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Old 11-07-2001, 18:05
Davie Davie is offline
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PS2 DVD Ripping Works!!!!

i have just ripped the game Orphen, which is a DVD mode disc with
a HP Burner, but!!!
you need alot of programs along the way, such as ISObuster,
ILM2ISO, CD/DVD Generator (this 1 is hard to D/L as It was made by Sony, and somehow was leaked into the public) also read tutorials, also you need Dummy File Creator, this is to take the size of the game down (I got Orphan down from 1.3Ghz, to 605Mb), u need a chipped PS2, most of these files are easy to find apart from CD/DVD Gen., if u get REALLY stuck trying 2 find this E-Mail me @ davieroberts999********co.uk I wont give u a link but I'll try 2 help u out!!!!!!!!!! BTW you do however need a DVD-Rom 2 actually read the game!!!!!!!
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Old 05-08-2001, 02:10
zimmer zimmer is offline
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Great! but will you share your knowledge with the rest of us. I have all the programs to rip dvd games but don't know how to use them. Can you help?
Old 15-08-2005, 11:30
seki seki is offline
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how to rip ps2 games well its not easy job but it can be done !!

Through this series of tutorials, I hope to help all who are interested get a better grasp of how to do DVD Rips. I offer this information AS IS and make no claims that it is absolutely perfect. These methods have worked for ME and others I know. That's the only claim that I'll make. I am assuming that you are reading this for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES and that you LEGALLY OWN the game(s) you're trying to back up. Please, DO NOT ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT PIRATED GAMES! I will ignore you completely. However, if you have any other questions pertaining to these tutorials, then you may feel free to ask me in the DVD Ripping forum at Zima's. I will try to make these as complete as possible however, I am human, and prone to mistakes as are we all, so I will no doubt forget to include things here and there. My hope is that by the time you finish this series you have learned, by experience, most of the methods and logic that goes along with DVD Rips. And most of all, I hope you HAVE SOME FUN doing this! All that being
said, let's get started!

Here is an overview of the tools which we will be using. Please do not contact me asking how to obtain these tools. That is YOUR responsibility! I can not and WILL NOT give out information on how or where you may obtain ANY copyrighted materials. Thus I will try to substitute shareware/freeware programs wherever possible.

[1] a DVD ROM drive (can't read the DVD without the drive^_~)
[2] a CDR (can't burn a backup without a burner)
[3] a HEX EDITOR for editing files. I like Hex Workshop which s available as shareware. That is the program I will be using in these tutorials.
[4] Sony CD\DVD Generator software.
[5] Dreamcast Dummy File Maker Available as freeware.
[6] ISOBuster Available as Freeware.
[7] IML2ISo.EXE Available as Freeware.
[8] CDRWin or equivalent. Available as shareware.

