Help!!! Free ISP settings wont show so I cant play ###.
I tried going to because someone told me that they tell you how to make the settings of the free isp visible there. The problem is that I'm no good at sorting through useless information and I'm not good at finding hidden links. I saw 3 links on the page and they all lead to places where my remedy was not.
For some reason, my IP address settings dont show. The ones for my cable modem do but none of any of the free three isp's (netzero, dotnow, juno) make their settings visible.
I went to tcp/ip settings and looked through every possible tab I could find to no avail.
I'm getting extremely pissed because refresh all and renew all, there is no show all, in winipcfg doesn't do sheit. It always has zeros for everything.
I'm losing valuable time on ### because of this.