Useful Dll for Inno Setup users
So far I used a crap dll (get_hw_caps.dll) for hardware detection in Inno's script,
so I decided to make a own dll to solve this problem. At this time the dll exports several Functions/Procedures, of which the most useful for forum users are: Prototype: procedure GetSysInfo(var SysInfo: TSysInfo); Description: Returns extended information about the computer system as record through WMI interface: Code:
Type TSysInfo = record ProcessorName: PAnsiChar; MaxClockSpeed, CurrentClockSpeed: integer; { Returns the number of MHZ } Manufacturer: PAnsiChar; NumberofPhysicalCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors: integer; VgaAdapterName: PAnsiChar; VgaAdapterRam,CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution,CurrentRefreshRate: integer; { VgaAdapterRam: returns the number of megabytes } VideoModeDescription,AudioDeviceName: PAnsiChar; TotalVisibleMemorySize,FreePhysicalMemory: integer; { Returns the number of megabytes } OSName: PAnsiChar; OSVersionMajor,OSVersionMinor,OSBuildNumbers: Cardinal; ServicePackMajorVersion,ServicePackMinorVersion: Word; OSArchitecture: Byte; { On windows Xp returns 0, this property is not available } end; procedure GetSysInfo(var SysInfo: TSysInfo); external 'GetSysInfo@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; var SystemInfo: TSysInfo; GetSysInfo(SystemInfo); sysinfo.jpg Prototype: procedure CreateTaskBarProgress(hWnd :longword); Description: Create progress indicators with notification and status overlays on application's taskbar button. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure CreateTaskBarProgress(hWnd :longword); external 'CreateTaskBarProgress@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; hWnd: Handle of window's owner window Requirements: Windows 7 or later OS. const GW_OWNER = 4; CreateTaskBarProgress(GetWindow(MainForm.Handle,GW _OWNER)); { Retrieve the application's handle and then creates progress taskbar button } Prototype: procedure TaskBarSetProgress(Completed, Total: integer); Description: Displays a taskbar button to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure TaskBarSetProgress(Completed, Total: integer); external 'TaskBarSetProgress@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Completed: An integer value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time. Total: An integer value that specifies the value 'Total' will have when the operation is complete. Requirements: Windows 7 or later OS. Prototype: procedure TaskBarSetState(tbpFlags: integer); Description: Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button. const TBPF_NOPROGRESS = 0; TBPF_INDETERMINATE = 1; TBPF_NORMAL = 2; TBPF_ERROR = 4; TBPF_PAUSED = 8; Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure TaskBarSetState(tbpFlags: integer); external 'TaskBarSetState@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; tbpFlags: Flags that control the current state of the application's progress taskbar button. Requirements: Windows 7 or later OS. TaskBarSetState(TBPF_INDETERMINATE); Prototype: procedure ReleaseTaskBarProgress; Description: Release the application's progress taskbar button after usage. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure ReleaseTaskBarProgress; external 'ReleaseTaskBarProgress@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Requirements: Windows 7 or later OS. Status overlays of Inno Setup's taskbar progress button during Freearc's archives files extraction: TaskBarProgress.jpg Prototype: function CheckFileSHA1(Filename,HashHex: PAnsichar; PctOfTotal: integer; callback: THashProgress): integer; Description: Checks the file integrity through its given SHA-1 hash value, returns 0 if the function was called successfully, otherwise the following values are returned: -1: Check of installation file has been interrupted. -2: File hash does not match. -3: Source File not found. Callback function declaration: Type THashProgress = function(OverallProgress,FileProgress: Integer): Boolean; Inno Setup prototype declaration: function CheckFileSHA1(fileName,HashHex : PAnsichar; PctOfTotal: integer; callback: THashProgress ): integer; external 'CheckFileSHA1@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Filename: file name of which you need to check its integrity through the source hash value HashHex: SHA-1 hash value in hexadecimal number representation (40 digits long) PctOfTotal: percentage of total files size (for 1 file the value is 100) callback: address of callback function that returns boolean values and the OverallProgress & FileProgress values from main function Callback function values: OverallProgress: 1000 is the max value returned FileProgress: 1000 is the max value returned Code:
