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Old 23-10-2004, 17:21
Psycloned Psycloned is offline
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Can someone confirm the files for the Alcohol Clone version? I have had major problems getting the release to run stably. I've installed from the disc images using the latest version of Acohol and I've mounted every mini image that's available and the game freezes anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes of gameplay. Occasionally I can get to the task bar and see that there is a 'Protection Error' task on the taskbar. I assume that this is because the game has detected some type of emulation being used. I've tried the default settings in Alcohol and have also enabled the Bad Sector emulation under Extra Emulation, all to no avail.

I did see that there was a Nuked Money release and am wondering if that's the one that I have. My file list for each image consists of a .sub, a .img, a .ccd, and a .cue file, i.e. disc 1 has these files :


Is this the release that everyone else is using successfully?

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Last edited by JoyBoy; 23-10-2004 at 19:21.
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Old 23-10-2004, 17:25
hoerm2002 hoerm2002 is offline
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I only test on german version of sims2
1. Get the 4 orginal sims2 cds
2. install from cd
3. make protectet image with clonecd 4.202 from the sims2 cd1
4. disable befpr mount game at the clonecdtray the option "hide cdr"
5. get daemon tools 3.47 an enable only safedisc
6. mount cd1

type ingame CTRL+SHIFT+C for the console then type:
intprop censorgridsize 0
for the nude patch
go www.x-sims.de for the nude sims 2 skin and play with your nude sims2.....
Old 25-10-2004, 12:37
TheGort TheGort is offline
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I've read this thread and followed the steps that tipstaff gave but it still doesn't work for me. I backed up the original exe so that I wouldn't have to bother installing again when trying the no cd patches. I always end up getting a blank error message when I try using the daemon tools with the mini image or any of the patches now. Any one have an idea as to why this would happen. My plan is to format my computer and see if that has anything to do with it. I also have alcohol installed but not clone cd if that matters. I would mainly like to know why I get the blank error message and how to get rid of that.
Old 25-10-2004, 16:07
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As I said already in this thread (somwhere) with the mini images you use the ORIGINAL exe not a cracked one.

The error window appears (empty one) when u use the mini images with a cracked exe.
Old 25-10-2004, 17:01
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Threads been a sticky for ages now, and you can count on 2 hands the worthwhile posts (and most of them were made by the same people). Heck, I still dont know if theres a working crack for the game
Anyways, unstuck and closing. Need to make a room for the next big game. And its a big one.

If the threads get out of hand for this game*, then I'm sure 1 of the mods will throw up another sticky.

* Place Your Bets
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