#if !defined(StyleFile) #define StyleFile "NULL" #else #define StyleParam "" #if Pos("|", StyleFile) > 0 #define StyleParam Trim(Copy(StyleFile, Pos("|", StyleFile + "|") + 1, Len(StyleFile))) #define StyleFile Trim(Copy(StyleFile, 0, Pos("|", StyleFile) - 1)) #if (StyleParam != "") && (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(StyleFile)) == "cjstyles") #expr StyleParam = StyleParam + ".ini" #else #define StyleParam "" #endif #endif #if (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(StyleFile)) != "vsf") && (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(StyleFile)) != "cjstyles") && (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(StyleFile)) != "she") #define StyleFile "NULL" #endif #endif |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Gehrman (07-09-2022), Lord.Freddy (14-09-2022) |
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I need help with translations of Light Installer Script messages to make it compatible with the new DiskSpan GUI...
I translated it in google translator, it must not have been correct, so if it is wrong for your language, please share the translation. Translations can be made from the English language below Supported languages are: "Dutch", "English", "Farsi", "French", "German", "Hungarian", "Italian", "Japanese", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Russian", "Spanish". Code:
#ifdef Dutch dutch.HashPageTitle=Integriteitscontrole dutch.HashPageDescription=De integriteit van geďnstalleerde bestanden controleren? dutch.HashStatusLabel=Verwerkt %1 van %2 bestanden (%3%) dutch.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Ontbreekt: %2 Slecht: %3 dutch.HashWaitingLabel=Het installatieprogramma is klaar om de integriteitscontrole van de bestanden uit te voeren dutch.HashOk=Hasj_OK dutch.HashNotFound=Bestand niet gevonden! dutch.HashAbort=Controle van bestanden is onderbroken! dutch.HashBadParam=Ongeldig hash-algoritme! dutch.HashBadHash=Bestandshash komt niet overeen! dutch.HashGeneralError=Algemene fout! dutch.HashPause=Pa&uze dutch.HashResume=H&ervat dutch.HashVerify=&Verifiëren dutch.HashStop=S&toppen dutch.HashCancel=&Annuleren dutch.HashNext=&Volgende dutch.HashLog=L&ogboek dutch.HashInfo=In&formatie dutch.HashFileHash=BestandHash dutch.HashCalcHash=CalcHash dutch.HashHashStatus=HashStatus dutch.HashNoFile=GeenBestand dutch.HashNotMatched=Niet-overeenkomend dutch.HashMatched=Overeenkomend dutch.HashNull=Null #endif #ifdef English english.HashPageTitle=Integrity Check english.HashPageDescription=Check the integrity of installed files? english.HashStatusLabel=Verifyed %1 of %2 files (%3%) english.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Missing: %2 Bad: %3 english.HashWaitingLabel=The installer is ready to do the files integrity check english.HashOk=Hash_OK english.HashNotFound=File not found! english.HashAbort=Check of files has been interrupted! english.HashBadParam=Invalid hash algorithm! english.HashBadHash=File hash does not match! english.HashGeneralError=General error! english.HashPause=Pa&use english.HashResume=R&esume english.HashVerify=&Verify english.HashStop=S&top english.HashCancel=C&ancel english.HashNext=&Next english.HashLog=L&og english.HashInfo=Inf&o english.HashFileHash=FileHash english.HashCalcHash=CalcHash english.HashHashStatus=HashStatus english.HashNoFile=NoFile english.HashNotMatched=NotMatched english.HashMatched=Matched english.HashNull=Null #endif #ifdef Farsi farsi.HashPageTitle=بررسی یکپارچگی farsi.HashPageDescription=یکپارچگی فایل های نصب شده را بررسی کنید؟ farsi.HashStatusLabel=روند کار %1 از %2 (%3%) farsi.HashResultLabel=سالم: %1 یافت نشد: %2 ناصحیح: %3 farsi.HashWaitingLabel=برنامه آماده بررسی رمزگذاری هش فایل ها می باشد farsi.HashOk=هش_سالم farsi.HashNotFound=!فایل یافت نشد farsi.HashAbort=!انجام پروسه بررسی هش فایل ها متوقف شد farsi.HashBadParam=!الگوریتم هش نامعتبر است farsi.HashBadHash=!