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Old 17-12-2018, 12:38
alfredd31 alfredd31 is offline
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Maybe some of you know me. In all likelihood you don't.
Except razor or edison007 and a few others. Maybe they remember me because I already posted a few messages here a few months ago. I posted some photos of baboons. Some of you were probably thinking they were selfies.

I'm a repack specialist, even if I don't do it anymore (most are smaller than fitgirl's).

But tonight I'm not here for that. I just want to talk.
I'm a moderator on another forum, but it seems that most users fled a long time ago (not with the nickname alfredd31, which is a variant of Fredd38).
I'm 35, my father is currently dying from a lung cancer, and I'm alone.
I've lived for 10 years in Paris and I left. Now I'm in Saint Etienne. At the beginning it has been a shock. It's probably the poorest town in France.
But I have a huge flat, and finally life turns out to be pretty pleasant here.
I wanted to go to the South of France to see my father a bit more. I was probably aware things would not last.
My life consisted in working from 9am to 7pm, eating and sleeping. And it's still the case. Most of the time, in Paris I was alone. And here I'm alone too.
In an individualist society, most people go to work, eat and sleep. Even if you go to a bar you are not there to talk. You're a customer. On Saturday evening, I was depressed and I found a bar where I was alone with the waiter. I could talk to him. He told me that 400 tear gas bombs were used in Saint Etienne, during a week a protest with the Yellow vests. 2nd rank after Paris.
My computer used to be my best companion. At work, I'm also in front of a computer. Fortunately, the people I work with are more friendly here.

If you want, you can tell me what you think. Maybe I'll remove this topic.

Mr mondialisation. Work, why? In French with English subtitles.

Mr Mondialisation - publivresse.

Outraged, and then? In French with English subtitles.

Coluche - Le Chomeur

Les Inconnus - I Fuck You


Last edited by alfredd31; 17-12-2018 at 14:17.
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Old 18-12-2018, 03:03
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Joe Forster/STA Joe Forster/STA is offline
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Is this serious?! If so, some serious suggestions:
- You may be (also) suffering from winter depression. Visit to a psychiatrist, SSRI's help.
- Get a cat. Unlike dogs, they don't require constant petting - actually, they hate it - but they show their love and affection. (Also, they will destroy your furniture but furniture = dead object, cat = living being.)
- Invest into your closest social surroundings (friends, co-worker, neighbors). When it comes to the worst scenario, they'll be the only ones that can and will be willing to help you.
- If you earn too much money, give some it away to foundations that help the poor.
- Consider moving to Asia. People are still people there.
(I've done these above, except for the last one. I'm 43, from Hungary.)
Joe Forster/STA
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Old 22-12-2018, 15:20
alfredd31 alfredd31 is offline
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My father finally died 2 days ago.
For sure these are troubled times. The revolt of the yellow jackets was a sign.
A storm is coming.
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