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Old 11-10-2002, 18:15
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Please do not post a reply...This is the start of a long process in which I will eventually get all boot procedures listed for the different mod chips..

I am writing this to help everyone out... There have been a lot of questions about how to boot backups on consoles that have a mod chip installed. I'm going to list the boot procedures for each mod chip...
NOTE: This will be a continuing effort. If your specific mod chip is not on the list, check back often. I will continue to add chips as time permits. I hope this info will be useful to all...


Booting a PlayStation 1 CDR Backup Copy

• Ensure the USB MOD is switched on (all the way right).
• Insert the PlayStation CDR copy into you PS2 and boot as normal. The USB
• MOD will automatically detect the media and game type.

Booting a PlayStation 1 Original

• Ensure the USB MOD is switched off (all the way left).
• Insert the original PlayStation game into the disc tray and boot the PS2 as normal.

Booting a PlayStation 2 Original

• Ensure the USB MOD is switched off (all the way left).
• Insert the original PlayStation 2 game into the disc tray and boot the PS2 as normal.

Booting a PlayStation2 CDR Backup Copy

• Insert the Action Replay 2 Memory card into a free memory card slot.
• Ensure the USB MOD is switched 'OFF' (all the way left).
• Power on the PS2 and eject the disc tray and insert Action Replay 2 Disc 1 and power the system off.
• Power the PS2 on and wait until the black screen containing the PlayStation2 logo appears then move the USB MOD switch into the 'ON' position (all the way right) allow the system to boot to the Action Replay 2 main menu.
• Select 'Start Game' from the Action Replay 2 menu.
• Select start game 'Without' cheat codes.
• Eject the disc tray, remove the Action Replay 2 disc1 and insert the PlayStation2 CDR copy. Press X to continue.

Please Note: This boot method will not boot some EA Sports titles without patching them first.

R-Mod "No Solder" Mod Chip

Booting a Playstation2 DVD (Silver or DVD-R) Gameshark 2 V1.99b and BELOW

• Boot GS2 disc 1.
• At the main screen, press the EJECT button to eject the CD tray.
• Replace the GS2 disc with an original PS2 DVD game, such as Devil May Cry.
• Close the CD tray (press EJECT again) and wait for about 30 seconds.
• Select START GAME and then select WITHOUT CODES.
• Once the GS2 is asking to change the game disc, press the EJECT button till the light changes from green to orange.
• The CD tray will now open and you can replace the DVD game with your backup copy.
• The CD tray will automatically close after about 5 seconds.
• Wait till the the power LED changes from orange to green again and press X now to start the game.

Booting a Playstation2 DVD (Silver or DVD-R) Gameshark 2 V2.01 and ABOVE

Thanks to Nighstalker for this method!

• Boot GS2 disc 1.
• At the main screen, press the EJECT button to eject the CD tray.
• Replace the GS2 disc with an original PS2 DVD game.
• Close the CD tray (press EJECT again) and wait for 15 seconds.
• Select gameshark codes and turn on or off any code on any game.
• Press start, select with codes and press x to load game.
• A black screen will appear saying "updating codes please wait"
• Do the R-mod swap by pressing and holding eject, swap with backup, tray will close and game will load.

• NOTE: The swap must be performed within the time you see the black screen.

Nighstalker has tested this method with GS2 v 2.01 through 2.11.

• It works 100% of the time providing the backup is good.

Booting a Playstation2 CD (Silver or CD-R)

• Boot GS2 disc 1.
• At the main screen, select START GAME and then select WITHOUT CODES.
• Once the GS2 is asking to change the game disc, press the EJECT button till the light changes from green to orange.
• The CD tray will now open and you can replace the CD game with your backup copy.
• The CD tray will automatically close after about 5 seconds.
• Wait till the the power LED changes from orange to green again and press X now to start the game.