هش فایل ها مطابقت ندارد farsi.HashGeneralError=!خطای کلی farsi.HashPause=&توقف موقت farsi.HashResume=&ادامه دادن farsi.HashVerify=&بازبینی farsi.HashStop=&توقف farsi.HashCancel=&انصراف farsi.HashNext=&صفحه بعد farsi.HashLog=&گزارش وضعیت farsi.HashInfo=&اطلاعات farsi.HashFileHash=هش فایل farsi.HashCalcHash=کالک هش farsi.HashHashStatus=وضعیت هش farsi.HashNoFile=هیچ فایل farsi.HashNotMatched=مطابقت ندارد farsi.HashMatched=تطبیق farsi.HashNull=خالی #endif #ifdef French french.HashPageTitle=Vérification de l'Intégrité french.HashPageDescription=Vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers installés? french.HashStatusLabel=Analyse %1 des %2 fichiers (%3%) french.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Manquant: %2 Mauvais: %3 french.HashWaitingLabel=Le programme d'installation est pręt ŕ effectuer la vérification du hachage des fichiers french.HashOk=Hachage_OK french.HashNotFound=Fichier non trouvé! french.HashAbort=La vérification des fichiers a été interrompue! french.HashBadParam=Algorithme de hachage non valide! french.HashBadHash=Le hachage du fichier ne correspond pas! french.HashGeneralError=Erreur générale! french.HashPause=&Suspendre french.HashResume=Résu&mé french.HashVerify=&Vérifie french.HashStop=S&top french.HashCancel=&Annuler french.HashNext=&Suivant french.HashLog=&Journal french.HashInfo=In&fo french.HashFileHash=FichierHachage french.HashCalcHash=CalculerHachage french.HashHashStatus=HachageÉtat french.HashNoFile=PasFichier french.HashNotMatched=PasAdapté french.HashMatched=Assorti french.HashNull=Nul #endif #ifdef German german.HashPageTitle=Integritätsprüfung german.HashPageDescription=Überprüfen Sie die Integrität der installierten dateien? german.HashStatusLabel=Geprüft %1 von %2 dateien (%3%) german.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Fehlend: %2 Fehlerhaft: %3 german.HashWaitingLabel=Das Setup ist nun bereit die dateien zu überprüfen german.HashOk=Hash_OK german.HashNotFound=Datei nicht gefunden! german.HashAbort=Dateiüberprüfung wurde unterbrochen! german.HashBadParam=Ungültiger Hash-Algorithmus! german.HashBadHash=Datei-Hash stimmt nicht überein! german.HashGeneralError=Allgemeiner Fehler! german.HashPause=Pa&use german.HashResume=Forts&etzen german.HashVerify=&Prüfen german.HashStop=&Abbrechen german.HashCancel=A&bbrechen german.HashNext=&Weiter german.HashLog=L&og german.HashInfo=Inf&o german.HashFileHash=Datei-Hash german.HashCalcHash=CalcHash german.HashHashStatus=HashStatus german.HashNoFile=KeineDatei german.HashNotMatched=NichtAbgeglichen german.HashMatched=Passende german.HashNull=Null #endif #ifdef Hungarian hungarian.HashPageTitle=Integritás Ellenőrzése hungarian.HashPageDescription=Ellenőrizze a telepített fájlok integritását? hungarian.HashStatusLabel=Megerősítve %1/%2 fájl (% 3%) hungarian.HashResultLabel=Rendben: %1 Hiányzik: %2 Hibás: %3 hungarian.HashWaitingLabel=A telepítő készen áll a fájlok integritásának ellenőrzésére hungarian.HashOk=Hash_OK hungarian.HashNotFound=Fájl nem található! hungarian.HashAbort=A fájlok ellenőrzése megszakadt! hungarian.HashBadParam=Érvénytelen hash algoritmus! hungarian.HashBadHash=A fájl hash nem egyezik! hungarian.HashGeneralError=Általános hiba! hungarian.HashPause=&Szünet hungarian.HashResume=Öné&letrajz hungarian.HashVerify=&Ellenőrizni hungarian.HashStop=&Állj Meg hungarian.HashCancel=&Megszüntetie hungarian.HashNext=&Tovább hungarian.HashLog=L&og hungarian.HashInfo=Inf&o hungarian.HashFileHash=FájlHash hungarian.HashCalcHash=CalcHash hungarian.HashHashStatus=HashStatus hungarian.HashNoFile=NincsFájl hungarian.HashNotMatched=NemEgyező hungarian.HashMatched=Egyező hungarian.HashNull=Nulla #endif #ifdef Italian italian.HashPageTitle=Controllo di Integritŕ italian.HashPageDescription=Verificare l'integritŕ dei file installati? italian.HashStatusLabel=Verificato %1 di %2 file (%3%) italian.