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Old 01-09-2002, 04:34
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NWN - Private Server Loader

I installed that private server loader made by FairLight. It works ok, but how can I run server and play on that server from the same machine at the same time? After I have started the server and try to run the client, it says "Could not bind to Neverwinter Nights Authentication Port". So I can't run server and play on it myself?
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Old 02-09-2002, 05:41
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Nobody knows? I can't even start the Dungeon Master client, because the Private Server Loader starts nwn automatically in the "normal" mode. If I try to make server trough it, it says it can't connect to the server.
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Old 04-09-2002, 02:15
kooda kooda is offline
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Server Fix


I stumbled onto this fix on an aussie board by a guy called Monty.I have been running a local lan server on versions 1.22 and 1.23 no probs!

Those who've installed Bioware's next gen RPG Neverwinter Nights will already be aware the game pings the master server online at Bioware anytime the game is installed, run, or patched, and probably regularly during gameplay as well. If that isn't bad enough, if the game cannot find the server it will not allow LAN players to set up an offline multiplayer game - an incomprehensible feature for a game specifically designed for LAN play. Luckily there is an easy fix; you just have to remember to reverse the change when you want to play over the internet.
Go into your /windows/system32/drivers/etc folder, there should be a file called hosts (with no file extension). Add nwmaster.bioware.com to the file and save. This will stop NWN from finding the nwmaster server.

For example: localhost #localhost nwmaster.bioware.com #nwn master server

Hope it works for you as well.
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Old 19-01-2003, 16:42
delurk delurk is offline
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NWN - Private Server Loader Q?


Getting the same error as the original poster when I try to run a backup copy over a LAN w/ either patch ver 1.26 or 1.27. ("Could not bind to authentication port.)

Editting the hosts file didn't work for me. Does this fairlight patch even work w/ these versions? If not does anyone know how to go about finding an older patch ver (like 1.22 or 1.23 mentioned above) as Bioware's site doesn't have them available for download.

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Old 22-01-2003, 18:34
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bumpity bump

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Old 28-01-2003, 14:58
Franbeard Franbeard is offline
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Lightbulb NWN Multiplayer

It took a lot of playing around, but I managed to figure out how to get NWN multiplayer working using the Private Server Loader and the FBSA crack found on gamecopyworld.

I have the 1.27 patch installed on the game, too. Before trying, you also have to crack your copy of nwmain.exe using FBSA's crack.

Once that's all ready, you need to create a dedicated server on your machine using the private loader with the '-server' argument. Then, run your cracked nwmain.exe (or the standard neverwinter loader if you want to use the DM client), go into multiplayer (It will give you a message about not finding the authentication client, but that's ok), and into join LAN or internet game.

Go right to Direct Connect, and enter (your machine's loopback) as the IP, and whatever port you use (usually 5122 for dedicated servers). It should find your own server, and you should be able to join it.

Whoever is playing with you has to run the same Private Server Loader to play, I believe. But I haven't yet tested joining the game with only the FBSA crack...that probably works just as well.

Even though my machine is running both the dedicated server, AND the client, it seems to perform well. I'm guessing that running the dedicated server separately from the game client is no more CPU intensive than starting a server from within the game.

I hope that helps.
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Old 28-09-2007, 22:39
CSeymour CSeymour is offline
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It's been quite a while since i've played this game- just reinstalled the NWN Original Campaign, SoU, and HotU. One of my roommates also wanted to try it out, so we tried setting up a LAN game after installing it all on his computer too. Obviously, we're both getting CD Key Authentication errors, etc, etc.

I've tried all the methods i can find to get LAN play to work (except blocking access via a firewall, as i'm not sure how to do this with the standard Windows SP2 Firewall):
- Editing the hosts file
- Using the Private Server Loader (which i found on GameCopyWorld)

We're able to get a game setup, loaded, and logged in on one computer using both of the above methods, but neither of us can find/join each others games- not via the Direct Connect feature or simply refreshing the LAN games listings.

We're both running SP2, have all the lastest updates to Windows, all the updates to NWN and the expansions (v1.68), and are on a wireless network through a Netgear router.

Anyone have any ideas on getting a LAN game setup? Or does anyone have any working instructions for v1.68 that maybe i'm missing in my previous attempts? I would REALLY appreciate it!
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Old 29-09-2007, 01:16
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Originally Posted by CSeymour View Post
Obviously, we're both getting CD Key Authentication errors, etc, etc.


Anyone have any ideas on getting a LAN game setup? Or does anyone have any working instructions for v1.68 that maybe i'm missing in my previous attempts? I would REALLY appreciate it!
yup, BUY 2 copies, its that simple, 1 copy on 2 pc's runnint concurrently is against the eula... and therefore against the rules
DO NOT PM me with questions, leave that in the forums...ESPECIALLY if i dont know you...
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Old 29-09-2007, 02:09
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@CSeymour: Now you got a 2-week delay on FileForums to give you time to read the Board Rules. And 2 additional weeks to read the game EULA.
Please read the FileForums [URL="http://www.fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=54193"]BOARD RULES[/URL] and [URL="http://www.fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=73906"]FAQs[/URL].

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