Script Improvement: 7Zip archiver (not as FreeArc method) now showing progress in console window
  • Compressors System: The UCC Compressors are now externally included in the su-bolder [Common\Include\Compressors], the previous system of adding/changing/updating compressors have been removed
  • Compressors Changes: Updated 7Zip to v18.01 & replaced with 32bit edition for compatiblity
  • Compressors Changes: Replaced Rar.exe file with 32bit edition for compatibility
  • Script Optimization: Optimize script to work correctly with the EXTERNAL compressors system
  • Visual Changes: Minor wording changes in Archivers error messages

Known Issues
  • When Using RAR archiver there's still no progress indicator, I don't really think it's possible to do while keeping the console output clean

Also, thinking & working on trying to make the UCC script a Batch/VBS hybrid, which will mean it will hopefully have a simple message box based GUI added to it, but that's still a big maybe as it is a huge undertaking so it'll probably won't be in Update 3.0, also, if it does happen, I'm gonna try and change the main archive programs (FreeArc, 7Zip, WinRAR) to use the GUI version of their executable files to avoid command line windows and assure progress is shown.

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister
Microsoft Certified Professional
Retired Conversion Creator

Last edited by vollachr; 22-04-2018 at 08:48.
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Old 22-04-2018, 07:11
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Originally Posted by vollachr View Post
OK, don't know what happen to my latest post, it disappeared...
I have checked the thread logs, no post was recently deleted or moved, last post deleted was on the 11th of April
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Old 22-04-2018, 07:29
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Originally Posted by Grumpy View Post
I have checked the thread logs, no post was recently deleted or moved, last post deleted was on the 11th of April
Weird, I was sure I posted it about 5 hours ago.

Maybe there was a connection error, or maybe I accidentally closed the browser tab without submitting (after preview), who knows, no big deal.

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister
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Old 23-04-2018, 06:41
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Announcement: UCC v4.1.3.2 - Update 3.0 is now released!!!

  • Compressors are now externally included under [Common\Include\Compressors]
  • UCC checks game folder size and report minimal required space for conversion
  • Records.ini for Diskspan & CIUv2.0.3.9

For full details & downloads see the OP

Tutorial & Wiki Updated as well.

Ultimate Conversion Compressor Creator (Discontinued/Abandoned)
My Other Tools: File Splitter and Merger - Multiple Text/String Replacer (MTSR) - UCC Files & Folders Lister
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