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Old 20-07-2009, 08:15
supersecretos supersecretos is offline
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Post Megaman X7 v1.0 +7 TRAINER

Megaman X7 v1.0 +7 TRAINER por supersecretos

Este trainer lo desarrolle sobre el juego de megaman x7 para pc despues de los
siguientes pasos de instalación del juego:

1. instalé el juego en la version que koreana, que es el que hay en la red.
2. luego le aplique el parche de traducción Megaman_X7_PC_-_Traduccion_Espanol_-_v1.00.exe
de tamaño: 29,704,577 bytes y CRC32: c91bc257
3. luego reemplazé el archivo ejecutable del juego RMX7.exe con el archivo parcheado
de igual nombre RMX7.exe de tamaño: 4,214,784 bytes y CRC32: 6042c273

Ahora para usar el trainer es igual que siempre:

1. Corres el juego, ALT + TAB para cambiar de pantalla.
2. corres el trainer MMX7_by_supersecretos.exe de tamaño: 414,297 bytes y CRC32: a7d61632
y aplicas lo que mas te convenga.
3. Regresas al juego y a pasarla sin pestañar, que lo vas a tener facil.

- Con respecto a "Invencible", clic en NORMAL para regresar a la normalidad, solo despues
de haber puesto "Invencible" en OFF.
- Con respecto a "Armadura rider: energia infinita", desactivar en caso de que algunos
enemigos se vuelvan indestructibles, puedes activarlo despues de matarlos.

Hasta luego .

Aqui el link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADZRCF6Y

[Google Translate:]
Megaman X7 v1.0 +7 TRAINER by supersecretos

This trainer is developed on the game megaman x7 para pc after the
following installation of the game:

1. I installed the game in which the Korean version, which is the one in the network.
2. then apply the translation patch Megaman_X7_PC_-_Traduccion_Espanol_-_v1.00.exe
Size: 29,704,577 bytes, and CRC32: c91bc257
3. then replace the executable game file with the patched RMX7.exe
RMX7.exe behalf of equal size: 4214784 bytes, and CRC32: 6042c273

Now to use the trainer is the same as always:

1. You run the game, ALT + TAB to switch screen.
2. run the trainer MMX7_by_supersecretos.exe size: 414.297 bytes, and CRC32: a7d61632
and apply what's right for you.
3. Return to the game and pass it without blinking, it'll be easy.

- With regard to "Invincible", click Normal to return to normal only after
of having "Invincible" to OFF.
- Under "Armature Rider: infinite energy" turn off in case some
enemies become indestructible, you can activate after killing them.

See you later.

Here the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADZRCF6Y

Last edited by Joe Forster/STA; 20-07-2009 at 08:55.
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Old 20-07-2009, 17:17
DABhand DABhand is offline
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Why the korean version?
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Old 23-11-2009, 07:10
spackfighter spackfighter is offline
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There has only been released a korean version for PC. There's just an English Version released for PS2. I'm just trying to upload the No-CD/Fixed EXE and two language packs. One converts from korean to english and the other to spanish language.Worked fine for me, still there are some korean letters left but just in the menu if you wanna quit and if you want to change the game difficulty. Hope the uploaded files will be added to GCW list
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