Booting a Playstation 1 CD (Silver or CD-R)

• Boot GS2 disc 2.
• At the main screen, select START GAME and then select WITHOUT CODES.
• Once the GS2 is asking to change the code archive, press the EJECT button till the light changes from green to orange.
• The CD tray will now open and you can replace the CD with your backup copy.
• The CD tray will automatically close after about 5 seconds.
• Wait till the the power LED changes from orange to green again and press X now to start the game.

Magic 2

NOTE: This is with the disk assumed in the tray and the tray closed:

Playstation 2 games

•Power up normally from STANDBY with RESET button. A single tap of the reset button is required.

Playstation 1 games & DVD Movies

•Power up from STANDBY with RESET button held until the blue EJECT light comes on.
•Then release RESET and the disk will boot.

NOTE: Turn off the PS2 (to standby) before changing Modes (PS1/PS2/DVD)
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 21-01-2003 at 23:03.
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Old 11-10-2002, 18:58
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Magic 3, 3.1

NOTE: This is with the disk assumed in the tray and the tray closed:

Playstation 2 Games

• Power up normally from STANDBY with RESET button. A single tap is required.

Playstation 1 games & DVD Movies

• Power up from STANDBY with RESET button held until the blue EJECT light comes on; then release RESET and the disk will boot.

NOTE: Turn off the PS2 (to standby) before changing Mode (PS1/PS2/DVD)

NOTE: To turn off the modchip....... Hold reset for 3-5 seconds.

NEO 2.2

Normal Boot Method (PS2 Backups)

That standard method for PS2 backups using AR2/GS2
• Insert the AR2/GS2 CD1
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Turn on the machine - will boot to a menu
• Press Eject
• Swap AR2/GS2 disc with your PS2 backup
• Press eject to close tray
• Press X AS SOON as the tray closes
• The game will now load

Alternative Boot Method (PS2 Backups & AR2/GS2 v1.1)

NOTE: This alternative method has had greater success with v1.1 AR2/GS2

• Insert the AR2/GS2 CD1
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Turn on the machine - will boot to a menu
• Screen will say Insert Disc - Press X
• Press Eject
• Swap AR2/GS2 disc with your PS2 backup
• Press X - Wait for it to say Loading and background animation stops
• Press eject to close tray
• The game will now load

EA Boot Method (PS2 Backups)

NOTE: This is the method for PS2 backups that won't boot with normal method.

• Insert the AR2/GS2 CD1
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Press and hold the reset button - machine will boot
• Menu screen will appear
• Select START GAME (Still holding Reset)
• Select WITHOUT CODES (Still holding reset)
• Let go of reset - tray will eject and stay open for 4 seconds
• The disc will still be spinning when using AR2/GS2 v1.4 & above
• Swap AR2/GS2 disc with your PS2 backup
• Do not press eject - the tray will close automatically
• Press X AS SOON as the tray closes
• For AR2/GS2 v1.4 & above you need to select O + R1 instead of X
• The game will now load

You also have the option to patch your EA game.

EA Boot Method 2 (PS2 Backups)

NOTE: This is the alternative EA Method that seems to work for some people.

• Insert the AR2/GS2 CD1
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Press and hold the reset button - machine will boot
• Menu screen will appear
• Let go of reset - tray will eject and stay open for 4 seconds
• The disc will still be spinning when using AR2/GS2 v1.4 & above
• Leave the AR2/GS2 disc in and let the tray close
• Press Eject
• Swap AR2/GS2 disc with your PS2 backup
• Press Eject - Game will now load
• Press X
• If you have v1.4 & above you may need to press O + R1 instead of X
• The game will now load

You also have the option to patch your EA game.

DVD Rip Boot Method (PS2 DVD Rips)

NOTE: Another alternative method for troublesome discs.

• Insert the AR2/GS2 CD1
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Press and hold the reset button - machine will boot
• Menu screen will appear
• Let go of reset - tray will eject and stay open for 4 seconds
• The disc will still be spinning when using AR2/GS2 v1.4 & above
• Swap AR2/GS2 disc with your DVD Rip backup
• Press eject till tray comes out halfway then press eject again
• Press X AS SOON as the tray closes
• For AR2/GS2 v1.4 & above you need to select O + R1 instead of X
• The game will now load

Ready to Rumble 2 Boot Method (Alternative Method)

NOTE: Some people had trouble with Ready to Rumble 2 and this seemed to fix it.