LESSON 1: Orphen

For the sake of convenience I've decided to start with something relatively simple. Orphen lacks many of the complexities we'll encounter later on, however, I think ripping it will give you a good foundation and get you familiar with the tools we'll be using so that when we *do* get to the harder stuff, you won't have to struggle with it as much. Now that we've cleared that up, let's get started!
[STEP 1] Place the Orphen DVD in your DVDRom drive.
Now, using Windows Explorer COPY all the files and folders on the DVD and then PASTE them to a temporary directory on your hard drive. Take note: Does this DVD have a volume label? Yes it does. The Volume label is ORPHEN.
TIP: I like to name the temporary folder that I copy the files into after the volume label of the DVD-this helps me remember if it has one or not!
[STEP 2] Let's see what we're dealing with. Highlight all the files and folders in your temp directory and right click. Now click on properties. Well, it's obvious that this one isn't going to fit on a cdr, but it's not *that* bad. We can deal with it. Ok, so let's decide where we can cut some space out. The general practice is to cut out the movies. Sounds like a plan; let's do that. Ordinarily ps2 movie files are named .PSS. But we don't see any of those...we do see some .MV3 files in the MV3 directory though. Voila! We found our movies. How do we know this? Well, I just know because I'm familiar with file types, but here's another way to tell: look at the directory name: MV3 is an acronym for MVE which stands for MOVIE. Guess they thought they were being sneaky, eh? ;p Another way to tell is to compare the headers of a .PSS file with the headers of the file type you're examining. You would do this using a hex editor. This may seem complex now, but later, after we've done some work with hex, it'll seem like a breeze.
[STEP 3] Ok, now let's get rid of some files...we'll get rid of: MO2.MV3, MO4.MV3, MO5.MV3, M06.NV3, M07.MV3, M08.MV3, M10.MV3, M11.MV3, M14.MV3, M15.MV3, M16.MV3, M19.MV3. Now you might ask why I chose these. Well there are a few criteria for choosing what to delete: Generally, however, you'll want to pick the largest files and delete just enough to make the total size of the game small enough to fit on an 80min cd.
[STEP 4] Now we need to REPLACE the files we deleted. There are 2 good ways to do this. One, we can take the smallest file of a similar type and use that to replace the others by copying,pasting, and renaming it to the names of the missing files. Second, we can replace the missing movies with DUMMY files. Ordinarily this dummy file MUST be a valid PSS stream, however, in the case of Orphen it doesn't matter so we'll use a program which is readily available to make our dummy files. The Dreamcast Dummy File Maker. Using this we make a 1MB dummy file for each and all of the files we deleted. In other words, make 12 of them.
[STEP 5] Now that we have all of our files in order (compare with the original DVD to make certain that you have all the files in your temp dir that are on the DVD), and have our dummy files in place, we are ready to set up the image-ALMOST! First we need to look and see if it makes any DVD checks. Open up Hex Workshop. Once there, open up the orphen ELF or SLUS file. Should be something like SLUS_500.62. Make sure it's NOT still set with the READ ONLY attribute in Windows or Hex Workshop will not be able to open it! Once the file is open we press CTRL+F to perform a simple search. The search dialogue box opens up. From the "Type" drop down menu select "Hex Values." In the "Value" dialogue box enter this string: 02000424. This string represents the the most common DVD check string. Now, check the "Find All Instances" box and make sure that "Down" is selected as your "Direction." Click OK and hex workshop will find all the values of this string. The results will be displayed in the bottom right window of Hex Workshop. There are a few instances of the string, howevr, none of them are a DVD check. We will discuss more on how to recognize a valid DVD check later. For now, take a look at these to familiarize yourself with what one does NOT look like. Learning to recognize false leads will help you later on so please do not skip this step.
[STEP 6] NOW we're ready to set up the files for our image. Close up Hex Workshop; do NOT save any changes. Now load up CD\DVD Generator. Choose to "Create New Project" then select "CDROM Master Disc." The program will now open and drop you in the DIRECTORY menu. The program has 3 menus: VOLUME, DIRECTORY, and LAYOUT. Each has a seperate function. We will learn these as we go for convenience. First, let's click the VOLUME tab. This brings us, as one might expect, to the Volume window. Here we see inputs for such information as region, publisher, copyrights, and *Volume Label*. Under the "Master Disc Information" area enter in your SLUS name next to "Disc Name." In other words, input SLUS50062. Now in the "Volume Identifier" area, enter ORPHEN next to "Volume." You can enter whatever you want in the other areas, but I would simply leave them alone if I were you. We now click the DIRECTORY tab to take us back to the directory area. This is where we actually input our files into the program. This is also where we will create our directories which we will do first. Go to the Edit menu and choose "Create Directory." A new folder will be created; name it MV3. Now we're ready to input our files. To avoid un-neccessary troubles later on, it is always a good idea to input your files in their proper order. Minimize CD\DVD Gen and open up ISOBuster. If the only drive that has a disc in it is your DVDRom drive then the program will automatically view it. Otherwise, choose the proper drive from the drop down menu on the top left. In the Right Window of ISOBuster you will notice a descriptor called "LBA." This is the physical location of the file and how we determine what the file order is. It works as one might expect. An LBA of 1 would be the first file while and LBA of 2 would be the second, and so on. Ok, we see that the first file is GRP.BIN at LBA 24. Maximize CD\DVD Gen and simply drag and drop GRP.BIN from your temp directory into the CD\DVD Gen window. Make sure you drop it into the Root directory and NOT the MV3 dir!. Now simply do the same thing for the remaining files; Using ISOBuster s your guide drop the files into CD\DVD Gen in their proper order.
[STEP 7] Now we click on the LAYOUT tab in CD\DVD Generator. You can also close
ISOBuster now. In the LAYOUT tab we look in the bottom window and we see the layout of our files. The first file you see listed should be GRP.BIN and it should reside at LBA 24. NOTE: CD\DVD Gen represents LBA with the descriptors "START" and "END." Start is the one you want to look at here. Let's assume, for the sake of this example that your first LBA is not at 24. We need to change that. Highlight GRP.BIN in the bottom window and right click it. Now select the "Location" option. A dialogue box will pop up. This is where you enter in the LBA you want the file at. Enter 24 and hit OK. You'll notice that GRP.BIN is now at a Start LBA of 24. Perfect! This gives us a file order which is pretty close to the original. We'll leave it at that.
[NOTE:] For those using the swap trick WITHOUT a modchip, you will do what is
here, but you will also highlight SYSTEM.CNF, right click, select Location, and input 12231. This will allow you to use the swap tricks like the COG and KNIFE swaps to boot your backup. Unfortunately you also stand the chance of making your image too big. If this happens you will not be able to export an IML file and you will see a negative number displayed in the time box under the LAYOUT section of CD\DVD Gen. A shortcoming of the software is that it only supports 71 Minute CDs. You can work around this by selecting to create a DVD Master Disc at startup, then continuing as normal. So there ya go. You're all set! Also note that if there is already a file at or near LBA 12231 you need to drag SYSTEM.CNF *above* that file in the LAYOUT Window BEFORE you try to change the location of system.cnf.
[STEP 8] From the File menu in CD\DVD Gen, choose "Export IML File" it will ask
you where you want to put it. Put it in the same dir as IML2ISO.exe for convenience. Name it orphen.iml. Now we can close CD\DVD Gen. You don't need to save if it asks you. We are now ready to build our ISO. From the Windows Start Menu select Programs\MSDOS Prompt. If you cannot find that, then select Run...and input "Command" and hit OK. Now that we have our DOS Window open we move to the dir where we put IML2ISo and we type: "iml2iso orphen.iml ORPHEN.ISO. This will create our ISO image.
TIP: You can skip all the DOS stuff by choosing Start\Run\Browse to the
folder where you stored iml2iso and select iml2iso exe and hit ok. Now BEFORE you run it, enter the command line arguments to the end.
Example: C:\TEMP\iml2iso.exe orphen.iml ORPHEN.ISO. Once the ISo has been created we can delete the Temp dir where we were storing the files.
[STEP 9] Time to BURN! =) We now open CDRWin and select "File Backup and
Tools." Next we choose "Record ISO9660" from the top drop down menu. We then select our image file, ORPHEN.ISO. Now from the bottom drop down menus we select CDROMXA and MODE2. We then make sure that ONLY "Finalize/Close Session" and "Write Postgap" are checked. Now simply hit "Start" and wait for the burn to finish.

