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Old 20-02-2020, 10:27
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CIU V2 Designer Preview

Early on opinions would be really helpful.
I just wanted to test the water


Last edited by Gupta; 01-12-2020 at 04:52.
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Old 20-02-2020, 12:04
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Bold checkbox doesn't work on buttons.

Will test more on weekend.

Thanks for this early preview

PS: I vote for sticky, as this could be useful
Haters gonna hate

Last edited by KaktoR; 20-02-2020 at 12:48.
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Old 20-02-2020, 16:47
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Originally Posted by KaktoR View Post
PS: I vote for sticky, as this could be useful
Your vote was all it needed to become a Sticky
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Old 20-02-2020, 17:39
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CIU V2/V3 Designer - Suggestion

Your job is getting great.

This is all that conversion creators need.

I have some ideas for you if you want any suggestions.
- In the Equalizer tab of the designer if you want you can change "Line Position" to "Anchor" because this will be changed to the next versions in setup.ini.
- The alignment positions will also be used in 2 axes, for some components like LangBox and Equalizers in setup.ini. Position=<x>,<y> as Position=center,bottom (the values left and Top will be decremented if the value is right/bottom).
It was not included, but soon it will be included in the script.

In box mode, the FlagByLine and FlagBoxAlignment keys can be used with different values and alignments for each line, separating the values with a comma.
If you use right alignment you may need to use the FlagBoxWidth key.
Example for 10 languages in 3 lines:
You are using the script.
If your project is going to take a long time to complete it might be better to work with version beta 3.
There will be several changes in the next versions.

Any questions you have about any CIU operation can ask me for PM.

In beta version 4 of, all flags in the CIU source code folder will be removed.
The flags will be created at run time allowing you to configure various effects.

I will send you the source code for version by PM for you to understand better and prepare for version (if you wish).

Thank you for working on a DESIGNER tool for CIU.
PS: Gupta I sent you a PM.

Last edited by Cesar82; 20-02-2020 at 18:51.
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Old 20-02-2020, 23:51
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current GetFlayByLine function is pretty hard to understand, reading the description can't we do it in this way;
and please whoever is developing current CIU please try to use meaningful variable names. L1 LN S1 doesn't make any sense
function GetFlagByLine: TArrayOfInteger;
  FlagDist, CurrFlagCount: String;
  I, LangCount, LangUsed, LastLineCount: Integer;
  LangCount := LangNumber;
  LangUsed  := 0;
  LastLineCount := 0;
  SetArrayLength(Result, 0);
  FlagDist := GetValStr('LangBox', 'FlagByLine', '0') + ',';
  while (Length(FlagDist) > 0) and (LangUsed < LangCount) do begin
    CurrFlagCount := Trim(Copy(FlagDist, 0, Pos(',', FlagDist) - 1));
    FlagDist := Copy(FlagDist, Pos(',', FlagDist) + 1, Length(FlagDist));
    SetArrayLength(Result, GetArrayLength(Result) + 1);
    I := GetArrayLength(Result) - 1;
    Result[I] := StrToInt(CurrFlagCount);
    if Result[I] > LangCount - LangUsed then
        Result[I] := LangCount - LangUsed;
    LangUsed := LangUsed + Result[I];
    LastLineCount := Result[I];
  if LangUsed <> LangCount then
      if LastLineCount = 0 then
        SetArrayLength(Result, GetArrayLength(Result) + 1);
        Result[GetArrayLength(Result) - 1] := LangCount - LangUsed;
      end else begin
        while LangUsed <> LangCount do
            SetArrayLength(Result, GetArrayLength(Result) + 1);
            I := GetArrayLength(Result) - 1;
            Result[I] := LangCount - LangUsed;
            if Result[I] > LastLineCount then
                Result[I] := LastLineCount;
            LangUsed := LangUsed + Result[I];

