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Old 12-04-2020, 06:14
pincoball pincoball is offline
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Ok I fixed it, it was a mistake I made in my script. Actually even leaving the Disk number in the records.ini unchanged works fine as well. Since it seems to be needed only to change the disk number that appears in the messagebox that appears in case of missing file

Last edited by pincoball; 12-04-2020 at 06:18.
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Old 12-04-2020, 09:11
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- Fixed diskspan file search window
  > Clsinit function was missing and is now back
- Fixed positioning of CRC Checkbox on CompactMode
- If no Setup.ico is present, compiler will use default icon now instead of giving a error message while compile
- Added PMT support for MPZ
- Changed Time Remaining label
  > Before it showed "Infinity" if you used more then one record inside records.ini.
    If you use more then one record, Time Remaining will not show up anymore.
PS: Some of you may noticed the option "InternalCompression" inside Settings.ini. This setting does nothing until now, but in future there will be the possibility to use Inno build-in compression (lzma(2), zip) to use. I have to change big parts, especially for the time functions, progressbar and some other. I have no ETA but it may come in future.
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Last edited by KaktoR; 12-04-2020 at 09:21.
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Old 12-04-2020, 12:00
XxAZAxX XxAZAxX is offline
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Smile FIX Italian Custom Message

Hi, I am new in your world ... I have reviewed the files in "Italian" language since I am of Italian mother tongue, and I found errors scattered a little here and there, so I wanted to correct them and maybe share them for the other users I have thought it might help. Thanks for your splendid Script.

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File Type: png Screenshot_1.png (57.0 KB, 259 views)
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File Type: zip FIX Italian Message.zip (8.7 KB, 9 views)
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Old 15-04-2020, 12:00
pincoball pincoball is offline
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I've been trying to repack this sample file (helloworld.dat) with this method (and UltraARC R7)

It always gives me Error -12 on failed CRC check. I've been repacking this files among other files but it gives the error only on this one.

Here there are the original file

and compressed one

Is there something I can do for decompress it correctly? I don't know if it is right posting it here since it is a rather generic problem

Last edited by pincoball; 15-04-2020 at 12:02.
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Old 15-04-2020, 12:31
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This file has no streams, therefore xtool is useless on this.

exclude this file using xtool or try with ztool instead.

the file unpack works properly without xtool.
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Old 15-04-2020, 12:57
pincoball pincoball is offline
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Originally Posted by KaktoR View Post
This file has no streams, therefore xtool is useless on this.

exclude this file using xtool or try with ztool instead.

the file unpack works properly without xtool.
Sorry for the dumb question, but how do see that the file has no stream? And also have you been able to unpack it from the archive I posted or a recompressed one? What are at this point the difference of using Xtool and Ztool in this case?

I would say I surely lack of knowledge of about compression and would like to know how to see in advance what I should exclude in general when using Xtool.
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Old 15-04-2020, 13:28
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Throw an eye inside the detectors folder (I guess you know because UltraArc R7 is from there).

XTool has some bugs left, but not noticeable most of the time (well this time it is noticeable )

And no, I was not able to unpack the file, only recompress without xtool.
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Old 18-04-2020, 10:40
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I found a code and modified it you say it looks like it?
; Elamigos example username page ini file section
Filename: {app}\uplay_r1_loader.ini; Section: Settings; Key: UserName; String: {code:GetUserName}

; Elamigos example username page code sections

UserNamePage : TInputQueryWizardPage;

procedure InitializeWizard;
UserNamePage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome,
'Modificare il nome del giocatore', 'Nome del giocatore',
'Cambia il nome utente nel gioco');
UserNamePage.Add(' Username:', False);

function UserNameForm_NextButtonClick(Page: TWizardPage): Boolean;
Result := True;

function GetUserName(Param: String): string;
result := UserNamePage.Values[0];

Last edited by nicola16; 18-04-2020 at 11:07.
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Old 20-04-2020, 09:23
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Hey there, I'm using A.S.I.S 7.1.4 still but I'm encoutering a small issue.

I normally could use packjpg/packmp3 without issues (I just added them into Arc.ini and used the BPK folder to include them because anything that goes in there gets included in the installer).