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Mancante: %2 Non valido: %3 italian.HashWaitingLabel=Il programma di installazione č pronto per eseguire il controllo italian.HashOk=Hash_OK italian.HashNotFound=File non trovato! italian.HashAbort=Il controllo dei file č stato interrotto! italian.HashBadParam=Algoritmo hash non valido! italian.HashBadHash=L'hash del file non corrisponde! italian.HashGeneralError=Errore generale! italian.HashPause=Pa&usa italian.HashResume=R&iprendere italian.HashVerify=&Verificare italian.HashStop=&Fermare italian.HashCancel=&Annulla italian.HashNext=&Prossimo italian.HashLog=L&og italian.HashInfo=Inf&o italian.HashFileHash=FileHash italian.HashCalcHash=CalcHash italian.HashHashStatus=HashStato italian.HashNoFile=NessunFile italian.HashNotMatched=NonAbbinato italian.HashMatched=Abbinato italian.HashNull=Nullo #endif #ifdef Japanese japanese.HashPageTitle=完全性チェック japanese.HashPageDescription=インストールされたファイルの整合性をチェックしますか? japanese.HashStatusLabel=確認済み %2 ファイル中 %1 (%3%) japanese.HashResultLabel=正常: %1 欠落: %2 不良: %3 japanese.HashWaitingLabel=インストーラーはファイルの整合性チェックを行う準備ができています japanese.HashOk=ハッシュ_OK japanese.HashNotFound=ファイルが見つかりません! japanese.HashAbort=ファイルのチェックが中断されました! japanese.HashBadParam=無効なハッシュ アルゴリズムです! japanese.HashBadHash=ファイル ハッシュが一致しません。 japanese.HashGeneralError=一般エラー! japanese.HashPause=一時停止 (&U) japanese.HashResume=履歴書 (&E) japanese.HashVerify=確認 (&V) japanese.HashStop=止まる (&T) japanese.HashCancel=キャンセル(&A) japanese.HashNext=次へ(&N) japanese.HashLog=ログ (&O) japanese.HashInfo=情報 (&O) japanese.HashFileHash=ファイルハッシュ japanese.HashCalcHash=計算されたハッシュ japanese.HashHashStatus=ハッシュステータス japanese.HashNoFile=ファイルがない japanese.HashNotMatched=一致しません japanese.HashMatched=一致した japanese.HashNull=ヌル #endif #ifdef Polish polish.HashPageTitle=Sprawdzanie Integralności polish.HashPageDescription=Sprawdź integralność zainstalowanych plików? polish.HashStatusLabel=Zweryfikowano %1 z %2 plików (%3%) polish.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Brakuje: %2 ŹUszkodzonele: %3 polish.HashWaitingLabel=Instalator jest gotowy do sprawdzenia integralności plików polish.HashOk=Hash_OK polish.HashNotFound=Nie znaleziono pliku! polish.HashAbort=Sprawdzanie plików zostało przerwane! polish.HashBadParam=Nieprawidłowy algorytm hash! polish.HashBadHash=Niezgodny hash plików! polish.HashGeneralError=Błąd ogólny! polish.HashPause=Wstr&zymaj polish.HashResume=W&znów polish.HashVerify=Zw&eryfikuj polish.HashStop=Zat&rzymaj polish.HashCancel=&Anuluj polish.HashNext=&Dalej polish.HashLog=L&og polish.HashInfo=Inf&o polish.HashFileHash=PlikuHash polish.HashCalcHash=ObliczonyHash polish.HashHashStatus=HashStatus polish.HashNoFile=BrakPliku polish.HashNotMatched=Niedopasowane polish.HashMatched=Dopasowane polish.HashNull=Null #endif #ifdef Portuguese portuguese.HashPageTitle=Verificaçăo de Integridade portuguese.HashPageDescription=Verificar a integridade dos arquivos instalados? portuguese.HashStatusLabel=Verificados %1 de %2 arquivos (%3%) portuguese.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Ausentes: %2 Falhas: %3 portuguese.HashWaitingLabel=O instalador está pronto para verificar o integridade dos arquivos portuguese.HashOk=Hash_OK portuguese.HashNotFound=Arquivo năo encontrado! portuguese.HashAbort=A verificaçăo de hash dos arquivos foi interrompida! portuguese.HashBadParam=Algoritmo de hash inválido! portuguese.HashBadHash=O hash do arquivo năo corresponde! portuguese.HashGeneralError=Erro geral! portuguese.HashPause=Pa&usar portuguese.HashResume=Contin&uar portuguese.HashVerify=&Verificar portuguese.HashStop=&Parar portuguese.HashCancel=&Cancelar portuguese.HashNext=&Avançar portuguese.HashLog=L&og portuguese.HashInfo=Inf&o portuguese.HashFileHash=ArquivoHash portuguese.HashCalcHash=CalculadoHash portuguese.HashHashStatus=HashStatus portuguese.HashNoFile=ArquivoAusente portuguese.HashNotMatched=NăoCorresponde portuguese.HashMatched=Corresponde portuguese.HashNull=Nulo #endif #ifdef Russian