Last edited by Gupta; 21-02-2020 at 00:01.
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Old 21-02-2020, 02:08
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Originally Posted by Cesar82 View Post
1- The alignment positions will also be used in 2 axes, for some components like LangBox and Equalizers in setup.ini. Position=<x>,<y> as Position=center,bottom (the values left and Top will be decremented if the value is right/bottom).
It was not included, but soon it will be included in the script.
I think anchors are not very useful in designer, What do you think about the "Horizontal Center" and "Vertical center" under the flags tab, we can have equivalent buttons under other controls with left, right, bottom, top buttons.
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Old 21-02-2020, 08:38
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Originally Posted by Gupta View Post
current GetFlayByLine function is pretty hard to understand, reading the description can't we do it in this way;
and please whoever is developing current CIU please try to use meaningful variable names. L1 LN S1 doesn't make any sense
I am currently developing on the CIU script.
At the time KaktoR didn't know much about programming and I helped him to solve some problems in the script and then he gave me the opportunity to continue editing the script.
KaktoR tests and takes care of the compressors and shares the versions I send to him.
I use variables S1, L1, etc so that the code is smaller and better visualization of most of the code in the Inno Setup interface. But each variable has its meaning in relation to what it does.
S1, S2, S3 = Temporary Strings.
FL = Flags per line.
FC = Flags count.
LN = Language Number.

In this GetFlagByLine function, if the number of parameters in FlagsByLine= key (setup.ini) does not cover all flags, the next lines will have the same amount as the previous one. The same is true in the GetFlagBoxAlign function.
Example containing 17 flags.
line 1 with 3 flags
line 2 with 2 flags
line 3 with 5 flags
line 4 with 5 flags
line 5 with 2 flags (3 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 17)

Look the test with my code in the attached file.
It avoids several errors due to lack of information that can happen if the user does not configure Setup.ini correctly.
It also only makes it possible to activate the BOX mode and no other keys are needed to create a square with the flags.
In my code it is also possible to insert empty lines between the lines with flags, as for example for 16 languages in 4 lines of flags and 3 empty lines.
Attached Files
File Type: 7z FlagByLine_Test.7z (1.4 KB, 11 views)

Last edited by Cesar82; 21-02-2020 at 10:26.
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Old 21-02-2020, 08:49
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Originally Posted by Gupta View Post
I think anchors are not very useful in designer, What do you think about the "Horizontal Center" and "Vertical center" under the flags tab, we can have equivalent buttons under other controls with left, right, bottom, top buttons.
I referred to using "Anchor" the caption of the label, because it is the side on which the equalizer animation is anchored.

But for manual editing of Setup.ini the Equalizer key Position= will no longer refer to the position of the Equalizer line (future versions of CIU).
The Position= key will be the alignment of the equalizer to the background (Similar to LangBox).
The current key Position= with the line position functionality will be called Anchor= (in future versions).
This key position will have one or two parameters separated by commas for full compatibility with previous versions of CIU.
It will be possible to use 9 combinations X, Y as:
Position= Left,Top
Position= Left,Center
Position= Left,Bottom

Position= Center,Top
Position= Center,Center
Position= Center,Bottom

Position= Right,Top
Position= Right,Center
Position= Right,Bottom

Last edited by Cesar82; 21-02-2020 at 08:53.
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Old 21-02-2020, 10:19
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Originally Posted by Cesar82 View Post
I am currently developing on the CIU script.
At the time KaktoR didn't know much about programming and I helped him to solve some problems in the script and then he gave me the opportunity to continue editing the script.
KaktoR tests and takes care of the compressors and shares the versions I send to him.
I use variables S1, L1, etc so that the code is smaller and better visualization of most of the code in the Inno Setup interface. But each variable has its meaning in relation to what it does.
S1, S2, S3 = Temporary Strings.
FL = Flags per line.
FC = Flags count.
LN = Language Number.

In this GetFlagByLine function, if the number of parameters in FlagsByLine= key (setup.ini) does not cover all flags, the next lines will have the same amount as the previous one. The same is true in the GetFlagBoxAlign function.
Example containing 17 flags.
line 1 with 3 flags
line 2 with 2 flags
line 3 with 5 flags
line 4 with 5 flags
line 5 with 2 flags (3 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 17)

Look the test with my code in the attached file.
It avoids several errors due to lack of information that can happen if the user does not configure Setup.ini correctly.
It also only makes it possible to activate the BOX mode and no other keys are needed to create a square with the flags.
You should write some comments, the code I shared above do the same but imho its more concise and understandable I'm not good with naming variable but it still imho it does the job pretty well
I still didn't get why you used sqrt and other function
Will come back to you on tomorrow
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Old 21-02-2020, 10:23
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Originally Posted by Cesar82 View Post
I referred to using "Anchor" the caption of the label, because it is the side on which the equalizer animation is anchored.

