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Old 17-09-2004, 11:15
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Official Sims 2 Thread


Update: After Looking at the other Active Sims 2 Threads, the only one that looks any good is the Sims 2 CD to DVD Backup Thread HERE. Discuss that guys procedure in his thread. Everything else goes in here.

Update 2: There is no working crack at the moment either. We here at Fileforums dont know when a working crack will be out and, dare I say, many of us dont care. Its a girls game for petes sake So dont make bone idle posts asking if a crack is out and dont PM Mods asking for Cracks and definately dont use the Report to Mod link to request cracks either (new craze starting on here, idiots)

Update 3: As of 21/9, there is still no fully working crack. Money's, Star****ers and WMM1427 cracks all fail when it comes to using the Build Mode. However, it is being reported that if you use either of the 2 mini images available from GCW, you will be able to fully enjoy the game. That is all

Update 4: WORKING CRACK HAS NOW BEEN RELEASED! Either be patient enough for your favourite crack site to update (come on you have waited this long) or look for it on the net yourself

Update 5: Thread now closed! Enjoy reading the confusion this thread created. Good Times!
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Last edited by JoyBoy; 25-10-2004 at 17:06.
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Old 17-09-2004, 13:19
FREEMAN100 FREEMAN100 is offline
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The Sims 2

hi gamecopyworld has put the dodgy crack on there site for download under the sims 2 this is the same exe that doesnt allow build mode lmao
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Old 17-09-2004, 13:25
MiB MiB is offline
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Angry create an image(.mds/.cue/.ccd)>i got a PROBLEMREPORT from win xp


first: my english is bad

i have 2 pc.

the first and my pc (athlon 2400+,512 mb ram, sony dvd und cd-rw, geforce ti 4200 128mb, win xp home edition)

-i made an image for all 4 cd by alcohol 120 v.:1.9.2_1705 (.mds)
-install full game from image (mount every cd-image)
-unmount all drives
-install daemon v.:3.4.6
-mount image (.mds) without any emulation
-it starts without any problems (with buildmodus etc.)
(the first time)
-the second time it does not start
-but i made an image with clone cd (.ccd and .cue)
-i uninstalled clone cd and mount the .cue image with daemon
=no problem
-i can play the full game

the first times the startsign from sims 2 start, but it go back to the desktop with a "PROBLEMPEPORT" "SEND PROBLEMREPORT" or " NOT SEND"

follwing report in german:

"the sims hat ein problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden.

falls sie ihre arbeit nicht gespeichert haben, können daten mögl. verloren gegangen sein.

Ein Problembericht, den sie uns senden können, wurde erstellt. wir werden diesen bericht vertraulich u. anonym bearbeiten.
Um zu senden, welche daten ihr bericht enthält, klicken sie hier.


-but this happens only with the alcohol image, not with the clone cd image.

but it´s ok at my pc, because i can play with tha other image.

now the really problem:

the second pc, the one from my wife:
duron 800, 512 mb ram, dvd/cd rom, lg cd-rw, geforce ti 4200 64mb, win xp home edition.

-i made it like the same as above

-i made an image for all 4 cd by alcohol 120 v.:1.9.2_1705
-install full game from image (mount every cd-image)
-unmount all drives
-install daemon v.:3.4.6
-mount image (.mds) without any emulation

the game does not start, it goes back to the desktop with the problemreport (like the first time at my pc)
i made an image with clone cd (.cue /.ccd), a new image with alcohol (.mds) and an image with blindwrite.

everytime i get the problemreport(with all different images).
if i emulate all diferent images with rmps, laserlock, safedisc
or securom (singled and togehther, all variations), everytime
i get the problemreport.
the game does not start, i can do what i want.

at my pc the game starts, but not at the pc from my wife?
what can i do?
i have uninstall sims 2 and installed it new, from the original cd
, from the images, all.
i have even installed win xp new.


