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Old 24-03-2001, 12:40
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Please insert PSX format disk - still - i'm ripping my bloody hair out!!!!

I installed a psxone programmed modchip which i bought from maxking.com - i followed there own instructions and diagrams, onlt to see a "please insert psx format disk" message when i booted up.
So i removed the chip - but that message still comes up now the chip is not there.
What is happening - i fear a have knackered my ###ne (i have installed dozens of chips b4 without any probs)
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Old 24-03-2001, 16:36
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I downloaded the diags from these guys for the ###ne and found that they would'nt work with the hex i had, took me a while to find the correct hex and diag but i didnt have the same "insert PSX format disc" after removing the chip.

In the past i have highly recommemded this site as the diags and hex have been spot on.

It is possible that you have knackered it, but first check the motherboard for any shorts caused by small amounts of solder left behind when the chip was removed and also check that the laser wafer cable is re-inserted correctly.

If you have no joy then drop them an email as they are usualy very reliable.

Hope you get it sorted.
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