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Old 08-12-2005, 04:45
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Tony Hawks UnderGround 2

Original Poster: VanTokkern
Post Date: 07-10-2004

1) Copy ALL the files from CD1 to a directory. Copy everything besides autorun.inf, Launch.exe and Launch.ini from CD2 to the same directory, when it asks you to overwrite existing files, say NO. Copy the folder Setup from CD3 to the same directory, also here, when it asks you to overwrite existing files, say NO.

If you decide on using a crack, proceed to 2, if not, skip to 4a.

2) Open Tony Hawk's Underground 2.msi with Orca, go to the Media tab, and change the VolumeLabel for every file to THUG2_DVD (or anything else if you prefer to name your DVD differently). You could also change DiskPrompt if you want to. Proceed to 3.

3) Copy over the original exe in "Setup\Data\Game" with a cracked exe. Proceed to 4b.

4a) Burn the files to a DVD-R, or create an image, and name it THUG2_1.

4b) Burn the files to a DVD-R, or create an image, and name it to what-ever you've put the VolumeLabel in the msi file.
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Old 25-09-2009, 12:36
romanus romanus is offline
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Originally Posted by Grumpy View Post
Original Poster: VanTokkern
Post Date: 07-10-2004

If you decide on using a crack, proceed to 2, if not, skip to 4a.

2) Open Tony Hawk's Underground 2.msi with Orca, go to the Media tab, and change the VolumeLabel for every file to THUG2_DVD (or anything else if you prefer to name your DVD differently). You could also change DiskPrompt if you want to. Proceed to 3.
Thanks for the post.

I know it is an old post, but I need to correct something here.

In my case I have the original CDs and decided not to use a crack and I needed to edit the "Tony Hawk's Underground 2.msi" file with Orca to avoid asking for the second and third cd during install.

You cannot only burn the DVD with the label "THUG2_1", it's needed to change VolumeLabel in the media tab to THUG2_1 when is written THUG2_2 or THUG2_3, but just to correct an installation problem.
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