russian.HashPageTitle=Проверка Челостности russian.HashPageDescription=Проверить целостность установленных файлов? russian.HashStatusLabel=Выполнено %1 из %2 файлов (%3%) russian.HashResultLabel=Ок: %1 Отсутствуют: %2 Испорченные: %3 russian.HashWaitingLabel=Установщик готов выполнить проверку целостности файлов russian.HashOk=Хеш_Ок russian.HashNotFound=Файл не найден! russian.HashAbort=Проверка файлов была прервана! russian.HashBadParam=Недействителен алгоритм хеша! russian.HashBadHash=Хеш файла не совпадает! russian.HashGeneralError=Общая ошибка! russian.HashPause=Приостановить russian.HashResume=Продолжить russian.HashVerify=&Проверить russian.HashStop=&Остановить russian.HashCancel=О&тмена russian.HashNext=&Далее russian.HashLog=&Журнал russian.HashInfo=&Информация russian.HashFileHash=ХэшФайл russian.HashCalcHash=РасчXэш russian.HashHashStatus=ХэшCтатус russian.HashNoFile=НетФайл russian.HashNotMatched=Несовпадение russian.HashMatched=Соответствует russian.HashNull=Нулевой #endif #ifdef Spanish spanish.HashPageTitle=Comprobación de Integridad spanish.HashPageDescription=żCheck the integrity of installed files? spanish.HashStatusLabel=Verificado %1 de %2 archivos (%3%) spanish.HashResultLabel=Ok: %1 Falta: %2 Malo: %3 spanish.HashWaitingLabel=El instalador está listo para hacer la comprobación de hash de los archivos spanish.HashOk=Hash_OK spanish.HashNotFound=ˇArchivo no encontrado! spanish.HashAbort=ˇLa verificación del hash de archivos ha sido interrumpida! spanish.HashBadParam=ˇAlgoritmo de hash inválido! spanish.HashBadHash=ˇEl hash de archivo no coincide! spanish.HashGeneralError=ˇError general! spanish.HashPause=Pa&usa spanish.HashResume=Contin&uar spanish.HashVerify=&Verify spanish.HashStop=De&tener spanish.HashCancel=C&ancelar spanish.HashNext=&Siguiente spanish.HashLog=&Log spanish.HashInfo=In&formación spanish.HashFileHash=ArchivoHash spanish.HashCalcHash=CalculadoHash spanish.HashHashStatus=HashEstado spanish.HashNoFile=NingúnArchivo spanish.HashNotMatched=NoCoinciden spanish.HashMatched=Coincidió spanish.HashNull=Nulo #endif The HashPageTitle= message should always start the main words with capital letters. Some messages cannot contain spaces like: Code:
english.HashFileHash=FileHash english.HashCalcHash=CalcHash english.HashHashStatus=HashStatus english.HashNoFile=NoFile english.HashNotMatched=NotMatched english.HashMatched=Matched english.HashNull=Null Code:
english.HashStatusLabel=Verifyed: %1 of %2 files (%3%) Last edited by Cesar82; 16-09-2022 at 16:48. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Gehrman (16-09-2022) |
english.HashNoFile=File not found! english.HashNoFile=NoFile _________________________________ Code:
#ifdef Farsi farsi.HashPageTitle=بررسی یکپارچگی farsi.HashPageDescription=یکپارچگی فایل های نصب شده را بررسی کنید؟ farsi.HashStatusLabel=روند کار %1 از %2 (%3%) farsi.HashResultLabel=سالم: %1 یافت نشد: %2 ناصحیح: %3 farsi.HashWaitingLabel=نصب کننده آماده انجام بررسی یکپارچگی فایل هاست farsi.HashOk=هش_سالم farsi.HashNoFile=!فایل یافت نشد farsi.HashAbort=!انجام پروسه بررسی هش فایل ها متوقف شد farsi.HashBadParam=!الگوریتم هش نامعتبر است farsi.HashBadHash=!هش فایل ها مطابقت ندارد farsi.HashGeneralError=!خطای کلی farsi.HashPause=&توقف موقت farsi.HashResume=&ادامه دادن farsi.HashVerify=&بازبینی farsi.HashStop=&توقف farsi.HashCancel=&انصراف farsi.HashNext=&ادامه farsi.HashLog=&گزارش وضعیت farsi.HashInfo=&اطلاعات farsi.HashFileHash=هش فایل farsi.HashCalcHash=محاسبه هش farsi.HashHashStatus=وضعیت هش farsi.HashNotMatched=مطابقت ندارد farsi.HashMatched=تطبیق farsi.HashNull=خالی Last edited by Gehrman; 16-09-2022 at 11:48. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Gehrman For This Useful Post: | ||
Cesar82 (16-09-2022) |
french.HashNoFile=Fichier non trouvé! Code:
french.HashNoFile=PasFichier Code:
french.HashFileHash=FichierHachage Code:
french.HashFileHash=Fichier de Hachage Code:
french.HashCalcHash=CalculerHachage Code:
