Divinity Original Sin 2 Devinitive Edition
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Hi Razor12911
Could you add support for Traveller's Tales games DAT files? QuickBMS Script Code:
# Traveller's Tales games DAT files extractor (script 0.9.11a) # Lego Movie: The Video Game # LEGO Batman 1 # LEGO Batman 2 # LEGO Star Wars # LEGO Star Wars III # LEGO Indiana Jones # LEGO Harry Potter # LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean # LEGO Lord of the Rings # Transformers # LEGO Worlds # LEGO MARVELs Avengers # LEGO Dimensions # Lego Marvel Super Heroes # Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens # Lego NinjaGO # others, check them on http://www.ttgames.com # # In case of problems with the extraction try setting NAMELESS to 1 # thanx to who fixed the handling of the names! # # Note that the script may not work with the compressed files of # Lego Movie for PS3, in case of crashes or other issues you can # extract only the non compressed files by setting # EXTRACT_COMPRESSED to 0. # # script for QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org math FORCE_CRC_BITS = 0 # use 32, 64 or 0 for auto-guess, just in case auto-guess fails quickbmsver "0.8.0" set NAMELESS long 0 # set to 1 to extract the files without names set EXTRACT_COMPRESSED long 1 # set to 0 to extract ONLY the non-compressed files math HAVE_CRCS = 0 math CRC_FNV_OFFSET = 0x811c9dc5 math CRC_FNV_PRIME = 0x199933 set SIGN_1234567a binary "\x7a\x56\x34\x12" getdstring SIGN 4 goto 0 if SIGN u== SIGN_1234567a goto 0 callfunction EXTRACT_1234567a 1 cleanexit endif string SIGN f SIGN math ONE_FILE = 0 if SIGN == "LZ2K" math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "DFLT" math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "ZLIB" # currently doesn't exist math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "LZMA" # currently doesn't exist math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "ZIPX" math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "RFPK" math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "RNC_" math ONE_FILE = 1 elif SIGN == "Defl" # "Deflate_v1.0" goto 0 math OFFSET = 0 get SIZE asize get NAME basename get EXT extension string NAME + "_unpack." string NAME + EXT callfunction DEFLATE_UNPACK 1 cleanexit endif if ONE_FILE != 0 math OFFSET = 0 get ZSIZE asize math SIZE = ZSIZE callfunction UNPACK log "" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE2 cleanexit endif get HDR_NAME basename string HDR_NAME += ".hdr" open FDSE HDR_NAME 1 EXISTS if EXISTS != 0 get NAME filename if NAME == HDR_NAME get NAME basename string NAME += ".dat" open FDSE NAME endif callfunction HANDLE_COMPRESSED_DAT 1 get HDR_SIZE asize 1 log MEMORY_FILE 0 HDR_SIZE 1 get DUMMY long MEMORY_FILE else callfunction HANDLE_COMPRESSED_DAT 1 get INFO_OFF long if INFO_OFF & 0x80000000 math INFO_OFF ^= 0xffffffff math INFO_OFF <<= 8 math INFO_OFF += 0x100 endif get INFO_SIZE long log MEMORY_FILE INFO_OFF INFO_SIZE endif get TYPE_BOH signed_long MEMORY_FILE get FILES long MEMORY_FILE math NEW_FORMAT = 1 if TYPE_BOH != 0x3443432e # game.hdr if TYPE_BOH != 0x2e434334 if FILES != 0x3443432e # game.dat if FILES != 