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Old 17-01-2001, 14:42
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Trying To make copy of a copied game....must get help NOw

Hello...Im trying to copy an already copied game and i have tried many things....right now I can't copy cd to cd because I havent gotten a new case because the extra bay on here is messed up....When I do get another case will I be able to copy a burnt game cd to cd?...Ok now I was wondering what are some other ways to burn an already copied game....should I like load the game files into my hard drive?....when i look at the contents of the burnt dc game which is Ultimate Fighting Championship...i see file types like .i see the .bin files but there are some .bpk, .pvm, and .mdl files?...Can someone please give me steps on how to burn an already copied game pls...it would be very appreciated! btw i have a Creative 8*4*32 CDRW..pls help me.
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Old 18-01-2001, 08:03
ZanySmash ZanySmash is offline
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I was having the same prob you have. I was trying to make a copy of a copied game with DJ 3.x or DJ 2.x and there were no problem during the reading or the burning process but games were crashing at a certain level when I was playing them. (ex: sonic or zombie revenge).

Here's the answer!!! Just use a cdr software called PSXCOPY (get version 6.2 not 2000). This tool really rocks!! That's the best tool for copying CD I've ever had!! You'll never get a coaster with it whatever you want to copy!! (PC, DC, VCD...)

I'm sure it will help. Anyone can reply to this message if you find it usefull.

C ya.
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