french.HashCalcHash=Calculer le Hachage Code:
french.HashHashStatus=HachageÉtat Code:
french.HashHashStatus=Statut de hachage Code:
french.HashNoFile=PasFichier french.HashNotMatched=PasAdapté french.HashMatched=Assorti french.HashNull=Nul Code:
french.HashNoFile=Aucun fichier french.HashNotMatched=Pas de correspondance french.HashMatched=Le Hash correspond french.HashNull=Nul |
The Following User Says Thank You to fabrieunko For This Useful Post: | ||
Cesar82 (16-09-2022) |
Just specify the lines I should use like @Gehrman did. Forgot to comment. Some messages cannot contain spaces like: Code:
english.HashFileHash=FileHash english.HashCalcHash=CalcHash english.HashHashStatus=HashStatus english.HashNoFile=NoFile english.HashNotMatched=NotMatched english.HashMatched=Matched english.HashNull=Null Last edited by Cesar82; 16-09-2022 at 09:46. |
I'll change it to HashNotFound= the first message. Last edited by Cesar82; 16-09-2022 at 09:53. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Gehrman (16-09-2022) |
this one is the right one without the spaces yes I did like @Gehrman |
The Following User Says Thank You to fabrieunko For This Useful Post: | ||
Cesar82 (16-09-2022) |
Light Installer Script
Added Light Installer Script in first post.
- Fixed ISSP condition to work cjstyles skin parammeter. - Added support to DiskSpan GUI only. >> Added page to do file integrity check (Thanks to BLACKFIRE69 for XHashEx.dll library). >> Added support for running external executables or command lines via cmd from pre-settings in DiskSpan GUI. Last edited by Cesar82; 25-09-2022 at 18:54. |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
BLACKFIRE69 (17-09-2022), Gehrman (18-09-2022) |
Light Installer Script
Added Light Installer Script in first post.
- Updated support to DiskSpan GUI - Updated XHashEx.dll library (Thanks to BLACKFIRE69). - Added extraction progress and hash checking progress in taskbar. - Fixed some minor bugs. |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Light Installer Script
Added Light Installer Script in first post.
- Updated support to DiskSpan GUI - Updated SplitLib.dll library to v1.0.0.1 build 221207. - Updated XHashEx.dll library to v1.0.0.0 build 221207 (Thanks to BLACKFIRE69). - Source code reuploaded (Fixed bugs). Last edited by Cesar82; 07-12-2022 at 17:28. Reason: Source code reuploaded |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Light Installer Script
Added Light Installer Script in first post.
- Updated XHashEx.dll library to v1.0.0.0 build 2300303 no UPX version (Thanks to BLACKFIRE69). - Added compatibility with DiskSpan GUI - Added fade effect on move installer window. - Added example of using components and tasks. - Fixed some minor bugs. |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
i have created setup and compressed file now what to do next and how plz help me with this where to place the records.ini and how it should be and yeah if anyone can plz teach from first to last of creating archives and using light installer to unpack a video tut
Last edited by Furjack; 07-05-2023 at 22:59. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Furjack For This Useful Post: | ||
Enluaphelis (20-07-2023) |
I am making a repack of an emulated trilogy, one data file for each game and one data file for emulator i want to enable checkbox(which will be disabled for files which are not placed next to the setup) so that even if one game and emulator is present the setup does not look for other game data files and raise an error.
Are there any updates for this project?
¤ Life good be a Dream ¤ |
Perhaps after the next DSG update I will share a new version of the LIS.
The Following User Says Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Lord.Freddy (10-08-2023) |
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asis, ciu, inno, installer, ultraarc |
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