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Old 12-10-2013, 16:18
peterpt peterpt is offline
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Buy the Original game or Not ?

Well , here it is a big subject for us to discuss , at normal perspective everyone or big part of here will say "sure , i will buy it if i like it" .
Now here it is the situation : You buy a game because you like it , you install it and you have all the full options in the game working , specially the online game .
Then you get to the end of it , after a few time you decide to format your pc for some reason , the minimum time a person usually format his computer is 5 years .
After 5 years or 2 years , you decide to play the game again , REMEMBER , you buy the game because you like it .
You go to register the game again and everything is fine .
Point of subject : after the 3rd time you will receive a message "you game were activated too much times , contact our support page" .
After this point you get thinking if you did the right choice buy the original game .
A lot of bureaucracy and proofs that you must give to support page so they can re-enable your serial number , if still at the end they get to you and say : " We are sorry but your product support is not available anymore , we advice you to buy a new copy of the game or a new serial number" or whatever .

Resuming : if you install one game more than 3 times in 5 years on the same computer you will have your serial number blocked because the support page thinks you will have the game 1st installation on your pc until your pc dies .

My opinion is : I will never buy an original game again ever , i prefer to get the pirated version even without online gaming than get to this issue like i get today for Far Cry 2 .
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Old 12-10-2013, 16:43
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Maybe that's where game conversions come in. to recover your game with it's registries and other files.
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Old 14-02-2014, 18:24
STN STN is offline
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Not every game is crap like that, blame Ubisoft for that.

If you have steam or origin you wouldn't have to go through that. But there the issue of if they were to ever shut down you will lose all your games.
DEViATED - We are seriously iNSANE!
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Old 20-05-2015, 16:47
Rolelu23 Rolelu23 is offline
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Originally Posted by STN View Post
Not every game is crap like that, blame Ubisoft for that.

If you have steam or origin you wouldn't have to go through that. But there the issue of if they were to ever shut down you will lose all your games.
Remember that when you buy a game, you don't own it.When you buy a game, you're only buying the right to play the game as an "End user" which is why we have the EULA.And this is EULA is also one of the reasons why people just download a pirated version of the game, instead of purchasing something that won't truly belong to them anyways.
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