Now however, when I try and decompress a file packed with either, it just crashes without an error message. I haven't changed any files in my compressor or installer before the issueso I'm not sure what could be causing it. It's only with these 2 compressors.

Also, on an unrelated note: is it possible to remove the Compressors.ini file and replace it with a simple Include folder that just intakes everytihng inside, just like the BPK folder?

Thanks again for the brilliant installer script.
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Old 21-04-2020, 08:58
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packjpg/packmp3 are already included inside MPZ folder.

Maybe the files cause the error (jpg/mp3). Did you try to unpack them with a batch file instead to see if the error comes actually from the script itself?

Yes it is possible, but you could also just move all files you need inside FreeArc folder.
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Old 23-04-2020, 12:07
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Originally Posted by KaktoR View Post
packjpg/packmp3 are already included inside MPZ folder.

Maybe the files cause the error (jpg/mp3). Did you try to unpack them with a batch file instead to see if the error comes actually from the script itself?

Yes it is possible, but you could also just move all files you need inside FreeArc folder.
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, but I did a bit of digging and when I was rearranging my Arc.ini in the Installer, I missed out a line causing everything to turn nasty:

[External compressor:packjpg]
header = 0
packcmd = packjpg_x64 -np $$arcdatafile$$.jpg
datafile = $$arcdatafile$$.jpg
packedfile = $$arcdatafile$$.pjg
solid = 0
Unpack Arc.ini
[External compressor:packjpg]
packcmd = packjpg_x64 -np $$arcdatafile$$.jpg
datafile = $$arcdatafile$$.jpg
packedfile = $$arcdatafile$$.pjg
solid = 0
Added the header = 0 line back and now all is good. Thanks again for the great script.
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Old 24-04-2020, 02:17
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The issue with the Bonus Components Back Button going missing is still happening.

I suggested changing screen resolution.

Apologies for giving you all of these problems I really wish I could help.
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Old 24-04-2020, 03:14
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I think the problem is
Left        := ScaleX(WizardForm.ClientWidth - 80);
    Top         := ScaleY(WizardForm.ClientHeight - 28);
I will try to use absolute numbers without doing math.

Otherwise I don't know
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Old 28-04-2020, 06:25
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The previous update had some bugs left, here is the hotfix

v7.1.7 Hotfix
- Fixed "OK" button on components page (CompactMode) with higher desktop resolutions
  > Hopefully this will be the last one
- Fixed "Background" button on FinishedPage with special settings
- Added a new [Executable#] section to Settings.ini
  > There will be set executables for shortcuts
- Reworked creating icons for your application
  > It is now possible to set/create more then one icon
  > Theoretical you can create an infinite number of shortcuts
- Updated all languages
- Some script cleanup, now be less unneccessary doubled codes and trash 
- Hotfix: Fixed hash check if more then from 1 disc/iso is installed
  > Before the file was extracted on hash page, and if you were installing from more
    then one disc/iso and changed the disc/iso, Installer couldn't extract the file 
    because Setup.exe was not in {src} folder anymore, so you had to remount the disc/iso
    and click "Retry" to start the hash check. This is now fixed.
- Hotfix: Fixed broken FinishPage if CRC checkbox was checked (NormalMode)
If you encounter more then tell me please
Attached Files
File Type: 7z Update.v7.1.7H.7z (3.74 MB, 25 views)
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Old 28-04-2020, 09:24
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I was wondering if it's possible to change the button placement in compact mode? I'm having a little play around with the layout and I can move everything so far except from the install, pause and cancel buttons. Is there something I'm missing?

  PauseButton := TNewButton.Create(WizardForm);
  with PauseButton do
    Parent  := WizardForm;
    Left    := ScaleX(10);
    Top     := ScaleY(310);
    Width   := ScaleX(225);
    Height  := ScaleY(23);
    Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:Pause}');
    OnClick := @PauseButtonClick;
Here's an example. According to the above config, the button should be larger and on the left instead of the right, however ther button still appears in the top right.

I extended the installer slightly to 500 (Y) value, so that's why the button can go lower than the normal compact mode window.

Is there some kind of lock on the button / or can buttons not be resized or moved?
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