Yes, this is standard. You misunderstood my question since 3 days.
In my ISS file this is included Quote:
Any solution? Anyone other who can help me pls? Last edited by ShadowEagle; 19-11-2015 at 12:18. |
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add a function type: Code:
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; |
My gosh, I MEAN: I typed in 2048 and your installer is showing 7 MB. You see the difference???
look at this script and you'll understand
#define needsize 5000000 [Setup] AppName=Rina DefaultDirName={pf}\Rina DefaultGroupName=Rina AppVerName=Rina [Icons] Name: "{userdesktop}\un"; Filename: "{app}\unins000.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: "CheckError"; [Files] Source: "Files\unarc.dll"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: "dontcopy"; Source: "Files\ISDone.dll"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: "dontcopy"; [messages] ButtonNext=< install > [code*] var ISDoneCancel:integer; ISDoneError:boolean; const PCFonFLY=true; notPCFonFLY=false; type TCallback = function (OveralPct,CurrentPct: integer;CurrentFile,TimeStr1,TimeStr2,TimeStr3:PAnsiChar): longword; function WrapCallback(callback:TCallback; paramcount:integer):longword;external 'wrapcallback@files:ISDone.dll stdcall delayload'; function ISArcExtract(CurComponent:Cardinal; PctOfTotal:double; InName, OutPath, ExtractedPath: AnsiString; DeleteInFile:boolean; Password, CfgFile, WorkPath: AnsiString; ExtractPCF: boolean ):boolean; external 'ISArcExtract@files:ISDone.dll stdcall delayload'; function Exec2 (FileName, Param: PAnsiChar;Show:boolean):boolean; external 'Exec2@files:ISDone.dll stdcall delayload'; function FileSearchInit(RecursiveSubDir:boolean):boolean; external 'FileSearchInit@files:ISDone.dll stdcall delayload'; function ISDoneInit(RecordFileName:AnsiString; TimeType,Comp1,Comp2,Comp3:Cardinal; WinHandle, NeededMem:longint; callback:TCallback):boolean; external 'ISDoneInit@files:ISDone.dll stdcall'; function ISDoneStop:boolean; external 'ISDoneStop@files:ISDone.dll stdcall'; function SuspendProc:boolean; external 'SuspendProc@files:ISDone.dll stdcall'; function ResumeProc:boolean; external 'ResumeProc@files:ISDone.dll stdcall'; function ProgressCallback(OveralPct,CurrentPct: integer;CurrentFile,TimeStr1,TimeStr2,TimeStr3:PAnsiChar): longword; begin if OveralPct<=1000 then WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Position := OveralPct; WizardForm.Caption:=CurrentFile; Result := ISDoneCancel; end; procedure CancelButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin SuspendProc; if MsgBox(SetupMessage(msgExitSetupMessage), mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES then ISDoneCancel:=1; ResumeProc; end; function CheckError:boolean; begin result:= not ISDoneError; end; Function NumToStr(Float: Extended): String; Begin Result:= Format('%.2n', [Float]); StringChange(Result, ',', ','); while ((Result[Length(Result)] = '0') or (Result[Length(Result)] = ',')) and (Pos(',', Result) > 0) do SetLength(Result, Length(Result)-1); End; function MbOrTb(Float: Extended): String; begin if Float < 1024 then Result:= NumToStr(Float)+' MB' else if Float/1024 < 1024 then Result:= NumToStr(Float/1024)+' GB' else Result:= NumToStr(Float/(1024*1024))+' TB'; end; function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; var FreeMB, TotalMB: Cardinal; begin Result := True; if CurPageID = wpWelcome then begin GetSpaceOnDisk(ExtractFileDrive(WizardForm.DirEdit.Text), True, FreeMB, TotalMB); if FreeMB<{#needsize} then begin MsgBox('bla bla: '+MbOrTb({#needsize})+#13'bla bla bla '+MbOrTb(FreeMB)+' bla '+MbOrTb(TotalMB), mbError, mb_Ok); Result := False ; end; end; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Max:=1000; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); var ExecError:boolean; begin case CurStep of ssInstall: begin WizardForm.CancelButton.OnClick := @CancelButtonOnClick; ISDoneCancel:=0; ExtractTemporaryFile('unarc.dll'); ISDoneError:=true; if ISDoneInit(ExpandConstant('{src}'), $F777, 0,0,0, MainForm.Handle, 512, @ProgressCallback) then begin repeat if not FileSearchInit(true) then break; if not ISArcExtract ( 0, 100, ExpandConstant('{src}\data1.arc'), ExpandConstant('{app}'), '', false, '', '', ExpandConstant('{app}'), notPCFonFLY {PCFonFLY}) then break; ISDoneError:=false; until true; ISDoneStop; end; end; ssPostInstall: begin if ISDoneError then begin WizardForm.ProgressGauge.Hide; WizardForm.StatusLabel.Caption:=SetupMessage(msgStatusRollback); Exec2(ExpandConstant('{uninstallexe}'), '/VERYSILENT', false); end; end; end; end; function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin if (PageID=8) or (PageID=10) or (PageID=7) or (PageID=6) then Result:=true; end; |
So i only have to add this line? (Sorry, but i`m no coder. You`ve to help me pls)
Last edited by ShadowEagle; 19-11-2015 at 14:14. |
Pls write what to do, i script which doesn`t show up needed space is useless for me
//ISPP #define ExtraDiskSpaceRequired "1000000000" //Size of the game in Byte [Setup] ExtraDiskSpaceRequired="{#ExtraDiskSpaceRequired}" |
a)Change WpWelcome to wpSelectDir b)Replace code ShouldSkipPage with that under 1) Code:
Procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); Begin if (CurPageID = wpSelectDir) then begin WizardForm.NextButton.Caption:='Install'; end; Code:
function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin if (PageID=1) Or (PageID=8) or (PageID=10) or (PageID=7) then Result:=true; end; Under the file of a change type (Disk space): Last edited by rinaldo; 20-11-2015 at 23:06. |
^ rinaldo thanks for this BUT WHY do it in KB ? The norm for all other installers is either MB or GB, can you modify it again to use those values ?
KB is only in the Popup Message, my script is in MB
Pls can you modify the mod and only show "Required HDD Space" on left, replacing the old "Need Space..." text and on the right the music button, do you know what i mean?
Space[2].Hide; Space[3].Hide; Space[4].Hide; Space[5].SetBounds(30,228,100,15); //SX |
If an error happens while installing the rolling back feature delete the whole folder what`s not so good for using this script as on update installer. That`s my last wish, tell me what to delete that the rolling back feature won`t delete the whole folder.
I`ve to edit this line Quote:
Best regards Last edited by ShadowEagle; 21-11-2015 at 03:38. |
if (CurPageID = wpFinished) and ISDoneError then begin UnBtn.Hide; CustomCancelBtn.Enabled:=False; DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}'), True, True, True); end; That answer your question? |
No, i want to disable the feature DelTree.
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