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Old 07-04-2001, 21:07
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Sony CD-RW CRX145E - This is what i can backup - This is what i couldn't backup

Okay as stated above I have a Sony CD-RW CRX145E.

I am running firmware 1.0b.

I am using cloneCD version (with full functionality).

When using cloneCD version I had ‘Read Subchannel Data’ selected – For both audio and data. And the other three boxes un#####ed. I Read at 10x.

When writing with cloneCD version I had ‘Don’t repair sub channel data’ selected and the write mode was RAW DAO. I wrote at 4x.

I have had NO trouble backing up these games. I ended up with 1:1 working copies (These are just some recent releases - older games backup fine):

-No One Lives Forever
-MDK 2

I had trouble with these:

-Alice - backup process worked, installed fine, game does not pass the splash screen when loading.

-Sacrifice - backup process worked, installed fine, game does not pass the splash screen when loading.

-Tony Hawk 2 - backup process worked, installed fine, game does not pass the splash screen when loading.

I had problems with a few other titles i can't remember as well :P

There seems to be a trend here . Any suggestions on how to back up these games that did not backup properly on my writer?

I want 1:1 working copies - So programs like Daemons Tools are out of the question.

I used cloneCD for ALL copies. Would another program work better?

ie. DiskDump, Nero or CDRwin?

Would a firmware upgrade/downgrade help at all?

Thanks people.

PS. If you want me to answer any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
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Old 08-04-2001, 06:10
Raks55 Raks55 is offline
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the ones that don't copy are the ones that have safedisk 2. no matter what program you use it will never be able to copy it. no sony drives can copy this protection. you need a burner based on philips hardware.
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Old 08-04-2001, 19:16
elmerfudpucker elmerfudpucker is offline
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Thats not true. I have a Sony crx140e with a firmware upgrade I believe 1.0p and I made a working backup using clonecd and fireburner.I made a 1:1 but I have to drag my "nocd patch"over the original sims.exe.After that it doesnt ask for the original disk. But the game plays fine.And I havent yet had to insert the original.And for just kicks I burned it on a Memorex Black cdr.
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Old 09-04-2001, 06:38
Raks55 Raks55 is offline
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elmerfudpucker your a stupid asshole. don't talk shit.
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Old 09-04-2001, 13:32
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elmerfudpucker (09-04-2001 03:16):
Thats not true. I have a Sony crx140e with a firmware upgrade I believe 1.0p and I made a working backup using clonecd and fireburner.I made a 1:1 but I have to drag my "nocd patch"over the original sims.exe.After that it doesnt ask for the original disk. But the game plays fine.And I havent yet had to insert the original.And for just kicks I burned it on a Memorex Black cdr.
That defies the piont Moron, a 1:1 copy means no pacth or crack or any emulator!
OH and The Sims uses Safedisc one protection for your informatiuon.

Ho and i have the same drive and it cannot make a 1:1 copy of any SD2 protected game!
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Old 12-04-2001, 14:11
elmerfudpucker elmerfudpucker is offline
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Look you little pubic asshole zit face with no life.What is a 1;1 copy?Its an exact duplicate,thats what it is.A mirrior.You cant copy that disk and put it in the cd and play it can you??Without putting in the patch.By the standards of cdr dupping in most forums a 1:1 means the game is copied,not the copy right protection. You cant copy PS2' or PSX's in a true 1:1 sony's code cannot be reproduced on a disc.,if you could then thre'd be no need for a modchip or dupping machine and they cant dupe a true 1:1 either.You need to pull your rude head out of your ass,####head.What everyone is talking about in a 1:1 is without a patch or altering the game files. safedisc2 still cant be copied,only ignored or fast skipped. I did reasearch on this shit. So dont try to tell me want a 1:1 is.Theres 2 meanings for 1:1 according to what this and many other forums and websites have.So stick that up your ass you damn crackhead.:P
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Old 12-04-2001, 14:19
elmerfudpucker elmerfudpucker is offline
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Oh and I dont give a rats ass what your using. What I have is a Sony crx140 with 1.0p firmware clone and my disk works great.So go on and burn those coasters you arrogant know it all asshole.I have it right here in front of me.I usually dont go off on anybody,but when some jackass draws first blood I'll let your stupid over posting ass have it.Thats why alot of people wont post because of ####s like above.Theyre affraid they'll be slammed by jerks above that think they know everything.
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Old 13-04-2001, 14:08
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elmerfudpucker (12-04-2001 22:11):
Look you little pubic asshole zit face with no life.What is a 1;1 copy?Its an exact duplicate,thats what it is.A mirrior.You cant copy that disk and put it in the cd and play it can you??Without putting in the patch.By the standards of cdr dupping in most forums a 1:1 means the game is copied,not the copy right protection. You cant copy PS2' or PSX's in a true 1:1 sony's code cannot be reproduced on a disc.,if you could then thre'd be no need for a modchip or dupping machine and they cant dupe a true 1:1 either.You need to pull your rude head out of your ass,####head.What everyone is talking about in a 1:1 is without a patch or altering the game files. safedisc2 still cant be copied,only ignored or fast skipped. I did reasearch on this shit. So dont try to tell me want a 1:1 is.Theres 2 meanings for 1:1 according to what this and many other forums and websites have.So stick that up your ass you damn crackhead.:P

