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Old 25-03-2002, 18:59
super500 super500 is offline
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Reading a non-English CDROM in English Windows

Sorry, I am not sure where to post this, so I am posting it here and in CDROM utils

Hi, I just bought a few Chinese/Japanese games based on recommendations from a friend. However, he conveniently "forgot" to tell me that they require Chinese/Japanese Windows ( I have ENG 98 SE ). I have managed to get the appropriate dlls and freeware programs from him to display Japanese/Chinese text, however, I am having trouble with the installation, as the MSI installer filename is ___~21 in both DOS and Windows, and Windows doesn't seem to allow me to copy them ( either in command prompt mode, or in the Windows view ). I could DIR the filename, but copy or any other file transfer command says something like file not found.

I was wondering is there any software that can translate these filenames so that Windows will allow me to copy them like normal files ( eg setup.exe, or whatever non-English characters they represent ? ). I can't afford to install another OS as my HDD is almost full and I am not too knowledgeable at doing it, even if I wanted to.

Thanks in advance for your time.
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