• Use the normal EA Boot Method to boot the game
• As soon as the game starts to check the Memory Card Press EJECT
• Wait a couple of seconds until the main R2R screen appears
• Close the tray and the game should now work ok

Booting Playstation 1 backups & Playstation 2 originals

Wouldn't it be great if all backups booted like this !

• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Boot as normal - no special method

How to boot Playstation 1 originals

NOTE: This technique simply deactivates the chip

• Insert your PSX original
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Press reset for 1 second (Until blue light comes on) then let go
• Game will now boot as normal - the chip is deactivated

How to boot PSX imports

• Insert your PSX original
• Power off the PS2 for 5 seconds
• Turn on the machine
• Press eject just before the PSX LOGO SCREEN
• Swap with your PSX import backup
• Press eject to close the tray
• The game will now load

How to boot DVD-R (only) with AR2/GS2 V2x

Thanks to Nightstalker for this method!

• Insert AR2/GS2
• Power down console, wait 5 sec, and restart console by pressing and holding reset. (Dont let go)
• After GS2 completely loads, swap with original dvd game.(high TOC)
• Wait about 15 sec and select Gameshark codes (or ar2 codes) and turn on or off any code on any game.
• Press start, select with codes and press x to load game.
• You will see a black screen saying "updating codes please wait" at this time release the reset button, tray will eject, swap with backup, tray closes and game loads.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 05-06-2003 at 16:42.
Old 11-10-2002, 19:16
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Apple Mod Chip

NOTE: It is assumed that your machine is in the Standby mode, ie machine is not switched on.

Playstation 2 games

•Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
•Insert PS2 game in tray, then press EJECT button to close tray.
•Once the tray closes fully, press/tap the RESET button once to load game.

DVD movies

•Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
•Once the browser/system config screen shows. Select and go into browser.
•Insert DVD movie in tray, then press EJECT button to close tray.
•If the disc is not detected within 3-5 seconds. Press EJECT button to open tray. Once the tray opens fully, press EJECT button again to close tray. The disc should be recognise at least by the second time.

Playstation 1 games

•Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
•Insert PSX game in tray, then press and hold RESET button to switch off machine.
•Now hold the RESET button to start up your machine. Only release the RESET button once you see the first power on screen on your TV. ie hold RESET button for like 4-5 seconds
•Your PSX game should now boot. (If it shows the PSX game as an audio cd. This means that you didn't hold the RESET button long enough.)

Matrix 2 Mod Chip

NOTE: This is with the disk assumed in the tray and the tray closed:

Playstation 2 games

•Power up normally from STANDBY with RESET button. A single tap of the reset button is required.

Playstation 1 games & DVD Movies

•Power up from STANDBY with RESET button held until the blue EJECT light comes on.
•Then release RESET and the disk will boot.

NOTE: Turn off the PS2 (to standby) before changing Modes (PS1/PS2/DVD)
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 11-10-2002 at 22:25.
Old 11-10-2002, 22:03
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Auto Key 3

Operation instructions:
•Install Auto Key into PS2.
•Plug PS2 Dual Shock joypad into Player 1 slot of PS2.
•Turn PS2 power on, a red light will go on indicating that Reset is on.
•Press and hold Reset button, the reset and eject light will appear in 5 different indications, you will see that the indications will show its related feature accordingly one by one as shown in the diagram below.