e.g. Callback function: function Sha1Progress(OverallProgress,FileProgress: Integer): Boolean; Begin ... {Update progress bar status of overall progress } ... {Update progress bar status of file progress } result:=not CancelButton { returns true/false values, useful to continue (true) or abort(false) operation if cancel button (global variable assigned) on custom form with progress bars is pressed } end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var ReturnCode: integer; begin ... {Create custom form with progress bars and cancel button } Result:=True; try repeat ReturnCode:=CheckFileSHA1(ExpandConstant('{src}\Data1.bin'),'5C5DD1032773DAB058656F7E7168788DD9138288',60,@Sha1Progress); if ReturnCode <> 0 then break; ReturnCode:=CheckFileSHA1(ExpandConstant('{src}\Data2.bin'),'FCA8E69C00CA0E0D5FB5C8E48B07A92F9C7DC5BA',40,@Sha1Progress); if ReturnCode <> 0 then break; until true finally case ReturnCode of -1: begin MsgBox('Check of installation files has been interrupted!', mbCriticalError, mb_Ok); Result:=false; end; -2: begin MsgBox('File hash does not match, installation aborted!',mbCriticalError, mb_Ok); Result:=false; end; -3: begin MsgBox('File not found!',mbCriticalError, mb_Ok); Result:=false; end; end; end; end; Prototype: function GetFileSHA1(Filename: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; Description: Gets the SHA-1 hash in hexadecimal number representation (40 digits long) of the specified file. An exception will be raised upon failure. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetFileSHA1(fileName: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; external 'GetFileSHA1@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Filename: file name of which you get hash hex string value Prototype: function JoinFile(FirstSourceFile,TargetFile: PAnsichar; DeleteSourceFiles: Boolean; callback: TJoinProgress): integer; Description: Joins splitted file parts to the specified target file, returns 0 if the function was called successfully, otherwise the return value is nonzero. Callback procedure declaration: Type TJoinProgress = procedure(CurrentFilenamePart:PAnsiChar;TotalFiles PartSize,OverallProgress: Integer); Inno Setup prototype declaration: function JoinFile(FirstSourceFile,TargetFile: PAnsichar; DeleteSourceFiles: Boolean; callback: TJoinProgress): integer; external 'JoinFile@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; FirstSourceFile: file name of 1st part, its extension must be *.part1, for others file parts *.part2, *.part3 ...and so on. TargetFile: target file name of the joining operation. DeleteSourceFiles: if set to true the file parts will be deleted after successfully joining operation. callback: address of callback procedure that returns CurrentFilenamePart, TotalFilesPartSize, OverallProgress values from main function. Callback procedure values: CurrentFilenamePart: name of the file part that is being joined to target file TotalFilesPartSize: total files size of splitted parts expressed in Megabytes OverallProgress: 1000 is the max value returned Code:
e.g.: type TJoinProgress = procedure(CurrentFilenamePart:PAnsiChar;TotalFilesPartSize,OverallProgress: Integer); procedure JoinProgress(CurrentFilenamePart: PAnsiChar; TotalFilesPartSize,OverallProgress: Integer); begin ... ... end; JoinFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\Myfile.part1'),ExpandConstant('{app}\MyTargetfile.bin'),True,@JoinProgress); Prototype: function GetFileSize(FileName: PAnsichar): Extended; Description: Returns the size of the specified file in bytes as extented type. If the function fails, the return value is -1. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetFileSize(FileName: PAnsichar): Extended; external 'GetFileSize@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Filename: file name of which you get the size Prototype: function GetFileSize64(FileName: AnsiString): Int64; Description: Returns the size of the specified file in bytes as 64 bit integer type. If the function fails, the return value is -1. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetFileSize64(const FileName: AnsiString): Int64; external 'GetFileSize64@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Filename: file name of which you get the size Requirements: Inno Setup Unicode v5.5.3 or later. Prototype: function LoadFileToBuffer(FileName: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; Description: Loads file contents to memory buffer and returns the pointer to null-terminated Ansistring, If the function fails, the return value is a null string. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function LoadFileToBuffer(FileName: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; external 'LoadFileToBuffer@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Filename: file name whose content will be loaded into memory buffer Prototype: function EncryptStr(StringtoEncrypt,Passphrase: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; Description: Encrypts the given string with 256 bits key AES cipher. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function EncryptStr(StringtoEncrypt,Passphrase: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; external 'EncryptStr@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; StringtoEncrypt: String to encrypt with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Passphrase: Password used as an encryption key Prototype: function DecryptStr(StringtoDecrypt,Passphrase: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; Description: Restores original string value encrypted with AES cipher. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function DecryptStr(StringtoDecrypt,Passphrase: PAnsichar): PAnsiChar; external 'DecryptStr@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; StringtoDecrypt: String to decrypt from Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Passphrase: Password used as an encryption key Prototype: SaveFileFromBuffer(Buffer: PAnsichar; const OutFileName: PAnsichar): integer; Description: Saves memory buffer contents to specified file, if the function fails, the return value is nonzero. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function SaveFileFromBuffer(Buffer: PAnsichar; const OutFileName: PAnsichar): integer; external 'SaveFileFromBuffer@files:Isab.dll' stdcall delayload'; Buffer: pointer to a memory location that contains the file's content Filename: name of the file that will be created from memory buffer Prototype: function DiskVolumeInfo(RootDir: PAnsichar; var Volume: TVolume; const OutTypeFlags: Byte): Boolean; const TF_InBytes = 1; TF_InKiloBytes = 2; TF_InMegaBytes = 4; TF_InGigaBytes = 8; type TVolume = record VolumeName,FileSystemName: PAnsiChar; VolFreeSpace,VolSize: Double; end; Var Volume: TVolume; Description: Retrieves information about the file system, the amount of free space and total size, and volume name associated with the specified root directory. Returns True if the function was called successfully, False otherwise. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function DiskVolumeInfo(RootDir: PAnsichar; var Volume: TVolume; const OutTypeFlags: Byte): Boolean; external 'DiskVolumeInfo@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; RootDir: Root directory of the volume with an appended trailing backslash. e.g.(C:\) Volume: Declared variable to create an instance of TVolume record OutTypeFlags: Flags that control the output type of the amount of free space and total size (TF_InBytes = 1 returns the values expressed in bytes, TF_InKiloBytes = 2 ... and so on...) Prototype: function GetFixedDrives: PAnsichar; Description: Retrieves the root dirs of the drives that have fixed media: a hard disk drive, flash drive or SSD and then store them into null-terminated ansistring. Each root dirs found are separated by carriage return and line feed char(#13), char(#10). Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetFixedDrives: PAnsichar; external 'GetFixedDrives@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; the function has no input parameters GetFixedDrives & DiskVolumeInfo functions usage example: Code:
#define SourcePath "" [Setup] AppName={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',PRODUCT_NAME)} AppVersion={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_VERSION)} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_DESCRIPTION)} [Files] Source: Isab.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy const TF_InBytes = 1; TF_InKiloBytes = 2; TF_InMegaBytes = 4; TF_InGigaBytes = 8; type TVolume = record VolumeName,FileSystemName: PAnsiChar; VolFreeSpace,VolSize: Double; end; function DiskVolumeInfo(RootDir: PAnsichar; var Volume: TVolume; const OutTypeFlags: Byte): Boolean; external 'DiskVolumeInfo@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function GetFixedDrives: PAnsichar; external 'GetFixedDrives@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var c: integer; outstr: ansistring; drives_list: Pansichar; Volume: TVolume; str_Letters: TStringlist; begin Result:=true; str_letters:=TStringlist.Create; drives_list:=GetFixedDrives; str_letters.text:=drives_list; for c:= 0 to str_letters.Count -1 do begin if DiskVolumeInfo(str_letters.strings[c],Volume, TF_InBytes) then outstr:=outstr+'Drive: '+str_letters.strings[c]+#13#10+'Label: '+volume.VolumeName+#13#10+ 'FileSystem: '+volume.FileSystemName+#13#10+'Size: '+format('%.0n',[volume.VolSize])+#13#10+ 'FreeSpace: '+format('%.0n',[volume.Volfreespace])+#13#10#13#10; end; msgbox(outstr,mbInformation, mb_Ok); end; Prototype: function CheckDiskLabel(RootDir: PAnsichar; const LabelName: PAnsichar): Boolean; Description: Checks if the LabelName matches the volume label of the physical media (CD-ROM, DVD...) to verify that the proper disk is in the drive. If the disk label matches, the return value is True, False otherwise. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function CheckDiskLabel(RootDir: PAnsichar; const LabelName: PAnsichar): Boolean; external 'CheckDiskLabel@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; RootDir: Root directory of the drive with an appended trailing backslash LabelName: label name of the physical media to check Code:
if CheckDiskLabel(ExpandConstant('{src}\'),'DISK_1') then // the disk label matches, installation can continue... else // handle the wrong disk status Prototype: function CreateTimer(Timeout: Longword; callback: TTimerProc): Longword; Description: Creates a timer with the specified time-out value, the return value is an identifier of timer event. Callback procedure declaration: Type TTimerProc= procedure(Hwnd,Msg,Idevent,DwTime: Longword); Inno Setup prototype declaration: function CreateTimer(Timeout: Longword; callback: TTimerProc): Longword; external 'CreateTimer@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Timeout: Time-out interval expressed in milliseconds callback: address of callback procedure called when the time-out value elapses Prototype: procedure DestroyTimer(IdEvent: Longword); Description: Destroys the specified timer. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure DestroyTimer(IdEvent: Longword); external 'DestroyTimer@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; IdEvent: identifier of timer event returned from CreateTimer CreateTimer & DestroyTimer usage example: Code:
#define SourcePath "" [Setup] AppName={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',PRODUCT_NAME)} AppVersion={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_VERSION)} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_DESCRIPTION)} [Files] Source: Isab.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy type TTimerProc= procedure(Hwnd,Msg,Idevent,DwTime: Longword); var IdEvent: Longword; function CreateTimer(Timeout: Longword; callback: TTimerProc): Longword; external 'CreateTimer@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure DestroyTimer(IdEvent: Longword); external 'DestroyTimer@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure TimerProc(Hwnd,Msg,Idevent,DwTime: Longword); begin PageFromId(wpWelcome).Surface.Color:=Random($FFFFFF); end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin Result:=true; IdEvent:=CreateTimer(1000,@TimerProc); end; Procedure DeInitializeSetup; Begin DestroyTimer(IdEvent); end; Prototype: function TicksToTime(Ticks: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; Description: Converts milliseconds to human readable format (Hours:Minutes:Seconds). Inno Setup prototype declaration: function TicksToTime(Ticks: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; external 'TicksToTime@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Ticks: number of ticks to be converted Prototype: procedure StartWatch(callback: TSTime); Description: Starts watch to measure elapsed time in human readable format. Callback procedure declaration: Type TSTime= procedure(Hours,Minutes,Seconds: integer; TicksElapsed: Cardinal); Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure StartWatch(callback: TSTime); external 'StartWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; callback: address of callback procedure that returns Hours, Minutes, Seconds, TicksElapsed values Callback procedure values: Hours: Hours elapsed Minutes: Minutes elapsed Seconds: Seconds elapsed TicksElapsed: Total time elapsed expressed in Milliseconds Prototype: procedure StopWatch; Description: Stops watch and kills the callback fired by StartWatch Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure StopWatch; external 'StopWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Prototype: procedure ResetWatch; Description: Resets watch to origin time state (0h:0m:0s) Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure ResetWatch; external 'ResetWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; StartWatch, StopWatch, ResetWatch & TicksToTime usage example: Code:
