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Old 01-11-2006, 10:59
Heretic666 Heretic666 is offline
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Phantasy Star Universe (DVD9 to 2 DVD5 OR DVD9 to 1 DVD5)

Phantasy Star Universe USA/Europe version DVD9->2 DVD5

Protection :nProtect GameGuard , a protection system against cheaters and their likes when playing the game in online mode,same concept like VAC (Valve's AntiCheat System),but this is installed in our system,more info here:
and here:
other than that the game has no copy protection whatsoever.
The conversion is very simple:
  • Create a temp folder and dump all the files of the disk inside except setup-3.bin
  • Burn the contents of the folder with whatever volume name you like
  • Burn in a separate disk setup-3.bin and you are done
While installing ,the setup will ask to insert disk 3,no worries ,in the dialog that shows up choose the disk with your setup-3.bin and the process will continue.

Phantasy Star Universe USA/Europe version DVD9->1 DVD5

There is also another method which includes unpacking the setup (its an Inno Setup package) and by changing the compression in the script it is possible to fit the whole game on one DVD5 disc, the unpacking can be done with UniExtract if you want to do it.
The repacked setup is 4.27GB (a bit smaller than one DVD5 disc) using maximum compression.

Below is a complete step by step guide to make it fit onto one DVD5.

What we will need:
  • Inno Setup Starter Pack (Freeware,you can get it from here)
  • Universal Extractor (Freeware,i include it with the modified script)
  • My modified script take it from here
  • ...and lot of free space (aprox. 10~11GB)
After acquiring the above and make the required installations do the following:
  1. Insert the PSU DVD that you legible own in your drive.
  2. After that,ignore the autorun menu that pops up and explore the disc.
  3. Inside the disc there is a setup.exe,right click that file and you should see the option "UniExtract Files ...",select that option and choose a new,clean folder in your hard drive to make the extraction.After selecting OK a Command Prompt window will appear showing the progress of the extraction,depending from your DVD and HDD drive speed it can take 9 minutes to finish.
  4. From the previous step you should now have the following file and folders in your specified extraction area:
    Extract in the there my script and double click it,there should appear ISTool showing the contents of my script,feel free to read and post any questions that you may have.Press CTRL+F9 or go to "Project->Compile Setup",after that the compiling process will be initiated and depending from your CPU it can normally take about 2-3 hours.
  5. When the compiling finishes it will ask you to test the setup,if you have any doubts feel free to test it,the new setup is in the folder "Output" where you initially extracted the PSU DVD setup and will be about 4.27GB .
  6. Now open Nero or your favorite burning suite and burn in a new DVD the following:
    Your new setup and ".bin" files
    The files :LangAE.bin,LangF.bin and LanG.bin i see no reason to include them cause they are also in the setup and they are found in your root installation folder after the setup.Also for the DirectX folder i have downloaded the latest from Softpedia and i used the extracted contents to update the game's folder.The new DVD with all the above is gona be 4438 MB,30~40MB below the max capacity of a DVD5
  7. Name the new DVD whatever you want and enjoy a smooth setup of your favorite game.

Last edited by Heretic666; 24-11-2006 at 13:17.
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Old 22-11-2006, 07:55
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Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'
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Old 10-12-2006, 07:34
sylvio sylvio is offline
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Good work, HERETIC666, I tried Your method (it has spend it more than 3,5 hours) and WORKING PERFECTLY!! Thanx!
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Old 24-12-2006, 12:34
Heretic666 Heretic666 is offline
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Thx m8,the only thing this game needs right now is a working trainer or a patch to remove this anticheat protection in the offline mode because Artmoney doesn't work.
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Old 24-12-2006, 16:41
BarryB BarryB is offline
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You coud also try Inno Setup Unpacker 0.18:

You can also include an entire folder plus Subdirectories using just 1 line with Inno Setup:

Source: {app}\Phantasy Star Universe\*"; DestDir: "{app}\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs overwritereadonly

This creates an .iss file of 1.5kb instead of 203kb and will compress the main folder and all sub folders without creating hundreds of lines of un-necessary code
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Old 26-12-2006, 03:25
Heretic666 Heretic666 is offline
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Nice BarryB,but as i wrote in my guide,i didn't wrote the script,i just modified the script that came out of the extraction process(the code was already there why write a new one even if it is a single line :P),in that way i didn't have to wrote not even a line of new code , i only did some tweaks here and there.
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Old 26-12-2006, 06:28
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It was just for reference in case you make your own setup
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