0x2e434334 math NEW_FORMAT = 0 endif endif endif endif if NEW_FORMAT == 1 # ".CC400TAD" goto 0 MEMORY_FILE endian big get HDR_SIZE long MEMORY_FILE idstring MEMORY_FILE ".CC4" idstring MEMORY_FILE "0TAD" get TYPE_BOH signed_long MEMORY_FILE # -8 get NEW_FORMAT_VER long MEMORY_FILE # 1 get FILES long MEMORY_FILE get NAMES long MEMORY_FILE get NAMES_SIZE long MEMORY_FILE savepos NAMES_OFF MEMORY_FILE math OFFSET = NAMES_OFF math OFFSET + NAMES_SIZE goto OFFSET MEMORY_FILE putarray 10 NAMES "" # necessary and useful putarray 1 NAMES "" # necessary and useful get DUMMY long MEMORY_FILE math MYID = 0 xmath LAST_NAME_WORKAROUND "NAMES - 1" for i = 0 < NAMES get NAME_OFF long MEMORY_FILE get FOLDER_ID short MEMORY_FILE if NEW_FORMAT_VER >= 2 get DUMMY_ID short MEMORY_FILE endif get SOME_ID signed_short MEMORY_FILE get FILE_ID short MEMORY_FILE if NAME_OFF != 0xffffffff savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE math NAME_OFF + NAMES_OFF goto NAME_OFF MEMORY_FILE get NAME string MEMORY_FILE goto TMP MEMORY_FILE # I will find a solution another day maybe... if i == LAST_NAME_WORKAROUND math FILE_ID = MYID endif getarray PATH 1 FOLDER_ID string NAME p "%s\%s" PATH NAME if FILE_ID != 0 putarray 10 MYID NAME math MYID + 1 else putarray 1 i NAME endif endif next i get TYPE_BOH signed_long MEMORY_FILE # -8 get FILES long MEMORY_FILE # performance putarray 2 FILES 0 putarray 3 FILES 0 putarray 4 FILES 0 putarray 5 FILES 0 for i = 0 < FILES if TYPE_BOH <= -11 get OFFSET longlong MEMORY_FILE else get OFFSET long MEMORY_FILE endif get ZSIZE long MEMORY_FILE get SIZE long MEMORY_FILE if TYPE_BOH <= -10 math PACKED = SIZE math SIZE & 0x7fffffff math PACKED u>> 31 if PACKED != 0 math PACKED = 2 # useless, but we need & 2 endif else get PACKED byte MEMORY_FILE get ZERO short MEMORY_FILE get OFFSET2 byte MEMORY_FILE math OFFSET u<< 8 math OFFSET | OFFSET2 endif putarray 2 i OFFSET putarray 3 i ZSIZE putarray 4 i SIZE putarray 5 i PACKED next i callfunction GET_CRCS 1 get EXT extension if EXT & "DAT" # both DAT and DAT2 else open FDDE "DAT" # in case HDR has been opened endif for i = 0 < FILES getarray FULLNAME 10 i callfunction GET_NAME 1 getarray OFFSET 2 IDX getarray ZSIZE 3 IDX getarray SIZE 4 IDX getarray PACKED 5 IDX callfunction EXTRACT_FILE 1 next i else savepos INFO_OFF MEMORY_FILE math TMP = FILES math TMP *= 16 math NAME_INFO = INFO_OFF math NAME_INFO += TMP goto NAME_INFO MEMORY_FILE get NAMES long MEMORY_FILE savepos NAME_INFO MEMORY_FILE math NAME_FIELD_SIZE = 8 if TYPE_BOH <= -5 math NAME_FIELD_SIZE = 12 endif math TMP = NAMES math TMP *= NAME_FIELD_SIZE math NAME_OFF = NAME_INFO math NAME_OFF += TMP goto NAME_OFF MEMORY_FILE get NAMECRC_OFF long MEMORY_FILE savepos NAME_OFF MEMORY_FILE math NAMECRC_OFF += NAME_OFF goto NAMECRC_OFF MEMORY_FILE callfunction GET_CRCS 1 if TYPE_BOH <= -2 get DUMMY1 signed_long MEMORY_FILE get DUMMY2 long MEMORY_FILE endif # print "files: %FILES%" # print "names: %NAMES%" # print "info_off: %INFO_OFF%" # print "info_size: %INFO_SIZE%" # print "name_info: %NAME_INFO%" # print "name_off: %NAME_OFF%" # print "namecrc_off: %NAMECRC_OFF%" set NAMEZ long 0 set FULLNAME string "" set FULLPATH