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Old 30-03-2003, 04:23
fiNgA fiNgA is offline
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PS2 Reality media player user?


I downloaded the reality player bin/cue zip from here last week and burnt it onto a cd using Nero for my work mate who has a V7 PAL ps2 with a messiah 2 mod chip

i burnt the original player onto one cd, then opened that cd up, copy and pasted the 3 files on cd to my pc and reburnt them onto another disc along with a DivX avi.

I gave them to my mate and when he tried them he said the disc with the movie on aswell just went to the ps2 browser where u choose mem card or disc but the original cd actually booted past the ps2 logo and went to a black screen.

Now i have no idea what it is supposed to do and wether the reality player gives u any indication that it is booted or wether u just swap discs after the playstation logo has gone
can i actually burn both the 3 files for the player and a divx avi onto one cd to boot straight on a no swap chip?

can any of you kind folks tell me exactly what should happen on screen if the reality player is booted properly? maybe also what burn engine you used to create either just the player disc or both player and movie?

Thanks for takin the time to read this and thanks in advance to anyone who helps

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