Playstation 2 Originals:

•Press Eject button and tray will move out, insert original game
•Press Reset to make the tray go back, PS2 will then go to Standby mode
•Reset light will flash Red
•Press and hold Reset button until the PS2 goes into Original Mode, then release the Reset button
•The game will then start with loading for operation

Playstation 2 DVD Backups:

•Press Eject button and tray will move out, insert AR2 (GS2) disc1 of v1.71, v1.91, v1.93 or v2.0x
•Press Reset to make the tray go back , PS2 will then go to Standby mode
•Reset light will flash Red
•Press and hold Reset button until the PS2 goes into PS2 DVD Backup Mode, then release Reset button
•AR2(GS2) Main Menu will be on monitor, and the tray will come out automatically.
•Swap PS2 DVD Originals (TOC MUST be HIGHER than backup) in place of AR2 (GS2) disc1, the tray will go back automatically.
•At that time, Reset button light will become red for about 7 sec, during this time the PS2 will check the TOC of original PS2 DVD. After, the Reset button will be flashing green.
•Don't touch anything, the PS2 will automatically enter " START GAME "," WITHOUT CODE ",The tray will then move out automatically again.
•Swap PS2 DVD backup in place of the PS2 Original
•The tray will then move back again automatically
•No need to press " X " of joypad, the game will autotomatically start.

Playstaton 2 CD Backups in Mode 1 :

•Press Eject button and tray will move out, insert AR2 (GS2) disc1 of v1.71, v1.91, v1.93 or v2.0x into tray
•Press Reset to make the tray go back , PS2 will then go to Standby mode
•Reset light will flash Red
•Press and hold Reset button until the PS2 goes into PS2 CD Backup Mode 1, then release Reset button
•The AR2(GS2) Main Menu will be on monitor. The tray will then come out automatically
•Swap PS2 CD Backups in place of AR2 (GS2) disc1, the tray will then go back automatically
•Don't touch anything, the PS2 will automatically enter " START GAME "," WITHOUT CODE ", and the game will automatically start without press " X " button

Playstation 2 CD Backups in Mode 2 :

NOTE: This is in case any PS2 CD Backups do not work in Mode 1.

•Boot exactly like you would for Mode 1 with the exception of when you release the reset button.
•Wait to release the reset button until the PS2 goes into PS2 CD Backup Mode 2

Playstation 1 Backups :

•Press Eject button and tray will move out, insert PSX Backup CD into tray.
•Press Reset to make the tray go back , PS2 will then go to Standby mode - Reset light will flash Red.
•Press and hold Reset button until the PS2 goes into PSX Backup Mode, then release Reset button.
•The game will then boot.

ON US consoles, you can play all region PSX CD backups.
ON PAL consoles, you can only play PAL versions of PSX CD backups.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 11-10-2002 at 23:02.
Old 12-10-2002, 07:13
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Messiah mod chip

Original games (PS1 and PS2 CD & DVD)
• Load as normal

PS2 backups (CD & DVD)

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset

PS1 Backups

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset twice

DVD Films

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset twice

Messiah 2 mod chip

ALL PS2 games (Backups or Originals)

•Insert into tray.
•Close tray.
•Everything will boot.

PS1 or dvd movies(Backups or Originals)

•With the PS2 in standby mode and the game or movie in the tray....
•Press and hold reset until the blue eject light comes on, then release reset (only takes about 1-2 sec)

NOTE: To disable the Messiah 2 hold reset for 5 seconds while booting.


PS2 Originals:
• Games boot as normal.

PSone Originals:

• Games boot as normal.

PSone Backups:

• Games boot as normal.

PS2 CDR Backups:

• Games boot as normal.

PS2 DVDR Backups: (need to have an Original DVD PS2 Game with a high TOC)

• Turn on the PS2 without a game in.
• Choose Browser.
• Press EJECT, then insert your Original DVD Game.
• Press and Hold EJECT to close the tray. Keep EJECT pressed until the game registers (a gold disc will appear).
• Release EJECT, the tray will auto eject, and stay ejected for 6 seconds.
• Insert your DVDR game and wait for the tray to close.
• Press X to load the game.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 21-07-2003 at 21:29.
Old 27-10-2002, 07:19
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The Ripper