string "" for i = 0 < FILES callfunction SET_NAME 1 callfunction GET_NAME 1 math IDX *= 16 math IDX += INFO_OFF goto IDX MEMORY_FILE get OFFSET long MEMORY_FILE get ZSIZE long MEMORY_FILE get SIZE long MEMORY_FILE get PACKED threebyte MEMORY_FILE get OFFSET2 byte MEMORY_FILE if TYPE_BOH == -1 # do nothing else math OFFSET <<= 8 endif math OFFSET += OFFSET2 callfunction EXTRACT_FILE 1 next i endif startfunction GET_CRCS math HAVE_CRCS = 0 putarray 0 FILES 0 putarray 11 FILES 0 get TMP1 asize MEMORY_FILE savepos TMP2 MEMORY_FILE if TMP2 u< TMP1 xmath TMP4 "TMP2 + (FILES * 4)" xmath TMP8 "TMP2 + (FILES * 8)" savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE goto TMP4 MEMORY_FILE get ZERO long MEMORY_FILE if ZERO == 0 # this is just a test because there is no good way to guess if it's 64 or 32bit math TMP8 = TMP1 # disable 64bit false positives endif goto TMP MEMORY_FILE math CRC_BITS = 32 if TMP8 u< TMP1 && NEW_FORMAT_VER >= 2 # Lego NinjaGo math CRC_BITS = 64 endif if FORCE_CRC_BITS >= 32 math CRC_BITS = FORCE_CRC_BITS endif if CRC_BITS == 64 callfunction QUICKBMS_4GB_CHECK 1 math CRC_FNV_OFFSET = 0xcbf29ce484222325 math CRC_FNV_PRIME = 1099511628211 math HAVE_CRCS = 2 for i = 0 < FILES get CRC longlong MEMORY_FILE putarray 0 i CRC putarray 11 i 0 # file has been extracted? next i elif TMP4 u< TMP1 # no need to check CRC_BITS == 32 math HAVE_CRCS = 1 for i = 0 < FILES get CRC long MEMORY_FILE putarray 0 i CRC putarray 11 i 0 # file has been extracted? next i endif endif if HAVE_CRCS == 0 for i = 0 < FILES putarray 0 i 0 putarray 11 i 0 # file has been extracted? next i endif endfunction startfunction EXTRACT_FILE endian little # necessary, they are little endian on big endian archives too goto OFFSET getdstring SIGN 4 string SIGN f SIGN if SIGN == "LZ2K" set PACKED long 2 elif SIGN == "DFLT" set PACKED long 3 elif SIGN == "ZLIB" set PACKED long 3 elif SIGN == "LZMA" set PACKED long 3 elif SIGN == "ZIPX" set PACKED long 3 elif SIGN == "RFPK" set PACKED long 3 elif SIGN == "RNC_" set PACKED long 3 else set PACKED long 0 endif if PACKED & 2 # includes both 2 and 3 if EXTRACT_COMPRESSED != 0 callfunction UNPACK log FULLNAME 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE2 endif else if SIZE != 0 if ZSIZE != 0 if SIZE != ZSIZE print "SIZE (%SIZE%) and ZSIZE (%ZSIZE%) differ at offset %OFFSET|x%, contact me" cleanexit endif endif endif log FULLNAME OFFSET SIZE endif endfunction startfunction SET_NAME do goto NAME_INFO MEMORY_FILE get NEXT signed_short MEMORY_FILE get PREV signed_short MEMORY_FILE get OFF signed_long MEMORY_FILE if TYPE_BOH <= -5 # if NAME_FIELD_SIZE >= 12 get DUMMY long MEMORY_FILE endif savepos NAME_INFO MEMORY_FILE if OFF < 0 set NAME string "" else math OFF += NAME_OFF goto OFF MEMORY_FILE get NAME string MEMORY_FILE endif # used only for LEGO the game if you don't use the hdr file getvarchr TMP0 NAME 0 if TMP0 >= 0xf0 set NAME string "" endif #string NAME u= NAME # needed for the crc check, but doesn't improve performances so much if PREV != 0 getarray FULLPATH 1 PREV endif putarray 1 NAMEZ FULLPATH # putarray 1 NAMEZ NAME if NEXT > 0 # folder getarray TMP 1 PREV if TMP != "" # long story to