#define SourcePath "" [Setup] AppName={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',PRODUCT_NAME)} AppVersion={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_VERSION)} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_DESCRIPTION)} [Files] Source: Isab.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy type TSTime= procedure(Hours,Minutes,Seconds: integer; TicksElapsed: Cardinal); var LTime: Tlabel; procedure StartWatch(callback: TSTime); external 'StartWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure StopWatch; external 'StopWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ResetWatch; external 'ResetWatch@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function TicksToTime(Ticks: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; external 'TicksToTime@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; procedure ElpsTime(Hours,Minutes,Seconds: integer; TicksElapsed: Cardinal); begin LTime.Caption:=TicksToTime(TicksElapsed); WizardForm.Caption:=inttostr(Hours)+' hours: '+inttostr(Minutes)+' minutes: '+inttostr(Seconds)+' seconds'; end; procedure StartWatchBtnOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin StartWatch(@ElpsTime); end; procedure StopWatchBtnOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin StopWatch; end; procedure ResetWatchBtnOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin ResetWatch; end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin Result:=true; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); var StartWatchBtn, StopWatchBtn, CancelButton, ResetWatchBtn: TButton; begin CancelButton := WizardForm.CancelButton; StartWatchBtn:= TButton.Create(WizardForm); StartWatchBtn.Left := ScaleX(5); StartWatchBtn.Top := CancelButton.Top; StartWatchBtn.Width := ScaleX(80); StartWatchBtn.Height := CancelButton.Height; StartWatchBtn.Caption := '&StartWatch'; StartWatchBtn.OnClick := @StartWatchBtnOnClick; StartWatchBtn.Parent := WizardForm; StopWatchBtn := TButton.Create(WizardForm); StopWatchBtn.Left := ScaleX(90); StopWatchBtn.Top := CancelButton.Top; StopWatchBtn.Width := ScaleX(80); StopWatchBtn.Height := CancelButton.Height; StopWatchBtn.Caption := 'S&topWatch'; StopWatchBtn.OnClick := @StopWatchBtnOnClick; StopWatchBtn.Parent := WizardForm; ResetWatchBtn := TButton.Create(WizardForm); ResetWatchBtn.Left := ScaleX(175); ResetWatchBtn.Top := CancelButton.Top; ResetWatchBtn.Width := ScaleX(80); ResetWatchBtn.Height := CancelButton.Height; ResetWatchBtn.Caption := '&ResetWatch'; ResetWatchBtn.OnClick := @ResetWatchBtnOnClick; ResetWatchBtn.Parent := WizardForm; LTime := TLabel.Create(WizardForm); LTime.AutoSize := False; LTime.Font.Size:=35; LTime.Font.Name:='courier new'; LTime.Width := ScaleX(WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Width); LTime.Height:=55; LTime.Left := ScaleX(0); LTime.Top := ScaleY(WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Height div 2); LTime.Caption := ''; LTime.Alignment:=taCenter; LTime.Parent := WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2; LTime.Transparent:=True; end; function PosReverse(const SubStr,Str: PAnsiChar): Integer; Description: Searches for Substr within Str in reverse order and returns an integer value that is the index of the first character of Substr within Str. If Substr is not found, the return value is zero. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function PosReverse(const SubStr,Str: PAnsiChar): Integer; external 'PosReverse@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Substr: substring to search for Str: main string Prototype: function CreateRgnFromBmp(hWnd :HWND; const BmpFileName: PAnsiChar; TrRGBColor: integer): integer; Description: Creates a shaped window region using a bitmap image file as alpha mask. The function scans a bitmap image data, skip over the transparent pixels, and create the shaped region with non-transparent pixels. if the function fails, the return value is nonzero. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function CreateRgnFromBmp(hWnd :HWND; const BmpFileName: PAnsiChar; TrRGBColor: integer): integer; external 'CreateRgnFromBmp@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; hWnd: a handle of the window whose region is to be shaped BmpFileName: filename of bitmap image TrRGBColor: red, green, blue color component values in hexadecimal number representation of bitmap transparent color Prototype: function CreateFormFromBmp(hWnd :HWND; const BmpFilename: PAnsiChar; ACPremultiplied: Boolean ): Integer; Description: Creates alpha blended form from a 32-bit RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) bitmap. if the function fails, the return value is nonzero. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function CreateFormFromBmp(hWnd: HWND; const BmpFilename: PAnsiChar; ACPremultiplied: Boolean): Integer; external 'CreateFormFromBmp@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; hWnd: a handle of the window is to be alpha-blended BmpFilename: filename of bitmap image ACPremultiplied: If the bitmap has Premultiplied Alpha ( Red, Blue and Green color channels have already been multiplied with the Alpha channel and the transparency information is already stored) set it to true Code:
