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Old 22-02-2001, 13:56
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how do you extract the files from the files labled file.001 (winrar?) then what

I don't mean to be a dumbass but this is my first time doing it and i want to do it right. All i need to know is what to do from the point I am at. I have the files downloaded and I want to extract the info inside but I am not completely sure what to do with it. Do I just extract the data into a directory and then burn it like a normal cd or what. Is there anything I should do before I burn the files. The game I am trying to burn is jet grind radio and it is the american version if that helps.

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Old 22-02-2001, 19:04
TheDuplicate TheDuplicate is offline
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Sup man,

This is all you do....

Open up WinRar.....highlight any of the RAR files...example : file 001. or file.005 doesn't matter......Then on the top of WinRAR, select Extract to.....usually it will make a folder for you.....thats usually the name of the actual .cdi file it is going to make....or you can use your own folder name..... Then, simply extract the files, and you'll see that it is making a .cdi file..... once done, the .cdi file will be in that folder you selected to extract to.... Now, sometimes a file called UNPACK and INJECT come with the extraction.......if this is the case....select UNPACK first, then double click INJECT and everything is ok......then you continue with the normal process explained below. If UNPACK and INJECT are not there, then you simply open a program (DiscJuggler) is what I use.....you select CD Image to CD Recorder, find the folder that the .cdi file is in, then simply start the burn....its that easy.... I think I made it pretty simple there.... That should help ya. (PS, I recommend using DISC Juggler V3.00.762-FTU, this one works, an earlier version didn't)
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