Original games (PS1 and PS2 CD & DVD)
• Load as normal

PS2 backups (CD & DVD)

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset

PS1 Backups

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset twice

DVD Films

• Insert game and close tray
• Press reset twice

NOTE:In rare situations there is alternative way to start DVD VIDEO. When RESET light is RED, press RESET and keep it pressed until the BLUE light of the EJECT button goes on.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]
Old 27-10-2002, 14:43
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Ace Key

Playing PSX Backup Games
• Direct Boot

Playing PS2 CD Backup Games

• Insert AR2(GS2) Disc into PS2. ( V1.9X or V2.0X )
• Boot on PS2 and for a while the Main Menu will be appeared on monitor, at this time press "START GAME", and "WITHOUT CODE", after that pressing & holding Eject for one second, the tray will come out automatically. ( Reset & Eject light will flash about 5 seconds).
• Swap PS2 CD Backups in place of AR2(GS2) disc ,and the tray will come back to PS2 automatically after 5 seconds.
• Press the "X" button of joypad, then the game will be getting start.

Playing PS2 DVD Backup Games with AR2(GS2) v1.9x:

• Insert AR2(GS2) Disc into PS2. ( V1.9X )
• Boot on PS2 and for a while, the Main Menu will be appeared on monitor, at that time press twice Eject buttom, then the tray will come out automatically. (Reset & Eject light will flash about 5 seconds).
• Swap PS2 DVD Originals in place of AR2(GS2) disc within 5 seconds and after 5 seconds the tray will come back to PS2 automatically, at that time the Reset light will become to Red, meantime don't touch anything.
• Waiting for 10 seconds, Reset light will become to Green, then press "START GAME", and "WITHOUT CODE", at this time pressing & holding Eject for one second, then the tray will come out automatically. (Reset & Eject light will flash about 5 seconds)
• Swap PS2 DVD Backups in place of PS2 DVD Originals within 5 seconds, and the tray will come back to PS2 automatically after 5 seconds.
• Press the "X" button of joypad, then the game will be getting start.

Playing PS2 DVD Backup Games With AR2(GS2) V1.99 & BELOW (Alternative Method) :

Note: (First thing you have to do before playing DVD backup with AR2 (GS2) V2)
• Please check the cheat code of "...BMX" was existed in your AR2 (GS2) cheat list.
• Set up the cheat code of "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX2" as default cheat code. (It is a very simple thing to do, just enter select cheat code and select the "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX2" code, then return to Main Menu, at this time you will see "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX2" on the below Main Menu page).

• Insert AR2(GS2) Disc into PS2. ( V2.0X )
• Boot on PS2 and for a while, the Main Menu will be existed on monitor, press twice Eject buttom, the tray will come out automatically. (Reset & Eject light will flash about 5 seconds).
• Swap PS2 DVD Originals in place of AR2(GS2) disc within 5 seconds, then the tray will come back to PS2 automatically after 5 seconds, at that time Reset light will become to Red, meantime don't touch anything.
• Waiting for 10 seconds, after then Reset light will become to Green, at that time press "START GAME", and "WITH CODE", then press "X" buttom of joypad, in the meantime there will be a Error message "Too many code...." appeared on monitor, then press "O" buttom of joypad twice for return to Main Menu Page.
• Press "START GAME", and "WITHOUT CODE", then pressing & holding Eject for one second, the tray will come out automatically, then swapping DVD backup with DVD Original within 5 seconds. (Reset & Eject light will flash about 5 seconds and tray will come back to PS2 after 5 seconds)
• Press the "X" button of joypad, then the game will be getting start.

Booting a Playstation2 DVD Backups With AR2(GS2) V2.01 and ABOVE

Thanks to Nighstalker for this method!

• Boot GS2 disc 1.
• At the main screen, press the EJECT button to eject the CD tray.
• Replace the GS2 disc with an original PS2 DVD game.
• Close the CD tray (press EJECT again) and wait for 15 seconds.
• Select gameshark codes and turn on or off any code on any game.
• Press start, select with codes and press x to load game.
• A black screen will appear saying "updating codes please wait"
• Do the R-mod swap by pressing and holding eject, swap with backup, tray will close and game will load.