VOILA! We just made a working backup of our first DVD! Hooray for us!! (^_~)
This was a simple example but it gave us an idea of what we're doing and how we're doing it. As always, if you have any specific questions or problems please feel free to post them on the forum. Also, for those of you looking for an alternate burning program, check out ps2man's site, where you can find a tutorial on how to back up Orphen using EasyCD Creator. His URL is http://rockzz.com/ps2man. Check under the tutorials section. You'll notice that
file order doesn't seem to matter much in Orphen. This is true. But I want you to get into the habit of lining up files in their proper order so you'll be ready when we get to some other projects down the line.
Old 15-08-2005, 12:16
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I have an even better, super-duper way to rip your games...

It's called spend £25 on a DVD-RW and copy your games easily needing only your basic CD Recording App and it won't f*ck your laser in either like ripping does! WOW!

With todays prices, a DVD-ROM and a RW drive cost about the same, so don't waste your time. It's hard to believe why anyone would still need to use ripping these days :sigh:

P.S: Why drag up a topic which is FOUR (4), yes FOUR (4) YEARS OLD!?!?!?!?
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Last edited by lufcfan; 15-08-2005 at 12:18.
Old 15-08-2005, 13:17
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This info may have been useful in 2001 when this was originally

Seki please dont dredge up old post like this
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