avoid things like 2foldername that gives problems to QuickBMS set OLDNAME string \ # do not use / string OLDNAME += TMP string OLDNAME += \ # do not use / string FULLPATH >>= OLDNAME endif if NAME != "" #string FULLPATH += \ # do not use / string FULLPATH += NAME string FULLPATH += \ # do not use / endif endif math NAMEZ += 1 while NEXT > 0 set FULLNAME string FULLPATH string FULLNAME += NAME endfunction startfunction GET_CURRENT_NAME for j = 0 < FILES getarray TMP 11 j if TMP == 0 # the first file not extracted yet math IDX = j break endif next j endfunction startfunction GET_NAME if HAVE_CRCS == 0 callfunction GET_CURRENT_NAME 1 else getvarchr TMP0 FULLNAME 0 if TMP0 == '\\' string FULLNAME <<= 1 endif math IDX = i if NAMELESS == 0 strlen NAMESZ FULLNAME string FULLNAME u= FULLNAME string FULLNAME R= / \ math CRC = CRC_FNV_OFFSET for j = 0 < NAMESZ getvarchr CHR FULLNAME j math CRC ^= CHR math CRC *= CRC_FNV_PRIME next j if HAVE_CRCS <= 1 math CRC &= 0xffffffff # quickbms_4gb_files endif for j = 0 < FILES getarray TMP 0 j # CRC database if CRC == TMP math IDX = j break endif next j if j >= FILES print "Alert: the crc of the file %FULLNAME% has not been found, I extract the current file" callfunction GET_CURRENT_NAME 1 endif else set FULLNAME string "" endif endif putarray 11 IDX 1 # the file has been extracted endfunction startfunction UNPACK putvarchr MEMORY_FILE2 SIZE 0 log MEMORY_FILE2 0 0 append for TMPSZ = 0 < ZSIZE goto OFFSET getdstring SIGN 4 string SIGN f SIGN if SIGN == "LZ2K" comtype lz2k get CHUNK_SIZE long get CHUNK_ZSIZE long elif SIGN == "DFLT" comtype dflt get CHUNK_ZSIZE long get CHUNK_SIZE long elif SIGN == "ZLIB" # currently doesn't exist comtype zlib get CHUNK_ZSIZE long get CHUNK_SIZE long elif SIGN == "LZMA" # currently doesn't exist comtype lzma get CHUNK_ZSIZE long get CHUNK_SIZE long elif SIGN == "ZIPX" comtype deflate # ??? not tested get CHUNK_ZSIZE long get CHUNK_SIZE long string TMP = CHUNK_ZSIZE encryption rc4 TMP "" 0 4 elif SIGN == "RFPK" comtype rfpk get CHUNK_ZSIZE long get CHUNK_SIZE long elif SIGN == "RNC_" comtype rnc math CHUNK_SIZE = SIZE math CHUNK_ZSIZE = ZSIZE goto OFFSET else print "Error: the compressing signature at offset %OFFSET% (%SIGN%) is not known, contact me" cleanexit endif savepos OFFSET if CHUNK_ZSIZE == CHUNK_SIZE log MEMORY_FILE2 OFFSET CHUNK_SIZE else clog MEMORY_FILE2 OFFSET CHUNK_ZSIZE CHUNK_SIZE endif encryption "" "" math OFFSET += CHUNK_ZSIZE savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE2 math TMPSZ += 12 math TMPSZ += CHUNK_ZSIZE next append endfunction startfunction HANDLE_COMPRESSED_DAT goto 0 getdstring TMP 16 if TMP == "CMP2CMP2CMP2CMP2" comtype lzma getdstring DAT_HASH 16 get DAT_SIZE longlong savepos DAT_OFFSET get DAT_ZSIZE asize math DAT_ZSIZE - DAT_OFFSET clog TEMPORARY_FILE DAT_OFFSET DAT_ZSIZE DAT_SIZE open "." TEMPORARY_FILE endif goto 0 endfunction startfunction EXTRACT_1234567a idstring "\x7a\x56\x34\x12" # 0x1234567a get FILES long get PAK_SIZE long get CRC long get ZERO long get ZERO long for i = 0 < FILES get NAME_OFF long get OFFSET long get SIZE long get DUMMY long # it's ever 4 in any case get ZERO long get CRC long get ZERO long