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Old 05-09-2004, 06:05
Peenuts Peenuts is offline
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Ground Control 2 freeze

I need help for the game Ground Control 2!
I've the german version of the game. When i run the game, it starts normally. If i strat a campain, it will start too, but when i save, it crashes down. The sound still go on, but the mouse and the game freeze. The Cpu is still to 99%! Only with the task manager i can shut of. I don't know where the problem is. I've any new komponents in my System (AMD 2800 XP, Geforce FX 5900 XT from Club 3D, one 512 MB DDR and one 128 MB DDR Pc 333, a new harddrive from western digital (120GB with 8MB cache)). The System runs stable, any other games (OFP, Call of Duty, Vietcong) runs without errors. Only Ground Control 2 freezes.
Do i need an other crack or is it a problem with my hardware. Please help me anyone!
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Old 05-09-2004, 06:18
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what happens when u use the original cds?
I didn't ban you, BW did!

[QUOTE]Are you by chance a poet or writer ? Just wondering, your writing style is quite a shock to those of us who are used to illiterate warez kiddies going "OMG WT!F whErEz Da CRACKS !" all the time. You should bundle your signatures and get them published :D[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]Ever though that you never got viruses because...
... Norton didn't find them?[/QUOTE]
Old 05-09-2004, 09:55
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scan for virus & spywares. Check the temparture of the CPU etc....
Old 07-09-2004, 05:25
Peenuts Peenuts is offline
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Thank you for responses.
I don't have the original CD's, while a friend give me the game and i run it only with the crack.
I can rule out spyware and viruses. I've check my system directly so the problem begins. Now i run Command & Conquer Generals and there is the problem like Ground Control. The Game runs, but at start it freeze for ca. 45 seconds. Then it run without errors. Now i'm thinking it's on my hardware, but i can't find the error. Above all the other games will run. I thougt that my memory is the problem and take out one bank, but the error is still going on. My english isn't so good, so i don't understand all of the Bios features. I don't modify anything i don't understand. So i look in my windows, but there is nothing wrong. Has anyone an idea?
Old 07-09-2004, 05:37
EMPiRE EMPiRE is offline
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Threat closed as you do not own the game... making it illegal to use and illegal to ask questions about it here...
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