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Old 13-05-2003, 08:18
EricCamper EricCamper is offline
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Router.....What Kind

Ok..........I got my home theater complete with Wireless Ps2 controllers, Big Screen, Surround...Bla..bla... I finally got an xbox. Downloaded everything I need for evox and ftp.

I need a Crossover cable.... and a router..... I was thinking about buying this one.

EtherFast Cable/DSL Router with 8-Port Switch

Anyone have any suggestions or perhaps a better buy....I got a price of $69.00 from our supplier....Wasn't sure if this was the way to go......... I figured an 8-port would do because I have

1. Computer
2. Cable Modem
3. PS2
4. Xbox
5. Laptop
6. Old computer

So that gives me two extra...I think

Any help is appreciated.....Thanx to everyone for the tutorials

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Old 13-05-2003, 08:26
JiveTurkey JiveTurkey is offline
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You haven't listed the model number so all you want to know is if 8 ports is good???

Uh yeah 8 minus 6 used does equal 2 left.

What are you using the crossover cable for when anything plugged into the router won't use it?
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Old 13-05-2003, 08:42
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What are you using the crossover cable for when anything plugged into the router won't use it?
Not true. Most routers are auto-sensing, they will know if its a crossover or not and know how to deal with it. Or at least every router I have ever used doses this.

For one you won’t need a crossover if you’re going to use a hub, switch, or router.
All you will need is a straight cable from your XBox to your router.
For that matter, you should also use straight cables when connecting the rest of your toys to your router as well.

As for a router suggestion… I wouldn’t buy a Linksys, but if that’s the only one you can find with 8 ports, go for it. I wouldn’t buy any thing but a Belkin or Cisco routers. Seeing how Cisco wants around 5g for a router, that rules them out for home use. So that leaves Belkin. I’m not sure if they make an 8 port router or not. But if you’re willing to buy one more component you can buy an 8 port switch, and connect it to the router. It would how ever be cheaper to buy the Linksys 8 port switch, than to buy a Belkin router and switch.
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Last edited by rms2001; 13-05-2003 at 08:48.
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Old 13-05-2003, 10:08
JiveTurkey JiveTurkey is offline
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I dont know what kind of features a $69 router has but I'm assuming not many.

I've used Linksys stuff on home networks without problems but wouldn't recommend them for business.

I think you can get a Cisco router under 5g's but I get the impression he wants the cheaper, easier route and if he knew how to manage Cisco routers he wouldn't be asking this.

Haha. I thought of saying put a switch on a small router too but figured it would just be more confusing.
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Old 13-05-2003, 10:35
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if he knew how to manage Cisco routers he wouldn't be asking this.
Ya they can kinda be a pain to set up. But damn they work FLAWLESSLY when they are setup right.

Again, if you can get the Linksys 8 port for $69, go for it. Its probably the best deal your going to get with out spending over $100 for some better equipment.
[SIZE=1]NTSC Ver1.0 XBox w/ [URL=http://www.gameshopusa.com/]X2.3 Lite[/URL] flashed with X2 4981.06
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* All stuffed in a beautiful translucent green case

UK PAL Ver1.4 XBox ([i]not chipped yet[/i])
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[I]Having a BMW that says “Made in the USA” is like having a Rolls-Royce that says “Made in Japan”[/I]
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