#define SourcePath "" [Setup] AppName={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',PRODUCT_NAME)} AppVersion={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_VERSION)} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_DESCRIPTION)} [Files] Source: Isab.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy Source: Wizard_Res\AlphaMask.bmp; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy Source: Wizard_Res\BmpForm.bmp; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy var RegionBmp: TBitmapImage; AForm: TForm; function CreateRgnFromBmp(WndH :HWND; const BmpFileName: PAnsiChar; TrRGBColor: integer): integer; external 'CreateRgnFromBmp@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function CreateFormFromBmp(WndH :HWND; const BmpFilename: PAnsiChar; ACPremultiplied: Boolean ): Integer; external 'CreateFormFromBmp@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin Result:=true; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin ExtractTemporaryFile('AlphaMask.bmp'); ExtractTemporaryFile('BmpForm.bmp'); WizardForm.Innernotebook.hide; WizardForm.Outernotebook.hide; WizardForm.Height:=405; WizardForm.Width:=593; WizardForm.BorderStyle := bsNone; WizardForm.Position := poScreenCenter; AForm:=TForm.Create(nil); With AForm do begin Height:=WizardForm.Height; Width:=WizardForm.Width; Position := poScreenCenter; BorderStyle:=bsnone; end; RegionBmp:=TBitmapimage.Create(nil); With RegionBmp Do Begin parent:=WizardForm; Height:=WizardForm.Height; Width:=WizardForm.width; end; CreateRgnFromBmp(WizardForm.Handle,ExpandConstant('{tmp}\AlphaMask.bmp'),$000000); RegionBmp.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\BmpForm.bmp')); CreateFormFromBmp(AForm.Handle,ExpandConstant('{tmp}\BmpForm.bmp'),true); AForm.Show; end; Prototype: function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: String; Const FlgRes: integer): String; =>(UNICODE) function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: PAnsiChar; Const FlgRes: integer): PAnsiChar; =>(ANSI) Description: Retrieves version information for a specified file (exe,dll...) from its resource. An exception will be raised upon failure. const RESF_CompanyName = 1; RESF_FileDescription = 2; RESF_FileVersion = 3; RESF_InternalName = 4; RESF_LegalCopyright = 5; RESF_LegalTrademarks = 6; RESF_OriginalFileName = 7; RESF_ProductName = 8; RESF_ProductVersion = 9; RESF_Comments = 10; RESF_PrivateBuild = 11; RESF_SpecialBuild = 12; Inno Setup prototype declaration (respectively, UNICODE and ANSI): function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: String; Const FlgRes: integer): String; external 'GetFileVersionDataW@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: PAnsiChar; Const FlgRes: integer): PAnsiChar; external 'GetFileVersionDataA@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; FileName: filename which contains a version-information resource to retrieve FlgRes: Flags to retrieve the specified file resource Code:
#define SourcePath "" [Setup] AppName={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',PRODUCT_NAME)} AppVersion={#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_VERSION)} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#GetStringFileInfo(SourcePath+'Isab.dll',FILE_DESCRIPTION)} [Files] Source: Isab.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy const RESF_CompanyName = 1; RESF_FileDescription = 2; RESF_FileVersion = 3; RESF_InternalName = 4; RESF_LegalCopyright = 5; RESF_LegalTrademarks = 6; RESF_OriginalFileName = 7; RESF_ProductName = 8; RESF_ProductVersion = 9; RESF_Comments = 10; RESF_PrivateBuild = 11; RESF_SpecialBuild = 12; #ifdef UNICODE function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: String; Const FlgRes: integer): String; external 'GetFileVersionDataW@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; #else function GetFileVersionData(Const FileName: PAnsiChar; Const FlgRes: integer): PAnsiChar; external 'GetFileVersionDataA@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; #endif function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin Result:=True; try MsgBox(GetFileVersionData(ExpandConstant('{win}\Notepad.exe'),RESF_FileDescription), mbInformation, MB_OK); except MsgBox('GetFileVersionData exception!', mbCriticalError, MB_OK); Result:=False; end; end; procedure GdiStartup; Description: Initializes Microsoft Windows GDI+ class-based API. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure GdiStartup; external 'GdiStartup@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Prototype: procedure GdiShutdown; Description: Cleans up resources used by GDI+ API. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure GdiShutdown; external 'GdiShutdown@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Prototype: function LoadImage(const FileName: PAnsiChar; Handle: HWND; X,Y,Height,Width: integer; const IMF_Img: byte): integer; Description: Loads the raster image and then creates image object. Returns image-index if the function was called successfully, zero otherwise. const IMF_Scale = 1; IMF_Crop = 2; Inno Setup prototype declaration: function LoadImage(const FileName: PAnsiChar; Handle: HWND; X,Y,Height,Width: integer; const IMF_Img: byte): integer; external 'LoadImage@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; FileName: file name of raster image to load Handle: Handle of device context X: X position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Y: Y position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Height: Height of image expressed in pixels Width: Width of image expressed in pixels IMF_Img: flags for cropping\scaling the image Prototype: procedure DrawImages(Handle: HWND); Description: Draws image(s) to specified device context. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure DrawImages(Handle: HWND); external 'DrawImages@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; Handle: Handle of device context Prototype: procedure SetImgVisibility(ImgIdx: Integer; Visibility: Boolean); Description: Shows or hides image from specified index given. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure SetImgVisibility(ImgIdx: Integer; Visibility: Boolean); external 'SetImgVisibility@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of loaded image returned from LoadImage function Visibility: Image visibility (True=visible or False=hidden) Prototype: procedure SetImgTransparency(ImgIdx: Integer; ImgTransparency: Byte); Description: Defines and sets the amount of image's transparency. The range's value of transparency effect is 0 to 100 (0=fully opaque, 100=fully transparent). Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure SetImgTransparency(ImgIdx: Integer; ImgTransparency: Byte); external 'SetImgTransparency@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function ImgTransparency: transparency range's value (0-100) Prototype: function GetImgVisibility(ImgIdx: Integer): Boolean; Description: Checks if the image is visible or not. Returns True whether the content of the image is visible, otherwise false. Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetImgVisibility(ImgIdx: Integer): Boolean; external 'GetImgVisibility@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function Prototype: function GetImgTransparency(ImgIdx: Integer): Byte; Description: Retrieves image transparency range's value (0-100). Inno Setup prototype declaration: function GetImgTransparency(ImgIdx: Integer): Byte; external 'GetImgTransparency@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function Prototype: procedure SetImgPosSize(ImgIdx,X,Y,Height,Width: integer); Description: Sets position and size of the image relative to the client area. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure SetImgPosSize(ImgIdx,X,Y,Height,Width: integer); external 'SetImgPosSize@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function X: X position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Y: Y position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Height: Height of image expressed in pixels Width: Width of image expressed in pixels Prototype: procedure GetImgPosSize(ImgIdx: integer; var X,Y,Height,Width: integer); Description: Retrieves position and size of the image relative to the client area. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure GetImgPosSize(ImgIdx: integer; var X,Y,Height,Width: integer); external 'GetImgPosSize@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function X: Declared variable as parameter relative to X position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Y: Declared variable as parameter relative to Y position of the rectangle's upper-left corner Height: Declared variable as parameter relative to Height of image expressed in pixels Width: Declared variable as parameter relative to Width of image expressed in pixels Prototype: procedure RotateImg(ImgIdx,Rangle: integer); Description: Rotates image by specified angle around its center. Positive angle values specify clockwise rotation. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure RotateImg(ImgIdx,Rangle: integer); external 'RotateImg@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function Rangle: angle of rotation expressed in sexagesimal degrees Prototype: procedure SetVisibleImgRgn(ImgIdx,LeftOffset,TopOffset,Visib leRgnHeight,VisibleRgnWidth: integer); Description: Sets and draws a portion of image loaded. Inno Setup prototype declaration: procedure SetVisibleImgRgn(ImgIdx,LeftOffset,TopOffset,Visib leRgnHeight,VisibleRgnWidth: integer); external 'SetVisibleImgRgn@files:Isab.dll stdcall delayload'; ImgIdx: Index of image returned from LoadImage function LeftOffset: Offset relative to X axis of native position TopOffset: Offset relative to Y axis of native position VisibleRgnHeight: Height of image's region that will be visible VisibleRgnWidth: Width of image's region that will be visible Last edited by peterf1999; 05-05-2016 at 01:56. |