PS: if sombody tells me, that my wife and i should change the pc, "never ever", because i like the game, too.

at both pc the game should go.

thank you. i hope the thread is not to long....

greatings MiB
Old 17-09-2004, 13:42
Davethewave Davethewave is offline
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Originally Posted by BountyWarrior
Its a girls game for petes sake
firstly, that is not only a sexist comment but also mindless and stereotipical...how could you possible define "Girls game" and "boys game"? you can't. it's all personal preference and has nothing to do with gentics or hormones. that is all.
Old 17-09-2004, 13:45
FREEMAN100 FREEMAN100 is offline
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the sims 2

what the **** has that got to do with the sims 2 lol u got me from my game of cs to see what ud wrote once again lmao this is the forum for games not genetics or anything else like that

and another thing this game is aimed at girls ffs y would a bot or guy want to build and make a family and another thing this game is a game for sad ppl who want to be imerged in fantasy and dont have realy friends thats y this game is so popular lol cos theres a lot of sad ppl out there willing to play it and before u say y do i have it my 6 year old daughter plays it so of course the above doesnt count and she is not yet in a possition to gain mates or otherwise

and can i please have an snswer to BountyWarrior's first post as ive tried to get it to work on dvd it says insert disk 1 huuuu

and another thing u say ur english is bad laughin my arse off but u have puctuated ur words to near perfection now how is this possible for someone not very good at english lol
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Last edited by FREEMAN100; 17-09-2004 at 13:54.
Old 17-09-2004, 13:58
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Originally Posted by Davethewave
firstly, that is not only a sexist comment but also mindless and stereotipical...how could you possible define "Girls game" and "boys game"? you can't. it's all personal preference and has nothing to do with gentics or hormones. that is all.
More girls play this game than boys. More girls than boys look at Big Brothers, Temptation Island, Paradise Hotel, more on.
More Boys than girls like Action like Doom 3, Half Life, Far Cry movies like Bad Boys II, The Rock, Con Air, Steven Bruckhiemer production movies :P, series like Fear Factory, Smallville, 24H, Alias.

But I guess that's 51% girls agaisnt 49% boys like the girl thing I did mention. And 51% boys agaisnt 49% girls like the boy thing I did mention....
Old 17-09-2004, 14:20
contre_moi contre_moi is offline
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Originally Posted by Davethewave
firstly, that is not only a sexist comment but also mindless and stereotipical...how could you possible define "Girls game" and "boys game"? you can't. it's all personal preference and has nothing to do with gentics or hormones. that is all.
Yea, I agree. I know lots of guys who play the Sims and lots of girls who play Counter Strike. Saying a game is a "girl's" game or a "boy's" game shows just how ignorant you are.
Old 17-09-2004, 15:25
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Hahaha, that comment was firmly made with tongue in cheek

About GCW hosting the 'broken' crack. Nothing to do with me. Maybe the crack was sent in before people relised it was broken? Ever think about that? If you post in the GCW Support Forum, you might be able to get EMPiRE to remove the crack.

One good thing about the crack being broken, it stops girls from messing about with your number one hobby, Gaming! Although now you are probably having to listen to them constantly bitching about the game not working or the build function not working properly or does their bum look big in that dress (for the last time, no!). Girls, only good for one thing, eh?
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Old 17-09-2004, 16:10
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17 September 2004
Added the No-CD for: The Sims 2 v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks BountyWarrior & _Engel_.

BountyWarrior said -
"About GCW hosting the 'broken' crack. Nothing to do with me. Maybe the crack was sent in before people relised it was broken? Ever think about that? If you post in the GCW Support Forum, you might be able to get EMPiRE to remove the crack."
Old 17-09-2004, 17:55
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Ahhh. That is interesting.
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Old 17-09-2004, 17:57
FREEMAN100 FREEMAN100 is offline
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official sims 2 lol

Originally Posted by BountyWarrior
Did I force EMPiRE/GCW to host the crack? I swear, girls really need to keep their emotions in check.
is it me or someone goin to cry l.o.l

im sure they didnt no i was just pointing it out so that ppl didnt download it then bitch on here about it not working when there is about 1,000,000 threads covering this lmao....

by the way to the ppl who own this forum nice work guys & gals if theres any lol(see how i managed to keep with etiquette there)
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Old 17-09-2004, 17:58
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What the hell? When did I post that?
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Old 17-09-2004, 19:32
SCVirus SCVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Davethewave
firstly, that is not only a sexist comment but also mindless and stereotipical...how could you possible define "Girls game" and "boys game"? you can't. it's all personal preference and has nothing to do with gentics or hormones. that is all.
Fine its steriotipical but any guy who acually enjoys that game should take a close look at the pink paint all over his living space and think long and hard. No offence to you Dave.
Old 18-09-2004, 03:16
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Ha ha ha ...good one
The gateway is open and you're all coming with me.....
Old 18-09-2004, 05:55
ReelBigFish ReelBigFish is offline
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Hey at all!
I've installed the game and replaced the original exe by the fixed-exe of gamecopyworld.
The game started and everything seemed to work. But when I wanted to build a house, all of the tools didn't work. Does anyone know the problem?
What have I done wrong?
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