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Old 27-04-2008, 09:17
yumi84 yumi84 is offline
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Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within


I'm a new user and I hope to find here what I'm looking for

My friend give me all the Prince of Persia games (Sands of time, warrior within and 2 thrones) becouse he finished them a lot of times.

But I use to mantain my system very small and efficient so I don't like to install all the stuff that games (and programs) usually put in the system and so generally I install them on the second partition and I use Acronis True Image to restore the partition C: to a cleaner version (so al the registry entries and files (like protection systems) copied in system folders are deleted) .... basically is quite the same of a portable application (in fact I use a lot of programs released by portableapps.com)

Well.... So I install the first (sands of time), sostitute the pop.exe file with the NOCD version, restore the partiton C: and it'is all OK .... the game works well (and the system is more light and efficient)

Than I make the same with Prince of persia 2 - Warrior Within .... but this time the game doesn't works properly and when I launch it give me an error

Have you any idea how to solve this issue?

Tanks a lot
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Old 27-04-2008, 15:33
BarryB BarryB is offline
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Some games require registry entries or additional files installed to the windows folder to function. Because you've just installed a backup of C: you have overwritten those reg entries or files with your backup image so they don't exist anymore and the game won't work.

Keep restoring a backup of C: is not an ideal way to get your games working!
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