• NOTE: The swap must be performed within the time you see the black screen.

Nighstalker has tested this method with GS2 v 2.01 through 2.11.

• It works 100% of the time providing the backup is good.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]

Last edited by BG; 02-11-2002 at 21:55.
Old 21-01-2003, 22:54
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Booting a Playstation 2: Original or Backup

• Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console.

Booting a Playstation 1: Original Or Backup

• Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console, wait for the blue led to light up and then press RESET once more (try once more if it fails).

Booting DVD Moives

• When using movie DVD (warning: it can only read movie DVDs according to the PS2 console region):

• Insert the disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then hold down RESET, turn on the console and wait until the screen appears on the TV.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]
Old 21-01-2003, 23:00
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NOTE: This is with the disk assumed in the tray and the tray closed:

Playstation 2 mode:

• PS2 Mode is selected by turning on the PS2 from stand-by using the reset button. This can be a tap, a press or holding of the reset button. PS2 Mode is used to play all PS2 games, be it DVD media (including DVD9) or CD. This means import originals, non-import originals, "silver" pressed discs, backups and anything else the PS2 can read.

Playstation 1 mode:

• PS1 Mode is selected by turning on the PS2 from stand-by with a quick tap on the eject button. PS1 Mode is used to play all PS1 games, including originals, import originals, silvers, and backups.

DVD / Disable mode:

• DVD Movie / Disable Mode is selected by turning on the PS2 from stand-by by pressing and holding the eject button for 1/2 of a second.

Dev.olution Mode:

• Dev.olution Mode is selected by holding down the "Select" button on controller 1 while turning on the PS2 from stand-by using one of the main Boot Modes. The majority of the time, you will want to use "PS2 Mode" for this. At this time we can think of no reason why you'd need to use the other modes with Dev.olution Mode but if you do, you can.

• Dev.olution Mode allows you to boot applications off the PS2 memory card when the PS2 starts up, bypassing the normal PS2 introduction screen. Applications booted off the memory card can be anything from the new PS2Reality Media Player to the various emulators and "demos" that are available on the net. Technical specifications for developers will be available upon release of DMS3.

FastBoot Mode:

• FastBoot Mode is used to boot your PS2 games as quickly as possible. It is selected by holding down the "Start" button on controller 1 while turning on the PS2 from stand-by using the PS2 Mode. FastBoot Mode will bypass the PS2 introduction screen and boot the disc as soon as the CD/DVD drive has verified that the disc is valid (which another part of DMS3 handles). It will also skip the PS2 logo to ensure the fastest possible booting of your disc.
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color]
[color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :)
[COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D
[b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b]
[COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B]
Old 05-03-2003, 19:40
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I know we aren't supposed to post replies - go ahead and clip this if you like, and add it back in to the appropriate post.

NEO 2.5 DVD Backup with GameShark2 / Action Gamer2

There's a little confusion about how this works. I figured it out today, and thought I'd share.

The Neo2.5 is MOSTLY for v5 PS2's. At the time I purchased my v5 PS2, and my Neo2.5, the current GameShark revision was 2.02 - this is where the troubles begin.

If you have a version 2.2 or higher GS2/AR2, booting a copied DVD is easy - just fire up the GameShark/modchip in DVD mode (both lights blinking), swap in a big ol' CD (such as GTA3 or FFX), and when you pick "start game" it'll let you swap in your copy. Easy!

BUT if you have a version 2.0x or 2.1 GS2/AR2, you fall into a little black hole in the backup Universe. You have to... *ahem* overload the GameShark.

Please assume, for the rest of this document, that I'm referring to either the GameShark2 or the Action Replay2 when I say GS, ok?

