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Old 16-04-2002, 16:00
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spooky spooky is offline
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The Forum Rules. Please Read.

I'd like all You newbies to read these before You post anything or You'll end up... somewhere

Purpose of this site and this board is to help backing up original games. And when I mean original that is original and nothing else.

Don't come here if You plan to post/ask about :
- serials, if You have original game then serial is there
- crack for serials - see above
- where to get Games/Apps etc. etc. the answer is plain and simple - in stores
- 'how can I make my RIP work with this patch?' - we talk about original games here, You remember?
- 'I have FLT/DEViANCE/whatever elses ISO and the game/patch wont work' - see above
- 'I have original XXXX game and it won't work' - we're not technical support, contact them
- 'How to copy game XXXX' - if You want this information always and I mean always tell us what's Your burner and what program do You use
- 'when GCW will post patch for game XXXX' - it'll be there when someone send it here, we do not produce them and EMPiRE isn't monitoring his email 24h/day, it could be today, it could be tomorrow and it could be two weeks - so wait patiently
- 'You all s**k' - we know, You don't have to tell us
- search before You post!!! answers to Your questions might be here, if I see 1000th topic about something that was 1000 times answered before I'll close/delete it

If You plan to violate the rules then don't come here, You're not welcome, Your posts will be deleted and if You're annoying enough You'll end up banned. (To unban contact EMPiRE, but he has no time etc. etc.). And if You doesn't violate the rules then have fun and stay here and help keeping this great site

Thanks for Your time.

(and if you want to read them in there original format then click below)


But they are exactly the same....
WinOrBin... Together we will WIN.....

Chat I.D. : ngen69uk

Last edited by spooky; 16-04-2002 at 16:04.
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Old 18-04-2002, 05:27
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Warlock Warlock is offline
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Good work Spooky. Everyone agreed to abide by these rules when they registered. Guess they forgot.
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