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-XCX- (01-02-2017), 4tRUst (27-10-2015), 78372 (06-07-2017), Abbat (12-05-2019), ADMIRAL (21-02-2020), ALiAS2015 (17-06-2015), altef_4 (11-04-2014), Andrey167 (12-12-2014), arkantos7 (04-05-2014), BAMsE (23-03-2016), Breakerways (19-04-2017), Carldric Clement (12-12-2014), ChronoCross (12-12-2014), COPyCAT (22-04-2016), EyeSalt (02-03-2018), Fahimft2014 (09-11-2014), ffmla (27-08-2016), gozarck (19-03-2015), Grumpy (11-04-2014), GTX590 (16-02-2016), Gupta (18-02-2017), hpmbot149 (07-06-2016), Ichiraku2001 (03-04-2016), JRD! (14-01-2016), Lucas65 (12-03-2016), mausschieber (12-04-2014), Nemko (11-08-2017), NickX700K (10-08-2019), oltjon (03-01-2017), pakrat2k2 (17-04-2014), pebe (05-04-2015), PsYcHo_RaGE (27-05-2018), RamiroCruzo (26-10-2015), Razor12911 (13-04-2014), sakila(playboy) (08-10-2022), saradaddy (10-02-2016), Simorq (25-01-2015), Sony091090 (04-10-2016), y_thelastknight (11-04-2014) |
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Here you go for usage example
![]() Create a FreeArc archive with 'Data1.bin' name and then place it where compiled setup.exe is created. Last edited by peterf1999; 04-05-2014 at 04:18. |
no show Video Card Memory
![]() ex: GeForce 7600 GT Graphics Bus Technology PCI Express ® Memory 256MB Memory Interface 128-bit Memory Bandwidth (GB / s) 22.4 Fill Rate (billion pixels / sec.) 6.7 Vertices / s. (Millions) 700 Pixels per clock (peak) 12 RAMDAC (MHz) 400 Last edited by Dante1995; 28-12-2014 at 21:54. |
Ok .. Winzoz is limited
known only by your screen 7Utimate of 8 is guaranteed? |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to peterf1999 For This Useful Post: | ||
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to peterf1999 For This Useful Post: | ||
small error, if file for check not exists - error.
p.s. in attachment working module+example for those who don't know how to use this library. p.p.s. can you provide me example how do you create callback for inno setup in delphi without CallbackCtrl.dll/InnoCallback.dll/CallbackAddr ? |
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to altef_4 For This Useful Post: | ||
ffmla (18-06-2017), Nemko (22-05-2018), peterf1999 (17-05-2014), Razor12911 (12-12-2014), y_thelastknight (17-05-2014) |
type THashProgress = function(OverallProgress,FileProgress: Integer): Boolean of object; function CheckFileSHA1(Filename,SHA1HashHex: AnsiString; PctOfTotal: integer; callback: THashProgress): integer export; stdcall; begin ... if not callback(FileProgress+OverallProgress,round(FileProgress*100/PctOfTotal)) then begin Result:=-1; break; end; ... end; ![]() Last edited by peterf1999; 17-05-2014 at 11:44. |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to peterf1999 For This Useful Post: | ||
altef_4 (17-05-2014), y_thelastknight (18-05-2014) |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to peterf1999 For This Useful Post: | ||
Nice, Great. By the way what program did you use to create the dll. I currently use Delphi XE3 and I get errors and I don't know what to do. I can only pass strings as PAnsiChar and Integers and cannot Pass Int64. I tried Lararus and same thing. so what program?
Only the latest UNICODE versions (v5.5.3 or later) of Inno Setup can handle 64 bit integers. |
The Following User Says Thank You to peterf1999 For This Useful Post: | ||
Razor12911 (20-05-2014) |
Ok thanks will try it out.
you can get the code isab for this
Last edited by Dante1995; 28-12-2014 at 21:54. |
isab.dll v0.0.3.0 work in Windows XP SP3
isab.dll v0.0.4.1 not work in Windows XP SP3 |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
INNO TROUBLESHOOT - Tutorials and Answers about INNO Setup | REV0 | Conversion Tutorials | 129 | 21-05-2021 06:51 |
Inno Setup: Additional Libraries | altef_4 | Conversion Tutorials | 50 | 21-10-2020 10:59 |
INNO TUTORIAL - Using Unicode and ANSI Versions of INNO Setup | REV0 | Conversion Tutorials | 51 | 26-03-2015 07:57 |
Tutorial using CI 8.0.0 | yener90 | Conversion Tutorials | 424 | 21-10-2014 10:49 |