Here's what you do:

1. Put in the GS CD. Power up the PS2 in DVD mode (both green AND blue lights flashing).

2. When the disc ejects, insert a big ol' disc, such as GTA3 or FFX (FFX is only 4.29GB, whereas GTA3 is 4.37... but 99% of games are smaller anyway!).

3. The screen will change to a picture of a controller. The reset light will go red. Wait until the reset light goes green again (5-10 seconds while the disc is recognized), then back up a screen (using O).

4. If you have already done step 5, you may simply select the "tweaked" game you have already set up, and proceed to step 6.

5a. You need to "tweak" a game. The trick here is to overload the GS with too many codes, thus forcing it to eject the game disc in a parked state. Pick a game with a lot of codes. In this example I will use "Dark Cloud".

5b. Select "GameShark Codes", and choose that game, using X to select which codes to use. Turn on the first 65 codes. 65 may or may not be enough, depending on your exact version of GS and PS.

5c. When the codes are selected, hit O to return to the game list, then hit "Start". Choose to start WITH CODES. Try pressing X to start the game, and select which of the following happens to you:

- The system hangs (the little checkerboard pattern behind the words stops moving). In this case, you've picked too many codes. Try removing a few. Start over from step 1.

- The system does not hang, but X does not start the game. You haven't picked enough codes. Try adding a few. Back up with O, and start from the beginning of step 5.

- The game starts when you press X, but the disc ejects SPINNING. In this case, you have too few codes and the game is actually trying to use those codes. Start from step 1, add 5 or 10 codes.

- The game starts when you press X, and the disc ejects STOPPED. Bingo, you win! Proceed to step 6.

6. Slap in the copied disc, and enjoy!


Q. Do I have to use "Dark Cloud"?

A. No, any game with lots of codes will work. However, the old suggested game (Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX) was not as easy for me to tweak. My GS version is 2.02, your mileage may vary. Dave Mirra seems to work for OLDER Game Sharks, not the 2.0x and 2.1x versions.


Q. After I reboot the PS2, I see lots of blank spaces and or garbage names before the beginning of the game list.

A. This is normal. You have, after all, overloaded your Game Shark. If someone knows a way to avoid this, I'm all ears. But we don't really use our Game Sharks to "enhance" our games, now DO WE? (*grin*)


Q. I can't seem to find a good medium. n codes is too few and n+1 locks the system. What do I do?

A. Choose a different game. The amount of codes needed to overload the GS2 varies. My GS2 has never been tampered with. I have never used it for anything other than booting backups, never added any codes, and never fiddled with the settings. Therefore I have a specific amount of space available. On my machine 80 codes for Dark Cloud was the right number. You may need more, or less. Or you may need to choose a different game. Version 2.1x GS2's, I am told, only need about 65 codes for Dark Cloud to get overloaded. This is because they come with more games pre-loaded, I suspect.


Q. Why did you post this?

A. Everyone keeps asking about this. Not "everyone" of course, but I've seen a dozen messages in various forums. It took me a few hours of fiddling to figure this out, and I figured I'd save someone the time.


Q. Do you care if we cut this out and put it in with the other Neo 2.5 information when we add that?

A. Not at all. I'd appreciate a quick mention though, and if you need any more information, I'll be happy to provide it.


Q. How can we contact you?

A. [email protected] is both my e-mail and my MSN. Of course remove the "NOSPAM".


Q. Do you have any pirated games?

A. No.


Q. Can you tell me where to get pirated games?

A. No.



A. "Need"? Is someone standing there with a gun to your head saying "gimme pirated games or you get capped"? No? Then you don't NEED pirated games. COPE.


Q. Why provide this information if you don't pirate games?

A. I make backups. I have a toddler. He eats things. Things like CD's, and power cords, and PS2 controllers. My originals are tucked away in a safe place, thank you. I only had to lose one before I wised up.


Q. Can I...

A. NO.


Q. How about...?

A. Look, call 1-800-NO-COPYS, and ask THEM, ok?


Q. You have a bad attitude, you know that?

A. Yup. Now bite me.

- Gurm
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