YEs 1:1 is no patch. so you can make a perfect copy OF SD2 just some writers , but we nevfer mentioned PSX and PS2 games! they have diffenrent protection thst can't be reproduced! I have made a back up of the Sims (SD1) and it works with no patches or emulators, it is as theough it is the original one! I don'tknow what you are trying to say, but you don't need to be rude!
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Old 13-04-2001, 16:03
elmerfudpucker elmerfudpucker is offline
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Hey,you called me a moron.I never insulted you ,but you opened your mouth and was a smart ass.Maybe you shouldnt go around and call people you dont know a moron,they may go off on your ass like me. So tell us how you copied the safedisc1 completely and defeated the cd##### in the first Sims and the L.L.,was it just by dropping in a cdr blank in a cdrw and burning it.I dont think so.A 1:1 in reality is a EXACT mirror image.Copy protection and all.And what about digital signatures?You didnt copy that 1:1 in sd2.If so ,I'd like to know what "spy kids" cdrw you got and does Burger King have any more. You think the people at Maxis would make it so easy as to dropping in a blank and burning.?The 1;1 you hear everyone talking about are missing the safedis2(fast skipped error) and cd #####s have been replaced.Like the cd-copy for B&W,no-cd for Sims, and yes theres a cd-copy for the Sims.THere are No such things as a True 1;1 coming from any cdr.CDRW's cannot produce exact duplicates of copy protected games.Theres always some code that cant be copied.Something is always left out or altered.Maybe you copied a backup.Which was already burned with the cd-copy and altered sims.exe in it.So enlighten us. I have as close to as a 1;1 that can be achieved and it really shouldnt be called a 1:1,thats misleading, but thats what its referred to in the cdrw world.I'm playing my ass off on the backed up Party Pk I did with a Sonycrx140 and Fireburner.Whether you believe it not.So coaster on!
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Old 13-04-2001, 16:49
Raks55 Raks55 is offline
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elmerfudpucker first of all i'm sorry for calling you an asshole. You made it sould like you can copy SD2 perfectly.

Now about the other stuff. Me and packer also have Sony 140E's so we know just about as much as you do about what the drive is capable of. I also have 1.0p firmware. Me and packer are saying that a 1:1 copy is a copy exact copy which does not need and patches, exe's or emulation, basically you stick the cd in, start clonecd, copy it, then play it.
SD2 can be copied perfectly without patches or any other crap as long as you have a writer based on philips hardware.
In this forum and the ones i go to 1:1 copies are one that are made without any patches or anything.

And packer has copied Sd2 perfectly. He has a writer based on philips hardware to go along with his sony 140e so he can and does copy SD2. He hasn't made any coasters as far as i know since he got it.

I don't know why your patching SD1 when you can copy i with you cd writer. I don't know what you mean when you say theres no such thing as true 1:1 copies because i have copied tons of safedisk 1 using cloneCD and Securom 2 which run just like the orignals without any patches.
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Old 14-04-2001, 09:41
tury315 tury315 is offline
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elmerfudpucker (12-04-2001 22:19):
Oh and I dont give a rats ass what your using. What I have is a Sony crx140 with 1.0p firmware clone and my disk works great.So go on and burn those coasters you arrogant know it all asshole.I have it right here in front of me.I usually dont go off on anybody,but when some jackass draws first blood I'll let your stupid over posting ass have it.Thats why alot of people wont post because of ####s like above.Theyre affraid they'll be slammed by jerks above that think they know everything.
Listen,they are saying that you said you made a perfect copy of safedisck2 game but you said you added a crack,well thats not a perfect cpy. A perfect copy is when you make a copy,put it in your cd rom,and play it with no problem.
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Old 15-04-2001, 05:50
elmerfudpucker elmerfudpucker is offline
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The no-cd patch was added after the disk was burned.It was added after the game was compiled.I still want to know how youre going to copy that safedisc2 and the digital signature so you can just stick that puppy in and not do anything else and play with your 1:1.You think they would spend a ton of money developing it and puttin it in there if any joe could just stick in a disk and copy it.I want to know where you can get these cdrw's from.I'll bet theyre flying off the shelf like ps2's where.The 1:1 mentioned in forums usually replies to game data or the game being ripped in its complete form.You cant fool the cd-##### without some type of altering.If you could just pop that cdr in and copy it then why does gcw patches even exist?And all these sites who have patches and cd-copy cracks?Again,you cannot duplicate a store bought retail copyprotected game and make a exact duplicate(mirror) of it.And just put it in and play.Only make as close to a 1:1 as referred to in cdr forums,and it still wont play without some type of patch or altering,ie. no-cd or cd-copy. Oh and FYI,my backup of House Party I did with the Sony140e and Fireburner(then dupped with clone) was installed on my brothers Gateway 900mhz with DVD and the game installed and played perfect,Bonus files too.I put the patch in the bonus folder and dragged it over after the game was installed.
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Old 15-04-2001, 13:07
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Raks55 (14-04-2001 00:49):
elmerfudpucker first of all i'm sorry for calling you an asshole. You made it sould like you can copy SD2 perfectly.

