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Old 08-12-2005, 10:22
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Call of Duty and United Offensive on One DVD

Original Poster: Grumpy
Post Date: 25-04-2005

Create a Temp directory on your hardrive and name it COD (This will be the name of our DVD.)
Download ‘Cueball’s’ 'Call of Duty CD-2-DVD CONVERSION' msi file.
Extract the rar file to the Temp directory.

Install Call of Duty (to the default location C:\program files\Call of Duty), make sure if you had it installed before you delete the call of duty folder 1st. Do not update it and do not apply any cracks!
Once it is installed copy the "Call of Duty" folder into the ‘program files’ folder that now sits inside our Temp folder. (The Temp folder you created named COD)

So it looks like:

- >
Program Files
- >
Call of Duty
- >
(All game files)

From the Call of Duty CD1 copy the ‘DirectX’ and the ‘Extra’ directories to the COD directory.
(I am not sure if these are actually needed? I haven’t tested it! But as there are PDF files on the CD and the ‘Extra’ folder does contain the Acrobat Reader, you never know if you will need them!)

Create another directory, in the COD directory, and name it Crack. Copy the NoCD exe’s for both Call of Duty and United Offensive to this Crack folder.
Create another directory, in the COD directory, and name it Update. Copy the v1.4 Update to this folder. (This is only needed if you don’t install United Offensive! The v1.4 Update is installed as part of the United Offensive install.)
Create a Notepad text file and name it Serial.txt. Copy both serials for both games to this text file. (The serial for Call of Duty won’t be asked for during the install as you entered it during the original install therefore it is now saved as a ‘codkey’ file. Do not give this DVD or the codkey file to anyone or they will have your serial!!)
Navigate through COD\program files\Call of Duty\Docs\Help\Manual\ manual_uk.pdf. Copy the manual_uk.pdf then rename it to manual_us.pdf. You have to end up with a manual_uk.pdf AND a manual_us.pdf. This is to stop an error appearing during the install!

Create another directory, in the COD directory, and name it COD_UO.
Copy all the Call of Duty United Offensive CD1 to this directory.
From the United Offensive CD2 there is a directory called ‘Setup’. Inside the Setup directory there are 2 other directory’s called ‘Data’ and ‘rsrc’. Copy all the files from these 2 directories into the same directories of the same name! Do NOT overwrite any files though!
(So copy the files from the CD2\Setup\Data directory to the COD\COD_UO\Setup\Data directory and Copy the files from CD2\Setup\rsrc directory to COD\COD_UO\Setup\rsrc directory.)
Now using ‘Orca’ open the ‘Call of Duty - United Offensive.msi’ and go to the ‘Media’ section and change the 3 entries in the ‘Volume Label’ column to COD_UO. There is no need to change the entries in the ‘DiskPrompt’ column! Now save it and exit Orca.

Download my 'Call of Duty + COD: United Offensive DVD MENU INSTALLER' from GameCopyWorld. A pic of the Menu can be seen here.
Extract the contents of the rar file to the COD directory. Overwrite the Autorun.inf if asked!

Burn the contents of the COD directory to a DVD using the Label COD.
I would like to thank ‘Cueball’ for sending me the msi file he created! It took a few attempts but we finally got it right! Cueball deserves the credit for the msi file! And I would also like to thank ‘Reddraggon105’ for additional testing of the msi file. A big ‘Well Done’ guys.
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Old 14-07-2007, 04:51
Pjanovic Pjanovic is offline
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When I extract the rar file Cueballs_COD_%20MSI.rar I get two files: COD_MSI_for_DVD.rar and Instructions.
When I extract COD_MSI_for_DVD.rar I get 9 files with setup.exe. Ther is no Program files Folder, that you mentioned.
I run setup.exe, and of course it cannot install Call Of Duty because there are million files missing.

Can You repeat please action by actio again.
When you say install Call Of Duty you mean to install original game, not instalation from this file (setup.exe)?
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Old 14-07-2007, 12:50
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Firsty dont cross post in other conversion threads to get my attention!
The post in here would have been enough.

As good as cueballs msi for this conversion is there is now a better way to do this conversion. You no longer have to install the game first.

Go to cd-2-dvd.com, you will have to register but its free registration.

Once registered go to the conversions page (link to the conversions is on the left hand side of the homepage.)
Look for a conversion done by 'Skeraxe'.

Skeraxe has completely rebuilt the Setup.exe so installing the game first is no longer required.

His conversion and Custom Installer suits Call of Duty + United Offensive + Call of Duty 2.
But if you only want either one game or two games on your disc then the installer wont show any buttons for the third game.
A DVD9 disc is needed if you want to include all 3 games on the one disc.
A DVD5 can be used if you only want one or two of the games.

All the instructions and Custom Installer can be found at cd-2-dvd.com.
I am not going to rewrite it here.

If you have any further questions you can ask them either here (in this thread) or at cd-2-dvd.com.

Good luck.
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Old 10-10-2008, 19:34
dd22qq dd22qq is offline
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Originally Posted by Grumpy View Post
Skeraxe has completely rebuilt the Setup.exe so installing the game first is no longer required.

His conversion and Custom Installer suits Call of Duty + United Offensive + Call of Duty 2.

In Skeraxe's conversion is stated:

Call of Duty
3) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the CoD_DVD\CoD folder. Do NOT overwrite the SETUP.EXE!
Copy all the contents from CD2 to the CoD_DVD\CoD folder. Do not overwrite any files.

However, if CD2 is copied without overwriting any files (by choosing 'No' when prompted by Windows), then nothing whatsoever is copied and the CoD_DVD folder remains unchanged.

When files and folders have identical names, it needs to be clarified as to exactly what needs to be copied. So which files & folders are supposed to be copied in this instance?

Last edited by dd22qq; 10-10-2008 at 19:36.
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Old 22-11-2008, 11:16
GaciX 69 GaciX 69 is offline
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Sorry for posting in an old thread, though, but I need to do this question...

I'm trying to make this DVD, but it doesn't seem to work for me... i tried Cueball’s msi file and when the installer is going to copy the files, the PC gets freezed and I have to restart. I have tried by mounting the DVD and burning it too...

So I googled a little more and found this thread. I found the Grumpy answer about the conversion done by Skeraxe, but every time that I try to go to www.cd-2-dvd.com, the web browser shows me an '403 Forbidden' error.

So I'm asking if somebody has stored the conversion by Skeraxe, and if you can upload it for me, please...

Thanks in advance...

(sorry for my bad english)
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Old 22-11-2008, 11:59
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Yes, you need to register at CD-2-DVD.com to be able to view articles there.
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Old 23-05-2009, 15:46
Jompi Jompi is offline
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Dont Work

This Method dont work whit spanish version, can some one help me whit that?
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