But for manual editing of Setup.ini the Equalizer key Position= will no longer refer to the position of the Equalizer line (future versions of CIU).
The Position= key will be the alignment of the equalizer to the background (Similar to LangBox).
The current key Position= with the line position functionality will be called Anchor= (in future versions).
This key position will have one or two parameters separated by commas for full compatibility with previous versions of CIU.
It will be possible to use 9 combinations X, Y as:
Position= Left,Top
Position= Left,Center
Position= Left,Bottom

Position= Center,Top
Position= Center,Center
Position= Center,Bottom

Position= Right,Top
Position= Right,Center
Position= Right,Bottom
I didn't read it fully...

I'm thinking of adding anchor based support for button at least so to say anchor this button to left of the another button , tis is my biggest complain with razor's designer that i've to manually align everything
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Old 21-02-2020, 21:05
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Originally Posted by Gupta View Post
I still didn't get why you used sqrt and other function
It is used to calculate and create a square Box with the flags if FlagByLine key (in setup.ini) is empty or does not exist.
  if GetArrayLength(Result) = 0 then begin {If no results were obtained, it calculates the quantity to creates a square with the number of flags in the project.}
    FL := Trunc(Sqrt(LN)) + (Trunc(Sqrt(LN)) mod 2);
    SetArrayLength(Result, Trunc(Sqrt(LN)) + 1);
    for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(Result) - 1 do begin
      if FC + FL > LN then
        FL := LN - FC;
      Result[I] := FL;
      FC := FC + FL
This part adds only the numeral characters from temporary variable S2 to S3.
    S3 := '';
    for I := 1 to Length(S2) do
      if StrToIntDef(S2[I], 10) < 10 then
        S3 := S3 + S2[I];
This part avoids including a line with zero flags at the top (LangBox Top).
    if (S3 <> '') and (LN > FC)
    and ((StrToIntDef(S3, 0) > 0) or (GetArrayLength(Result) > 0)) then
If the flags of the lines informed in FlagsByLine remain, this part creates new lines with the same number of flags as the previous line.
  while (LN - FC > 0) and (FL > 0) do begin
    if FC + FL > LN then
      FL := LN - FC;
    SetArrayLength(Result, GetArrayLength(Result) + 1);
    Result[GetArrayLength(Result) - 1] := FL;
    FC := FC + FL
This part creates a new line with the remaining flags at the end.
It also removes an empty line of flags from the end of the box for the correct CENTER alignment.
  if GetArrayLength(Result) > 0 then begin
    if LN - FC > 0 then
      Result[GetArrayLength(Result) - 1] := FL + LN - FC;
    if Result[GetArrayLength(Result) - 1] = 0 then
      SetArrayLength(Result, GetArrayLength(Result) - 1);
See the example script I attached in the previous post.
Just change the values within GetValStr and SetArrayLength(Languages, 16).
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Old 22-02-2020, 01:15
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Sorry, my whole point was that you should write such that you don't need to explain.
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Old 22-02-2020, 12:47
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@Gupta. Yes I understood.
But I like to repurpose variables when they are no longer being used within the same function.
If I declare the variable with a specific name to what it is working on, using it in another part of the code would be bad, then I use S, S1, S2, etc.
In this GetFlagsByLine function I could have used variables with more informative names, but I wanted to reduce the text.

If you want I can remove my previous posts from this topic, as it is not useful for most readers.

Thank you for reporting my misuse of variable names.
I will try to use less confusing variables going forward.
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Old 29-02-2020, 05:44
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Here is another one
Can anyone compile different editable components of "TextStage" per page. I wanted to do an option to see the live preview of text stage.
Attached Files
File Type: 7z designer-29022020.7z (3.98 MB, 159 views)

Last edited by Gupta; 29-02-2020 at 09:34. Reason: Fixed path in archive
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Old 29-02-2020, 07:51
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Originally Posted by Gupta View Post
Here is another one
Can anyone compile different editable components of "TextStage" per page. I wanted to do an option to see the live preview of text stage.
there was an error at start the exe

It would be nice if you appreciate my work with the thanks Button
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