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Old 21-09-2001, 06:11
Kai-G Kai-G is offline
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My .iml file of Gran Turismo 3 is just 16KB big and iml2iso doesnīt work.


is it right that the .iml file of Gran Turismo 3 (created with CD/DVD Generator 1.00) is just 16KB big and the .ims file just 48KB?
If itīs wrong, what am I doing wrong???
I open the CD/DVD Generator 1.00, clicked on put directory and gave him the folder where my files of Gran Turismo (the new .vol file etc. 3) at. Then I went to Volume, and typed in the Disk Name and the Volume. Then I went to Layout and did everything excactly like in the ISO Buster (by the way, which track time must I use (you know, thats the window above) ? Must I use the 1., 2., 3. or 4. track type???) Back to the main problem: After all that I went to: FILE\EXPORT IML FILE, then I saved it with the Name ggt3.iml.

If its right, that the .iml file is just 16KB and the .ims file just 48KB,
what am I doing wrong now???
I did it like this:
I copied the iml2iso.exe file in the same directory where the ggt3.iml and the ggt3.ims files are. I opened the iml2iso.exe, but nthing happens!!! There is just for letīs say 1 second a black DOS-window,
but it doesnīt do any .ISO file!!! Why???

Please help me.


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