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Old 28-09-2007, 13:03
Minimei Minimei is offline
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The Settlers VI : Rise of an Empire 1.1

Hail, a new patch for Settlers have been added, i can play it with the CD but i'am looking right now for a NoCD crack and i was wondering if any people/team where working on it.

I am listing the detail of the patch anyway :

THE SETTLERS - Rise of an Empire Version History

Version 1.1


-The DVD check is replaced by an online activation when certain third-party programs are installed. If you are asked for a serial number at the start of the game, please enter your CD key and follow the onscreen instructions to activate the game.
-The performance for building placement has been improved.
-Building walls has been simplified.
-The button for time compression is enabled.
-Soldiers will automatically fight back if attacked by animals.
-Feedback when changing the sound options volume slider is added
-Balancing of city reputation in multiplayer games has been improved.

Bug Fixes

-All listboxes can be scrolled to the end.
-Texts will be placed correctly in every aspect ratio.
-Inconsistency between the sell price and the amount of received gold has been fixed.
-Inconsistencies between the trained number of soldiers and the active battalion icon have been fixed.
-Audio feedback is delivered when mercenaries are receiving commands.
-Minimap symbols of discovered storehouses don’t disappear when knight leaves the appropriate territory.
-Single- and Multiplayer map previews have been fixed.
Out of memory while saving problem has been fixed.
-All settings made in the sound menu are saved properly.
-Fixed desync problems in multiplayer games.
-In multiplayer games a player will not instantly lose the game if an opponent invades his marketplace using 90 soldiers.
-Fixed graphic bugs in minimap after loading.
-In multiplayer games it’s no longer possible that two players connect with the same name.
-In Challia the guarded cart will no longer be attacked.
-In Geth all freed carts will go back to Geth.

Known Issues

-Savegames from previous versions are not compatible with the Patch. Please finish your latest mission before applying the patch. Also it is not possible to load old savegames under Vista via Doubleclick (Rich Save Games).
-The Screenshot function is not working with activated FSAA (Full Screen Anti Aliasing)
-Clan/Ladder support not active.
-In rare circumstances it can happen that soldiers get stuck between gates if they undertake an action (capture siege cart) there.
-The game might freeze for a few seconds when moving to an area (for example a big city) for the first time
-In some very rare conditions the selection does not work. Workaround: Click with left mouse button, turn the camera.

Thanks for your time.
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Old 28-09-2007, 13:16
BarryB BarryB is offline
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Thread soon to be closed, read the RULES!
Old 28-09-2007, 15:12
Minimei Minimei is offline
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I am looking again and again at the FAQ and forums rules and I don't see anything against the rules, i got the CD, the key... everything. I was just looking for a way to not use my CD/DVD to play my game, i don't think anything is wrong or illegal... But maybe i'am wrong it's my first post, so sorry if i am... Could you show me the rules i enforced plz ?

Sorry anyway...
Old 28-09-2007, 15:47
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