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Old 07-09-2013, 12:12
Sifesboran Sifesboran is offline
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Is there a file that can help with my game of Skyrim?

I have a legally bought copy of Skyrim. Well technically I think you actually buy a licence to play a game from Steam but you know what I mean.

My problem is that in order to run Skyrim you have to have the Steam client running in the background. My PC is still a dual core at the moment and the problem I am having is that the Steam client is using 40 to 60% of my CPU. I have tried everything advised on the Steam website to correct the problem and still I am unable to play the game I have bought from them.

The game runs and for the first 5 minutes it runs perfectly. Then it deteriorates into a stuttering mess and becomes unplayable. I've defragged my computer freed up lots of space on the hard drive and even got a game booster to shut all other programs down during the playing of the game. None of it helps.

I even wrote to Steam's customer support. The problem there is that I have already paid them for the game so they are not interested in the fact that I cannot play it because of their software.

My question for the forum is, is there a file I can use to run Skyrim without Steam? I understand that Steam doesn't like this and I understand why. My argument is that I have already paid for the game. I'm not trying to cheat them I just want to play what I paid to play. What I think I need is either a No CD crack for the game or an edited copy of the steam_api.dll and launcher.exe files.

Here is a screen print of my Steam library to prove I have legally purchased the right to play the game:


If anyone can help I'd be very grateful.
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Old 08-09-2013, 12:16
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very top of the forum on left-hand side > Gamecopyworld has a ton of no-cd cracks etc. You can copy the files from steam\steamapps\common folder\skyrim to a separate folder on HD ( just the skyrim folder + subfolders ) and then use a no-cd from gamecopyworld that matches your game version.

Make sure steam is not running, apply the no-cd to the copy of the game. make sure to follow the instructions with the no-cd to apply whatever the 'fix' is, to get it to run without steam and at least allow you to play the game.

good luck, its a royal pain that you cant play a game you've purchased & support doesn't help at all. And the fact you have to resort to a 'crack' to play a legally purchased game.
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Old 15-09-2013, 03:30
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Isn't it possible that you have some problems/limitations with your local network and/or Internet connection and the reason for the Steam client eating up so much CPU is that it is trying to do something again and again and again and again but always failing?
Joe Forster/STA
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Old 21-09-2013, 19:39
acal3000 acal3000 is offline
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To me the steam software looks like a mem leak sucking more mem than needs . Thinking from excesive processor cycles and lack of Ram could be but asumming he already closed unneed junk then that maybe is not either.

Have you tried updating the Steam client???

And maybe you should also check the CPU/sensors temp. When the heats gets high (usually 70 Celsius or more)] the pc start to get slow and freeze even with the most basic things. If so clean the dust with compressed air or similar . Most important are the processor fans and the powersupply one..


That is a free soft that could help to monitor you fans.

Good Luck
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