Now about the other stuff. Me and packer also have Sony 140E's so we know just about as much as you do about what the drive is capable of. I also have 1.0p firmware. Me and packer are saying that a 1:1 copy is a copy exact copy which does not need and patches, exe's or emulation, basically you stick the cd in, start clonecd, copy it, then play it.
SD2 can be copied perfectly without patches or any other crap as long as you have a writer based on philips hardware.
In this forum and the ones i go to 1:1 copies are one that are made without any patches or anything.

And packer has copied Sd2 perfectly. He has a writer based on philips hardware to go along with his sony 140e so he can and does copy SD2. He hasn't made any coasters as far as i know since he got it.

I don't know why your patching SD1 when you can copy i with you cd writer. I don't know what you mean when you say theres no such thing as true 1:1 copies because i have copied tons of safedisk 1 using cloneCD and Securom 2 which run just like the orignals without any patches.
Rakss55 Thats exactly what i am trying to say!

To make a perfect of The Sims

just tick fast error skip and then use the default to burn! Use te sony to make the image as well.

As for SD2 some wirters can back it up with out needing a patch or something, i am not sure why but they can!
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Old 15-04-2001, 13:16
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IF you still don't understand then just ask BOT-CK!
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Old 15-04-2001, 13:50
Raks55 Raks55 is offline
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elmerfudpucker (15-04-2001 13:50):
I still want to know how youre going to copy that safedisc2 and the digital signature so you can just stick that puppy in and not do anything else and play with your 1:1.
Yes you can, go and buy a writer based on Philips hardware and you can copy it. All you have to do is start up CloneCD, make the image, burn it, then play it without any patches.

elmerfudpucker (15-04-2001 13:50):
You think they would spend a ton of money developing it and puttin it in there if any joe could just stick in a disk and copy it. I want to know where you can get these cdrw's from.
No of coarse not, what kind of company would be that stupid. The good high quality Plextor writer cannot do it, but the Philips can. This is because Macrovision (the company which made Safedisk) specially targeted the chipset inside the Plextor and other writers, which is manufactured by one company, which is either Sanyo or Samsung (can’t remember which one). This is why Plextor’s and Sony’s can’t do it. But Philips don’t use the chipset everyone else uses, their chipset because of its crapness somehow by some fluke can do it. You can’t really buy these writer anymore, no one really bought them when they where available because the where so crap, but some retailers have them lying around in the back because the haven’t managed to sell them, that how some people have them.

elmerfudpucker (15-04-2001 13:50):
The 1:1 mentioned in forums usually replies to game data or the game being ripped in its complete form.You cant fool the cd-##### without some type of altering.If you could just pop that cdr in and copy it then why does gcw patches even exist?And all these sites who have patches and cd-copy cracks?Again,you cannot duplicate a store bought retail copyprotected game and make a exact duplicate(mirror) of it.And just put it in and play.Only make as close to a 1:1 as referred to in cdr forums,and it still wont play without some type of patch or altering,ie. no-cd or cd-copy.
What the #### are you smoking, the reason the patches exist is because not all people can copy games which are protected because your writer has to be able to do RAW writing and not all can, and if they can there writer may not be supported by the program which also has to support RAW. And not all people have cd writer that why there are no cd exe’s. I HAVE duplicated store bought retail copy protected games, which I have just put them in the CD-ROM drive and played like it was the original WITHOUT ANY ####ING PATCHES.

You’re not the only one that has done research on this stuff, there are enough people in this forum that will STRONGLY disagree with YOU! I am not even sure you know what CloneCD even is because if you did then you would now that 1:1 copies are possible with the right hardware.
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