savepos TMP_OFF goto NAME_OFF get NAME string goto OFFSET callfunction DEFLATE_UNPACK 1 goto TMP_OFF next i endfunction startfunction DEFLATE_UNPACK getdstring SIGN 0x20 if SIGN == "Deflate_v1.0" comtype dflt get XSIZE long math OFFSET + 0x24 math SIZE - 0x24 clog NAME OFFSET SIZE XSIZE else log NAME OFFSET SIZE endif endfunction startfunction QUICKBMS_4GB_CHECK math TMP64 = 0x10000000 math TMP64 * 16 if TMP64 == 0 print "you must use quickbms_4gb_files.exe with this archive" cleanexit endif endfunction |
Haters gonna hate
Hi Razor can u do Metro Exodus!?
![]() Hi Razor can u do Metro Exodus!? Here are two samples Last edited by Snake288; 10-03-2019 at 05:18. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Snake288 For This Useful Post: | ||
yasitha (10-03-2019) |
All compressors used in TT games are custom ones and have only decompressors available. So there is no way to pack them back.
hey razor you should get paid for all the work you do
![]() ![]() ![]()
....................always rains in the wet..................... |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to oltjon For This Useful Post: | ||
Harsh ojha (12-06-2019), yasitha (10-03-2019) |
I have told about that long ago same thing
Keep Up The Good Works! Last edited by yasitha; 10-03-2019 at 23:20. |
These don't seem to follow, the 16-byte header which is this part Capture115.PNG
yea I thought about that before but then you should also pay guys like ProFrager, Edison007 and etc. None of those guys get anything so I don't want to differ ![]() Last edited by Razor12911; 10-03-2019 at 15:22. |
^Strange because export tool unpack and pack with lz4hc (byte perfect). At least this is not a Unity Engine game at all.
Thanks for your efforts anyway ![]()
Haters gonna hate
the headers are placed elsewhere bro. The files you gave me do have signs of lz4hc being used but there are no headers for me to reference for information as to where streams start and where they end. This will be a job for a universal lz4 precompressor but not at the moment because lz4 is a piece of shit when it comes to that department, as you can see in the screenshot I uploaded.
gives two byte header "F2 00" that I have no idea what it means then followed by parts of the original data, "44 44 53 20" which is a header for a dds texture which means lz4hc was indeed used but that's it. no game engine headers located or anything that could help for me to be able to add support. |
I don't think Metro Exodus has any compression. It just uses a type of texture encoding that can't be further compressed that much.
The Following User Says Thank You to ShivShubh For This Useful Post: | ||
yasitha (10-03-2019) |
Try game scanner with Dynamic enabled you'll see... and i have able to get 47GB (51,323MB) to 29.3 (31,541MB) Using srep + lolz
Keep Up The Good Works! Last edited by yasitha; 10-03-2019 at 23:22. |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Information about ZTool | 78372 | Conversion Tutorials | 72 | 10-10-2019 07:27 |
ztool info | doofoo24 | Conversion Tutorials | 2 | 24-12-2017 23:08 |
ZTool (Ultimate Precompressor) | Razor12911 | Conversion Tutorials | 16 | 20-07-2017 08:56 |